package; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /** * A map of strings to values. Like LinkedHashMap, this map's iteration order is well defined: it is * the order that elements were inserted into the map. This map does not support null keys. * * <p> * This implementation was derived from Android 4.0's LinkedHashMap. */ public final class StringMap<V> extends AbstractMap<String, V> { /** * Min capacity (other than zero) for a HashMap. Must be a power of two greater than 1 (and less * than 1 << 30). */ private static final int MINIMUM_CAPACITY = 4; /** * Max capacity for a HashMap. Must be a power of two >= MINIMUM_CAPACITY. */ private static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30; /** * A dummy entry in the circular linked list of entries in the map. The first real entry is * header.nxt, and the last is header.prv. If the map is empty, header.nxt == header && * header.prv == header. */ private LinkedEntry<V> header; /** * An empty table shared by all zero-capacity maps (typically from default constructor). It is * never written to, and replaced on first put. Its size is set to half the minimum, so that the * first resize will create a minimum-sized table. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final Entry[] EMPTY_TABLE = new LinkedEntry[MINIMUM_CAPACITY >>> 1]; /** * The hash table. If this hash map contains a mapping for null, it is not represented this hash * table. */ private LinkedEntry<V>[] table; /** * The number of mappings in this hash map. */ private int size; /** * The table is rehashed when its size exceeds this threshold. The value of this field is * generally .75 * capacity, except when the capacity is zero, as described in the EMPTY_TABLE * declaration above. */ private int threshold; // Views - lazily initialized private Set<String> keySet; private Set<Entry<String, V>> entrySet; private Collection<V> values; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public StringMap() { table = (LinkedEntry<V>[]) EMPTY_TABLE; threshold = -1; // Forces first put invocation to replace EMPTY_TABLE header = new LinkedEntry<V>(); } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean containsKey(Object key) { return key instanceof String && getEntry((String) key) != null; } @Override public V get(Object key) { if (key instanceof String) { LinkedEntry<V> entry = getEntry((String) key); return entry != null ? entry.value : null; } else { return null; } } private LinkedEntry<V> getEntry(String key) { if (key == null) { return null; } int hash = hash(key); LinkedEntry<V>[] tab = table; for (LinkedEntry<V> e = tab[hash & (tab.length - 1)]; e != null; e = { String eKey = e.key; if (eKey == key || (e.hash == hash && key.equals(eKey))) { return e; } } return null; } @Override public V put(String key, V value) { if (key == null) { throw new NullPointerException("key == null"); } int hash = hash(key); LinkedEntry<V>[] tab = table; int index = hash & (tab.length - 1); for (LinkedEntry<V> e = tab[index]; e != null; e = { if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) { V oldValue = e.value; e.value = value; return oldValue; } } // No entry for (non-null) key is present; create one if (size++ > threshold) { tab = doubleCapacity(); index = hash & (tab.length - 1); } addNewEntry(key, value, hash, index); return null; } private void addNewEntry(String key, V value, int hash, int index) { LinkedEntry<V> header = this.header; // Create new entry, link it on to list, and put it into table LinkedEntry<V> oldTail = header.prv; LinkedEntry<V> newTail = new LinkedEntry<V>(key, value, hash, table[index], header, oldTail); table[index] = oldTail.nxt = header.prv = newTail; } /** * Allocate a table of the given capacity and set the threshold accordingly. * * @param newCapacity must be a power of two */ private LinkedEntry<V>[] makeTable(int newCapacity) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LinkedEntry<V>[] newTable = new LinkedEntry[newCapacity]; table = newTable; threshold = (newCapacity >> 1) + (newCapacity >> 2); // 3/4 capacity return newTable; } /** * Doubles the capacity of the hash table. Existing entries are placed in the correct bucket on * the enlarged table. If the current capacity is, MAXIMUM_CAPACITY, this method is a no-op. * Returns the table, which will be new unless we were already at MAXIMUM_CAPACITY. */ private LinkedEntry<V>[] doubleCapacity() { LinkedEntry<V>[] oldTable = table; int oldCapacity = oldTable.length; if (oldCapacity == MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) { return oldTable; } int newCapacity = oldCapacity * 2; LinkedEntry<V>[] newTable = makeTable(newCapacity); if (size == 0) { return newTable; } for (int j = 0; j < oldCapacity; j++) { /* * Rehash the bucket using the minimum number of field writes. This is the most subtle * and delicate code in the class. */ LinkedEntry<V> e = oldTable[j]; if (e == null) { continue; } int highBit = e.hash & oldCapacity; LinkedEntry<V> broken = null; newTable[j | highBit] = e; for (LinkedEntry<V> n =; n != null; e = n, n = { int nextHighBit = n.hash & oldCapacity; if (nextHighBit != highBit) { if (broken == null) { newTable[j | nextHighBit] = n; } else { = n; } broken = e; highBit = nextHighBit; } } if (broken != null) { = null; } } return newTable; } @Override public V remove(Object key) { if (key == null || !