package cassandra; import cassandra.cql.Consistency; import cassandra.cql.WriteType; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; public abstract class CassandraException extends RuntimeException { public static enum Code { SERVER_ERROR(0x0000), PROTOCOL_ERROR(0x000A), BAD_CREDENTIALS(0x0100), UNAVAILABLE(0x1000), OVERLOADED(0x1001), IS_BOOTSTRAPPING(0x1002), TRUNCATE_ERROR(0x1003), WRITE_TIMEOUT(0x1100), READ_TIMEOUT(0x1200), SYNTAX_ERROR(0x2000), UNAUTHORIZED(0x2100), INVALID(0x2200), CONFIG_ERROR(0x2300), ALREADY_EXISTS(0x2400), UNPREPARED(0x2500); public final int value; private Code(int value) { this.value = value; } public static Code valueOf(int value) { for (Code code : Code.values()) { if (code.value == value) { return code; } } throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("unknown error code %d", value)); } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 2553317675894391235L; public final Code code; protected CassandraException(Code code, String msg) { super(msg); this.code = code; } protected CassandraException(Code code, String msg, Throwable cause) { super(msg, cause); this.code = code; } public static class ServerError extends CassandraException { public ServerError(String msg) { super(Code.SERVER_ERROR, String.format("An unexpected error occured server-side: %s", msg)); } } public static class ProtocolError extends CassandraException { public ProtocolError(String msg) { super(Code.PROTOCOL_ERROR, String.format("An unexpected error occured client-side: %s", msg)); } } public static class BadCredentials extends CassandraException { public BadCredentials(String msg) { super(Code.BAD_CREDENTIALS, msg); } } public static class Unavailable extends CassandraException { public Consistency consistency; public int required; public int alive; public Unavailable(Consistency consistency, int required, int alive) { super(Code.UNAVAILABLE, "Cannot achieve consistency level " + consistency); this.consistency = consistency; this.required = required; this.alive = alive; } } public static class Overloaded extends CassandraException { public Overloaded() { super(Code.OVERLOADED, "Request cannot be processed because the coordinator node is overloaded"); } } public static class IsBootstrapping extends CassandraException { public IsBootstrapping() { super(Code.IS_BOOTSTRAPPING, "Cannot read from a bootstrapping node"); } } public static class Truncate extends CassandraException { public Truncate(Throwable e) { super(Code.TRUNCATE_ERROR, "Error during truncate: " + e.getMessage(), e); } public Truncate(String msg) { super(Code.TRUNCATE_ERROR, msg); } } public static abstract class Timeout extends CassandraException { public final Consistency consistency; public final int received; public final int blockFor; protected Timeout(Code code, Consistency consistency, int received, int blockFor) { super(code, String.format("Operation timed out - received only %d responses.", received)); this.consistency = consistency; this.received = received; this.blockFor = blockFor; } } public static class WriteTimeout extends Timeout { public final WriteType writeType; public WriteTimeout(WriteType writeType, Consistency consistency, int received, int blockFor) { super(Code.WRITE_TIMEOUT, consistency, received, blockFor); this.writeType = writeType; } } public static class ReadTimeout extends Timeout { public final boolean dataPresent; public ReadTimeout(Consistency consistency, int received, int blockFor, boolean dataPresent) { super(Code.READ_TIMEOUT, consistency, received, blockFor); this.dataPresent = dataPresent; } } public static class SyntaxError extends CassandraException { public SyntaxError(String msg) { super(Code.SYNTAX_ERROR, msg); } } public static class Unauthorized extends CassandraException { public Unauthorized(String msg) { super(Code.UNAUTHORIZED, msg); } } public static class Invalid extends CassandraException { public Invalid(String msg) { super(Code.INVALID, msg); } } public static class ConfigError extends CassandraException { public ConfigError(String msg) { super(Code.CONFIG_ERROR, msg); } public ConfigError(String msg, Throwable e) { super(Code.CONFIG_ERROR, msg, e); } } public static class AlreadyExists extends CassandraException { public final String keyspace; public final String table; public AlreadyExists(String keyspace, String table) { this(keyspace, table, String.format("Cannot add already existing table \"%s\" to keyspace \"%s\"", table, keyspace)); } public AlreadyExists(String keyspace) { this(keyspace, "", String.format("Cannot add existing keyspace \"%s\"", keyspace)); } private AlreadyExists(String keyspace, String table, String msg) { super(Code.ALREADY_EXISTS, msg); this.keyspace = keyspace; this.table = table; } } public static class Unprepared extends CassandraException { public final byte[] id; public Unprepared(byte[] id) { super(Code.UNPREPARED, String.format("Prepared query with ID %s not found" + " (either the query was not prepared on this host (maybe the host has been restarted?)" + " or you have prepared too many queries and it has been evicted from the internal cache)", ByteBufUtil.hexDump(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(id)))); = id; } } }