package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException; import org.deftserver.util.Closeables; import org.deftserver.util.NopAsyncResult; import org.deftserver.web.AsyncCallback; import org.deftserver.web.AsyncResult; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class AsynchronousSocket implements IOHandler { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsynchronousSocket.class); private final IOLoop ioLoop; private final int DEFAULT_BYTEBUFFER_SIZE = 1024; private final AsyncResult<String> nopAsyncStringResult = NopAsyncResult.of(String.class).nopAsyncResult; private final AsyncResult<Boolean> nopAsyncBooleanResult = NopAsyncResult.of(Boolean.class).nopAsyncResult; private final SelectableChannel channel; private int interestOps; private String readDelimiter = ""; private int readBytes = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private AsyncResult<Boolean> connectCallback = nopAsyncBooleanResult; private AsyncCallback closeCallback = AsyncCallback.nopCb; private AsyncResult<String> readCallback = nopAsyncStringResult; private AsyncCallback writeCallback = AsyncCallback.nopCb; private final StringBuilder readBuffer = new StringBuilder(); private final StringBuilder writeBuffer = new StringBuilder(); private boolean reachedEOF = false; /** * Creates a new {@code AsynchronousSocket} that will delegate its io operations to the given * {@link SelectableChannel}. * <p> * Support for three non-blocking asynchronous methods that take callbacks: * <p> * {@link #readUntil(String, AsyncResult)} * <p> * {@link #readBytes(int, AsyncResult)} and * <p> * {@link #write(String, AsyncCallback)} * <p> * The {@link SelectableChannel} should be the result of either {@link SocketChannel#open()} (client operations, * connected or unconnected) or {@link ServerSocketChannel#accept()} (server operations). * <p> * The given {@code SelectableChannel} will be configured to be in non-blocking mode, even if it is non-blocking * already. * * <p>Below is an example of how a simple server could be implemented. * <pre> * final ServerSocketChannel server =; * server.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(9090)); * * AcceptUtil.accept(server, new AsyncCallback() { public void onCallback() { onAccept(server);} }); * IOLoop.INSTANCE.start(); * * private static void onAccept(ServerSocketChannel channel) { * SocketChannel client = channel.accept(); * AsynchronousSocket socket = new AsynchronousSocket(client); * // use socket * } * </pre> */ public AsynchronousSocket(SelectableChannel channel) { this(IOLoop.INSTANCE, channel); } public AsynchronousSocket(IOLoop ioLoop, SelectableChannel channel) { this.ioLoop = ioLoop; = channel; interestOps = SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT; // TODO RS110628 should probably be moved to connect(..) try { channel.configureBlocking(false); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not configure SocketChannel to be non-blocking"); } if (channel instanceof SocketChannel && (((SocketChannel) channel).isConnected())) { interestOps |= SelectionKey.OP_READ; } ioLoop.addHandler(channel, this, interestOps, null); } /** * Connects to the given host port tuple and invokes the given callback when a successful connection is established. * <p> * You can both read and write on the {@code AsynchronousSocket} before it is connected * (in which case the data will be written/read as soon as the connection is ready). */ public void connect(String host, int port, AsyncResult<Boolean> ccb) { ioLoop.updateHandler(channel, interestOps |= SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT); connectCallback = ccb; if (channel instanceof SocketChannel) { try { ((SocketChannel) channel).connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to connect to: {}, message: {} ", host, e.getMessage()); invokeConnectFailureCallback(e); } catch (UnresolvedAddressException e) { logger.warn("Unresolvable host: {}", host); invokeConnectFailureCallback(e); } } } /** * Close the socket. */ public void close() { Closeables.closeQuietly(ioLoop, channel); invokeCloseCallback(); } /** * The given callback will invoked when the underlaying {@code SelectableChannel} is closed. */ public void setCloseCallback(AsyncCallback ccb) { closeCallback = ccb; } /** * Should only be invoked by the IOLoop */ @Override public void handleAccept(SelectionKey key) throws IOException { logger.debug("handle accept..."); } /** * Should only be invoked by the IOLoop */ @Override public void handleConnect(SelectionKey key) throws IOException { logger.debug("handle connect..."); SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel) channel; if (sc.isConnectionPending()) { try { sc.finishConnect(); invokeConnectSuccessfulCallback(); interestOps &= ~SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT; ioLoop.updateHandler(channel, interestOps |= SelectionKey.OP_READ); } catch (ConnectException e) { logger.warn("Connect failed: {}", e.getMessage()); invokeConnectFailureCallback(e); } } } /** * Should only be invoked by the IOLoop */ @Override public void handleRead(SelectionKey key) throws IOException { logger.debug("handle read..."); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BYTEBUFFER_SIZE); int read = ((SocketChannel); if (read == -1) { // EOF reachedEOF = true; ioLoop.updateHandler(channel, interestOps &= ~SelectionKey.OP_READ); return; } readBuffer.append(new String(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position(), Charsets.ISO_8859_1)); logger.debug("readBuffer size: {}", readBuffer.length()); checkReadState(); } /** * Should only be invoked by the IOLoop */ @Override public void handleWrite(SelectionKey key) { logger.debug("handle write..."); doWrite(); } /** * Reads from the underlaying SelectableChannel until delimiter is reached. When it its, the given * AsyncResult will be invoked. */ public void readUntil(String delimiter, AsyncResult<String> rcb) { logger.debug("readUntil delimiter: {}", delimiter); readDelimiter = delimiter; readCallback = rcb; checkReadState(); } /** * Reads from the underlaying SelectableChannel until n bytes are read. When it its, the given * AsyncResult will be invoked. */ public void readBytes(int n, AsyncResult<String> rcb) { logger.debug("readBytes #bytes: {}", n); readBytes = n; readCallback = rcb; checkReadState(); } /** * If readBuffer contains readDelimiter, client read is finished => invoke readCallback (onSuccess) * Or if readBytes bytes are read, client read is finished => invoke readCallback (onSuccess) * Of if end-of-stream is reached => invoke readCallback (onFailure) */ private void checkReadState() { if (reachedEOF) { invokeReadFailureCallback(new EOFException("Reached end-of-stream")); return; } int index = readBuffer.indexOf(readDelimiter); if (index != -1 && !readDelimiter.isEmpty()) { String result = readBuffer.substring(0, index /*+ readDelimiter.length()*/); readBuffer.delete(0, index + readDelimiter.length()); logger.debug("readBuffer size: {}", readBuffer.length()); readDelimiter = ""; invokeReadSuccessfulCallback(result); } else if (readBuffer.length() >= readBytes) { String result = readBuffer.substring(0, readBytes); readBuffer.delete(0, readBytes); logger.debug("readBuffer size: {}", readBuffer.length()); readBytes = Integer.MAX_VALUE; invokeReadSuccessfulCallback(result); } } private void invokeReadSuccessfulCallback(String result) { AsyncResult<String> cb = readCallback; readCallback = nopAsyncStringResult; cb.onSuccess(result); } private void invokeReadFailureCallback(Exception e) { AsyncResult<String> cb = readCallback; readCallback = nopAsyncStringResult; cb.onFailure(e); } private void invokeWriteCallback() { AsyncCallback cb = writeCallback; writeCallback = AsyncCallback.nopCb; cb.onCallback(); } private void invokeCloseCallback() { AsyncCallback cb = closeCallback; closeCallback = AsyncCallback.nopCb; cb.onCallback(); } private void invokeConnectSuccessfulCallback() { AsyncResult<Boolean> cb = connectCallback; connectCallback = nopAsyncBooleanResult; cb.onSuccess(true); } private void invokeConnectFailureCallback(Exception e) { AsyncResult<Boolean> cb = connectCallback; connectCallback = nopAsyncBooleanResult; cb.onFailure(e);; } /** * Writes the given data to the underlaying SelectableChannel. When all data is successfully transmitted, the given * AsyncCallback will be invoked */ public void write(String data, AsyncCallback wcb) { logger.debug("write data: {}", data); writeBuffer.append(data); logger.debug("writeBuffer size: {}", writeBuffer.length()); writeCallback = wcb; doWrite(); } /** * If we succeed to write everything in writeBuffer, client write is finished => invoke writeCallback */ private void doWrite() { int written = 0; try { if (((SocketChannel)channel).isConnected()) { written = ((SocketChannel) channel).write(ByteBuffer.wrap(writeBuffer.toString().getBytes())); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("IOException during write: {}", e.getMessage()); invokeCloseCallback(); Closeables.closeQuietly(ioLoop, channel); } writeBuffer.delete(0, written); logger.debug("wrote: {} bytes", written); logger.debug("writeBuffer size: {}", writeBuffer.length()); if (writeBuffer.length() > 0) { ioLoop.updateHandler(channel, interestOps |= SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } else { ioLoop.updateHandler(channel, interestOps &= ~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); invokeWriteCallback(); } } }