/* * Licensed to STRATIO (C) under one or more contributor license agreements. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The STRATIO (C) licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.mapping; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.IndexException; import com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.mapping.builder.IntegerMapperBuilder; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType; import org.apache.lucene.search.SortField; import org.junit.Test; import static com.stratio.cassandra.lucene.schema.SchemaBuilders.integerMapper; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class IntegerMapperTest extends AbstractMapperTest { @Test public void testConstructorWithoutArgs() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().build("field"); assertEquals("Field is not properly set", "field", mapper.field); assertEquals("Indexed is not set to default value", Mapper.DEFAULT_INDEXED, mapper.indexed); assertEquals("Sorted is not set to default value", Mapper.DEFAULT_SORTED, mapper.sorted); assertEquals("Column is not set to default value", "field", mapper.column); assertEquals("Mapped columns are not properly set", 1, mapper.mappedColumns.size()); assertTrue("Mapped columns are not properly set", mapper.mappedColumns.contains("field")); assertEquals("Boost is not set to default value", DoubleMapper.DEFAULT_BOOST, mapper.boost, 1); } @Test public void testConstructorWithAllArgs() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().indexed(false).sorted(true).column("column").boost(2.3f).build("field"); assertEquals("Field is not properly set", "field", mapper.field); assertFalse("Indexed is not properly set", mapper.indexed); assertTrue("Sorted is not properly set", mapper.sorted); assertEquals("Column is not properly set", "column", mapper.column); assertEquals("Mapped columns are not properly set", 1, mapper.mappedColumns.size()); assertTrue("Mapped columns are not properly set", mapper.mappedColumns.contains("column")); assertEquals("Boost is not properly set", 2.3f, mapper.boost, 1); } @Test public void testJsonSerialization() { IntegerMapperBuilder builder = integerMapper().indexed(false).sorted(true).column("column").boost(0.3f); testJson(builder, "{type:\"integer\",indexed:false,sorted:true,column:\"column\",boost:0.3}"); } @Test public void testJsonSerializationDefaults() { IntegerMapperBuilder builder = integerMapper(); testJson(builder, "{type:\"integer\"}"); } @Test public void testSortField() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(2.3f).build("field"); SortField sortField = mapper.sortField("field", true); assertNotNull("Sort field is not created", sortField); assertTrue("Sort field reverse is wrong", sortField.getReverse()); } @Test public void testValueNull() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); assertNull("Base for nulls is wrong", mapper.base("test", null)); } @Test public void testValueString() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", "2.7"); assertEquals("Base for strings is wrong", Integer.valueOf(2), parsed); } @Test(expected = IndexException.class) public void testValueStringInvalid() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); mapper.base("test", "error"); } @Test public void testValueInteger() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3); assertEquals("Base for integers is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueLong() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3l); assertEquals("Base for longs is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueShort() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", new Short("3")); assertEquals("Base for longs is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueByte() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", new Byte("3")); assertEquals("Base for longs is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueFloatWithoutDecimal() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3f); assertEquals("Base for floats is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueFloatWithDecimalFloor() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3.5f); assertEquals("Base for floats is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueFloatWithDecimalCeil() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3.6f); assertEquals("Base for floats is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueDoubleWithoutDecimal() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3d); assertEquals("Base for doubles is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueDoubleWithDecimalFloor() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3.5d); assertEquals("Base for doubles is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueDoubleWithDecimalCeil() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", 3.6d); assertEquals("Base for doubles is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueStringWithoutDecimal() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", "3"); assertEquals("Base for strings is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueStringWithDecimalFloor() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", "3.2"); assertEquals("Base for strings is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testValueStringWithDecimalCeil() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); Integer parsed = mapper.base("test", "3.2"); assertEquals("Base for strings is wrong", Integer.valueOf(3), parsed); } @Test public void testIndexedField() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().indexed(true).boost(1f).build("field"); Field field = mapper.indexedField("name", 3); assertNotNull("Indexed field is not created", field); assertEquals("Indexed field value is wrong", 3, field.numericValue()); assertEquals("Indexed field name is wrong", "name", field.name()); assertFalse("Indexed field type is wrong", field.fieldType().stored()); } @Test public void testSortedField() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().sorted(true).boost(1f).build("field"); Field field = mapper.sortedField("name", 3); assertNotNull("Sorted field is not created", field); assertEquals("Sorted field type is wrong", DocValuesType.NUMERIC, field.fieldType().docValuesType()); } @Test public void testExtractAnalyzers() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().boost(1f).build("field"); assertNull("Analyzer must be null", mapper.analyzer); } @Test public void testToString() { IntegerMapper mapper = integerMapper().indexed(false).sorted(true).validated(true).boost(1f).build("field"); assertEquals("Method #toString is wrong", "IntegerMapper{field=field, indexed=false, sorted=true, validated=true, column=field, boost=1.0}", mapper.toString()); } }