package daikon; import daikon.derive.ValueAndModified; import daikon.config.Configuration; import daikon.diff.InvMap; import daikon.inv.Invariant; import static daikon.PptRelation.PptRelationType; import static daikon.PptTopLevel.PptFlags; import static daikon.PptTopLevel.PptType; import static daikon.VarInfo.RefType; import static daikon.VarInfo.VarKind; import static daikon.VarInfo.VarFlags; import static daikon.VarInfo.LangFlags; import checkers.quals.Interned; import utilMDE.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.Level; import*; import; import*; import java.util.*; public final class FileIO { /** Nobody should ever instantiate a FileIO. **/ private FileIO() { throw new Error(); } /// Constants static final String declaration_header = "DECLARE"; // Program point name tags public static final String ppt_tag_separator = ":::"; public static final String enter_suffix = "ENTER"; public static final String enter_tag = ppt_tag_separator + enter_suffix; // EXIT does not necessarily appear at the end of the program point name; // a number may follow it. public static final String exit_suffix = "EXIT"; public static final String exit_tag = ppt_tag_separator + exit_suffix; public static final String throws_suffix = "THROWS"; public static final String throws_tag = ppt_tag_separator + throws_suffix; public static final String object_suffix = "OBJECT"; public static final String object_tag = ppt_tag_separator + object_suffix; public static final String class_static_suffix = "CLASS"; public static final String class_static_tag = ppt_tag_separator + class_static_suffix; public static final String global_suffix = "GLOBAL"; private static final String lineSep = Global.lineSep; /// Settings // Variables starting with dkconfig_ should only be set via the // daikon.config.Configuration interface. /** * When true, just ignore exit ppts that don't have a matching enter * ppt rather than exiting with an error. Unmatched exits can occur * if only a portion of a dtrace file is processed */ public static boolean dkconfig_ignore_missing_enter = false; /** * Boolean. When false, set modbits to 1 iff the printed * representation has changed. When true, set modbits to 1 if the * printed representation has changed; leave other modbits as is. **/ public static boolean dkconfig_add_changed = true; /** * Integer. Maximum number of lines to read from the dtrace file. If * 0, reads the entire file. */ public static int dkconfig_max_line_number = 0; /** * Boolean. When false, don't count the number of lines in the dtrace file * before reading. This will disable the percentage progress printout. */ public static boolean dkconfig_count_lines = true; /** * Boolean. When true, only read the samples, but don't process them. * Used to gather timing information. */ public static boolean dkconfig_read_samples_only = false; /** Boolean. When true, don't print a warning about unmatched procedure * entries, which are ignored by Daikon (unless the --nohierarchy switch * is provided). **/ public static boolean dkconfig_unmatched_procedure_entries_quiet = false; /** * Boolean. If true, prints the unmatched procedure entries * verbosely. **/ public static boolean dkconfig_verbose_unmatched_procedure_entries = false; /** * Boolean. When true, suppress exceptions related to file reading. * This permits Daikon to continue even if there is a malformed trace * file. Use this with care: in general, it is better to fix the * problem that caused a bad trace file, rather than to suppress the * exception. **/ public static boolean dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception = false; /** * Long integer. If non-zero, this value will be used as the number * of lines in (each) dtrace file input for the purposes of the * progress display, and the counting of the lines in the file will * be suppressed. */ public static long dkconfig_dtrace_line_count = 0; /** True if declaration records are in the new format **/ public static boolean new_decl_format = true; /// Variables // This hashmap maps every program point to an array, which contains the // old values of all variables in scope the last time the program point // was executed. This enables us to determine whether the values have been // modified since this program point was last executed. static HashMap<PptTopLevel,String[]> ppt_to_value_reps = new HashMap<PptTopLevel,String[]>(); // For debugging purposes: printing out a modified trace file with // changed modbits. private static boolean to_write_nonce = false; private static String nonce_value, nonce_string; // (This implementation as a public static variable is a bit unclean.) // Number of ignored declarations. public static int omitted_declarations = 0; // Logging Categories /** true prints info about variables marked as missing/nonsensical **/ public static boolean debug_missing = false; /** Debug tracer for reading. **/ public static final Logger debugRead = Logger.getLogger(""); /** Debug tracer for printing. **/ public static final Logger debugPrint = Logger.getLogger("daikon.FileIO.printDtrace"); /** Debug tracer for printing variable values. **/ public static final Logger debugVars = Logger.getLogger("daikon.FileIO.vars"); public static final SimpleLog debug_decl = new SimpleLog(false); /** Errors while processing ppt declarations */ public static class DeclError extends IOException { static final long serialVersionUID = 20060518L; public DeclError (String msg) { super (msg); } public static DeclError detail (ParseState state, String format, Object... args) { String msg = String.format (format, args) + String.format (" at line %d in file %s", state.reader.getLineNumber(), state.filename); return new DeclError (msg); } } /** * Parents in the ppt/variable hierarchy for a particular program point */ static final class ParentRelation implements { static final long serialVersionUID = 20060622L; PptRelationType rel_type; String parent_ppt_name; int id; public