package com.loopperfect.buckaroo.routines; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import com.loopperfect.buckaroo.*; import com.loopperfect.buckaroo.crypto.Hash; import; import com.loopperfect.buckaroo.serialization.Serializers; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import static com.loopperfect.buckaroo.Either.left; public final class Routines { private Routines() { } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> upgrade( final String buckarooDirectory, final RemoteCookBook cookBook) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(buckarooDirectory); Preconditions.checkNotNull(cookBook); final String cookBookPath = buckarooDirectory + "/" +; return ensureCheckout(cookBookPath, GitCommit.of(cookBook.url, "master")); } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> upgradeForConfig(final Path configFilePath) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(configFilePath); return IO.value(configFilePath) .flatMap(x -> readConfig(x.toString())) .flatMap(readConfigResult -> readConfigResult.join( e -> IO.value(Optional.of(e)), config -> buckarooDirectory.flatMap(path -> continueUntilPresent( .map(cookBook -> IO.println("Upgrading " + + "...") .then(upgrade(path, cookBook))) .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList()))))); } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> ensureConfig = IO.of(context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); return context.fs().getPath( context.fs().homeDirectory(), "/", ".buckaroo", "/", "config.json"); }).flatMap(configFile -> IO.of(context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); try { if (!context.fs().exists(configFile.toString())) { final String defaultConfig = Resources.toString( Resources.getResource("com.loopperfect.buckaroo/DefaultConfig.txt"), Charsets.UTF_8); context.fs().writeFile(configFile.toString(), defaultConfig); return upgradeForConfig(configFile).run(context); } return Optional.empty(); } catch (final IOException e) { return Optional.of(e); } })); public static final IO<String> buckarooDirectory = context -> Paths.get(context.fs().homeDirectory(), ".buckaroo/").toString(); public static final IO<String> configFilePath = -> Paths.get(x, "config.json").toString()); public static final IO<String> projectFilePath = context -> Paths.get(context.fs().workingDirectory(), "buckaroo.json").toString(); public static IO<Either<IOException, Project>> readProject(final String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); return context -> context.fs().readFile(path).join( Either::left, content -> Serializers.parseProject(content).leftProjection(IOException::new)); } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> writeProject( final String path, final Project project, final boolean overwrite) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); Preconditions.checkNotNull(project); return IO.writeFile(path, Serializers.serialize(project), overwrite); } public static IO<Either<IOException, BuckarooConfig>> readConfig(final String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); return context -> context.fs().readFile(path).join( Either::left, content -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(content); return Serializers.parseConfig(content).leftProjection(IOException::new); }); } private static IO<Either<IOException, Recipe>> readRecipe(final String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); return IO.of(x -> x.fs().readFile(path)) .map(x -> x.join( Either::left, content -> Serializers.parseRecipe(content).leftProjection(IOException::new))); } public static <L, R> IO<Either<L, ImmutableList<R>>> allOrNothing(final ImmutableList<IO<Either<L, R>>> xs) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(xs); return context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); final ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (final IO<Either<L, R>> x : xs) { final Either<L, R> result =; if (result.left().isPresent()) { return left(result.left().get()); } builder.add(result.right().get()); } return Either.right(; }; } public static <T> IO<Optional<T>> continueUntilPresent(final ImmutableList<IO<Optional<T>>> xs) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(xs); return context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); for (final IO<Optional<T>> x : xs) { final Optional<T> result =; if (result.isPresent()) { return result; } } return Optional.empty(); }; } private static IO<Either<IOException, ImmutableList<Identifier>>> listRecipesForOrganization(final String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); return context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); return context.fs().listFiles(path) .rightProjection(files -> .filter(file -> context.fs().isFile(file) && Files.getFileExtension(file).equalsIgnoreCase("json")) .map(file -> context.fs().getPath(file).getFileName().toString()) .map(file -> file.substring(0, file.length() - ".json".length())) .filter(Identifier::isValid) .map(Identifier::of) .distinct() .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())); }; } private static IO<Either<IOException, ImmutableList<Identifier>>> listOrganizationsForCookBook(final String cookBookPath) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(cookBookPath); return context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); return context.fs().listFiles(context.fs().getPath(cookBookPath, "recipes").toString()) .rightProjection(files -> .filter(file -> Files.getFileExtension(file).equalsIgnoreCase("json") && context.fs().isFile(file)) .map(file -> context.fs().getPath(file).getFileName().toString()) .map(file -> file.substring(0, file.length() - ".json".length())) .filter(Identifier::isValid) .map(Identifier::of) .distinct() .