package com.twelvemonkeys.image; import org.junit.Test; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class ImageUtilTestCase { private final static String IMAGE_NAME = "/sunflower.jpg"; private BufferedImage original; private BufferedImage image; private Image scaled; public ImageUtilTestCase() throws Exception { image = new BufferedImage(10, 10, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); scaled = image.getScaledInstance(5, 5, Image.SCALE_FAST); // Read image from class path InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(IMAGE_NAME); original =; assertNotNull(original); } /* public void setUp() throws Exception { image = new BufferedImage(10, 10, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); scaled = image.getScaledInstance(5, 5, Image.SCALE_FAST); // Read image from class path InputStream is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(IMAGE_NAME); original =; assertNotNull(original); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { original = null; } */ @Test public void testToBufferedImageNull() { BufferedImage img = null; boolean threwRuntimeException = false; try { img = ImageUtil.toBuffered((Image) null); } catch (RuntimeException ne) { threwRuntimeException = true; } // No input should return null assertNull(img); // Should have thrown an exception assertTrue(threwRuntimeException); } @Test public void testToBufferedImageTypeNull() { BufferedImage img = null; boolean threwRuntimeException = false; try { img = ImageUtil.toBuffered(null, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); } catch (RuntimeException ne) { threwRuntimeException = true; } // No input should return null assertNull(img); // Should have thrown an exception assertTrue(threwRuntimeException); } @Test public void testImageIsNotBufferedImage() { // Should not be a buffered image assertFalse( "FOR SOME IMPLEMENTATIONS THIS MIGHT FAIL!\nIn that case, testToBufferedImage() will fail too.", scaled instanceof BufferedImage ); } @Test public void testToBufferedImage() { BufferedImage sameAsImage = ImageUtil.toBuffered((RenderedImage) image); BufferedImage bufferedScaled = ImageUtil.toBuffered(scaled); // Should be no need to convert assertSame(image, sameAsImage); // Should have same dimensions assertEquals(scaled.getWidth(null), bufferedScaled.getWidth()); assertEquals(scaled.getHeight(null), bufferedScaled.getHeight()); } @Test public void testToBufferedImageType() { // Assumes image is TYPE_INT_ARGB BufferedImage converted = ImageUtil.toBuffered(image, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED); BufferedImage convertedToo = ImageUtil.toBuffered(image, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY); // Should not be the same assertNotSame(image, converted); assertNotSame(image, convertedToo); // Correct type assertTrue(converted.getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED); assertTrue(convertedToo.getType() == BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY); // Should have same dimensions assertEquals(image.getWidth(), converted.getWidth()); assertEquals(image.getHeight(), converted.getHeight()); assertEquals(image.getWidth(), convertedToo.getWidth()); assertEquals(image.getHeight(), convertedToo.getHeight()); } @Test public void testBrightness() { final BufferedImage original = this.original; assertNotNull(original); final BufferedImage notBrightened = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, 0f)); // Assumed: Images should be equal if (original != notBrightened) { // Don't care to test if images are same for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { assertEquals(original.getRGB(x, y), notBrightened.getRGB(x, y)); } } } // Assumed: All pixels should be brighter or equal to original final BufferedImage brightened = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, 0.4f)); final BufferedImage brightenedMore = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, 0.9f)); for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { assertTrue(original.getRGB(x, y) <= brightened.getRGB(x, y)); assertTrue(brightened.getRGB(x, y) <= brightenedMore.getRGB(x, y)); } } // Assumed: Image should be all white final BufferedImage brightenedMax = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, 2f)); for (int y = 0; y < brightenedMax.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < brightenedMax.getWidth(); x++) { assertEquals(0x00FFFFFF, brightenedMax.getRGB(x, y) & 0x00FFFFFF); } } // Assumed: All pixels should be darker or equal to originial final BufferedImage brightenedNegative = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, -0.4f)); final BufferedImage brightenedNegativeMore = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, -0.9f)); for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { assertTrue(original.getRGB(x, y) >= brightenedNegative.getRGB(x, y)); assertTrue(brightenedNegative.getRGB(x, y) >= brightenedNegativeMore.getRGB(x, y)); } } // Assumed: Image should be all black final BufferedImage brightenedMaxNegative = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.brightness(original, -2f)); for (int y = 0; y < brightenedMaxNegative.