/* * CCVisu is a tool for visual graph clustering * and general force-directed graph layout. * This file is part of CCVisu. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Dirk Beyer * * CCVisu is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * CCVisu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with CCVisu; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Please find the GNU Lesser General Public License in file * license_lgpl.txt or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt * * Dirk Beyer (firstname.lastname@uni-passau.de) * University of Passau, Bavaria, Germany */ package org.sosy_lab.ccvisu.writers; import java.io.PrintWriter; import org.sosy_lab.ccvisu.Options; import org.sosy_lab.ccvisu.graph.GraphData; import org.sosy_lab.ccvisu.graph.GraphVertex; import org.sosy_lab.ccvisu.graph.Group; import org.sosy_lab.ccvisu.measuring.FeatureDependency; /** * Writer for statistics in text format. */ public class WriterDataSTATS extends WriterData { public WriterDataSTATS(PrintWriter out, GraphData graph) { super(out, graph); } /** * Writes statistics. */ @Override public void write() { out.println("# Generated by " + Options.toolDescription()); out.println("# " + Options.currentDateTime()); out.println("# Statistics computed by CCVisu."); out.println("iec\tiec(w)\tifc\tifc(w)\tpd\tar\tmr"); // calculuate proximity degree for a feature-extended layout if(graph.getGroup("FEATURE") != null && graph.getGroup("ELEMENT") != null && graph.getGroups().size() == 3) { Group features = graph.getGroup("FEATURE"); for (GraphVertex feature : features.getNodes()) { int iecExtended = FeatureDependency.iecExtended(feature, graph); int iecExtendedWeighted = FeatureDependency.iecExtendedWeighted(feature, graph); int ifcExtended = FeatureDependency.ifcExtended(feature, graph); int ifcExtendedWeighted = FeatureDependency.ifcExtendedWeighted(feature, graph); int pdExtendedWeighted = FeatureDependency.pdExtendedWeighted(feature, graph); int arExtended = FeatureDependency.arExtended(feature, graph); int mrExtended = FeatureDependency.mrExtended(feature, graph); out.println(iecExtended + "\t" + iecExtendedWeighted + "\t" + ifcExtended + "\t" + ifcExtendedWeighted + "\t" + pdExtendedWeighted + "\t" + arExtended + "\t" + mrExtended + "\t" + feature.getName()); } } else { // calculuate proximity degree for a plain layout for(Group feature : graph.getGroups()) { int iecPlain = FeatureDependency.calculateIFD(feature, graph); int iecPlainWeighted = FeatureDependency.calculateIFD_W(feature, graph); int ifcPlain = FeatureDependency.calculateEFD(feature, graph); int ifcPlainWeighted = FeatureDependency.calculateEFD_W(feature, graph); int pdPlainWeighted = FeatureDependency.pdPlainWeighted(feature, graph); int arPlain = FeatureDependency.calculateAR(feature, graph); int mrPlain = FeatureDependency.calculateMR(feature, graph); out.println(iecPlain + "\t" + iecPlainWeighted + "\t" + ifcPlain + "\t" + ifcPlainWeighted + "\t" + pdPlainWeighted + "\t"+ arPlain + "\t" + mrPlain + "\t" + feature.getName()); } } out.flush(); } }