/* * Constellation - An open source and standard compliant SDI * http://www.constellation-sdi.org * * Copyright 2014 Geomatys. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.constellation.gui; // Geometry import org.apache.sis.util.ArraysExt; import org.geotoolkit.gui.swing.ExceptionMonitor; import org.geotoolkit.math.XMath; import org.geotoolkit.referencing.operation.matrix.XAffineTransform; import org.geotoolkit.util.Utilities; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.PathIterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.RectangularShape; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.Format; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; // Graphics // User interface // Events // Formats // Miscellaneous // Resources /** * Controls the position and size of a rectangle which the user can move * with their mouse. For example, this class can be used as follows: * * <blockquote><pre> * public class MyClass extends JPanel * { * private final MouseReshapeTracker <em>slider</em> = new MouseReshapeTracker() * { * protected void {@link #clipChangeRequested clipChangeRequested}(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { * // Indicates what must be done if the user tries to move the * // rectangle outside the permitted limits. * // This method is optional. * } * * protected void {@link #stateChanged stateChanged}(boolean isAdjusting) { * // Method automatically called each time the user * // changes the position of the rectangle. * // Code here what it should do in this case. * } * }; * * private final AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(10, 10); * * public MyClass() { * <em>slider</em>.{@link #setFrame setFrame}(0, 0, 1, 1); * <em>slider</em>.{@link #setClip setClip}(0, 100, 0, 1); * <em>slider</em>.{@link #setTransform setTransform}(transform); * addMouseMotionListener(<em>slider</em>); * addMouseListener (<em>slider</em>); * } * * public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { * AffineTransform tr=... * Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics; * g.transform(transform); * g.setColor(new Color(128, 64, 92, 64)); * g.fill (<em>slider</em>); * } * } * </pre></blockquote> * * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux */ class MouseReshapeTracker extends MouseInputAdapter implements Shape { /** * Minimum width the rectangle should have, in pixels. */ private static final int MIN_WIDTH = 12; /** * Minimum height the rectangle should have, in pixels. */ private static final int MIN_HEIGHT = 12; /** * If the user moves the mouse by less than RESIZE_POS, then we assume the * user wants to resize rather than move the rectangle. This distance is * measured in pixels from one of the rectangle's edges. */ private static final int RESIZE_POS = 4; /** * Minimum value of the <code>(clipped rectangle size)/(full rectangle * size)</code> ratio. This minimum value will only be taken into * account when the user modifies the rectangle's position using the values * entered in the fields. This number must be greater than or equal to 1. */ private static final double MINSIZE_RATIO = 1.25; /** * Minimum <var>x</var> coordinate permitted for the rectangle. The default * value is {@link java.lang.Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}. */ private double xmin = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; /** * Minimum <var>y</var> coordinate permitted for the rectangle. The default * value is {@link java.lang.Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}. */ private double ymin = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; /** * Maximum <var>x</var> coordinate permitted for the rectangle. The default * value is {@link java.lang.Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}. */ private double xmax = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; /** * Maximum <var>y</var> coordinate permitted for the rectangle. The default * value is {@link java.lang.Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}. */ private double ymax = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; /** * The rectangle to control. The coordinates of this rectangle must be * logical coordinates (for example, coordinates in metres), and not * screen pixel coordinates. An empty rectangle means that no region is * currently selected. */ private final RectangularShape logicalShape; /** * Rectangle to be drawn in the component. This rectange can be different * to {@link #logicalShape} and the latter is so small that it is * preferable to draw it a little bit bigger than the user has requested. * In this case, {@code drawnShape} will serve as a temporary * rectangle with extended coordinates. * Note: this rectangle should be read only, except in the case of * {@link #update} which is the only method permitted to update it. */ private transient RectangularShape drawnShape; /** * Affine transform which changes logical coordinates into pixel * coordinates. It is guaranteed that no method except * {@link #setTransform} will modify this transformation. */ private final AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); /** * Last <em>relative</em> mouse coordinates. This information is * expressed in logical coordinates (according to the * {@link #getTransform} inverse affine transform). The coordinates are * relative to (<var>x</var>,<var>y</var>) corner of the rectangle. */ private transient double mouseDX, mouseDY; /** * {@code x}, {@code y}, {@code width} and {@code height} * coordinates of a box which completely encloses {@link #drawnShape}. These * coordinates must be expressed in <strong>pixels</strong>. If need be, the * affine transform {@link #getTransform} can be used to change pixel coordinates * into logical coordinates and vice versa. */ private transient int x, y, width, height; /** * Indicates whether the mouse pointer is over the rectangle. */ private transient boolean mouseOverRect; /** * Point used internally by certain calculations in order to avoid * the frequent creation of several temporary {@link Point2D} objects. */ private final transient Point2D.Double tmp = new Point2D.Double(); /** * Indicates if the user is currently dragging the rectangle. * For this field to become {@code true}, the mouse must * have been over the rectangle as the user pressed the mouse button. */ private transient boolean isDragging; /** * Indicates which edges the user is currently adjusting with the mouse. * This field is often identical to {@link #adjustingSides}. However, * unlike {@link #adjustingSides}, it designates an edge of the shape * {@link #logicalShape} and not an edge of the shape in pixels appearing * on the screen. It is different, for example, if