package org.workhabit.drupal.http;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Copyright 2009 - WorkHabit, Inc. - acs
* Date: Oct 22, 2010, 10:12:37 PM
public interface DrupalServicesRequestManager {
* Make a request to the remote site with content type application/json
* @param path path, including http:// to the remote request (excludes query string)
* @param data a String representing the data to post.
* <b>Note:</b> In this implementation the content type is set to application/json, so the data
* to post should be a json object and not key/value pairs.
* If you need to post key/value pairs, {@see DrupalServicesRequestManager#post}
* @return a string representing the response
* @throws IOException if there's a problem making the request.
public ServicesResponse post(String path, String data) throws IOException;
* make a POST request to the server with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* @param path path, including http:// to the remote request (may include query string parameters if there is a need)
* @param data map of key value pairs corresponding to query string parameters
* @return a string representing the response.
* @throws IOException if there's a problem making the request.
public org.workhabit.drupal.http.ServicesResponse post(String path, Map<String, Object> data) throws IOException;
* Make a PUT request to the server with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* @param path the path to the request (including querystring if any)
* @param data the data to post as key/value pairs
* @return a service response representing the result of the request.
* @throws IOException
public ServicesResponse put(String path, Map<String, Object> data) throws IOException;
* Make a PUT request to the server with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* @param path the path to the request (including querystring if any)
* @param data the data to PUT as a string.
* * <b>Note:</b> In this implementation the content type is set to application/json, so the data
* to PUT should be a json object and not key/value pairs.
* If you need to PUT key/value pairs, {@see DrupalServicesRequestManager#put(String path, Map data)}
* @return a service response representing the result of the request.
* @throws IOException if there's a problem making the request
public ServicesResponse put(String path, String data) throws IOException;
public ServicesResponse delete(String path) throws IOException;
/** make a GET request to the remote site for the specified path
* @param path full URL to the remote server.
* @return input stream corresponding to the response data.
* @throws IOException if there was a problem parsing the response.
public InputStream getStream(String path) throws IOException;
public ServicesResponse getString(String path) throws IOException;
ArrayList<GenericCookie> getCookies();
public ServicesResponse postFile(String path, String fieldName, InputStream inputStream, String fileName) throws IOException;
void initializeSavedState(DrupalSiteContextInstanceState state);