* Copyright (C) 2013 cherimojava (http://github.com/cherimojava/cherimodata) Licensed under the Apache License, Version
* 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
* License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.github.cherimojava.data.mongo.entity;
import static com.github.cherimojava.data.mongo.entity.Entity.ID;
import static com.github.cherimojava.data.mongo.entity.EntityFactory.getDefaultClass;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.bson.BsonDocument;
import org.bson.BsonDocumentWrapper;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.codecs.ValueCodecProvider;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.github.cherimojava.data.mongo.io.EntityCodec;
import com.google.common.base.Defaults;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.primitives.Primitives;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
* Proxy class doing the magic for Entity based Interfaces
* @author philnate
* @since 1.0.0
class EntityInvocationHandler
implements InvocationHandler
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( EntityInvocationHandler.class );
// TODO should be its own class
/* registry containing information about codecs for encoding ids */
private static CodecRegistry idRegistry = CodecRegistries.fromProviders( new ValueCodecProvider() );
* holds the properties backing this entity class
private final EntityProperties properties;
* Mongo Collection to which this Entity is being save. Might be null, in which case it's not possible to perform
* any MongoDB using operations like .save() on this entity
private final MongoCollection collection;
* reference to the Proxy, which we're baking
private Entity proxy;
* can this entity be modified or not. Obviously we can only block changes coming through setter of the entity, not
* for Objects already set here
private boolean sealed = false;
* was this object already saved or not
boolean persisted = false;
* tells if this entity is lazy loaded or not.
private boolean lazy = false;
* will be true if the entity is in the process of being saved, false otherwise
private volatile boolean saving = false;
* holds the actual data of the Entity
Map<String, Object> data;
* creates a new Handler for the given EntityProperties (Entity class). No Mongo reference will be created meaning
* Mongo based operations like (.save()) are not supported
* @param properties EntityProperties for which a new Instance shall be created
public EntityInvocationHandler( EntityProperties properties )
this( properties, null );
* creates a new Handler for the givne EntityProperties (Entity class), Entity will be saved to the given
* MongoCollection.
* @param properties EntityProperties for which a new Instance shall be created
* @param collection MongoCollection to which the entity will be persisted to
public EntityInvocationHandler( EntityProperties properties, MongoCollection collection )
this.properties = properties;
data = Maps.newHashMap();
this.collection = collection;
* creates a new handler and marks it as lazy. Only setting the id. Everything else will be loaded once an
* interaction with this object happens
* @param properties
* @param collection
* @param id
public EntityInvocationHandler( EntityProperties properties, MongoCollection collection, Object id )
this( properties, collection );
lazy = true;
_put( properties.getProperty( Entity.ID ), id );
* actual method which is invoked once the lazy entity is about to be filled with life
private void lazyLoad()
if ( lazy )
data = ( (EntityInvocationHandler) Proxy.getInvocationHandler( find( collection, data.get( ID ) ) ) ).data;
lazy = false;
* Method which is actually invoked if a proxy method is being called. Used as dispatcher to actual methods doing
* the work
public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args )
throws Throwable
String methodName = method.getName();
ParameterProperty pp;
switch ( methodName )
case "get":
pp = checkPropertyExists( (String) args[0] );
if ( !ID.equals( pp.getMongoName() ) )
// lazy loading isn't needed for the ID itself
return _get( pp );// we know that this is a string param