the affine transform * {@link #transform} contains a 90° rotation. */ private transient int adjustingLogicalSides; /** * Indicates which edges the user is currently adjusting with the mouse. * Permitted values are binary combinations of {@link #NORTH}, * {@link #SOUTH}, {@link #EAST} and {@link #WEST}. */ private transient int adjustingSides; /** * Indicates which edges are allowed to be adjusted. Permitted * values are binary combinations of {@link #NORTH}, * {@link #SOUTH}, {@link #EAST} and {@link #WEST}. */ private int adjustableSides; /** * Indicates if the geometric shape can be moved. */ private boolean moveable = true; /** * When the position of the left or right-hand edge of the rectangle * is manually edited, this indicates whether the position of the * opposite edge should be automatically adjusted. The default value is * {@code false}. */ private boolean synchronizeX; /** * When the position of the top or bottom edge of the rectangle is * manually edited, this indicates whether the position of the * opposite edge should be automatically adjusted. The default value is * {@code false}. */ private boolean synchronizeY; /** Bit representing north. */ private static final int NORTH = 1; /** Bit representing south. */ private static final int SOUTH = 2; /** Bit representing east. */ private static final int EAST = 4; /** Bit representing west. */ private static final int WEST = 8; /** * Cursor codes corresponding to a given {@link adjustingSides} value. */ private static final int[] CURSORS = new int[] { Cursor. MOVE_CURSOR, // 0000 = | | | Cursor. N_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 0001 = | | | NORTH Cursor. S_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 0010 = | | SOUTH | Cursor. DEFAULT_CURSOR, // 0011 = | | SOUTH | NORTH Cursor. E_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 0100 = | EAST | | Cursor.NE_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 0101 = | EAST | | NORTH Cursor.SE_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 0110 = | EAST | SOUTH | Cursor. DEFAULT_CURSOR, // 0111 = | EAST | SOUTH | NORTH Cursor. W_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 1000 = WEST | | | Cursor.NW_RESIZE_CURSOR, // 1001 = WEST | | | NORTH Cursor.SW_RESIZE_CURSOR // 1010 = WEST | | SOUTH | }; /** * Lookup table which converts <i>Swing</i> constants into * combinations of {@link #NORTH}, {@link #SOUTH}, * {@link #EAST} and {@link #WEST} constants. We cannot use * <i>Swing</i> constants directly because, unfortunately, they do * not correspond to the binary combinations of the four * cardinal corners. */ private static final int[] SWING_TO_CUSTOM = new int[] { SwingConstants.NORTH, NORTH, SwingConstants.SOUTH, SOUTH, SwingConstants.EAST, EAST, SwingConstants.WEST, WEST, SwingConstants.NORTH_EAST, NORTH | EAST, SwingConstants.SOUTH_EAST, SOUTH | EAST, SwingConstants.NORTH_WEST, NORTH | WEST, SwingConstants.SOUTH_WEST, SOUTH | WEST }; /** * List of text fields which represent the coordinates of the * rectangle's edges. */ private Control[] editors; /** * Constructs an object capable of moving and resizing a rectangular * shape through mouse movements. The rectangle will be positioned, by * default at the coordinates (0,0). Its width and height will be null. */ public MouseReshapeTracker() { this(new Rectangle2D.Double()); } /** * Constructs an object capable of moving and resizing a rectangular shape * through mouse movements. * * @param shape Rectangular geometric shape. This shape does not have to be * a rectangle. It could, for example, be a circle. The * coordinates of this shape will be the initial coordinates of the * visor. They are logical coordinates and not pixel coordinates * Note that the constructor retains a direct reference to this * shape, without creating a clone. As a consequence, any * modification carried out on the geometric shape will have * repercussions for this objet {@code MouseReshapeTracker} * and vice versa. */ public MouseReshapeTracker(final RectangularShape shape) { this.logicalShape = shape; this.drawnShape = shape; update(); } /** * Method called automatically after reading this object * in order to finish the construction of certain * fields. */ private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { drawnShape = logicalShape; update(); } /** * Updates the internal fields of this object. * The adjusted fields will be: * * <ul> * <li>{@link #drawnShape} for the rectangle to be drawn.</li> * <li>{@link #x}, {@link #y}, {@link #width} and {@link #height} * for the pixel coordinates of {@link #drawnShape}.</li> * </ul> */ private void update() { /* * Takes into account cases where the affine transform * contains a rotation of 90° or any other. */ adjustingLogicalSides = inverseTransform(adjustingSides); /* * Obtains the geometric shape to draw. Normally it will be a * {@link #logicalShape}, except if the latter is so small that we * have considered it preferable to create a temporary shape which * will be slightly bigger. */ tmp.x = logicalShape.getWidth(); tmp.y = logicalShape.getHeight(); transform.deltaTransform(tmp, tmp); if (Math.abs(tmp.x) < MIN_WIDTH || Math.abs(tmp.y) < MIN_HEIGHT) { if (Math.abs(tmp.x) < MIN_WIDTH ) tmp.x = (tmp.x < 0) ? -MIN_WIDTH : MIN_WIDTH; if (Math.abs(tmp.y) < MIN_HEIGHT) tmp.y = (tmp.y < 0) ? -MIN_HEIGHT : MIN_HEIGHT; try { XAffineTransform.inverseDeltaTransform(transform, tmp, tmp); double x = logicalShape.getX(); double y = logicalShape.getY(); if ((adjustingLogicalSides & WEST) != 0) { x += logicalShape.getWidth() - tmp.x; } if ((adjustingLogicalSides & NORTH) != 0) { y += logicalShape.getHeight() - tmp.y; } if (drawnShape == logicalShape) { drawnShape = (RectangularShape) logicalShape.clone(); } drawnShape.setFrame(x, y, tmp.x, tmp.y); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { drawnShape = logicalShape; } } else { drawnShape = logicalShape; } /* * NOTE: the condition 'drawnShape==logicalShape' indicates that it has * not been necessary to modify the shape. The method * 'mouseDragged' will use this information. * * Now retains the pixel coordinates of the new position of the * rectangle. */ double xmin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double ymin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double xmax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double ymax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tmp.x = (i&1) == 0 ? drawnShape.getMinX() : drawnShape.getMaxX(); tmp.y = (i&2) == 0 ? drawnShape.getMinY() : drawnShape.getMaxY(); transform.transform(tmp, tmp); if (tmp.x < xmin) { xmin = tmp.x; } if (tmp.x > xmax) { xmax = tmp.x; } if (tmp.y < ymin) { ymin = tmp.y; } if (tmp.y > ymax) { ymax = tmp.y; } } x = (int) Math.floor(xmin) -1; y = (int) Math.floor(ymin) -1; width = (int) Math.ceil (xmax-xmin) +2; height = (int) Math.ceil (ymax-ymin) +2; } /** * Returns the transform of {@code adjusting}. * @param adjusting to transform (generally {@link #adjustingSides}). */ private int inverseTransform(int adjusting) { switch (adjusting & (WEST | EAST)) { case WEST: tmp.x=-1; break; case EAST: tmp.x=+1; break; default : tmp.x= 0; break; } switch (adjusting & (NORTH | SOUTH)) { case NORTH: tmp.y=-1; break; case SOUTH: tmp.y=+1; break; default : tmp.y= 0; break; } try { XAffineTransform.inverseDeltaTransform(transform, tmp, tmp); final double normalize = 0.25 * XMath.hypot(tmp.x, tmp.y); tmp.x /= normalize; tmp.y /= normalize; adjusting = 0; switch (XMath.sgn(Math.rint(tmp.x))) { case -1: adjusting |= WEST; break; case +1: adjusting |= EAST; break; } switch (XMath.sgn(Math.rint(tmp.y))) { case -1: adjusting |= NORTH; break; case +1: adjusting |= SOUTH; break; } return adjusting; } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { return adjusting; } } /** * Declares the affine transform which will transform the logical * coordinates into pixel coordinates. This is the affine transform * specified in {@link java.awt.Graphics2D#transform} at the moment that * {@code this} is drawn. The information contained in this affine * transform is necessary for several of this class's methods to work. * It is the programmer's responsability to ensure that this * information is always up-to-date. By default, * {@code MouseReshapeTracker} uses an identity transform. */ public void setTransform(final AffineTransform newTransform) { if (!this.transform.equals(newTransform)) { fireStateWillChange(); this.transform.setTransform(newTransform); update(); fireStateChanged(); } } /** * Returns the position and the bounds of the rectangle. These * bounds can be slightly bigger than those returned by * {@link #getFrame} since {@code getBounds2D()} returns the * bounds of the rectangle visible on screen, which can have certain * minimum bounds. */ public Rectangle getBounds() { return drawnShape.getBounds(); } /** * Returns the position and the bounds of the rectangle. These * bounds can be slightly bigger than those returned by * {@link #getFrame} since {@code getBounds2D()} returns the * bounds of the rectangle visible on screen, which can have certain * minimum bounds. */ public Rectangle2D getBounds2D() { return drawnShape.getBounds2D(); } /** * Returns the position and the bounds of the rectangle. * This information is expressed in logical coordinates. * * @see #getCenterX * @see #getCenterY * @see #getMinX * @see #getMaxX * @see #getMinY * @see #getMaxY */ public Rectangle2D getFrame() { return logicalShape.getFrame(); } /** * Defines a new position and bounds for the rectangle. The coordinates * passed to this method should be logical coordinates rather than pixel * coordinates. If the range of values covered by the rectangle is * limited by a call to {@link #setClip}, the rectangle will be * moved and resized as needed to fit into the permitted region. * * @return {@code true} if the rectangle's coordinates have changed. * * @see #getFrame */ public final boolean setFrame(final Rectangle2D frame) { return setFrame(frame.getX(), frame.getY(), frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight()); } /** * Defines a new position and bounds for the rectangle. The coordinates * passed to this method should be logical coordinates rather than pixel * coordinates. If the range of values covered by the rectangle is * limited by a call to {@link #setClip}, the rectangle will be * moved and resized as needed to fit into the permitted region. * * @return {@code true} if the rectangle's coordinates have changed. * * @see #setX * @see #setY */ public boolean setFrame(double x, double y, double width, double height) { final double oldX = logicalShape.getX(); final double oldY = logicalShape.getY(); final double oldW = logicalShape.getWidth(); final double oldH = logicalShape.getHeight(); if (x<xmin) x = xmin; if (y<ymin) y = ymin; if (x + width > xmax) { x = Math.max(xmin, xmax - width); width = xmax - x; } if (y + height > ymax) { y = Math.max(ymin, ymax - height); height = ymax - y; } fireStateWillChange(); logicalShape.setFrame(x, y, width, height); if (oldX != logicalShape.getX() || oldY != logicalShape.getY() || oldW != logicalShape.getWidth() || oldH != logicalShape.getHeight()) { update(); fireStateChanged(); return true; } return false; } /** * Defines the new range of values covered by the rectangle according to * the <var>x</var> axis. The values covered along the <var>y</var> axis * will not be changed. The values must be expressed in logical coordinates * * @see #getMinX * @see #getMaxX * @see #getCenterX */ public final void setX(final double min, final double max) { setFrame(Math.min(min,max), logicalShape.getY(), Math.abs(max-min), logicalShape.getHeight()); } /** * Defines the new range of values covered by the rectangle according to * the <var>y</var> axis. The values covered along the <var>x</var> axis * will not be changed. The values must be expressed in logical coordinates * * @see #getMinY * @see #getMaxY * @see #getCenterY */ public final void setY(final double min, final double max) { setFrame(logicalShape.getX(), Math.min(min, max), logicalShape.getWidth(), Math.abs(max - min)); } /** * Returns the minimum <var>x</var> coordinate of the rectangle * (the logical coordinate, not the pixel coordinate). */ public double getMinX() { return logicalShape.getMinX(); } /** * Returns the minimum <var>y</var> coordinate of the rectangle * (the logical coordinate, not the pixel coordinate). */ public double getMinY() { return logicalShape.getMinY(); } /** * Returns the maximum <var>x</var> coordinate of the rectangle * (the logical coordinate, not the pixel coordinate). */ public double getMaxX() { return logicalShape.getMaxX(); } /** * Returns the maximum <var>y</var> coordinate of the rectangle * (the logical coordinate, not the pixel coordinate). */ public double getMaxY() { return logicalShape.getMaxY(); } /** * Returns the width of the rectangle. This width is expressed * in logical coordinates, not pixel coordinates. */ public double getWidth() { return logicalShape.getWidth(); } /** * Returns the height of the rectangle. This height is expressed * in logical coordinates, not pixel coordinates. */ public double getHeight() { return logicalShape.getHeight(); } /** * Returns the <var>x</var> coordinate of the centre of the rectangle * (logical coordinate, not pixel coordinate). */ public double getCenterX() { return logicalShape.getCenterX(); } /** * Returns the <var>y</var> coordinate of the centre of the rectangle * (logical coordinate, not pixel coordinate). */ public double getCenterY() { return logicalShape.getCenterY(); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangle is empty. This will be * the case if the width and / or height is null. