package com.contrastsecurity.cassandra.migration.dao; import com.contrastsecurity.cassandra.migration.config.Keyspace; import com.contrastsecurity.cassandra.migration.config.MigrationType; import; import; import com.contrastsecurity.cassandra.migration.logging.Log; import com.contrastsecurity.cassandra.migration.logging.LogFactory; import com.contrastsecurity.cassandra.migration.utils.CachePrepareStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.*; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Select; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import static com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.eq; public class SchemaVersionDAO { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SchemaVersionDAO.class); private static final String COUNTS_TABLE_NAME_SUFFIX = "_counts"; private Session session; private Keyspace keyspace; private String tableName; private CachePrepareStatement cachePs; private ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel; public SchemaVersionDAO(Session session, Keyspace keyspace, String tableName) { this.session = session; this.keyspace = keyspace; this.tableName = tableName; this.cachePs = new CachePrepareStatement(session); //If running on a single host, don't force ConsistencyLevel.ALL this.consistencyLevel = session.getCluster().getMetadata().getAllHosts().size() > 1 ? ConsistencyLevel.ALL : ConsistencyLevel.ONE; } public Keyspace getKeyspace() { return this.keyspace; } public void createTablesIfNotExist() { if (tablesExist()) { return; } Statement statement = new SimpleStatement( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + keyspace.getName() + "." + tableName + "(" + " version_rank int," + " installed_rank int," + " version text," + " description text," + " script text," + " checksum int," + " type text," + " installed_by text," + " installed_on timestamp," + " execution_time int," + " success boolean," + " PRIMARY KEY (version)" + ");"); statement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); session.execute(statement); statement = new SimpleStatement( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + keyspace.getName() + "." + tableName + COUNTS_TABLE_NAME_SUFFIX + " (" + " name text," + " count counter," + " PRIMARY KEY (name)" + ");"); statement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); session.execute(statement); } public boolean tablesExist() { boolean schemaVersionTableExists = false; boolean schemaVersionCountsTableExists = false; Statement schemaVersionStatement = QueryBuilder .select() .countAll() .from(keyspace.getName(), tableName); Statement schemaVersionCountsStatement = QueryBuilder .select() .countAll() .from(keyspace.getName(), tableName + COUNTS_TABLE_NAME_SUFFIX); schemaVersionStatement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); schemaVersionCountsStatement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); try { ResultSet resultsSchemaVersion = session.execute(schemaVersionStatement); if ( != null) { schemaVersionTableExists = true; } } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { LOG.debug("No schema version table found with a name of " + tableName); } try { ResultSet resultsSchemaVersionCounts = session.execute(schemaVersionCountsStatement); if ( != null) { schemaVersionCountsTableExists = true; } } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { LOG.debug("No schema version counts table found with a name of " + tableName + COUNTS_TABLE_NAME_SUFFIX); } return schemaVersionTableExists && schemaVersionCountsTableExists; } public void addAppliedMigration(AppliedMigration appliedMigration) { createTablesIfNotExist(); MigrationVersion version = appliedMigration.getVersion(); int versionRank = calculateVersionRank(version); PreparedStatement statement = cachePs.prepare( "INSERT INTO " + keyspace.getName() + "." + tableName + " (version_rank, installed_rank, version, description, type, script, checksum, installed_on," + " installed_by, execution_time, success)" + " VALUES" + " (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, dateOf(now()), ?, ?, ?);" ); statement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); session.execute(statement.bind( versionRank, calculateInstalledRank(), version.toString(), appliedMigration.getDescription(), appliedMigration.getType().name(), appliedMigration.getScript(), appliedMigration.getChecksum(), appliedMigration.getInstalledBy(), appliedMigration.getExecutionTime(), appliedMigration.isSuccess() )); LOG.debug("Schema version table " + tableName + " successfully updated to reflect changes"); } /** * Retrieve the applied migrations from the metadata table. * * @return The applied migrations. */ public List<AppliedMigration> findAppliedMigrations() { if (!tablesExist()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } Select select = QueryBuilder .select() .column("version_rank") .column("installed_rank") .column("version") .column("description") .column("type") .column("script") .column("checksum") .column("installed_on") .column("installed_by") .column("execution_time") .column("success") .from(keyspace.getName(), tableName); select.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); ResultSet results = session.execute(select); List<AppliedMigration> resultsList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Row row : results) { resultsList.add(new AppliedMigration( row.getInt("version_rank"), row.getInt("installed_rank"), MigrationVersion.fromVersion(row.getString("version")), row.getString("description"), MigrationType.valueOf(row.getString("type")), row.getString("script"), row.isNull("checksum") ? null : row.getInt("checksum"), row.getTimestamp("installed_on"), row.getString("installed_by"), row.getInt("execution_time"), row.getBool("success") )); } //order by version_rank not necessary here as it eventually gets saved in TreeMap that uses natural ordering return resultsList; } /** * Calculates the installed rank for the new migration to be inserted. * * @return The installed rank. */ private int calculateInstalledRank() { Statement statement = new SimpleStatement( "UPDATE " + keyspace.getName() + "." + tableName + COUNTS_TABLE_NAME_SUFFIX + " SET count = count + 1" + "WHERE name = 'installed_rank';"); session.execute(statement); Select select = QueryBuilder .select("count") .from(tableName + COUNTS_TABLE_NAME_SUFFIX); select.where(eq("name", "installed_rank")); select.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); ResultSet result = session.execute(select); return (int)"count"); } class MigrationMetaHolder { private int versionRank; public MigrationMetaHolder(int versionRank) { this.versionRank = versionRank; } public int getVersionRank() { return versionRank; } } /** * Calculate the rank for this new version about to be inserted. * * @param version The version to calculated for. * @return The rank. */ private int calculateVersionRank(MigrationVersion version) { Statement statement = QueryBuilder .select() .column("version") .column("version_rank") .from(keyspace.getName(), tableName); statement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); ResultSet versionRows = session.execute(statement); List<MigrationVersion> migrationVersions = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<String, MigrationMetaHolder> migrationMetaHolders = new HashMap<>(); for (Row versionRow : versionRows) { migrationVersions.add(MigrationVersion.fromVersion(versionRow.getString("version"))); migrationMetaHolders.put(versionRow.getString("version"), new MigrationMetaHolder( versionRow.getInt("version_rank") )); } Collections.sort(migrationVersions); BatchStatement batchStatement = new BatchStatement(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = cachePs.prepare( "UPDATE " + keyspace.getName() + "." + tableName + " SET version_rank = ?" + " WHERE version = ?;"); for (int i = 0; i < migrationVersions.size(); i++) { if (version.compareTo(migrationVersions.get(i)) < 0) { for (int z = i; z < migrationVersions.size(); z++) { String migrationVersionStr = migrationVersions.get(z).getVersion(); batchStatement.add(preparedStatement.bind( migrationMetaHolders.get(migrationVersionStr).getVersionRank() + 1, migrationVersionStr)); batchStatement.setConsistencyLevel(this.consistencyLevel); } return i + 1; } } session.execute(batchStatement); return migrationVersions.size() + 1; } }