package com.yammer.breakerbox.turbine; import; import; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Pod; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.DefaultKubernetesClient; import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClient; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Discovers instances in a Kubernetes cluster. The idea is to * find pods with the 'breakerbox-port' annotation and use their * base names in combination with the namespace to build Hystrix clusters. * Example: * A pod named 'service-5ujh1' in the namespace 'staging' would be in the cluster 'staging-service', * together with all pods created by the same ReplicationController or ReplicaSet. */ public class KubernetesInstanceDiscovery implements InstanceDiscovery { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KubernetesInstanceDiscovery.class); public static final String PORT_ANNOTATION_KEY = "breakerbox-port"; public static final String POD_HASH_LABEL_KEY = "pod-template-hash"; private final KubernetesClient client; public KubernetesInstanceDiscovery() { this.client = new DefaultKubernetesClient(); } public KubernetesInstanceDiscovery(KubernetesClient client) { this.client = client; } @Override public Collection<Instance> getInstanceList() throws Exception {"Starting Kubernetes instance discovery using master URL: {}", client.getMasterUrl()); return client.pods().inAnyNamespace() .list() .getItems().stream() .filter(pod -> pod.getMetadata().getAnnotations() != null) // Ignore pods without annotations .filter(pod -> pod.getMetadata().getAnnotations().containsKey(PORT_ANNOTATION_KEY)) .map(pod -> { String portString = pod.getMetadata().getAnnotations().get(PORT_ANNOTATION_KEY); if (!Pattern.compile("^[0-9]{2,5}$").matcher(portString).matches()) { LOGGER.warn("Invalid port annotation for pod '{}': {}", pod.getMetadata().getName(), portString); return null; } else { String host = String.format("%s:%s", pod.getStatus().getPodIP(), portString); boolean running = pod.getStatus().getPhase().equals("Running");"Found Kubernetes Pod {} at address {}", pod.getMetadata().getName(), host); return new Instance(host, extractClusterNameFor(pod), running); } }) .filter(pod -> pod != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static String extractClusterNameFor(Pod pod) { String podBaseName = pod.getMetadata().getGenerateName(); // Remove auto-generated hashes, if there are any if (pod.getMetadata().getLabels() != null && pod.getMetadata().getLabels().containsKey(POD_HASH_LABEL_KEY)) { String hash = pod.getMetadata().getLabels().get(POD_HASH_LABEL_KEY); podBaseName = podBaseName.replace(hash + "-", ""); } // Pod's base names always end with a '-', remove it podBaseName = podBaseName.substring(0, podBaseName.length()-1); return String.format("%s-%s", pod.getMetadata().getNamespace(), podBaseName); } }