package org.fenixedu.bennu.scheduler;
import org.fenixedu.commons.configuration.ConfigurationInvocationHandler;
import org.fenixedu.commons.configuration.ConfigurationManager;
import org.fenixedu.commons.configuration.ConfigurationProperty;
public class SchedulerConfiguration {
@ConfigurationManager(description = "Scheduler Configuration")
public interface ConfigurationProperties {
key = "",
description = "Minutes between attempts to obtain the exclusive execution rights for the scheduler thread."
+ " In environments with multiple application servers this ensures that one of them has the scheduler running."
+ " Should be greater than 1.", defaultValue = "5")
public Integer leaseTimeMinutes();
@ConfigurationProperty(key = "scheduler.queue.threads.number",
description = "Number of threads processing the task queue.", defaultValue = "2")
public Integer queueThreadsNumber();
public static ConfigurationProperties getConfiguration() {
return ConfigurationInvocationHandler.getConfiguration(ConfigurationProperties.class);