case "set":
_put( checkPropertyExists( (String) args[0] ), args[1] );
return proxy;
case "save":
checkState( collection != null,
"Entity was created without MongoDB reference. You have to save the entity through an EntityFactory" );
if ( !saving )
saving = true;// mark that we're about to save to break potential cycles
// TODO create for accessable Id some way to get it validated through validator
if ( properties.hasExplicitId() )
// TODO we can release this if it's of type ObjectId
checkNotNull( data.get( ID ), "An explicit defined Id must be set before saving" );
save( this, collection );
// change state only after successful saving to Mongo
saving = false;// we're done with saving next one, can write object. Which isn't coming from within
// this
// instance
return true;
LOG.info( "Did not save Entity with id {} of class {} as it's cyclic called.", data.get( ID ),
properties.getEntityClass() );
return false;
case "drop":
checkState( collection != null,
"Entity was created without MongoDB reference. You have to drop the entity through an EntityFactory" );
drop( this, collection );
return null;
case "equals":
return _equals( args[0] );
case "seal":
sealed = true;
return null;
case "entityClass":
return properties.getEntityClass();
case "toString":
return _toString();
case "hashCode":
return _hashCode();
case "load":
checkState( collection != null,
"Entity was created without MongoDB reference. You have to load entities through an EntityFactory" );
return find( collection, args[0] );
pp = properties.getProperty( method );
if ( methodName.startsWith( "get" ) || methodName.startsWith( "is" ) )
return _get( pp );
if ( methodName.startsWith( "set" ) )
_put( pp, args[0] );
// if we want this to be fluent we need to return this
if ( pp.isFluent( ParameterProperty.MethodType.SETTER ) )
return proxy;
if ( methodName.startsWith( "add" ) )
// for now we know that there's only one parameter
_add( pp, args[0] );
// if we want this to be fluent we need to return this
if ( pp.isFluent( ParameterProperty.MethodType.ADDER ) )
return proxy;
return null;
* verifies that the entity isn't sealed, if the entity is sealed no further modification is allowed and an
* IllegalArgumentException is thrown
private void checkNotSealed()
checkArgument( !sealed, "Entity is sealed and does not allow further modification" );
* verifies that the given property isn't final and if it's that the entity wasn't saved yet.
* @param pp parameterproperty to check for final
private void checkNotFinal( ParameterProperty pp )
if ( pp.isFinal() )
checkState( !persisted, "Entity was already saved, can't modify value of @Final property later on" );
* check if the given propertyName exists as Mongo property
* @param propertyName mongoDB name of property to check
* @return ParameterProperty belonging to the given PropertyName
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given PropertyName isn't declared
private ParameterProperty checkPropertyExists( String propertyName )
ParameterProperty pp = properties.getProperty( propertyName );
checkArgument( pp != null, "Unknown property %s, not declared for Entity %s", propertyName,
properties.getEntityClass() );
return pp;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
private void _add( ParameterProperty pp, Object value )
if ( data.get( pp.getMongoName() ) == null )
if ( getDefaultClass( pp.getType() ) != null )
Collection coll = (Collection) getDefaultClass( pp.getType() ).newInstance();
data.put( pp.getMongoName(), coll );
throw new IllegalStateException( format(
"Property is of interface %s, but no suitable implementation was registered", pp.getType() ) );
catch ( InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e )
throw new IllegalStateException( "The impossible happened. Could not instantiate Class", e );
if ( !value.getClass().isArray() )
( (Collection) data.get( pp.getMongoName() ) ).add( value );
for ( Object val : (Object[]) value )
( (Collection) data.get( pp.getMongoName() ) ).add( val );
* Does put operation, Verifies that Entity isn't sealed and that given value matches property constraints.
