package Editor.GUI.CodeDocument; import Editor.GUI.Dialogo.Message; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.text.Element; import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet; import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants; public class AlgoCodeBlank extends AlgoSyntaxHighlight { public static String VERSION = "Versão:2.0 \t(c)Augusto Bilabila e David Silva Barrera"; private SimpleAttributeSet normal; // normal private Color backGround = defaultBackGround; /** Creates a new instance of AlgoCodeBlank */ public AlgoCodeBlank() { //set the attributes for normal normal = new SimpleAttributeSet(); StyleConstants.setBold( normal,false ); StyleConstants.setForeground( normal, ); StyleConstants.setFontFamily( normal, "monospaced" ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void printSelectLine(int numChar){ if (numChar < 0 ) return; try { Element element = this.getParagraphElement( numChar ); int start = element.getStartOffset(); int end = element.getEndOffset(); String str = this.getText(start,end - start ); this.remove( start, str.length() ); StyleConstants.setBackground(normal, backGround ); super.insertString( start, str, normal ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { Message.Error("PRINT SELECT LINE \n" + ex.getMessage()); } } public void selectErrorLine(int numChar){ this.backGround = new Color(255,0,0); printSelectLine(numChar); this.backGround = defaultBackGround; } public void selectCodeLine(int numChar){ this.backGround = new Color(255,255,120); printSelectLine(numChar); this.backGround = defaultBackGround; } public void deSelectCodeLine(int numChar) { this.backGround = defaultBackGround; printSelectLine(numChar); } public void clearTextBackground(){ try { int index =0 ; while(index < this.getLength()) { Element element = this.getParagraphElement(index); String old = this.getText( element.getStartOffset(), element.getEndOffset() - element.getStartOffset() ); printSelectLine(index); //fazer o skip dos \n if(old.length() < 2) index+=2; else index+=old.length(); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { Message.Error("CLEAR TEXT BACKGROUND \n" + ex.getMessage()); } } }