package; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; public class PersistentAccounts { /** * Name of "current" account: it is not stored when application is killed */ private volatile String currentAccountName = ""; private final MyContext myContext; private final List<MyAccount> mAccounts = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private int distinctOriginsCount = 0; private volatile Set<Long> myFriends = null; private PersistentAccounts(MyContext myContext) { this.myContext = myContext; } /** * Get list of all persistent accounts * for the purpose of using these "accounts" elsewhere. Value of * {@link MyAccount#getCredentialsVerified()} is the main differentiator. * * @return not null */ public List<MyAccount> list() { return mAccounts; } public boolean isEmpty() { return mAccounts.isEmpty(); } public int size() { return mAccounts.size(); } public PersistentAccounts initialize() { myFriends = null; android.accounts.Account[] aa = getAccounts(myContext.context()); List<MyAccount> myAccounts = new ArrayList<>(); for (android.accounts.Account account : aa) { MyAccount ma = Builder.fromAndroidAccount(myContext, account).getAccount(); if (ma.isValid()) { myAccounts.add(ma); } else { MyLog.e(this, "The account is not valid: " + ma); } } CollectionsUtil.sort(myAccounts); mAccounts.clear(); mAccounts.addAll(myAccounts); calculateDistinctOriginsCount(); MyLog.v(this, "Account list initialized, " + mAccounts.size() + " accounts in " + distinctOriginsCount + " origins"); return this; } public MyAccount getDefaultAccount() { return mAccounts.isEmpty() ? MyAccount.EMPTY : list().get(0); } public int getDistinctOriginsCount() { return distinctOriginsCount; } private void calculateDistinctOriginsCount() { Set<Long> originIds = new HashSet<>(); for (MyAccount ma : mAccounts) { originIds.add(ma.getOriginId()); } distinctOriginsCount = originIds.size(); } public static PersistentAccounts newEmpty(MyContext myContext) { return new PersistentAccounts(myContext); } /** * Delete everything about the MyAccount * * @return Was the MyAccount (and Account) deleted? */ public boolean delete(MyAccount ma) { boolean isDeleted = false; // Delete the User's object from the list MyAccount toDelete = null; for (MyAccount persistentAccount : mAccounts) { if (persistentAccount.equals(ma)) { toDelete = persistentAccount; break; } } if (toDelete != null) { MyAccount.Builder.fromMyAccount(myContext, ma, "delete", false).deleteData(); // And delete the object from the list mAccounts.remove(toDelete); isDeleted = true; MyPreferences.onPreferencesChanged(); } return isDeleted; } /** * Find persistent MyAccount by accountName in local cache AND in Android * AccountManager * * @return Invalid account if was not found */ @NonNull public MyAccount fromAccountName(String accountNameString) { AccountName accountName = AccountName.fromAccountName(myContext, accountNameString); if (!accountName.isValid()) { return MyAccount.EMPTY; } for (MyAccount persistentAccount : mAccounts) { if (persistentAccount.getAccountName().equals(accountName.toString())) { return persistentAccount; } } for (android.accounts.Account androidAccount : getAccounts(myContext.context())) { if (accountName.toString().equals( { MyAccount myAccount = Builder.fromAndroidAccount(myContext, androidAccount).getAccount(); mAccounts.add(myAccount); CollectionsUtil.sort(mAccounts); MyPreferences.onPreferencesChanged(); return myAccount; } } return MyAccount.EMPTY; } @NonNull public MyAccount fromOriginAndOid(long originId, String myUserOid) { for (MyAccount persistentAccount : mAccounts) { if (persistentAccount.getOriginId() == originId && persistentAccount.getUserOid().equals(myUserOid)) { return persistentAccount; } } return MyAccount.EMPTY; } /** * Get instance of current MyAccount (MyAccount selected by the user). The account isPersistent. * As a side effect the function changes current account if old value is not valid. * @return Invalid account if no persistent accounts exist */ @NonNull public MyAccount getCurrentAccount() { MyAccount ma = fromAccountName(currentAccountName); if (ma.isValid()) { return ma; } currentAccountName = ""; ma = getDefaultAccount(); if (!ma.isValid()) { for (MyAccount myAccount : mAccounts) { if (myAccount.isValid()) { ma = myAccount; break; } } } if (ma.isValid()) { // Correct Current Account if needed if (TextUtils.isEmpty(currentAccountName)) { setCurrentAccount(ma); } } return ma; } /** * Get Guid of current MyAccount (MyAccount selected by the user). The account isPersistent */ public String getCurrentAccountName() { return getCurrentAccount().getAccountName(); } /** * @return 