/* * Copyright 2014 Jacob Klinker * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mms.dom.smil; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.events.DocumentEvent; import org.w3c.dom.events.Event; import org.w3c.dom.smil.ElementTime; import org.w3c.dom.smil.SMILMediaElement; import org.w3c.dom.smil.TimeList; import com.klinker.android.logger.Log; import com.android.mms.LogTag; import com.android.mms.dom.events.EventImpl; public class SmilMediaElementImpl extends SmilElementImpl implements SMILMediaElement { public final static String SMIL_MEDIA_START_EVENT = "SmilMediaStart"; public final static String SMIL_MEDIA_END_EVENT = "SmilMediaEnd"; public final static String SMIL_MEDIA_PAUSE_EVENT = "SmilMediaPause"; public final static String SMIL_MEDIA_SEEK_EVENT = "SmilMediaSeek"; private final static String TAG = LogTag.TAG; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean LOCAL_LOGV = false; ElementTime mElementTime = new ElementTimeImpl(this) { private Event createEvent(String eventType) { DocumentEvent doc = (DocumentEvent)SmilMediaElementImpl.this.getOwnerDocument(); Event event = doc.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent(eventType, false, false); if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "Dispatching 'begin' event to " + SmilMediaElementImpl.this.getTagName() + " " + SmilMediaElementImpl.this.getSrc() + " at " + System.currentTimeMillis()); } return event; } private Event createEvent(String eventType, int seekTo) { DocumentEvent doc = (DocumentEvent)SmilMediaElementImpl.this.getOwnerDocument(); EventImpl event = (EventImpl) doc.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent(eventType, false, false, seekTo); if (LOCAL_LOGV) { Log.v(TAG, "Dispatching 'begin' event to " + SmilMediaElementImpl.this.getTagName() + " " + SmilMediaElementImpl.this.getSrc() + " at " + System.currentTimeMillis()); } return event; } public boolean beginElement() { Event startEvent = createEvent(SMIL_MEDIA_START_EVENT); dispatchEvent(startEvent); return true; } public boolean endElement() { Event endEvent = createEvent(SMIL_MEDIA_END_EVENT); dispatchEvent(endEvent); return true; } public void resumeElement() { Event resumeEvent = createEvent(SMIL_MEDIA_START_EVENT); dispatchEvent(resumeEvent); } public void pauseElement() { Event pauseEvent = createEvent(SMIL_MEDIA_PAUSE_EVENT); dispatchEvent(pauseEvent); } public void seekElement(float seekTo) { Event seekEvent = createEvent(SMIL_MEDIA_SEEK_EVENT, (int) seekTo); dispatchEvent(seekEvent); } @Override public float getDur() { float dur = super.getDur(); if (dur == 0) { // Duration is not specified, So get the implicit duration. String tag = getTagName(); if (tag.equals("video") || tag.equals("audio")) { // Continuous media // FIXME Should get the duration of the media. "indefinite" instead here. dur = -1.0F; } else if (tag.equals("text") || tag.equals("img")) { // Discrete media dur = 0; } else { Log.w(TAG, "Unknown media type"); } } return dur; } @Override ElementTime getParentElementTime() { return ((SmilParElementImpl) mSmilElement.getParentNode()).mParTimeContainer; } }; /* * Internal Interface */ SmilMediaElementImpl(SmilDocumentImpl owner, String tagName) { super(owner, tagName); } /* * SMILMediaElement Interface */ public String getAbstractAttr() { return this.getAttribute("abstract"); } public String getAlt() { return this.getAttribute("alt"); } public String getAuthor() { return this.getAttribute("author"); } public String getClipBegin() { return this.getAttribute("clipBegin"); } public String getClipEnd() { return this.getAttribute("clipEnd"); } public String getCopyright() { return this.getAttribute("copyright"); } public String getLongdesc() { return this.getAttribute("longdesc"); } public String getPort() { return this.getAttribute("port"); } public String getReadIndex() { return this.getAttribute("readIndex"); } public String getRtpformat() { return this.getAttribute("rtpformat"); } public String getSrc() { return this.getAttribute("src"); } public String getStripRepeat() { return this.getAttribute("stripRepeat"); } public String getTitle() { return this.getAttribute("title"); } public String getTransport() { return this.getAttribute("transport"); } public String getType() { return this.getAttribute("type"); } public void setAbstractAttr(String abstractAttr) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("abstract", abstractAttr); } public void setAlt(String alt) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("alt", alt); } public void setAuthor(String author) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("author", author); } public void setClipBegin(String clipBegin) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("clipBegin", clipBegin); } public void setClipEnd(String clipEnd) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("clipEnd", clipEnd); } public void setCopyright(String copyright) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("copyright", copyright); } public void setLongdesc(String longdesc) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("longdesc", longdesc); } public void setPort(String port) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("port", port); } public void setReadIndex(String readIndex) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("readIndex", readIndex); } public void setRtpformat(String rtpformat) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("rtpformat", rtpformat); } public void setSrc(String src) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("src", src); } public void setStripRepeat(String stripRepeat) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("stripRepeat", stripRepeat); } public void setTitle(String title) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("title", title); } public void setTransport(String transport) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("transport", transport); } public void setType(String type) throws DOMException { this.setAttribute("type", type); } /* * TimeElement Interface */ public boolean beginElement() { return mElementTime.beginElement(); } public boolean endElement() { return mElementTime.endElement(); } public TimeList getBegin() { return mElementTime.getBegin(); } public float getDur() { return mElementTime.getDur(); } public TimeList getEnd() { return mElementTime.getEnd(); } public short getFill() { return mElementTime.getFill(); } public short getFillDefault() { return mElementTime.getFillDefault(); } public float getRepeatCount() { return mElementTime.getRepeatCount(); } public float getRepeatDur() { return mElementTime.getRepeatDur(); } public short getRestart() { return mElementTime.getRestart(); } public void pauseElement() { mElementTime.pauseElement(); } public void resumeElement() { mElementTime.resumeElement(); } public void seekElement(float seekTo) { mElementTime.seekElement(seekTo); } public void setBegin(TimeList begin) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setBegin(begin); } public void setDur(float dur) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setDur(dur); } public void setEnd(TimeList end) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setEnd(end); } public void setFill(short fill) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setFill(fill); } public void setFillDefault(short fillDefault) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setFillDefault(fillDefault); } public void setRepeatCount(float repeatCount) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setRepeatCount(repeatCount); } public void setRepeatDur(float repeatDur) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setRepeatDur(repeatDur); } public void setRestart(short restart) throws DOMException { mElementTime.setRestart(restart); } }