package threshold.mr04; import static threshold.mr04.Util.calculateMPrime; import static threshold.mr04.Util.getBytes; import static threshold.mr04.Util.isElementOfZn; import static threshold.mr04.Util.randomFromZn; import static threshold.mr04.Util.randomFromZnStar; import static threshold.mr04.Util.sha256Hash; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.sec.SECNamedCurves; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ECParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Alice implements Serializable { transient private ECDomainParameters CURVE; private final BigInteger q; private final byte[] gRaw; private final byte[] qRaw; private final int kPrime; private BigInteger h1; private BigInteger h2; private BigInteger g; private BigInteger N; private BigInteger nHat; private BigInteger Nsquared; Paillier paillier; BigInteger gPrime; BigInteger nPrime; BigInteger nPrimeSquared; private final BigInteger keyShare; private final SecureRandom rand; private final PaillierPublicKey alicesPaillierPubKey; private BigInteger kAlice; private BigInteger ciphertext1; private BigInteger ciphertext2; // the random values used for the Paillier ciphertexts private BigInteger zAlice; private BigInteger r1; private BigInteger r2; private byte[] rRaw; BigInteger rPrime; BigInteger mPrime; public Alice(BigInteger keyShare, byte[] publicKey, SecureRandom rand, Paillier paillier, PublicParameters params) { this.rand = rand; this.keyShare = keyShare; this.paillier = paillier; X9ECParameters CURVEparams = SECNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1"); this.CURVE = new ECDomainParameters(CURVEparams.getCurve(), CURVEparams.getG(), CURVEparams.getN(), CURVEparams.getH()); this.q = params.q; this.gRaw = params.G(this.CURVE.getCurve()).getEncoded(); this.kPrime = params.kPrime; this.h1 = params.h1; this.h2 = params.h2; g = params.alicesPaillierPubKey.g; N = params.alicesPaillierPubKey.N; this.nHat = params.nHat; Nsquared = N.pow(2); gPrime = params.otherPaillierPubKey.g; nPrime = params.otherPaillierPubKey.N; nPrimeSquared = nPrime.pow(2); qRaw = CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(publicKey).getEncoded(); alicesPaillierPubKey = params.alicesPaillierPubKey; } /** * Always treat de-serialization as a full-blown constructor, by * validating the final state of the de-serialized object. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream aInputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { //always perform the default de-serialization first aInputStream.defaultReadObject(); X9ECParameters CURVEparams = SECNamedCurves.getByName("secp256k1"); this.CURVE = new ECDomainParameters(CURVEparams.getCurve(), CURVEparams.getG(), CURVEparams.getN(), CURVEparams.getH()); } /** * This is the default implementation of writeObject. * Customize if necessary. */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream aOutputStream) throws IOException { //perform the default serialization for all non-transient, non-static fields aOutputStream.defaultWriteObject(); } public Round1Message aliceToBobRound1(byte[] message) { do { kAlice = new BigInteger(256, rand); } while (kAlice.compareTo(q) != -1); zAlice = kAlice.modInverse(q); r1 = new BigInteger(kPrime, rand); r2 = new BigInteger(kPrime, rand); ciphertext1 = Paillier.encrypt(zAlice, alicesPaillierPubKey, r1); ciphertext2 = Paillier.encrypt(keyShare.multiply(zAlice).mod(q), alicesPaillierPubKey, r2); mPrime = calculateMPrime(q, message); return new Round1Message(mPrime, ciphertext1, ciphertext2); } public Round3Message aliceToBobRound3(Round2Message input) { // verify that rBob * q = O ECPoint rBob = input.getrBob(CURVE.getCurve()); if (!rBob.multiply(q).isInfinity()) { throw new AssertionError(); } // Ask Rosario. this is the equivalent of cheming that it's in Zp* if (rBob.getCurve() != CURVE.getCurve()) { throw new AssertionError(); } setR(rBob.multiply(kAlice)); rPrime = getR().getX().toBigInteger().mod(q); long startTime = System.nanoTime(); // first zkp BigInteger alpha = randomFromZn(q.pow(3), rand); BigInteger beta = randomFromZnStar(N, rand); BigInteger gamma = randomFromZn(q.pow(3).multiply(nHat), rand); BigInteger rho1 = randomFromZn(q.multiply(nHat), rand); BigInteger delta = randomFromZn(q.pow(3), rand); BigInteger mu = randomFromZnStar(N, rand); BigInteger nu = randomFromZn(q.pow(3).multiply(nHat), rand); BigInteger rho2 = randomFromZn(q.multiply(nHat), rand); BigInteger rho3 = randomFromZn(q, rand); BigInteger epsilon = randomFromZn(q, rand); BigInteger x1 = zAlice; BigInteger x2 = zAlice.multiply(keyShare).mod(q); ECPoint c = getR(); ECPoint d = getG(); ECPoint w1 = getR().multiply(zAlice); ECPoint w2 = getG().multiply(keyShare); BigInteger m1 = ciphertext1; BigInteger m2 = ciphertext2; BigInteger z1 = h1.modPow(x1, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(rho1, nHat)).mod(nHat); ECPoint