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return logicalShape.isEmpty(); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangular shape contains the specified point. * This point should be expressed in logical coordinates. */ public boolean contains(final Point2D point) { return logicalShape.contains(point); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangular shape contains the specified point. * This point should be expressed in logical coordinates. */ public boolean contains(final double x, final double y) { return logicalShape.contains(x, y); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangular shape contains the specified * rectangle. This rectangle should be expressed in logical * coordinates. This method can conservatively return * {@code false} as permitted by the {@link Shape} specification. */ public boolean contains(final Rectangle2D rect) { return logicalShape.contains(rect); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangular shape contains the specified * rectangle. This rectangle must be expressed in logical * coordinates. This method can conservatively return * {@code false} as permitted by the {@link Shape} specification. */ public boolean contains(double x, double y, double width, double height) { return logicalShape.contains(x, y, width, height); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangular shape intersects the specified * rectangle. This rectangle must be expressed in logical coordinates. * This method can conservatively return {@code true} as permitted by * the {@link Shape} specification. */ public boolean intersects(final Rectangle2D rect) { return drawnShape.intersects(rect); } /** * Indicates whether the rectangular shape intersects the specified * rectangle. This rectangle must be expressed in logical coordinates. * This method can conservatively return {@code true} as permitted by * the {@link Shape} specification. */ public boolean intersects(double x, double y, double width, double height) { return drawnShape.intersects(x, y, width, height); } /** * Returns a path iterator for the rectangular shape to be drawn. */ public PathIterator getPathIterator(final AffineTransform transform) { return drawnShape.getPathIterator(transform); } /** * Returns a path iterator for the rectangular shape to be drawn. */ public PathIterator getPathIterator(final AffineTransform transform, final double flatness) { return drawnShape.getPathIterator(transform, flatness); } /** * Returns the bounds between which the rectangle can move. * These bounds are specified in logical coordinates. */ public Rectangle2D getClip() { return new Rectangle2D.Double(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin); } /** * Defines the bounds between which the rectangle can move. * This method manages infinities correctly if the specified * rectangle has redefined its {@code getMaxX()} * and {@code getMaxY()} methods correctly. * * @see #setClipMinMax */ public final void setClip(final Rectangle2D rect) { setClipMinMax(rect.getMinX(), rect.getMaxX(), rect.getMinY(), rect.getMaxY()); } /** * Defines the bounds between which the rectangle can move. This method * simply calls {@link #setClipMinMax setClipMinMax(...)} with the * appropriate parameters. It is defined in order to avoid confusion * amongst programmers used to <em>Java2D</em> conventions. If you want to * specify infinite values (in order to widen the visor's bounds to all * possible values along certain axes), you <u>must</u> use * {@link #setClipMinMax setClipMinMax(...)} rather than * {@code setClip(...)}. */ public final void setClip(final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height) { setClipMinMax(x, x + width, y, y + height); } /** * Defines the bounds between which the rectangle can move. Note that this * method's arguments don't correspond to the normal arguments of * {@link java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D}. <em>Java2D</em> convention demands * that we specify a rectangle using a quadruplet * ({@code x},{@code y},{@code width},{@code height}) * However, this is a bad choice in the context of almost all the methods * in our library. As well as complicating most calculations (if you need * convincing, just count the number of occurrences of the expression * {@code x+width} even in the geometric classes of <em>Java2D</em>), * it is incapable of correctly representing a rectangle which has one or * more coordinates stretching to infinity. A better convention would * have been to use the minimum and maximum values according to * <var>x</var> and <var>y</var>, as this method does. * <br><br> * This method's arguments define the minimum and maximum values that the * logical coordinates of the rectangle can take. * The values {@link java.lang.Double#NEGATIVE_INFINITY} and * {@link java.lang.Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} are valid for indicating * that the visor can extend across all values according to certain axes. * The value {@link java.lang.Double#NaN} for a given argument indicates * that we want to keep the old value. If the visor doesn't fit * completely within the new bounds, it will be moved and resized as needed * in order to make it fit. */ public void setClipMinMax(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { if (xmin > xmax) { final double tmp = xmin; xmin = xmax; xmax = tmp; } if (ymin > ymax) { final double tmp = ymin; ymin = ymax; ymax = tmp; } if (!Double.isNaN(xmin)) { this.xmin = xmin; } if (!Double.isNaN(xmax)) { this.xmax = xmax; } if (!Double.isNaN(ymin)) { this.ymin = ymin; } if (!Double.isNaN(ymax)) { this.ymax = ymax; } setFrame(logicalShape.getX(), logicalShape.getY(), logicalShape.getWidth(), logicalShape.getHeight()); } /** * Method called automatically when a change in the clip is required. * This method can be called, for example, when the user manually edits * the position of the rectangle in a text field, and the new position * falls outside the current clip. This method does <u>not</u> have to * accept a clip change. It can do nothing, which is the same as * refusing any change. It can also always unconditionally accept any * change by calling {@link #setClipMinMax}. Finally, it can reach a * compromise solution by imposing certain conditions on the changes. * The default implementation does nothing, which means that no * automatic change in the clip will be authorised. */ protected