package gafetes.db; public class ConnectionFactory{ static java.sql.Connection conn; static String error; public static final int OK = 23; public static final int GENERAL_ERROR = -1; public static boolean testConnection( String username, String password ) { //Esta es una clase heredada de un proyecto personal anterior AdqalConfiguration conf = new AdqalConfiguration(); DataSource ds = conf.getDataSource(); java.sql.Connection otherconn; //if( conn == null ) { try { Class.forName( ds.getDriver() ); //System.out.println( ds.getDriver() ); //showMessage( "Opening DBMySQL connection" ); //System.out.println(ds.getURL() ); //System.out.println(password ); //System.out.println(username ); otherconn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( ds.getURL() , username, password ); //conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( url ,user,passwd ); //conn = DriverManager.getConnection( url, user, passwd ); //showMessage(" Conexion exitosa "); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex ) { showMessage("Cannot find the database driver classes."); return false; } catch( java.sql.SQLException ex ) { showMessage("Error al conectarse dentro de catch"); tratarExcepcionSQL( ex ); return false; } //} return true; } public static java.sql.Connection getConnection( ) throws java.sql.SQLException { try { AdqalConfiguration conf = new AdqalConfiguration(); DataSource ds = conf.getDataSource(); Class.forName(ds.getDriver());//"");// ds.getDriver() ); conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(ds.getURL(),ds.getUserName(),ds.getPassword());//ds.getUserName(), ds.getPassword() ); }catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex ) { showMessage("Cannot find the database driver classes."); } catch( java.sql.SQLException ex ) { showMessage("Error al conectarse dentro de catch"); tratarExcepcionSQL( ex ); } return conn; } /* public static java.sql.Connection getDefaultConnection() { if( conn == null ) { try { Class.forName( driver ); showMessage( "Opening DBMySQL connection" ); conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( url ,user,passwd ); //conn = DriverManager.getConnection( url, user, passwd ); showMessage(" Conexion exitosa "); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException ex ) { showMessage("Cannot find the database driver classes."); } catch( java.sql.SQLException ex ) { showMessage("Error al conectarse dentro de catch"); tratarExcepcionSQL( ex ); } } return conn; } */ public static void showMessage( String message ) { System.out.println( message ); } public static void close() { System.out.println("Closing DBSQL connection"); try { if ( conn != null ) { conn.close(); } } catch ( java.sql.SQLException e) { tratarExcepcionSQL( e ); } } public static void tratarExcepcionSQL( java.sql.SQLException ex ) { do { System.out.println( "SQLSTATE :"+ex.getSQLState() ); System.out.println( "ERRORCODE :"+ex.getErrorCode() ); System.out.println( "MENSAJE :"+ex.getMessage() ); javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( new javax.swing.JFrame(), ex.getMessage(), "Error desde la BD", javax.swing.JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); setError(ex.getMessage()); ex = ex.getNextException(); } while( ex != null ); } public static String getError() { return error; } public static void setError( String errorString ) { error =""; error = errorString ; } }