package de.zalando.toga.generator.dimensions; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static; public abstract class Dimension { private enum Type { OBJECT, STRING, ENUM } protected final String name; protected final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); public Dimension(String name) { = name; } public static Dimension from(String name, JsonNode node) { Type type = deriveType(node); switch (type) { case OBJECT: return new ObjectDimension(name, node); case STRING: return new StringDimension(name, node); case ENUM: return new EnumDimension(name, node); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("JSON attribute with type [" + type + "] is not supported."); } } private static Type deriveType(JsonNode node) { JsonNode typeNode = node.path("type"); if (typeNode.isMissingNode() || !typeNode.isValueNode()) { JsonNode enumNode = node.path("enum"); if (!enumNode.isMissingNode() && enumNode.isArray()) { return Type.ENUM; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not derive type from node [" + node.toString() + "]."); } return Type.valueOf(typeNode.asText().toUpperCase()); } public String getFieldName() { return name; } /** * Generate a list of JSON representations of the dimension. * This generated JSON is intended to be combined into JSON objects right away without further modification. * * @return a list of json representations with all the different options the dimension contains. */ public List<JsonNode> getValueDimensions() { return; }; }