void clipChangeRequested(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax) { } /** * Indicates whether the rectangle can be moved with the mouse. By default, * it can be moved but not resized. */ public boolean isMoveable() { return moveable; } /** * Specifies whether the rectangle can be moved with the mouse. The value * {@code false} indicates that the rectangle cannot be moved, but can * still be resized if {@link #setAdjustable} has been called with the * appropriate parameters. */ public void setMoveable(final boolean moveable) { this.moveable = moveable; } /** * Indicates whether the size of a rectangle can be modified using * a specified edge. The specified edge must be one of the following * constants: * * <table border align=center cellpadding=8 bgcolor=floralwhite> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH_WEST}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH_EAST}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#WEST }</td><td> </td><td>{@link SwingConstants#EAST }</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH_WEST}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH_EAST}</td></tr> * </table> * * These constants designate the edge which is visible on screen. For * example, {@code NORTH} always designates the top edge on the * screen. However, this could correspond to another edge of the logical * shape {@code this} depending on the affine transform which was * specified during the last call to {@link #setTransform}. For example, * {@code AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(+1,-1)} has the effect of * inverting the y axis so that the <var>y</var><sub>max</sub> values * appear to the North rather than the <var>y</var><sub>min</sub> values. */ public boolean isAdjustable(int side) { side = convertSwingConstant(side); return (adjustableSides & side) == side; } /** * Specifies whether the size of the rectangle can be modified using the * specified edge. The specified edge must be one of the following * constants: * * <table border align=center cellpadding=8 bgcolor=floralwhite> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH_WEST}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH_EAST}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#WEST }</td><td> </td><td>{@link SwingConstants#EAST }</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH_WEST}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH_EAST}</td></tr> * </table> * * These constants designate the edge which is visible on screen. For * example, {@code NORTH} always designates the top edge on the * screen. However, this could correspond to another edge of the logical * shape {@code this} depending on the affine transform which was * specified during the last call to {@link #setTransform}. For example, * {@code AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(+1,-1)} has the effect of * inverting the y axis so that the <var>y</var><sub>max</sub> values * appear to the North rather than the <var>y</var><sub>min</sub> values. */ public void setAdjustable(int side, final boolean adjustable) { side = convertSwingConstant(side); if (adjustable) { adjustableSides |= side; } else { adjustableSides &= ~side; } } /* * Converts a Swing edge constant to system used by this package. * We cannot use <i>Swing</i> constants directly because, * unfortunately, they do not correspond to the binary combinations of the * four cardinal corners. */ private int convertSwingConstant(final int side) { for (int i = 0; i < SWING_TO_CUSTOM.length; i += 2) { if (SWING_TO_CUSTOM[i] == side) { return SWING_TO_CUSTOM[i + 1]; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(side)); } /** * Method called automatically during mouse movements. The default * implementation checks whether the cursor is inside the rectangle or on * one of its edges, and adjusts the mouse pointer icon accordingly. */ public void mouseMoved(final MouseEvent event) { if (!isDragging) { final Component source=event.getComponent(); if (source != null) { int x = event.getX(); tmp.x = x; int y = event.getY(); tmp.y = y; final boolean mouseOverRect; try { mouseOverRect = drawnShape.contains(transform.inverseTransform(tmp, tmp)); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { // Ignore this exception. return; } final boolean mouseOverRectChanged = (mouseOverRect != this.mouseOverRect); if (mouseOverRect) { /* * We do not use "adjustingLogicalSides" because we are working * with pixel coordinates and not logical coordinates. */ final int old = adjustingSides; adjustingSides = 0; if (Math.abs(x -= this.x)<=RESIZE_POS){ adjustingSides |= WEST; } if (Math.abs(y -= this.y)<=RESIZE_POS){ adjustingSides |= NORTH; } if (Math.abs(x - this.width)<=RESIZE_POS) { adjustingSides |= EAST; } if (Math.abs(y - this.height)<=RESIZE_POS) { adjustingSides |= SOUTH; } adjustingSides &= adjustableSides; if (adjustingSides != old || mouseOverRectChanged) { if (adjustingSides == 0 && !moveable) { source.setCursor(null); } else { adjustingLogicalSides = inverseTransform(adjustingSides); source.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(adjustingSides < CURSORS.length ? CURSORS[adjustingSides] : Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } } if (mouseOverRectChanged) { // Adding and removing listeners worked well, but had // the disadvantage of changing the order of the // listeners. This caused problems when the order was // important. //source.addMouseListener(this); this.mouseOverRect = mouseOverRect; } } else if (mouseOverRectChanged) { adjustingSides = 0; source.setCursor(null); //source.removeMouseListener(this); this.mouseOverRect = mouseOverRect; } } } } /** * Method called automatically when the user presses a mouse button * anywhere within the component. The default implementation * checks if the button was pressed whilst the mouse cursor was * within the rectangle. If so, this object will track the mouse drags * to move or resize the rectangle. */ public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { if (!e.isConsumed() && (e.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK)!