package; import; /** * Callback interface used by clients who wish to intercept the parsing process * * @author Andrew Elmre * * @param <Context> Contextual information to be held during parsing * @param <Result> The type that the ItemReader will return */ public interface ParseListener<Context, Result> { /** * Callback invoked where the ItemReader is spltting the file (ie where an elementStartPattern is specified). * Allows the line to be read (e.g. to cache context information) and modified if desired. * If no modifications are required, the line should be returned as passed in * @param line The line of text the parser is about to process * @return The line of text that the parser will receive */ public String processLine(String line); /** * Allows the callback to associate some context with the element that the parser is about to parse. * Only applicable where the ItemReader is spltting the file (ie where an elementStartPattern is specified). * The parser makes no use of the context, however will supply it back when it calls process * @param element The textual element that the parser is about to parse * @return Context that the callback would like to receive when the parsed object is passed in the process method */ public Context getContext(String element); /** * Allows the callback to modify the object returned by * This can be used, for example, to either enrich the CDO or to wrap it with an object which contains contextual * information to be passed to downstream processors. * * @param obj The ComplexDataObject which has just been parsed by the ItemReader * @param context The context (if any) that was returned when the ItemReader invoked getContext for the element * @return The object that C24ItemReader will return from its read() method */ public Result process(ComplexDataObject obj, Context context); }