package net.sf.jabref.external; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.*; import net.sf.jabref.*; public class PushToLyx implements PushToApplication { private JTextField lyxPipe=new JTextField(30); private JPanel settings = null; private boolean couldNotFindPipe=false; private boolean couldNotWrite=false; private String message = ""; public void pushEntries(BibtexDatabase database, final BibtexEntry[] entries, final String keyString, MetaData metaData) { couldNotFindPipe = false; couldNotWrite = false; String lyxpipeSetting = Globals.prefs.get("lyxpipe"); if (!lyxpipeSetting.endsWith(".in")) lyxpipeSetting = lyxpipeSetting+".in"; File lp = new File(lyxpipeSetting); // this needs to fixed because it gives "asdf" when going prefs.get("lyxpipe") if( !lp.exists() || !lp.canWrite()){ // See if it helps to append ".in": lp = new File(lyxpipeSetting+".in"); if( !lp.exists() || !lp.canWrite()){ couldNotFindPipe = true; return; } } final File lyxpipe = lp; Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(lyxpipe); BufferedWriter lyx_out = new BufferedWriter(fw); String citeStr = ""; citeStr = "LYXCMD:sampleclient:citation-insert:" + keyString; lyx_out.write(citeStr + "\n"); lyx_out.close(); } catch (IOException excep) { couldNotWrite = true; return; } } }); t.start(); /*new Timeout(2000, t, Globals.lang("Error")+": "+ Globals.lang("unable to access LyX-pipe"));*/ try { t.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getName() { return Globals.lang("Insert selected citations into LyX/Kile"); } public String getApplicationName() { return "LyX/Kile"; } public String getTooltip() { return Globals.lang("Push selection to LyX/Kile"); } public Icon getIcon() { return GUIGlobals.getImage("lyx"); } public String getKeyStrokeName() { return "Push to LyX"; } public void operationCompleted(BasePanel panel) { if (couldNotFindPipe) { panel.output(Globals.lang("Error") + ": " + Globals.lang("verify that LyX is running and that the lyxpipe is valid") + ". [" + Globals.prefs.get("lyxpipe") + "]"); } else if (couldNotWrite) { panel.output(Globals.lang("Error") + ": " + Globals.lang("unable to write to") + " " + Globals.prefs.get("lyxpipe") + ".in"); } else { panel.output(Globals.lang("Pushed the citations for the following rows to") + " Lyx: " + message); } } public boolean requiresBibtexKeys() { return true; } public JPanel getSettingsPanel() { if (settings == null) initSettingsPanel(); lyxPipe.setText(Globals.prefs.get("lyxpipe")); return settings; } public void storeSettings() { Globals.prefs.put("lyxpipe", lyxPipe.getText()); } private void initSettingsPanel() { settings = new JPanel(); settings.add(new JLabel(Globals.lang("Path to LyX pipe") + ":")); settings.add(lyxPipe); } /*class Timeout extends javax.swing.Timer { public Timeout(int timeout, final Thread toStop, final String message) { super(timeout, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { toStop.stop(); // !!! <- deprecated // toStop.interrupt(); // better ?, interrupts wait and IO //stop(); //output(message); } }); } } */ }