= 0) { if (adjustingSides != 0 || moveable) { tmp.x = e.getX(); tmp.y = e.getY(); try { if (drawnShape.contains(transform.inverseTransform(tmp, tmp))) { mouseDX = tmp.x - drawnShape.getX(); mouseDY = tmp.y - drawnShape.getY(); isDragging = true; e.consume(); } } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { // Pas besoin de gérer cette exception. // L'ignorer est correct. } } } } /** * Method called automatically during mouse drags. The default * implementation applies the mouse movement to the rectangle and notifies * the component where the event which it needs to redraw, at least in * part, came from. */ public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) { if (isDragging) { final int adjustingLogicalSides = this.adjustingLogicalSides; final Component source = e.getComponent(); if (source != null) try { tmp.x = e.getX(); tmp.y = e.getY(); transform.inverseTransform(tmp, tmp); /* * Calculates the (x0,y0) coordinates of the corner of the * rectangle. The (mouseDX, mouseDY) coordinates represent the * position of the mouse at the moment the button is pressed * and don't normally change (except during certain * adjustments). In determining (mouseDX, mouseDY), they is * calculated as if the user began to drag the rectangle at * the very corner, though in reality they could have clicked * anywhere. */ double x0 = tmp.x - mouseDX; double y0 = tmp.y - mouseDY; double dx = drawnShape.getWidth(); double dy = drawnShape.getHeight(); final double oldWidth = dx; final double oldHeight = dy; /* * Deals with cases where, instead of dragging the rectangle, * the user is in the process of resizing it. */ switch (adjustingLogicalSides & (EAST | WEST)) { case WEST: { if (x0 < xmin) { x0 = xmin; } dx += drawnShape.getX() - x0; if (!(dx > 0)) { dx = drawnShape.getWidth(); x0 = drawnShape.getX(); } break; } case EAST: { dx += x0 - (x0 = drawnShape.getX()); final double limit = xmax - x0; if (dx > limit) { dx = limit; } if (!(dx > 0)) { dx = drawnShape.getWidth(); x0 = drawnShape.getX(); } break; } } switch (adjustingLogicalSides & (NORTH | SOUTH)) { case NORTH: { if (y0 < ymin) { y0=ymin; } dy += drawnShape.getY() - y0; if (!(dy > 0)) { dy = drawnShape.getHeight(); y0 = drawnShape.getY(); } break; } case SOUTH: { dy += y0 - (y0=drawnShape.getY()); final double limit = ymax - y0; if (dy > limit) dy = limit; if (!(dy > 0)) { dy = drawnShape.getHeight(); y0 = drawnShape.getY(); } break; } } /* * The (x0, y0, dx, dy) coordinates now give the new position * and size of the rectangle. But, before making the change, * check whether only one edge was being adjusted. If so, we * cancel the changes with respect to the other edge (if not, * the user could move the rectangle vertically at the same * time as adjusting its right or left edge, which is not at * all practical...) */ if ((adjustingLogicalSides & (NORTH | SOUTH)) != 0 && (adjustingLogicalSides & (EAST | WEST)) == 0) { x0 = drawnShape.getX(); dx = drawnShape.getWidth(); } if ((adjustingLogicalSides & (NORTH | SOUTH)) == 0 && (adjustingLogicalSides & (EAST | WEST)) != 0) { y0 = drawnShape.getY(); dy = drawnShape.getHeight(); } /* * If the user didn't adjusted any side, then make sure * that the logical size is conserved (i.e. discard the * "drawing" size if it was different). */ if (adjustingLogicalSides == 0) { final double old_dx = logicalShape.getWidth(); final double old_dy = logicalShape.getHeight(); x0 += (dx-old_dx)/2; y0 += (dy-old_dy)/2; dx = old_dx; dy = old_dy; } /* * Modifies the rectangle's coordinates and signals that the * component needs redrawing. * Note: 'repaint' should be called before and after * 'setFrame' because the coordinates change. */ source.repaint(x, y, width, height); try { setFrame(x0, y0, dx, dy); } catch (RuntimeException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } source.repaint(x, y, width, height); /* * Adjustment for special cases. */ if ((adjustingLogicalSides & EAST) != 0) { mouseDX += (drawnShape.getWidth() - oldWidth); } if ((adjustingLogicalSides & SOUTH) != 0) { mouseDY += (drawnShape.getHeight() - oldHeight); } } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { // Ignore. } } } /** * Method called automatically when the user releases the mouse button. * The default implementation calls {@link #stateChanged} with the * argument {@code false}, in order to inform the derived classes * that the changes are finished. */ public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent event) { if (isDragging && (event.getModifiers() & MouseEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) { isDragging = false; final Component source = event.getComponent(); try { tmp.x = event.getX(); tmp.y = event.getY(); mouseOverRect = drawnShape.contains(transform.inverseTransform(tmp, tmp)); if (!mouseOverRect && source != null) source.setCursor(null); event.consume(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException exception) { // Ignore this exception. } try { // It is essential that 'isDragging=false'. fireStateChanged(); } catch (RuntimeException exception) { ExceptionMonitor.show(source, exception); } } } /** * Method called automatically <strong>before</strong> the position * or the size of the visor has changed. A call to * {@code stateWillChange} is normally followed by a call to * {@link #stateChanged}, <u>except</u> if the expected change * didn't ultimately occur. The derived classes can redefine this method * to take the necessary actions when a change is on the point of being * actioned. They must not, however, call any method which risks modifying * the state of this object. The default implementation does nothing. * * @param isAdjusting {@code true} if the user is still * modifying the position of the visor, {@code false} * if they have released the mouse button. */ protected void stateWillChange(final boolean isAdjusting) { } /** * Method called automatically <strong>after</strong> the position and * size of the visor has changed. The call to {@code stateChanged} * must have been preceded by a call to {@link #stateWillChange}. The * derived classes can redefine this method to take the necessary * actions when a change has just been actioned. They must not, however, * call any method which risks modifying the state of this object. The * default implementation does nothing. * * @param isAdjusting {@code true} if the user is still * modifying the position of the visor, {@code false} * if they have released the mouse button. */ protected void stateChanged(final boolean isAdjusting) { } /** * Method called automatically before the position or the * size of the visor has changed. */ private void fireStateWillChange() { stateWillChange(isDragging); } /** * Method called automatically after the position or the * size of the visor has changed. */ private void fireStateChanged() { updateEditors(); stateChanged(isDragging); } /** * Updates the text in the editors. Each editor added by the * method {@link #addEditor addEditor(...)