package org.arangodb.objectmapper; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //Object mapper for ArangoDB by triAGENS GmbH Cologne. // //Copyright triAGENS GmbH Cologne. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.arangodb.objectmapper.jackson.ArangoDbDocument; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; public final class Collection { /** * states */ public static enum collState { UNLOADED, LOADED, UNLOADING, DELETED, LOADING, UNKNOWN } /** * types */ public static enum collType { EDGE, DOCUMENT, UNKNOWN } /** * The id of the collection */ private String id; /** * The name of the collection. */ private String name; /** * The state of the collection */ private collState state; /** * The type of the collection */ private collType type; /** * (optional, default: false): If true then the data is synchronised to disk before returning from a create or update of an document. */ private Boolean waitForSync; /** * (optional, default is a configuration parameter): The maximal size of a journal or datafile. Note that this also limits the maximal size of a single object. Must be at least 1MB. */ private Integer journalSize; /** * (optional, default is false): If true, create a system collection. In this case collection-name should start with an underscore. End users should normally create non-system collections only. API implementors may be required to create system collections in very special occasions, but normally a regular collection will do. */ private Boolean isSystem; /** * (optional, default is false): If true then the collection data is kept in-memory only and not made persistent. Unloading the collection will cause the collection data to be discarded. Stopping or re-starting the server will also cause full loss of data in the collection. Setting this option will make the resulting collection be slightly faster than regular collections because ArangoDB does not enforce any synchronisation to disk and does not calculate any CRC checksums for datafiles (as there are no datafiles). */ private Boolean isVolatile; /** * (optional, default is 1): The number of shards of the collection. The option is not used in a single-server setup. */ private Integer numberOfShards; /** * (optional): The shard key attributes of the collection. If empty, this defaults to the "_key" attribute in a cluster setup. The option is not used in a single-server setup. */ private List<String> shardKeys; public <T extends ArangoDbDocument> Collection (final Class<T> c) { this(Database.getCollectionName(c)); } public Collection (String name) { = name; this.state = collState.UNKNOWN; this.type = collType.DOCUMENT; } public void setValues (JsonNode root) { id = root.has("id") ? root.get("id").asText() : null; name = root.has("name") ? root.get("name").asText() : null; if (root.has("state")) { switch (root.get("state").asInt()) { case 2 : this.state = collState.UNLOADED; break; case 3 : this.state = collState.LOADED; break; case 4 : this.state = collState.UNLOADING; break; case 5 : this.state = collState.DELETED; break; case 6 : this.state = collState.LOADING; break; default: this.state = collState.UNKNOWN; } } else { this.state = collState.UNKNOWN; } if (root.has("type")) { switch (root.get("type").asInt()) { case 2 : this.type = collType.DOCUMENT; break; case 3 : this.type = collType.EDGE; break; default: this.type = collType.UNKNOWN; } } else { this.type = collType.UNKNOWN; } waitForSync = root.has("waitForSync") ? root.get("waitForSync").asBoolean() : null; journalSize = root.has("journalSize") ? root.get("journalSize").asInt() : null; isSystem = root.has("isSystem") ? root.get("isSystem").asBoolean() : null; isVolatile = root.has("isVolatile") ? root.get("isVolatile").asBoolean() : null; numberOfShards = root.has("numberOfShards") ? root.get("numberOfShards").asInt() : null; } public Map<String, Object> getAsMap() { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("name", name); if (collType.EDGE == type) { result.put("type", 3); } else { result.put("type", 2); } if (null != waitForSync) { result.put("waitForSync", waitForSync); } if (null != journalSize) { result.put("journalSize", journalSize); } if (null != isSystem) { result.put("isSystem", isSystem); } if (null != isVolatile) { result.put("isVolatile", isVolatile); } if (null != numberOfShards) { result.put("numberOfShards", numberOfShards); } if (null != shardKeys) { result.put("shardKeys", shardKeys); } return result; } public String getId() { return id; } public collType getType() { return type; } public collState getState() { return state; } public String getName() { return name; } public Boolean getWaitForSync() { return waitForSync; } public void setWaitForSync(Boolean waitForSync) { this.waitForSync = waitForSync; } public Integer getJournalSize() { return journalSize; } public void setJournalSize(Integer journalSize) { this.journalSize = journalSize; } public Boolean getIsSystem() { return isSystem; } public void setIsSystem(Boolean isSystem) { this.isSystem = isSystem; } public Boolean getIsVolatile() { return isVolatile; } public void setIsVolatile(Boolean isVolatile) { this.isVolatile = isVolatile; } public Integer getNumberOfShards() { return numberOfShards; } public void setNumberOfShards(Integer numberOfShards) { this.numberOfShards = numberOfShards; } public List<String> getShardKeys() { return shardKeys; } public void setShardKeys(List<String> shardKeys) { this.shardKeys = shardKeys; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setState(collState state) { this.state = state; } public void setType(collType type) { this.type = type; } }