package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonLocation; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; /** * Implementation of JacksonStreamReader transformer. */ public class JacksonStreamReaderImpl implements JacksonStreamReader { /** * JsonParser for getting tokens. */ private final JsonParser jp; /** * Constructs a {@link JacksonStreamReaderImpl} with the provided {@link JsonParser}. * * @param jp * JsonParser from which to get tokens * @throws IOException * Null JsonParser or error getting token */ public JacksonStreamReaderImpl(final JsonParser jp) throws IOException { if (jp == null) { throw new JacksonStreamReaderException("JsonParser cannot be null", JsonLocation.NA); } = jp; if (jp.getCurrentToken() == null) { jp.nextToken(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Map<String, AttributeValue> getNextItem() throws IOException { if (isEndReached()) { return null; } if (isObject()) { return getNextMap(); } else if (isArray() || isEndOfArray() || isEndOfObject()) { jp.nextToken(); return getNextItem(); } else { throw new JacksonStreamReaderException("The start of next item needs to be an object, but was " + jp.getCurrentToken(), jp.getCurrentLocation()); } } /** * Gets the next list from the JsonParser in a DynamoDB representation. * * @return DynamoDB representation of the next list from the JsonParser * @throws IOException * Error getting token or unknown value type. */ private List<AttributeValue> getNextList() throws IOException { final List<AttributeValue> list = new ArrayList<AttributeValue>(); while (JsonToken.END_ARRAY != jp.nextToken()) { switch (jp.getCurrentToken()) { case VALUE_STRING: list.add(new AttributeValue().withS(jp.getText())); break; case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: list.add(new AttributeValue().withN(jp.getValueAsString())); break; case VALUE_TRUE: case VALUE_FALSE: list.add(new AttributeValue().withBOOL(jp.getBooleanValue())); break; case VALUE_NULL: list.add(new AttributeValue().withNULL(true)); break; case START_OBJECT: list.add(new AttributeValue().withM(getNextMap())); break; case START_ARRAY: list.add(new AttributeValue().withL(getNextList())); break; default: throw new JacksonStreamReaderException("Unknown value type: " + jp.getCurrentToken().name(), jp.getCurrentLocation()); } } return list; } /** * Gets the next map from the JsonParser in a DynamoDB representation. * * @return DynamoDB representation of the next map from the JsonParser * @throws IOException * Error getting token or unknown value type */ private Map<String, AttributeValue> getNextMap() throws IOException { final Map<String, AttributeValue> map = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>(); while (JsonToken.END_OBJECT != jp.nextToken()) { switch (jp.getCurrentToken()) { case FIELD_NAME: continue; case VALUE_STRING: map.put(jp.getCurrentName(), new AttributeValue().withS(jp.getText())); break; case VALUE_NUMBER_INT: case VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT: map.put(jp.getCurrentName(), new AttributeValue().withN(jp.getValueAsString())); break; case VALUE_TRUE: case VALUE_FALSE: map.put(jp.getCurrentName(), new AttributeValue().withBOOL(jp.getBooleanValue())); break; case VALUE_NULL: map.put(jp.getCurrentName(), new AttributeValue().withNULL(true)); break; case START_OBJECT: map.put(jp.getCurrentName(), new AttributeValue().withM(getNextMap())); break; case START_ARRAY: map.put(jp.getCurrentName(), new AttributeValue().withL(getNextList())); break; default: throw new JacksonStreamReaderException("Unknown value type: " + jp.getCurrentToken().name(), jp.getCurrentLocation()); } } return map; } /** * Checks if current token is the start of an array. * * @return True if current token is the start of an array. */ private boolean isArray() { return jp.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.START_ARRAY; } /** * Checks if the current token is the end of an array. * * @return True if the current token is the end of an array */ private boolean isEndOfArray() { return jp.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.END_ARRAY; } /** * Checks if the current token is the end of an object. * * @return True if the current token is the end of an object */ private boolean isEndOfObject() { return jp.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.END_OBJECT; } /** * Checks if the current token is null. * * @return True if the current token is null */ private boolean isEndReached() { return jp.getCurrentToken() == null; } /** * Checks if the current token is the start of an object. * * @return True if the current token is the start of an object */ private boolean isObject() { return jp.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.START_OBJECT; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean seek(final String fieldName) throws IOException { if (fieldName == null) { return false; } do { if (fieldName.equals(jp.getCurrentName())) { jp.nextValue(); return true; } jp.nextToken(); } while (!isEndReached()); return false; } }