} will have its * text reformatted. This method can be called, for example, * after changing the format used by the editors. It is not * necessary to call this method each time the mouse moves; * it is done automatically. */ public void updateEditors() { if (editors != null) { for (int i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { editors[i].updateText(); } } } /** * Adds an editor in which the user can explicitly specify the * coordinates of one of the edges of the rectangle. Each time * the user drags the rectangle, the text appearing in this editor * will automatically be updated. If the user explicitly enters * a new value in this editor, the position of the rectangle will be * adjusted. * * @param format Format to use for writing and interpreting the values * in the editor. * @param side Edge of the rectangle whose coordinates will be * controlled by the editor. It should be one of the * following constants: * * <table border align=center cellpadding=8 bgcolor=floralwhite> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH_WEST}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#NORTH_EAST}</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#WEST }</td><td> </td><td>{@link SwingConstants#EAST }</td></tr> * <tr><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH_WEST}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH}</td><td>{@link SwingConstants#SOUTH_EAST}</td></tr> * </table> * * These constants designate the edge visible on screen. For example, * {@code NORTH} always designates the top edge on the screen. * However, this could correspond to another edge of the logical * shape {@code this} depending on the affine transform which was * specified during the last call to {@link #setTransform}. For example, * {@code AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(+1,-1)} has the effect of * inverting the y axis so that the <var>y</var><sub>max</sub> values * appear to the North rather than the <var>y</var><sub>min</sub> values. * * @param toRepaint Component to repaint after a field has been edited, * or {@code null} if there isn't one. * * @return An editor in which the user can specify the position of * one of the edges of the geometric shape. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code side} isn't one * of the recognised codes. */ public synchronized JComponent addEditor(final Format format, final int side, Component toRepaint) throws IllegalArgumentException { final JComponent component; final JFormattedTextField editor; if (format instanceof DecimalFormat) { final SpinnerNumberModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(); final JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(model); final JSpinner.NumberEditor sedt = (JSpinner.NumberEditor) spinner.getEditor(); final DecimalFormat targetFormat = sedt.getFormat(); final DecimalFormat sourceFormat = (DecimalFormat) format; // TODO: Next lines would be much more efficient if only we had a // NumberEditor.setFormat(NumberFormat) method (See RFE #4520587) targetFormat.setDecimalFormatSymbols(sourceFormat.getDecimalFormatSymbols()); targetFormat.applyPattern(sourceFormat.toPattern()); editor = sedt.getTextField(); component = spinner; } else if (format instanceof SimpleDateFormat) { final SpinnerDateModel model = new SpinnerDateModel(); final JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(model); final JSpinner.DateEditor sedt = (JSpinner.DateEditor) spinner.getEditor(); final SimpleDateFormat targetFormat = sedt.getFormat(); final SimpleDateFormat sourceFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) format; // TODO: Next lines would be much more efficient if only we had a // DateEditor.setFormat(DateFormat) method... (See RFE #4520587) targetFormat.setDateFormatSymbols(sourceFormat.getDateFormatSymbols()); targetFormat.applyPattern(sourceFormat.toPattern()); editor = sedt.getTextField(); component = spinner; } else { component = editor = new JFormattedTextField(format); } /** * "9" is the default width of text fields. These widths are expressed * in number of columns. <i>Swing</i> does not appear to measure these * widths very accurately; it seems to provide more than requested. * For that reason, we specify a narrower width. */ editor.setColumns(5); editor.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); Insets insets = editor.getMargin(); insets.right += 2; editor.setMargin(insets); /* * Adds the editor to the list of editors to control. Increasing the * 'editors' array length each time is not a very efficient strategy, * but it will do because it is unlikely that we will ever add more * than 4 editors. */ final Control control = new Control(editor, (format instanceof DateFormat), convertSwingConstant(side), toRepaint); if (editors == null) { editors = new Control[1]; } else { editors = ArraysExt.resize(editors, editors.length + 1); } editors[editors.length - 1] = control; return component; } /** * Removes an editor from the list of those which display the * coordinates of the visor. * * @param editor Editor to remove. */ public synchronized void removeEditor(final JComponent editor) { if (editors != null) { for (int i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { if (editors[i].editor == editor) { editors = ArraysExt.remove(editors, i, 1); /* * In principal, there should be no more objects to * remove from the table. But we let the loop continue * anyway, just in case... */ } } if (editors.length == 0) { editors = null; } } } /** * When the position of one of the rectangle's edges is edited manually, * specifies whether the opposite edge should also be adjusted. By default, * the edges are not synchronised. * * @param axis {@link SwingConstants#HORIZONTAL} to change the * synchronisation of the left and right edges, or * {@link SwingConstants#VERTICAL} to change the * synchronisation of the top and bottom edges. * @param state {@code true} to synchronise the edges, or * {@code false} to desynchronise. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code axis} * isn't one of the valid codes. */ public void setEditorsSynchronized(final int axis, final boolean state) throws IllegalArgumentException { switch (axis) { case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL: synchronizeX = state; break; case SwingConstants.VERTICAL: synchronizeY = state; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * When the position of one of the rectangle's edges is edited manually, * specifies whether the opposite edge should also be adjusted. By default, * the edges are not synchronised. * * @param axis {@link SwingConstants#HORIZONTAL} to determine the * synchronisation of the left and right edges, or * {@link SwingConstants#VERTICAL} to determine the * synchronisation of the top and bottom edges. * @return {@code true} if the specified edges are synchronised, * or {@code false} if not * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code axis} * isn't one of the valid codes. */ public boolean isEditorsSynchronized(final int axis) throws