0 if no valid persistent accounts exist */ public long getCurrentAccountUserId() { return getCurrentAccount().getUserId(); } public boolean isAccountUserId(long userId) { if (userId == 0) { return false; } return fromUserId(userId).isValid(); } /** * Get MyAccount by the UserId. * Please note that a valid User may not have an Account (in AndStatus) * @return Invalid account if was not found */ @NonNull public MyAccount fromUserId(long userId) { MyAccount ma = MyAccount.EMPTY; if (userId != 0) { for (MyAccount persistentAccount : mAccounts) { if (persistentAccount.getUserId() == userId) { ma = persistentAccount; break; } } } return ma; } @NonNull public MyAccount getFirstSucceeded() { return getFirstSucceededForOriginId(0); } @NonNull public MyAccount getFirstSucceededForOrigin(@NonNull Origin origin) { return getFirstSucceededForOriginId(origin.getId()); } /** * Return first verified and autoSynced MyAccount of the provided originId. * If not auto synced, at least verified and succeeded, * If there is no verified account, any account of this Origin is been returned. * Otherwise invalid account is returned; * @param originId May be 0 to search in any Origin * @return Invalid account if not found */ @NonNull public MyAccount getFirstSucceededForOriginId(long originId) { MyAccount ma = MyAccount.EMPTY; for (MyAccount persistentAccount : mAccounts) { if (originId==0 || persistentAccount.getOriginId() == originId) { if (!ma.isValid()) { ma = persistentAccount; } if (persistentAccount.isValidAndSucceeded()) { if (!ma.isValidAndSucceeded()) { ma = persistentAccount; } if (persistentAccount.isSyncedAutomatically()) { ma = persistentAccount; break; } } } } return ma; } public boolean hasSyncedAutomatically() { for (MyAccount ma : mAccounts) { if (ma.isValidAndSucceeded() && ma.isSyncedAutomatically()) { return true; } } return false; } /** Should not be called from UI thread * Find MyAccount, which may be linked to this message. * First try two supplied user IDs, then try any other existing account * @return Invalid account if nothing suitable found */ @NonNull public MyAccount getAccountForThisMessage(long originId, long messageId, MyAccount firstUser, MyAccount preferredUser, boolean succeededOnly) { final String method = "getAccountForThisMessage"; MyAccount ma = firstUser == null ? MyAccount.EMPTY : firstUser; if (!accountFits(ma, originId, succeededOnly)) { ma = betterFit(ma, preferredUser == null ? MyAccount.EMPTY : preferredUser, originId, succeededOnly); } if (!accountFits(ma, originId, succeededOnly)) { ma = betterFit(ma, getFirstSucceededForOriginId(originId), originId, succeededOnly); } if (MyLog.isVerboseEnabled()) { MyLog.v(this, method + "; msgId=" + messageId + "; user1=" + firstUser + "; user2=" + preferredUser + (succeededOnly ? "; succeeded only" : "") + " -> account=" + ma.getAccountName()); } return ma; } private boolean accountFits(MyAccount ma, long originId, boolean succeededOnly) { return ma != null && (succeededOnly ? ma.isValidAndSucceeded() : ma.isValid()) && (originId == 0 || ma.getOriginId() == originId); } @NonNull private MyAccount betterFit(@NonNull MyAccount oldMa, @NonNull MyAccount newMa, long originId, boolean succeededOnly) { if (accountFits(oldMa, originId, succeededOnly) || !accountFits(newMa, originId, false)) { return oldMa; } if (!oldMa.isValid() && newMa.isValid()) { return newMa; } return oldMa; } /** * Set provided MyAccount as Current one. * Current account selection is not persistent */ public void setCurrentAccount(MyAccount ma) { if (ma != null && !currentAccountName.equals(ma.getAccountName()) ) { MyLog.v(this, "Changing current account from '" + currentAccountName + "' to '" + ma.getAccountName() + "'"); currentAccountName = ma.getAccountName(); } } public void onDefaultSyncFrequencyChanged() { long syncFrequencySeconds = MyPreferences.getSyncFrequencySeconds(); for (MyAccount ma : mAccounts) { if (ma.getSyncFrequencySeconds() <= 0) { Account account = ma.getExistingAndroidAccount(); if (account != null) { AccountData.setSyncFrequencySeconds(account, syncFrequencySeconds); } } } } public List<MyAccount> accountsToSync(MyAccount myAccount, boolean forAllAccounts) { boolean hasSyncedAutomatically = hasSyncedAutomatically(); List<MyAccount> accounts = new ArrayList<>(); if (forAllAccounts) { for (MyAccount account : list()) { addMyAccountToSync(accounts, account, hasSyncedAutomatically); } } else { addMyAccountToSync(accounts, myAccount, false); } return accounts; } private void addMyAccountToSync(List<MyAccount> accounts, MyAccount account, boolean hasSyncedAutomatically) { if ( !account.isValidAndSucceeded()) { MyLog.v(this, "Account '" + account.getAccountName() + "' skipped as invalid authenticated account"); return; } if (hasSyncedAutomatically && !account.isSyncedAutomatically()) { MyLog.v(this, "Account '" + account.getAccountName() + "' skipped as it is not synced automatically"); return; } accounts.add(account); } public static final String KEY_ACCOUNT = "account"; public long onBackup(MyBackupDataOutput data, MyBackupDescriptor newDescriptor) throws IOException { long backedUpCount = 0; JSONArray jsa = new JSONArray(); try { for (MyAccount ma : mAccounts) { jsa.put(ma.toJson()); backedUpCount++; } byte[] bytes = jsa.toString(2).getBytes("UTF-8"); data.writeEntityHeader(KEY_ACCOUNT, bytes.length, ".json"); data.writeEntityData(bytes, bytes.length); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e); } newDescriptor.setAccountsCount(backedUpCount); return backedUpCount; } /** Returns count of restores objects */ public long onRestore(MyBackupDataInput data, MyBackupDescriptor newDescriptor) throws IOException { long restoredCount = 0; final String method = "onRestore"; MyLog.i(this, method + "; started, " + I18n.formatBytes(data.getDataSize())); byte[] bytes = new byte[data.getDataSize()]; int bytesRead = data.readEntityData(bytes, 0, bytes.length); try { JSONArray jsa = new JSONArray(new String(bytes, 0, bytesRead, "UTF-8")); for (int ind = 0; ind < jsa.length(); ind++) { MyLog.v(this, method + "; restoring " + (ind+1) + " of " + jsa.length()); MyAccount.Builder builder = Builder.fromJson(data.getMyContext(), (JSONObject) jsa.get(ind)); CredentialsVerificationStatus verified = builder.getAccount().getCredentialsVerified(); if (verified != CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED) { newDescriptor.getLogger().logProgress("Account " + builder.getAccount().getAccountName() + " was not successfully verified"); builder.setCredentialsVerificationStatus(CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED); } if (builder.saveSilently().success) { MyLog.v(this, method + "; restored " + (ind+1) + ": " + builder.toString()); restoredCount++; if (verified != CredentialsVerificationStatus.SUCCEEDED) { builder.setCredentialsVerificationStatus(verified); builder.saveSilently(); } } else { MyLog.e(this, method + "; failed to restore " + (ind+1) + ": " + builder.toString()); } } if (restoredCount != newDescriptor.getAccountsCount()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Restored only " + restoredCount + " accounts of " + newDescriptor.getAccountsCount()); } newDescriptor.getLogger().logProgress("Restored " + restoredCount + " accounts"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(method, e); } return restoredCount; } @Override public String toString() { return "PersistentAccounts{" + "mAccounts=" + mAccounts + '}'; } @Override public int hashCode() { return mAccounts.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } PersistentAccounts other = (PersistentAccounts) o; return mAccounts.equals(other.mAccounts); } public boolean isMeOrMyFriend(long inReplyToUserId) { if (isAccountUserId(inReplyToUserId)) { return true; } return isMyFriend(inReplyToUserId); } private boolean isMyFriend(long userId) { if (myFriends == null) { initializeMyFriends(); } return myFriends.contains(userId); } private void initializeMyFriends() { Set<Long> friends = new HashSet<>(); String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + FriendshipTable.FRIEND_ID + " FROM " + FriendshipTable.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + FriendshipTable.FOLLOWED + "=1"; SQLiteDatabase db = myContext.getDatabase(); Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { friends.add(cursor.getLong(0)); } } catch (Exception e) { MyLog.i(this, "SQL:'" + sql + "'", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeSilently(cursor); } myFriends = friends; } public void reorderAccounts(List<MyAccount> reorderedItems) { int order = 0; boolean changed = false; for (MyAccount myAccount : reorderedItems) { order++; if (myAccount.getOrder() != order) { changed = true; MyAccount.Builder builder = Builder.fromMyAccount(myContext, myAccount, "reorder", false); builder.setOrder(order);; } } if (changed) { CollectionsUtil.sort(mAccounts); MyPreferences.onPreferencesChanged(); } } @NonNull public static Account[] getAccounts(Context context) { if (Permissions.checkPermission(context, Permissions.PermissionType.GET_ACCOUNTS) ) { AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(context); return am.getAccountsByType(AuthenticatorService.ANDROID_ACCOUNT_TYPE); } return new Account[]{}; } }