package org.appfuse.webapp.pages; import org.apache.wicket.Page; import org.apache.wicket.RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.*; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.ComponentFeedbackPanel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel; import org.apache.wicket.model.*; import org.apache.wicket.spring.injection.annot.SpringBean; import org.apache.wicket.util.collections.MicroMap; import org.apache.wicket.util.string.interpolator.MapVariableInterpolator; import org.appfuse.model.User; import org.appfuse.service.UserExistsException; import org.appfuse.service.UserManager; import org.wicketstuff.annotation.mount.MountPath; @MountPath("userform") public class UserForm extends AbstractWebPage { @SpringBean private UserManager userManager; private final Page responsePage; public UserForm() { this(new UserList(), new User()); } /** * Constructor used to edit an user * * @param responsePage page to navigate to after this page completes its work * @param user user to edit */ public UserForm(final Page responsePage, User user) { this.responsePage = responsePage; // Add feedback panel for error messages FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedback"); add(feedbackPanel); feedbackPanel.setVisible(false); // Create and add the form EditForm form = new EditForm("user-form", user) { protected void onSave(User user) { onSaveUser(user); } protected void onCancel() { onCancelEditing(); } protected void onDelete(User user) { onDeleteUser(user); } }; add(form); } /** * Listener method for save action * * @param user user bean */ protected void onSaveUser(User user) { if (user.getId() == null) { user.setVersion(null); } String unencryptedPassword = user.getPassword(); try { userManager.saveUser(user); } catch (UserExistsException uee) { user.setPassword(unencryptedPassword); error(new StringResourceModel("user.exists", this, null).getString()); FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = (FeedbackPanel) this.get("feedback"); feedbackPanel.setVisible(true); return; } String message = MapVariableInterpolator.interpolate(getLocalizer().getString("user.saved", this), new MicroMap<>("name", user.getFullName())); getSession().info(message); FeedbackPanel feedback = (FeedbackPanel) responsePage.get("feedback"); feedback.setVisible(true); feedback.setEscapeModelStrings(true); throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(responsePage); } /** * Listener method for delete action * * @param user user bean */ protected void onDeleteUser(User user) { userManager.removeUser(user.getId().toString()); String message = MapVariableInterpolator.interpolate(getLocalizer().getString("user.deleted", this), new MicroMap<>("name", user.getFullName())); getSession().info(message); responsePage.get("feedback").setVisible(true); // how to redirect in Wicket 6: throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(responsePage); } /** * Lister method for cancel action */ private void onCancelEditing() { setResponsePage(responsePage); } /** * Subclass of Form used to edit an user * * @author ivaynberg */ private static abstract class EditForm extends Form { /** * Convenience method that adds and prepares a form component * * @param fc form component * @param label IModel containing the string used in ${label} variable of * validation messages */ private void add(FormComponent<String> fc, IModel<String> label) { // Add the component to the form super.add(fc); // Set its label model fc.setLabel(label); // Add feedback panel that will be used to display component errors add(new ComponentFeedbackPanel(fc.getId() + "-feedback", fc)); } /** * Constructor * * @param id component id * @param user User object that will be used as a form bean */ public EditForm(String id, User user) { /* * We wrap the user bean with a CompoundPropertyModel, this allows * us to easily connect form components to the bean properties * (component id is used as the property expression) */ super(id, new CompoundPropertyModel<>(user)); final PasswordTextField passwordField = new PasswordTextField("password"); passwordField.setResetPassword(false); add(new RequiredTextField<String>("username"), new ResourceModel("user.username")); add(passwordField, new ResourceModel("user.password")); add(new TextField<String>("firstName"), new ResourceModel("user.firstName")); add(new TextField<String>("lastName"), new ResourceModel("user.lastName")); add(new RequiredTextField<String>("email"), new ResourceModel("")); add(new Button("save", new Model<>("Save")) { public void onSubmit() { onSave((User) getForm().getModelObject()); } }); Button delete = new Button("delete", new Model<>("Delete")) { public void onSubmit() { onDelete((User) getForm().getModelObject()); } }; if (user.getId() == null) { delete.setVisible(false); delete.setEnabled(false); } add(delete); /* * Notice the setDefaultFormProcessing(false) call at the end. This * tells wicket that when this button is pressed it should not * perform any form processing (ie bind request values to the bean). */ add(new Button("cancel", new Model<>("Cancel")) { public void onSubmit() { onCancel(); } }.setDefaultFormProcessing(false)); } /** * Callback for cancel button */ protected abstract void onCancel(); /** * Callback for delete button * * @param user user bean */ protected abstract void onDelete(User user); /** * Callback for save button * * @param user user bean */ protected abstract void onSave(User user); } }