IllegalArgumentException { switch (axis) { case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL: return synchronizeX; case SwingConstants.VERTICAL: return synchronizeY; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Returns a character string representing this object. */ public String toString() { return Utilities.getShortClassName(this) + '[' + Utilities.getShortClassName(logicalShape) + ']'; } /** * Synchronises one of the rectangle's edges with a text field. Each time * the visor moves, the text will be updated. If, on the contrary, it is * the text which is manually edited, the visor will be repositioned. * * @version 1.0 * @author Martin Desruisseaux */ private final class Control implements PropertyChangeListener { /** * Text field representing the coordinate of one of the visor's * edges. */ public final JFormattedTextField editor; /** * {@code true} if the field {@link #editor} formats dates, * or {@code false} if it formats numbers. */ private final boolean isDate; /** * Side of the rectangle to be controlled. This field designates the * edge which is visible on screen. For example, {@code NORTH} * always designates the top edge on the screen. However, this could * correspond to another edge of the logical shape * {@link MouseReshapeTracker} depending on the affine transform that * was specified during the last call to * {@link MouseReshapeTracker#setTransform}. For example, * {@code AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(+1,-1)} has the effect * of inverting the y axis so that the <var>y</var><sub>max</sub> * values appear to the North rather than the * <var>y</var><sub>min</sub> values. */ private final int side; /** * Component to repaint after the field is edited, or {@code null} * if there isn't one. */ private final Component toRepaint; /** * Constructs an object which will control one of the rectangle's edges. * * @param editor Field which will contain the coordinate of the * rectangle's edge. * @param isDate {@code true} if the field {@link #editor} formats * dates, or {@code false} if it formats numbers. * @param side Edge of the rectangle to control. This argument * designates the edge visible on screen. For example, * {@code NORTH} always designates the top edge on the * screen. However, it can correspond to another edge of the * logical shape {@link MouseReshapeTracker} depending on the * affine transform which was specified during the last call * to {@link MouseReshapeTracker#setTransform}. For example, * {@code AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(+1,-1)} has the * effect of making the <var>y</var><sub>max</sub> values * appear to the "North" rather than the * <var>y</var><sub>min</sub> values. * @param toRepaint Component to repaint after the field has been * edited, or {@code null} if there isn't one. */ public Control(final JFormattedTextField editor, final boolean isDate, final int side, final Component toRepaint) { this.editor = editor; this.isDate = isDate; this.side = side; this.toRepaint = toRepaint; updateText(editor); editor.addPropertyChangeListener("value", this); } /** * Method called automatically each time the value in the editor * changes. */ public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) { final Object source = event.getSource(); if (source instanceof JFormattedTextField) { final JFormattedTextField editor = (JFormattedTextField) source; final Object value = editor.getValue(); if (value != null) { final double v = (value instanceof Date) ? ((Date) value).getTime() : ((Number) value).doubleValue(); if (!Double.isNaN(v)) { /* * Obtains the new coordinates of the rectangle, * taking into account the coordinates changed by the * user as well as the old coordinates which have not * changed. */ final int side = inverseTransform(this.side); double Vxmin = (side & WEST) == 0 ? logicalShape.getMinX() : v; double Vxmax = (side & EAST) == 0 ? logicalShape.getMaxX() : v; double Vymin = (side & NORTH) == 0 ? logicalShape.getMinY() : v; double Vymax = (side & SOUTH) == 0 ? logicalShape.getMaxY() : v; if (synchronizeX || Vxmin > Vxmax) { final double dx = logicalShape.getWidth(); if ((side & WEST) != 0) Vxmax = Vxmin + dx; if ((side & EAST) != 0) Vxmin = Vxmax - dx; } if (synchronizeY || Vymin > Vymax) { final double dy = logicalShape.getHeight(); if ((side & NORTH) != 0) Vymax = Vymin + dy; if ((side & SOUTH) != 0) Vymin = Vymax - dy; } /* * Checks whether the new coordinates need a clip * adjustment. If so, we ask the method * 'clipChangeRequested' to make the change. This * 'clipChangeRequested' method doesn't have to accept * the change. The rest of the code will be correct * even if the clip hasn't changed (in that case the * position of the rectangle will still be adjusted * by 'setFrame'). */ if (Vxmin < xmin) { final double dx = Math.max(xmax - xmin, MINSIZE_RATIO * (Vxmax - Vxmin)); final double margin = Vxmax + dx * ((MINSIZE_RATIO - 1) * 0.5); clipChangeRequested(margin - dx, margin, ymin, ymax); } else if (Vxmax > xmax) { final double dx = Math.max(xmax - xmin, MINSIZE_RATIO * (Vxmax - Vxmin)); final double margin = Vxmin-dx * ((MINSIZE_RATIO - 1) * 0.5); clipChangeRequested(margin, margin + dx, ymin, ymax); } if (Vymin < ymin) { final double dy = Math.max(ymax - ymin, MINSIZE_RATIO * (Vymax - Vymin)); final double margin = Vymax + dy * ((MINSIZE_RATIO - 1) * 0.5); clipChangeRequested(xmin, xmax, margin - dy, margin); } else if (Vymax > ymax) { final double dy = Math.max(ymax - ymin, MINSIZE_RATIO * (Vymax - Vymin)); final double margin = Vymin - dy * ((MINSIZE_RATIO - 1) * 0.5); clipChangeRequested(xmin, xmax, margin, margin + dy); } /* * Repositions the rectangle based on the new * coordinates. */ if (setFrame(Vxmin, Vymin, Vxmax - Vxmin, Vymax - Vymin)) { if (toRepaint != null) toRepaint.repaint(); } } } updateText(editor); } } /** * Called each time the position of the rectangle is adjusted. This * method will adjust the value displayed in the text field * based on the position of the rectangle. */ private void updateText(final JFormattedTextField editor) { String text; if (!logicalShape.isEmpty() || ((text = editor.getText()) != null && text.trim().length() != 0)) { double value; switch (inverseTransform(side)) { case NORTH: value = logicalShape.getMinY(); break; case SOUTH: value = logicalShape.getMaxY(); break; case WEST: value = logicalShape.getMinX(); break; case EAST: value = logicalShape.getMaxX(); break; default : return; } editor.setValue(isDate ? (Object) new Date(Math.round(value)) : (Object) new Double(value)); } } /** * Updates the text which appears in {@link #editor} * based on the current position of the rectangle. */ public void updateText() { updateText(editor); } } }