* A generic TLS 1.0 block cipher suite. This can be used for AES or 3DES for
* example.
public class TlsBlockCipherCipherSuite extends TlsCipherSuite
private BlockCipher encryptCipher;
private BlockCipher decryptCipher;
private Digest writeDigest;
private Digest readDigest;
private int cipherKeySize;
private short keyExchange;
private TlsMac writeMac;
private TlsMac readMac;
protected TlsBlockCipherCipherSuite(BlockCipher encrypt,
BlockCipher decrypt, Digest writeDigest, Digest readDigest,
int cipherKeySize, short keyExchange)
this.encryptCipher = encrypt;
this.decryptCipher = decrypt;
this.writeDigest = writeDigest;
this.readDigest = readDigest;
this.cipherKeySize = cipherKeySize;
this.keyExchange = keyExchange;
protected void init(byte[] ms, byte[] cr, byte[] sr)
int prfSize = (2 * cipherKeySize) + (2 * writeDigest.getDigestSize())
+ (2 * encryptCipher.getBlockSize());
byte[] key_block = new byte[prfSize];
byte[] random = new byte[cr.length + sr.length];
System.arraycopy(cr, 0, random, sr.length, cr.length);
System.arraycopy(sr, 0, random, 0, sr.length);
TlsUtils.PRF(ms, TlsUtils.toByteArray("key expansion"), random, key_block);
int offset = 0;
// Init MACs
writeMac = new TlsMac(writeDigest, key_block, offset, writeDigest
offset += writeDigest.getDigestSize();
readMac = new TlsMac(readDigest, key_block, offset, readDigest
offset += readDigest.getDigestSize();
// Init Ciphers
this.initCipher(true, encryptCipher, key_block, cipherKeySize, offset,
offset + (cipherKeySize * 2));
offset += cipherKeySize;
this.initCipher(false, decryptCipher, key_block, cipherKeySize, offset,
offset + cipherKeySize + decryptCipher.getBlockSize());
private void initCipher(boolean forEncryption, BlockCipher cipher,
byte[] key_block, int key_size, int key_offset, int iv_offset)
KeyParameter key_parameter = new KeyParameter(key_block, key_offset,
ParametersWithIV parameters_with_iv = new ParametersWithIV(
key_parameter, key_block, iv_offset, cipher.getBlockSize());
cipher.init(forEncryption, parameters_with_iv);
protected byte[] encodePlaintext(short type, byte[] plaintext, int offset,
int len)
int blocksize = encryptCipher.getBlockSize();
int paddingsize = blocksize
- ((len + writeMac.getSize() + 1) % blocksize);
int totalsize = len + writeMac.getSize() + paddingsize + 1;
byte[] outbuf = new byte[totalsize];
System.arraycopy(plaintext, offset, outbuf, 0, len);
byte[] mac = writeMac.calculateMac(type, plaintext, offset, len);
System.arraycopy(mac, 0, outbuf, len, mac.length);
int paddoffset = len + mac.length;
for (int i = 0; i <= paddingsize; i++)
outbuf[i + paddoffset] = (byte)paddingsize;
for (int i = 0; i < totalsize; i += blocksize)
encryptCipher.processBlock(outbuf, i, outbuf, i);
return outbuf;
protected byte[] decodeCiphertext(short type, byte[] ciphertext,
int offset, int len, TlsProtocolHandler handler) throws IOException
int blocksize = decryptCipher.getBlockSize();
boolean decrypterror = false;
* Decrypt all the ciphertext using the blockcipher
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += blocksize)
decryptCipher.processBlock(ciphertext, i + offset, ciphertext, i
+ offset);
* Check if padding is correct
int paddingsize = ciphertext[offset + len - 1];
if (offset + len - 1 - paddingsize < 0)
* This would lead to a negative array index, so this padding
* must be incorrect!
decrypterror = true;
paddingsize = 0;
* Now, check all the padding-bytes.
for (int i = 0; i <= paddingsize; i++)
if (ciphertext[offset + len - 1 - i] != paddingsize)
/* Wrong padding */
decrypterror = true;
* We now don't care if padding verification has failed or not,
* we will calculate the mac to give an attacker no kind of timing
* profile he can use to find out if mac verification failed or
* padding verification failed.
int plaintextlength = len - readMac.getSize() - paddingsize - 1;
byte[] calculatedMac = readMac.calculateMac(type, ciphertext, offset,
* Check all bytes in the mac.
for (int i = 0; i < calculatedMac.length; i++)
if (ciphertext[offset + plaintextlength + i] != calculatedMac[i])
decrypterror = true;
* Now, it is safe to fail.
if (decrypterror)
byte[] plaintext = new byte[plaintextlength];
System.arraycopy(ciphertext, offset, plaintext, 0, plaintextlength);
return plaintext;
protected short getKeyExchangeAlgorithm()
return this.keyExchange;