u1 = c.multiply(alpha); BigInteger u2 = g.modPow(alpha, Nsquared).multiply(beta.modPow(N, Nsquared)).mod(Nsquared); BigInteger u3 = h1.modPow(alpha, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(gamma, nHat)).mod(nHat); BigInteger z2 = h1.modPow(x2, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(rho2, nHat)).mod(nHat); ECPoint y = d.multiply(x2.add(rho3)); ECPoint v1 = d.multiply(delta.add(epsilon)); ECPoint v2 = w2.multiply(alpha).add(getG().multiply(epsilon)); BigInteger v3 = g.modPow(delta, Nsquared).multiply(mu.modPow(N, Nsquared)).mod(Nsquared); BigInteger v4 = h1.modPow(delta, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(nu, nHat)).mod(nHat); byte[] digest = sha256Hash(getBytes(c), getBytes(w1), getBytes(d), getBytes(w2), getBytes(m1), getBytes(m2), getBytes(z1), getBytes(u1), getBytes(u2), getBytes(u3), getBytes(z2), getBytes(y), getBytes(v1), getBytes(v2), getBytes(v3), getBytes(v4)); if (digest == null) { throw new AssertionError(); } BigInteger e = new BigInteger(1, digest); BigInteger s1 = e.multiply(x1).add(alpha); BigInteger s2 = r1.modPow(e, N).multiply(beta).mod(N); BigInteger s3 = e.multiply(rho1).add(gamma); BigInteger t1 = e.multiply(x2).add(delta); BigInteger t2 = e.multiply(rho3).add(epsilon).mod(q); BigInteger t3 = r2.modPow(e, Nsquared).multiply(mu).mod(Nsquared); BigInteger t4 = e.multiply(rho2).add(nu); System.out.println("create zkp1: " + (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); return new Round3Message(getR(), z1, z2, y, e, s1, s2, s3, t1, t2, t3, t4); } public BigInteger[] aliceOutput(Round4Message input) { verifyZkp2(input); BigInteger u = input.getU(); BigInteger s = paillier.decrypt(u).mod(q); return new BigInteger[] { rPrime, s }; } private void verifyZkp2(Round4Message input) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); ECPoint c = getR().multiply(zAlice);//G.multiply(kBob); ECPoint d = getG(); ECPoint w1 = getG(); ECPoint w2 = getQ().multiply(keyShare.modInverse(q));//G.multiply(bobShare); BigInteger m1 = input.getUPrime(); BigInteger m2 = input.getU(); BigInteger m3 = ciphertext1.modPow(mPrime, paillier.nSquared); BigInteger m4 = ciphertext2.modPow(rPrime, paillier.nSquared); BigInteger z1 = input.getZ1(); BigInteger z2 = input.getZ2(); BigInteger z3 = input.getZ3(); ECPoint y = input.getY(CURVE.getCurve()); BigInteger e = input.getE(); BigInteger s1 = input.getS1(); BigInteger s2 = input.getS2(); BigInteger s3 = input.getS3(); BigInteger t1 = input.getT1(); BigInteger t2 = input.getT2(); BigInteger t3 = input.getT3(); BigInteger t4 = input.getT4(); BigInteger t5 = input.getT5(); BigInteger t6 = input.getT6(); // verification if (!isElementOfZn(s1, q.pow(3))) { throw new AssertionError(); } if (!isElementOfZn(t1, q.pow(3))) { throw new AssertionError(); } if (!isElementOfZn(t5, q.pow(7))) { throw new AssertionError(); } ECPoint u1Recovered = c.multiply(s1).add(w1.negate().multiply(e)); BigInteger u2Recovered = gPrime.modPow(s1, nPrimeSquared) .multiply(s2.modPow(nPrime, nPrimeSquared)) .multiply(m1.modPow(e.negate(), nPrimeSquared)).mod(nPrimeSquared); BigInteger u3Recovered = h1.modPow(s1, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(s3, nHat)) .multiply(z1.modPow(e.negate(), nHat)).mod(nHat); ECPoint v1Recovered = d.multiply(t1.add(t2)).add(y.negate().multiply(e)); ECPoint v2Recovered = w2.multiply(s1).add(d.multiply(t2)).add(y.negate().multiply(e)); BigInteger v3Recovered = m3.modPow(s1, Nsquared).multiply(m4.modPow(t1, Nsquared)) .multiply(g.modPow(q.multiply(t5), Nsquared)).multiply(t3.modPow(N, Nsquared)) .multiply(m2.modPow(e.negate(), Nsquared)).mod(Nsquared); BigInteger v4Recovered = h1.modPow(t1, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(t4, nHat)) .multiply(z2.modPow(e.negate(), nHat)).mod(nHat); BigInteger v5Recovered = h1.modPow(t5, nHat).multiply(h2.modPow(t6, nHat)) .multiply(z3.modPow(e.negate(), nHat)).mod(nHat); byte[] digestRecovered = sha256Hash(getBytes(c), getBytes(w1), getBytes(d), getBytes(w2), getBytes(m1), getBytes(m2), getBytes(z1), getBytes(u1Recovered), getBytes(u2Recovered), getBytes(u3Recovered), getBytes(z2), getBytes(z3), getBytes(y), getBytes(v1Recovered), getBytes(v2Recovered), getBytes(v3Recovered), getBytes(v4Recovered), getBytes(v5Recovered)); if (digestRecovered == null) { throw new AssertionError(); } BigInteger eRecovered = new BigInteger(1, digestRecovered); if (!e.equals(eRecovered)) { throw new AssertionError(); } System.out.println("verifyZkp2: " + (System.nanoTime() - startTime)); } private void setR(ECPoint r) { rRaw = r.getEncoded(); } private ECPoint getR() { return CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(rRaw); } private ECPoint getG() { return CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(gRaw); } public ECPoint getQ() { return CURVE.getCurve().decodePoint(qRaw); } }