package dgm.fixtures; import; import; import dgm.Degraphmalizr; import dgm.ID; import dgm.configuration.Configuration; import dgm.configuration.ConfigurationMonitor; import dgm.configuration.IndexConfig; import dgm.configuration.TypeConfig; import dgm.trees.Pair; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; /** * This class loads fixture data into elasticsearch. The procedure is as follows: * For each index you want to bootstrap fixture data into: * - remove the index. * - gather index mapping for al types you have for the index. * - build an index configuration with composite type configuration (use default index shard/backup values for testing purposes) * - create the index * - insert the documents. * - write the result documents * - verify the result documents * <p/> * * @author Ernst Bunders */ public class FixturesDevelopmentRunner implements ConfigurationMonitor, FixturesRunner { protected final Client client; protected final Provider<Configuration> cfgProvider; private final Degraphmalizr degraphmalizr; DeleteIndexesCommand deleteIndexesCommand; DeleteTargetIndexesCommand deleteTargetIndexesCommand; CreateIndexesCommand createIndexesCommand; CreateTargetIndexesCommand createTargetIndexesCommand; InsertDocumentsCommand insertDocumentsCommand; RedegraphmalizeCommand redegraphmalizeCommand; WriteResultDocumentsCommand writeResultDocumentsCommand; VerifyResultDocumentsCommand verifyResultDocumentsCommand; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FixturesDevelopmentRunner.class); @Inject public FixturesDevelopmentRunner(Client client, Provider<Configuration> cfgProvider, Degraphmalizr degraphmalizr) { this.client = client; this.cfgProvider = cfgProvider; this.degraphmalizr = degraphmalizr; deleteIndexesCommand = new DeleteIndexesCommand(client, cfgProvider); deleteTargetIndexesCommand = new DeleteTargetIndexesCommand(client, cfgProvider); createIndexesCommand = new CreateIndexesCommand(client, cfgProvider); createTargetIndexesCommand = new CreateTargetIndexesCommand(client, cfgProvider); insertDocumentsCommand = new InsertDocumentsCommand(client, cfgProvider); redegraphmalizeCommand = new RedegraphmalizeCommand(client, cfgProvider, degraphmalizr); writeResultDocumentsCommand = new WriteResultDocumentsCommand(client, cfgProvider); verifyResultDocumentsCommand = new VerifyResultDocumentsCommand(client, cfgProvider); } public void runFixtures() { List<ID> ids; List<String> indexes; List<Pair<ID, Boolean>> verifyResults; try { indexes = deleteIndexesCommand.execute();"Deleted indexes: {}", indexes); indexes = deleteTargetIndexesCommand.execute();"Deleted target indexes: {}", indexes); indexes = createIndexesCommand.execute();"Created indexes: {}", indexes); indexes = createTargetIndexesCommand.execute();"Created target indexes: {}", indexes); ids = insertDocumentsCommand.execute();"Inserted {} documents", ids.size()); ids = redegraphmalizeCommand.execute();"Degraphmalized {} documents", ids.size()); ids = writeResultDocumentsCommand.execute();"Written {} result documents", ids.size()); verifyResults = verifyResultDocumentsCommand.execute();"Checked {} result documents", verifyResults.size()); int success = 0, failed = 0; for (Pair<ID, Boolean> result : verifyResults) { if (result.b) { success++; } else { failed++; } }"Verify results {} good, {} bad ", success, failed); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Fixture run failed: {} ", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void configurationChanged(String change) { //when the index that was just reloaded is the source index for one of the index configurations, we reinsert the //fixtures. final Configuration cfg = cfgProvider.get(); // for quick lookup of the index name final HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); Iterables.addAll(names, cfg.getFixtureConfiguration().getIndexNames()); boolean needRun = false; for (IndexConfig indexConfig : cfg.indices().values()) for (TypeConfig typeConfig : indexConfig.types().values()) { if (names.contains(typeConfig.sourceIndex())) { needRun = true; break; } } if (needRun) try { runFixtures(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Something went wrong inserting the fixtures after a configurationChanged event.", e); } } }