(key instanceof String)) { return null; } int hash = hash((String) key); LinkedEntry<V>[] tab = table; int index = hash & (tab.length - 1); for (LinkedEntry<V> e = tab[index], prev = null; e != null; prev = e, e = { if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) { if (prev == null) { tab[index] =; } else { =; } size--; unlink(e); return e.value; } } return null; } private void unlink(LinkedEntry<V> e) { e.prv.nxt = e.nxt; e.nxt.prv = e.prv; e.nxt = e.prv = null; // Help the GC (for performance) } @Override public void clear() { if (size != 0) { Arrays.fill(table, null); size = 0; } // Clear all links to help GC LinkedEntry<V> header = this.header; for (LinkedEntry<V> e = header.nxt; e != header;) { LinkedEntry<V> nxt = e.nxt; e.nxt = e.prv = null; e = nxt; } header.nxt = header.prv = header; } @Override public Set<String> keySet() { Set<String> ks = keySet; return (ks != null) ? ks : (keySet = new KeySet()); } @Override public Collection<V> values() { Collection<V> vs = values; return (vs != null) ? vs : (values = new Values()); } @Override public Set<Entry<String, V>> entrySet() { Set<Entry<String, V>> es = entrySet; return (es != null) ? es : (entrySet = new EntrySet()); } static class LinkedEntry<V> implements Entry<String, V> { final String key; V value; final int hash; LinkedEntry<V> next; LinkedEntry<V> nxt; LinkedEntry<V> prv; /** Create the header entry */ LinkedEntry() { this(null, null, 0, null, null, null); nxt = prv = this; } LinkedEntry(String key, V value, int hash, LinkedEntry<V> next, LinkedEntry<V> nxt, LinkedEntry<V> prv) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.hash = hash; = next; this.nxt = nxt; this.prv = prv; } @Override public final String getKey() { return key; } @Override public final V getValue() { return value; } @Override public final V setValue(V value) { V oldValue = this.value; this.value = value; return oldValue; } @Override public final boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Entry)) { return false; } Entry<?, ?> e = (Entry<?, ?>) o; Object eValue = e.getValue(); return key.equals(e.getKey()) && (value == null ? eValue == null : value.equals(eValue)); } @Override public final int hashCode() { return (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode()) ^ (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode()); } @Override public final String toString() { return key + "=" + value; } } /** * Removes the mapping from key to value and returns true if this mapping exists; otherwise, * returns does nothing and returns false. */ private boolean removeMapping(Object key, Object value) { if (key == null || !(key instanceof String)) { return false; } int hash = hash((String) key); LinkedEntry<V>[] tab = table; int index = hash & (tab.length - 1); for (LinkedEntry<V> e = tab[index], prev = null; e != null; prev = e, e = { if (e.hash == hash && key.equals(e.key)) { if (value == null ? e.value != null : !value.equals(e.value)) { return false; // Map has wrong value for key } if (prev == null) { tab[index] =; } else { =; } size--; unlink(e); return true; } } return false; // No entry for key } private abstract class LinkedHashIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { LinkedEntry<V> next = header.nxt; LinkedEntry<V> lastReturned = null; @Override public final boolean hasNext() { return next != header; } final LinkedEntry<V> nextEntry() { LinkedEntry<V> e = next; if (e == header) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } next = e.nxt; return lastReturned = e; } @Override public final void remove() { if (lastReturned == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } StringMap.this.remove(lastReturned.key); lastReturned = null; } } private final class KeySet extends AbstractSet<String> { @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return new LinkedHashIterator<String>() { @Override public final String next() { return nextEntry().key; } }; } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return containsKey(o); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { int oldSize = size; StringMap.this.remove(o); return size != oldSize; } @Override public void clear() { StringMap.this.clear(); } } private final class Values extends AbstractCollection<V> { @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() { return new LinkedHashIterator<V>() { @Override public final V next() { return nextEntry().value; } }; } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return containsValue(o); } @Override public void clear() { StringMap.this.clear(); } } private final class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Entry<String, V>> { @Override public Iterator<Entry<String, V>> iterator() { return new LinkedHashIterator<Map.Entry<String, V>>() { @Override public final Map.Entry<String, V> next() { return nextEntry(); } }; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Entry)) { return false; } Entry<?, ?> e = (Entry<?, ?>) o; V mappedValue = get(e.getKey()); return mappedValue != null && mappedValue.equals(e.getValue()); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Entry)) { return false; } Entry<?, ?> e = (Entry<?, ?>) o; return removeMapping(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public void clear() { StringMap.this.clear(); } } private static final int seed = new Random().nextInt(); private static int hash(String key) { // Ensuring that the hash is unpredictable and well distributed. // // Finding unpredictable hash functions is a bit of a dark art as we need to balance // good unpredictability (to avoid DoS) and good distribution (for performance). // // We achieve this by using the same algorithm as the Perl version, but this implementation // is being written from scratch by inder who has never seen the // Perl version (for license compliance). // // TODO: investigate and // // both of which may have better distribution and/or unpredictability. int h = seed; for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); ++i) { int h2 = h + key.charAt(i); int h3 = h2 + h2 << 10; // h2 * 1024 h = h3 ^ (h3 >>> 6); // h3 / 64 } /* * Apply Doug Lea's supplemental hash function to avoid collisions for hashes that do not * differ in lower or upper bits. */ h ^= (h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12); return h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4); } }