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())); }; } public static IO<Either<IOException, Organization>> readOrganization( final String path, final Identifier identifier) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); Preconditions.checkNotNull(identifier); return listRecipesForOrganization(path + "/" + + "/") .flatMap(x -> x.join( error -> IO.value(left(error)), identifiers -> allOrNothing( .map(i -> readRecipe(path + "/" + + "/" + + ".json") .map(y -> y.rightProjection(z -> Maps.immutableEntry(i, z))) .map(y -> y.leftProjection(z -> new IOException("Error reading recipe at " + path + "/" + + "/" + + ".json", z)))) .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())) .map(y -> y.rightProjection( recipes -> Organization.of(, .collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue))))))); } private static IO<Either<IOException, CookBook>> readCookBook(final String path) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); return listOrganizationsForCookBook(path) .flatMap(x -> x.join( error -> IO.value(left(error)), identifiers -> allOrNothing( .map(identifier -> readOrganization(path + "/recipes", identifier) .map(i -> i.rightProjection(j -> Maps.immutableEntry(identifier, j)))) .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())) .map(y -> y.rightProjection(organizations -> CookBook.of( .collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap( Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue))))))); } public static IO<Either<IOException, ImmutableList<CookBook>>> readCookBooks(final BuckarooConfig config) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(config); return allOrNothing( .map(remoteCookBook -> buckarooDirectory .flatMap(path -> context -> context.fs() .getPath(path, .flatMap(Routines::readCookBook) .map(x -> x.leftProjection(y -> new IOException("Error reading " +, y)))) .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())); } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> fetchSource(final String path, final Either<GitCommit, RemoteArchive> source) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); Preconditions.checkNotNull(source); return Either.join( source, gitCommit -> ensureCheckout(path, gitCommit), remoteFile -> fetchAndUnzip(path, remoteFile)); } /** * Fetches a remote-file and downloads it to the given path. * If a file is already present, then its hash is checked against what is expected. * * An error is returned if the process failed in any way, and a nothing otherwise. * * The process may fail in a number of ways: * * - There is already a directory at the target path * - There is already a file at the target path and it has the wrong hash * - It was not possible to download the file * - The file could not be written to the target path * - The hash of the downloaded file did not match the expected hash * * @return An error if the process failed in any way, * and a nothing otherwise. */ public static IO<Optional<IOException>> fetchRemoteFile(final String path, final RemoteFile remoteFile) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); Preconditions.checkNotNull(remoteFile); return context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); if (context.fs().exists(path)) { if (context.fs().isDirectory(path)) { return Optional.of(new IOException("There is a directory at " + path + "! ")); } } else { final Optional<IOException> download = context.http().download(remoteFile.url, context.fs().getPath(path)); if (download.isPresent()) { return download; } } final Either<IOException, HashCode> actual = Hash.sha256(context.fs().getPath(path)); if (!Objects.equals(actual, Either.right(remoteFile.sha256))) { return Optional.of(new IOException("Hash mismatch! Expected " + remoteFile.sha256 + " but got " + actual.join(l -> "<invalid>", HashCode::toString) + ". ")); } return Optional.empty(); }; } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> fetchAndUnzip(final String path, final RemoteArchive remoteFile) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); Preconditions.checkNotNull(remoteFile); return context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); final Optional<IOException> fetchResult = fetchRemoteFile(path + ".zip", remoteFile.asRemoteFile()).run(context); if (fetchResult.isPresent()) { return fetchResult; } final Path zipPath = context.fs().getPath(path + ".zip"); final Path targetPath = context.fs().getPath(path); return zipPath, targetPath, -> context.fs().getPath(x))); }; } public static IO<Optional<IOException>> ensureCheckout(final String path, final GitCommit gitCommit) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(path); Preconditions.checkNotNull(gitCommit); return IO.of(context -> context.fs().getPath(path).toFile()) // Try to clone and pull, ignoring any errors... .flatMap(file -> IO.sequence(ImmutableList.of( context -> context.git().clone(file, gitCommit.url), context -> context.git().pull(file))) // Now if we succeeded, the checkout should not fail... .then(context -> context.git().checkout(file, gitCommit.commit) .map(e -> new IOException("Could not checkout " + gitCommit.encode() + " to " + path, e)))); } /** * Loads the Buckaroo config from the expected path. * If there is no config available, the default config is created automatically. * * @return An error if the process failed in any way, * and the Buckaroo config otherwise. */ public static IO<Either<IOException, BuckarooConfig>> loadConfig = ensureConfig .flatMap(x -> Optionals.join(x, i -> IO.value(left(i)), () -> configFilePath.flatMap(Routines::readConfig))); /** * Gets a UUID for this user on this system. * If the process fails, then a new UUID is generated. * * @return A random UUID tied to this system */ public static final IO<String> getIdentifier = IO.of(context -> { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); final String path = context.fs().getPath(, "user-uuid.txt").toString(); if (!context.fs().exists(path)) { final String identifier = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); context.fs().writeFile(path, identifier); return identifier; } return context.fs().readFile(path).join( e -> UUID.randomUUID().toString(), x -> x.trim()); }); }