package com.christophdietze.jack.shared.pgn; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.IllegalPositionException; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.Piece; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.PieceType; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.Position; import com.christophdietze.jack.shared.board.PositionChecker; /** * @see {@link} */ public class FenParser { private static Map<Piece, Character> squareToFenCharMap = new HashMap<Piece, Character>(); private static Map<Character, Piece> fenCharToSquareMap = new HashMap<Character, Piece>(); static { initMaps(); } private PositionChecker positionChecker = new PositionChecker(); private Position.Builder builder; private Position position; private String fenString; private int curIndex; private char curChar; public FenParser() { } public void parse(String fenString) throws FenParsingException, IllegalPositionException { this.fenString = fenString; curIndex = -1; nextChar(); position = null; builder = new Position.Builder(); parsePosition(); parseWhitespace(); parseActiveColor(); parseWhitespace(); parseCastlingAvailability(); parseWhitespace(); parseEnPassantAvailability(); parseWhitespace(); parseHalfmoveClock(); parseWhitespace(); parseFullmoveNumber(); if (hasMoreChars()) { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "end of input expected, found '" + curChar + "'"); } position =; builder = null; positionChecker.checkForSensiblePosition(position); } public Position getPosition() { return position; } private void parsePosition() throws FenParsingException { int fenPosIndex = 0; while (curChar != ' ') { if (Character.isDigit(curChar)) { int skipCount = curChar - '0'; fenPosIndex += skipCount; } else if (curChar == '/') { if (fenPosIndex % 8 != 0) { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "unexpected '/'"); } } else { Piece square = toSquare(curChar); if (square == null) { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "unknown piece code '" + curChar + "'"); } int boardPosIndex = (7 - fenPosIndex / 8) * 8 + fenPosIndex % 8; builder.piece(boardPosIndex, toSquare(curChar)); fenPosIndex++; } nextChar(); } } private void parseActiveColor() throws FenParsingException { if (curChar == 'w') { builder.whiteToMove(true); } else if (curChar == 'b') { builder.whiteToMove(false); } else { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "expected 'w' or 'b' indicating the active color '"); } nextChar(); } private void parseCastlingAvailability() throws FenParsingException { builder.canWhiteCastleKingside(false); builder.canWhiteCastleQueenside(false); builder.canBlackCastleKingside(false); builder.canBlackCastleQueenside(false); if (curChar == '-') { nextChar(); return; } while (curChar != ' ') { if (curChar == 'K') { builder.canWhiteCastleKingside(true); } else if (curChar == 'Q') { builder.canWhiteCastleQueenside(true); } else if (curChar == 'k') { builder.canBlackCastleKingside(true); } else if (curChar == 'q') { builder.canBlackCastleQueenside(true); } nextChar(); } } private void parseEnPassantAvailability() throws FenParsingException { if (curChar == '-') { nextChar(); return; } int file = curChar - 'a'; nextChar(); int rank = builder.isWhiteToMove() ? 5 : 2; char expectedRank = Character.forDigit(rank + 1, 10); if (curChar != expectedRank) { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "expected rank " + expectedRank); } int squareIndex = file + 8 * rank; builder.enPassantPawnIndex(squareIndex, !builder.isWhiteToMove()); nextChar(); } private void parseHalfmoveClock() throws FenParsingException { int startIndex = curIndex; while (Character.isDigit(curChar)) { nextChar(); } int halfmoveClock = Integer.parseInt(fenString.substring(startIndex, curIndex)); builder.halfmoveClock(halfmoveClock); } private void parseFullmoveNumber() throws FenParsingException { int startIndex = curIndex; while (hasMoreChars() && Character.isDigit(curChar)) { nextChar(); } int fullmoveNumber = Integer.parseInt(fenString.substring(startIndex, curIndex)); builder.fullmoveNumber(fullmoveNumber); } private void parseWhitespace() throws FenParsingException { if (curChar != ' ') { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "whitespace expected, found '" + curChar + "'"); } nextChar(); } private void nextChar() throws FenParsingException { curIndex++; if (curIndex > fenString.length()) { throw new FenParsingException(fenString, curIndex, "unexpected end of string"); } else if (curIndex == fenString.length()) { curChar = '\0'; } else { curChar = fenString.charAt(curIndex); } } private boolean hasMoreChars() { return curIndex < fenString.length(); } private static Piece toSquare(char fenChar) { return fenCharToSquareMap.get(fenChar); } private static void initMaps() { for (PieceType piece : PieceType.values()) { Piece whiteSquare = Piece.getFromColorAndPieceType(true, piece); Piece blackSquare = Piece.getFromColorAndPieceType(false, piece); putMapping(whiteSquare, Character.toUpperCase(piece.getSymbol())); putMapping(blackSquare, Character.toLowerCase(piece.getSymbol())); } } private static void putMapping(Piece square, char c) { squareToFenCharMap.put(square, c); fenCharToSquareMap.put(c, square); } }