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < brightenedMaxNegative.getWidth(); x++) { assertEquals(0x0, brightenedMaxNegative.getRGB(x, y) & 0x00FFFFFF); } } /* JFrame frame = new JFrame("Sunflower - brightness"); frame.setSize(sunflower.getWidth() * 4, sunflower.getHeight() * 2); Canvas canvas = new Canvas() { public void paint(Graphics g) { // Draw original for comparison g.drawImage(original, 0, 0, null); // This should look like original g.drawImage(notBrightened, 0, original.getHeight(), null); // Different versions g.drawImage(brightened, original.getWidth(), 0, null); g.drawImage(brightenedMore, original.getWidth() * 2, 0, null); g.drawImage(brightenedMax, original.getWidth() * 3, 0, null); g.drawImage(brightenedNegative, original.getWidth(), original.getHeight(), null); g.drawImage(brightenedNegativeMore, original.getWidth() * 2, original.getHeight(), null); g.drawImage(brightenedMaxNegative, original.getWidth() * 3, original.getHeight(), null); } }; frame.getContentPane().add(canvas); frame.setVisible(true); assertTrue(true); */ } @Test public void testContrast() { final BufferedImage original = this.original; assertNotNull(original); final BufferedImage notContrasted = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.contrast(original, 0f)); // Assumed: Images should be equal if (original != notContrasted) { // Don't care to test if images are same for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { assertEquals("0 constrast should not change image", original.getRGB(x, y), notContrasted.getRGB(x, y)); } } } // Assumed: Contrast should be greater or equal to original final BufferedImage contrasted = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.contrast(original)); final BufferedImage contrastedDefault = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.contrast(original, 0.5f)); for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { int oRGB = original.getRGB(x, y); int cRGB = contrasted.getRGB(x, y); int dRGB = contrastedDefault.getRGB(x, y); int oR = oRGB >> 16 & 0xFF; int oG = oRGB >> 8 & 0xFF; int oB = oRGB & 0xFF; int cR = cRGB >> 16 & 0xFF; int cG = cRGB >> 8 & 0xFF; int cB = cRGB & 0xFF; int dR = dRGB >> 16 & 0xFF; int dG = dRGB >> 8 & 0xFF; int dB = dRGB & 0xFF; // RED if (oR < 127) { assertTrue("Contrast should be decreased or same", oR >= cR && cR >= dR); } else { assertTrue("Contrast should be increased or same", oR <= cR && cR <= dR); } // GREEN if (oG < 127) { assertTrue("Contrast should be decreased or same", oG >= cG && cG >= dG); } else { assertTrue("Contrast should be increased or same", oG <= cG && cG <= dG); } // BLUE if (oB < 127) { assertTrue("Contrast should be decreased or same", oB >= cB && cB >= dB); } else { assertTrue("Contrast should be increased or same", oB <= cB && cB <= dB); } } } // Assumed: Only primary colors (w/b/r/g/b/c/y/m) final BufferedImage contrastedMax = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.contrast(original, 1f)); for (int y = 0; y < contrastedMax.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < contrastedMax.getWidth(); x++) { int rgb = contrastedMax.getRGB(x, y); int r = rgb >> 16 & 0xFF; int g = rgb >> 8 & 0xFF; int b = rgb & 0xFF; assertTrue("Max contrast should only produce primary colors", r == 0 || r == 255); assertTrue("Max contrast should only produce primary colors", g == 0 || g == 255); assertTrue("Max contrast should only produce primary colors", b == 0 || b == 255); } } // Assumed: Contrasts should be less than or equal to original final BufferedImage contrastedNegative = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.contrast(original, -0.5f)); for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { int oRGB = original.getRGB(x, y); int cRGB = contrastedNegative.getRGB(x, y); int oR = oRGB >> 16 & 0xFF; int oG = oRGB >> 8 & 0xFF; int oB = oRGB & 0xFF; int cR = cRGB >> 16 & 0xFF; int cG = cRGB >> 8 & 0xFF; int cB = cRGB & 0xFF; // RED if (oR >= 127) { assertTrue("Contrast should be decreased or same", oR >= cR); } else { assertTrue("Contrast should be increased or same", oR <= cR); } // GREEN if (oG >= 127) { assertTrue("Contrast should be decreased or same", oG >= cG); } else { assertTrue("Contrast should be increased or same", oG <= cG); } // BLUE if (oB >= 127) { assertTrue("Contrast should be decreased or same", oB >= cB); } else { assertTrue("Contrast should be increased or same", oB <= cB); } } } // Assumed: All gray (127)! final BufferedImage contrastedMoreNegative = ImageUtil.toBuffered(ImageUtil.contrast(original, -1.0f)); for (int y = 0; y < contrastedMoreNegative.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < contrastedMoreNegative.getWidth(); x++) { int rgb = contrastedMoreNegative.getRGB(x, y); int r = rgb >> 16 & 0xFF; int g = rgb >> 8 & 0xFF; int b = rgb & 0xFF; assertTrue("Minimum contrast should be all gray", r == 127 && g == 127 && b == 127); } } /* JFrame frame = new JFrame("Sunflower - contrast"); frame.setSize(sunflower.getWidth() * 4, sunflower.getHeight() * 2); Canvas canvas = new Canvas() { public void paint(Graphics g) { // Draw original for comparison g.drawImage(original, 0, 0, null); // This should look like original g.drawImage(notContrasted, 0, original.getHeight(), null); // Different versions g.drawImage(contrasted, original.getWidth(), 0, null); g.drawImage(contrastedDefault, original.getWidth() * 2, 0, null); g.drawImage(contrastedMax, original.getWidth() * 3, 0, null); g.drawImage(contrastedNegative, original.getWidth() * 2, original.getHeight(), null); g.drawImage(contrastedMoreNegative, original.getWidth() * 3, original.getHeight(), null); } }; frame.getContentPane().add(canvas); frame.setVisible(true); assertTrue(true); */ } @Test public void testSharpen() { final BufferedImage original = this.original; assertNotNull(original); final BufferedImage notSharpened = ImageUtil.sharpen(original, 0f); // Assumed: Images should be equal if (original != notSharpened) { // Don't care to test if images are same for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { assertEquals("0 sharpen should not change image", original.getRGB(x, y), notSharpened.getRGB(x, y)); } } } // Assumed: Difference between neighbouring pixels should increase for higher sharpen values // Assumed: Dynamics of entire image should not change final BufferedImage sharpened = ImageUtil.sharpen(original); final BufferedImage sharpenedDefault = ImageUtil.sharpen(original, 0.3f); final BufferedImage sharpenedMore = ImageUtil.sharpen(original, 1.3f); // long diffOriginal = 0; // long diffSharpened = 0; // long diffDefault = 0; // long diffMore = 0; long absDiffOriginal = 0; long absDiffSharpened = 0; long absDiffDefault = 0; long absDiffMore = 0; for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 1; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { int oRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & original.getRGB(x, y); int sRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & sharpened.getRGB(x, y); int dRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & sharpenedDefault.getRGB(x, y); int mRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & sharpenedMore.getRGB(x, y); int poRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & original.getRGB(x - 1, y); int psRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & sharpened.getRGB(x - 1, y); int pdRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & sharpenedDefault.getRGB(x - 1, y); int pmRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & sharpenedMore.getRGB(x - 1, y); // diffOriginal += poRGB - oRGB; // diffSharpened += psRGB - sRGB; // diffDefault += pdRGB - dRGB; // diffMore += pmRGB - mRGB; absDiffOriginal += Math.abs(poRGB - oRGB); absDiffSharpened += Math.abs(psRGB - sRGB); absDiffDefault += Math.abs(pdRGB - dRGB); absDiffMore += Math.abs(pmRGB - mRGB); } } // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffOriginal, diffSharpened); assertTrue("Abs difference should increase", absDiffOriginal < absDiffSharpened); // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffOriginal, diffDefault); assertTrue("Abs difference should increase", absDiffOriginal < absDiffDefault); // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffOriginal, diffMore); assertTrue("Abs difference should increase", absDiffOriginal < absDiffMore); // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffSharpened, diffMore); assertTrue("Abs difference should increase", absDiffSharpened < absDiffMore); } @Test public void testBlur() { final BufferedImage original = this.original; assertNotNull(original); final BufferedImage notBlurred = ImageUtil.blur(original, 0f); // Assumed: Images should be equal if (original != notBlurred) { // Don't care to test if images are same for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { assertEquals("0 blur should not change image", original.getRGB(x, y), notBlurred.getRGB(x, y)); } } } // Assumed: Difference between neighbouring pixels should decrease for higher blur values // Assumed: Dynamics of entire image should not change final BufferedImage blurred = ImageUtil.blur(original); final BufferedImage blurredDefault = ImageUtil.blur(original, 1.5f); final BufferedImage blurredMore = ImageUtil.blur(original, 3f); // long diffOriginal = 0; // long diffBlurred = 0; // long diffDefault = 0; // long diffMore = 0; long absDiffOriginal = 0; long absDiffBlurred = 0; long absDiffDefault = 0; long absDiffMore = 0; for (int y = 0; y < original.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 1; x < original.getWidth(); x++) { int oRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & original.getRGB(x, y); int bRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & blurred.getRGB(x, y); int dRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & blurredDefault.getRGB(x, y); int mRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & blurredMore.getRGB(x, y); int poRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & original.getRGB(x - 1, y); int pbRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & blurred.getRGB(x - 1, y); int pdRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & blurredDefault.getRGB(x - 1, y); int pmRGB = 0x00FFFFFF & blurredMore.getRGB(x - 1, y); // diffOriginal += poRGB - oRGB; // diffBlurred += pbRGB - bRGB; // diffDefault += pdRGB - dRGB; // diffMore += pmRGB - mRGB; absDiffOriginal += Math.abs(poRGB - oRGB); absDiffBlurred += Math.abs(pbRGB - bRGB); absDiffDefault += Math.abs(pdRGB - dRGB); absDiffMore += Math.abs(pmRGB - mRGB); } } // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffOriginal, diffBlurred); assertTrue(String.format("Abs difference should decrease: %s <= %s", absDiffOriginal, absDiffBlurred), absDiffOriginal > absDiffBlurred); // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffOriginal, diffDefault); assertTrue("Abs difference should decrease", absDiffOriginal > absDiffDefault); // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffOriginal, diffMore); assertTrue("Abs difference should decrease", absDiffOriginal > absDiffMore); // assertEquals("Difference should not change", diffBlurred, diffMore); assertTrue("Abs difference should decrease", absDiffBlurred > absDiffMore); } @Test public void testIndexImage() { BufferedImage sunflower = original; assertNotNull(sunflower); BufferedImage image = ImageUtil.createIndexed(sunflower); assertNotNull("Image was null", image); assertTrue(image.getColorModel() instanceof IndexColorModel); } }