* @param pp property to set
* @param value new value of the property
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the entity is sealed and doesn't allow further modifications
private void _put( ParameterProperty pp, Object value )
checkNotFinal( pp );
pp.validate( value );
data.put( pp.getMongoName(), value );
* Returns the currently assigned value for the given Property or null if the property currently isn't set
* @param property to get value from
* @return value of the property or null if the property isn't set. Might return null if the property is computed
* and the computer returns null
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
private Object _get( ParameterProperty property )
if ( property.isComputed() )
// if this property is computed we need to calculate the value for it
return property.getComputer().compute( proxy );
String name = property.getMongoName();
// add default value, in case nothing has been set yet
if ( !data.containsKey( name ) && property.isPrimitiveType() )
data.put( name, Defaults.defaultValue( Primitives.unwrap( property.getType() ) ) );
return data.get( name );
* equals method of the entity represented by this EntityInvocationHandler instance. Objects are considered unequal
* (false) if o is:
* <ul>
* <li>null
* <li>no Proxy
* <li>different Proxy class
* <li>Different Entity class
* <li>Data doesn't match
* </ul>
* If all the above is false both entities are considered equal and true will be returned
* @param o object to compare this instance with
* @return true if both objects match the before mentioned criteria otherwise false
private boolean _equals( Object o )
if ( o == null )
return false;
if ( !Proxy.isProxyClass( o.getClass() ) )
// for all non proxies we know that we can return false
return false;
InvocationHandler ihandler = Proxy.getInvocationHandler( o );
if ( !ihandler.getClass().equals( getClass() ) )
// for all proxies not being EntityInvocationHandler return false
return false;
EntityInvocationHandler handler = (EntityInvocationHandler) ihandler;
if ( !handler.properties.getEntityClass().equals( properties.getEntityClass() ) )
// this is not the same entity class, so false
return false;
// make sure both have all lazy dependencies resolved
return data.equals( handler.data );
* hashCode method of the entity represented by this EntityInvocationHandler instance
* @return hashCode of this Entity
private int _hashCode()
HashCodeBuilder hcb = new HashCodeBuilder();
for ( Object key : data.values() )
hcb.append( key );
return hcb.build();
* toString method of the entity represented by this EntityInvocationHandler instance. String is JSON representation
* of the current state of the Entity
* @return JSON representation of the Entity
private String _toString()
return new EntityCodec<>( null, properties ).asString( proxy );
* stores the given EntityInvocationHandler represented Entity in the given Collection
* @param handler EntityInvocationHandler (Entity) to save
* @param coll MongoCollection to save entity into
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
static <T extends Entity> void save( EntityInvocationHandler handler, MongoCollection<T> coll )
for ( ParameterProperty cpp : handler.properties.getValidationProperties() )
cpp.validate( handler.data.get( cpp.getMongoName() ) );
BsonDocumentWrapper wrapper = new BsonDocumentWrapper<>( handler.proxy,
(org.bson.codecs.Encoder<Entity>) coll.getCodecRegistry().get( handler.properties.getEntityClass() ) );
UpdateResult res = coll.updateOne(
new BsonDocument( "_id",
BsonDocumentWrapper.asBsonDocument( EntityCodec._obtainId( handler.proxy ), idRegistry ) ),
new BsonDocument( "$set", wrapper ), new UpdateOptions() );
if ( res.getMatchedCount() == 0 )
// TODO this seems too nasty, there must be a better way.for now live with it
coll.insertOne( (T) handler.proxy );
* removes the given EntityInvocationHandler represented Entity from the given Collection
* @param handler EntityInvocationHandler (Entity) to drop
* @param coll MongoCollection in which this entity is saved
static <T extends Entity> void drop( EntityInvocationHandler handler, MongoCollection<T> coll )
coll.findOneAndDelete( new Document( ID, ( handler.proxy ).get( ID ) ) );
* searches for the given Id within the MongoCollection and returns, if the id was found the corresponding entity.
* If the entity wasn't found null will be returned
* @param collection where the entity class is stored in
* @param id of the entity to load
* @param <T> Type of the entity
* @return returns the entity belonging to the given Id within the collection or null if no such entity exists in
* the given collection
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
static <T extends Entity> T find( MongoCollection<T> collection, Object id )
try (MongoCursor<? extends Entity> curs =
collection.find( new Document( Entity.ID, id ) ).limit( 1 ).iterator())
return (T) ( ( curs.hasNext() ) ? curs.next() : null );
* returns the {@link com.github.cherimojava.data.mongo.entity.EntityInvocationHandler} of the given entity
* @param e entity to retrieve handler from
* @return EntityInvocationHandler the entity is baked by
public static EntityInvocationHandler getHandler( Entity e )
return (EntityInvocationHandler) Proxy.getInvocationHandler( checkNotNull( e ) );
* sets the proxy this handler backs, needed for internal work
* @param proxy this handler is for, allows internal component to get access to outside view of itself
void setProxy( Entity proxy )
checkArgument( this.proxy == null, "Proxy for Handler can be only set once" );
this.proxy = proxy;
* marks that the given entity is persisted
public void persist()
persisted = true;