String toString() { return parent_ppt_name + "[" + id + "] " + rel_type; }; } // Utilities // The Daikon manual states that "#" is the comment starter, but // some code assumes "//", so permit both (at least temporarily). // static final String comment_prefix = "//"; public static final boolean isComment(String s) { return s.startsWith("//") || s.startsWith("#"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Declaration files /// /** * @param files files to be read ( * @return a new PptMap containing declarations read from the files * listed in the argument; connection information (controlling * variables and entry ppts) is set correctly upon return. **/ public static PptMap read_declaration_files(Collection<File> files) throws IOException { PptMap all_ppts = new PptMap(); // Read all decls, creating PptTopLevels and VarInfos for (File file : files) { Daikon.progress = "Reading " + file; if (!Daikon.dkconfig_quiet) { System.out.print("."); // show progress } read_declaration_file(file, all_ppts); } return all_ppts; } /** Read one decls file; add it to all_ppts. **/ public static void read_declaration_file(File filename, PptMap all_ppts) throws IOException { if (Daikon.using_DaikonSimple) { Processor processor = new DaikonSimple.SimpleProcessor(); read_data_trace_file(filename.toString(), all_ppts, processor, true, false); } else { Processor processor = new Processor(); read_data_trace_file(filename.toString(), all_ppts, processor, true, true); } } /** * Reads one ppt declaration. The next line should be the ppt record. * After completion, the file pointer will be pointing at the next * record (ie, the blank line at the end of the ppt declaration will * have been read in) */ private static PptTopLevel read_ppt_decl (ParseState state, String top_line) throws IOException { // process the ppt record String line = top_line; Scanner scanner = new Scanner (line); /*@Interned*/ String record_name = need (state, scanner, "'ppt'"); if (record_name != "ppt") { // interned decl_error (state, "found '%s' where 'ppt' expected", record_name); } /*@Interned*/ String ppt_name = need (state, scanner, "ppt name"); // Check to see if the program point is new if (state.all_ppts.containsName(ppt_name)) { if (state.ppts_are_new) { decl_error (state, "Duplicate declaration of ppt '%s'", ppt_name); } else { // ppts are already in the map skip_decl (state.reader); return state.all_ppts.get (ppt_name); } } // Information that will populate the new program point Map<String,VarDefinition> varmap = new LinkedHashMap<String,VarDefinition>(); VarDefinition vardef = null; List<ParentRelation> ppt_parents = new ArrayList<ParentRelation>(); EnumSet<PptFlags> ppt_flags = EnumSet.noneOf (PptFlags.class); PptType ppt_type = PptType.POINT; // Read the records that define this program point while ((line = state.reader.readLine()) != null) { debug_decl.log ("read line %s%n", line); line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) break; scanner = new Scanner (line); /*@Interned*/ String record =; if (vardef == null) { if (record == "parent") { // interned ppt_parents.add (parse_ppt_parent (state, scanner)); } else if (record == "flags") { // interned parse_ppt_flags (state, scanner, ppt_flags); } else if (record == "variable") { // interned vardef = new VarDefinition (state, scanner); if (var_included ( varmap.put (, vardef); } else if (record == "ppt-type") { // interned ppt_type = parse_ppt_type (state, scanner); } else { decl_error (state, "record '%s' found where %s expected", record, "'parent' or 'flags'"); } } else { // there must be a current variable if (record == "var-kind") { // interned vardef.parse_var_kind (scanner); } else if (record == "enclosing-var") { // interned vardef.parse_enclosing_var (scanner); } else if (record == "reference-type") { // interned vardef.parse_reference_type (scanner); } else if (record == "array") { // interned vardef.parse_array (scanner); } else if (record == "rep-type") { // interned vardef.parse_rep_type (scanner); } else if (record == "dec-type") { // interned vardef.parse_dec_type (scanner); } else if (record == "flags") { // interned vardef.parse_flags (scanner); } else if (record == "lang-flags") { // interned vardef.parse_lang_flags (scanner); } else if (record == "parent") { // interned vardef.parse_parent (scanner, ppt_parents); } else if (record == "comparability") { // interned vardef.parse_comparability (scanner); } else if (record == "constant") { // interned vardef.parse_constant (scanner); } else if (record == "variable") { // interned vardef = new VarDefinition (state, scanner); if (varmap.containsKey ( decl_error (state, "var %s declared twice",; if (var_included ( varmap.put (, vardef); } else { decl_error (state, "Unexpected variable item '%s' found", record); } } } // If we are excluding this ppt, just read the data and throw it away if (!ppt_included (ppt_name)) { omitted_declarations++; return null; } VarInfo[] vi_array = new VarInfo[varmap.size()]; int ii = 0; for (VarDefinition vd : varmap.values()) { vi_array[ii++] = new VarInfo (vd); } PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, ppt_type, ppt_parents, ppt_flags, vi_array); return newppt; } /** Parses a ppt parent hierarchy record and returns it. **/ private static ParentRelation parse_ppt_parent (ParseState state, Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { ParentRelation pr = new ParentRelation(); pr.rel_type = parse_enum_val (state, scanner, PptRelationType.class, "relation type"); pr.parent_ppt_name = need (state, scanner, "ppt name"); = Integer.parseInt (need (state, scanner, "relation id")); need_eol (state, scanner); return (pr); } /** * Parses a program point flag record. Adds any specified flags to * to flags. */ private static void parse_ppt_flags (ParseState state, Scanner scanner, EnumSet<PptFlags> flags) throws DeclError { flags.add (parse_enum_val (state, scanner, PptFlags.class, "ppt flags")); while (scanner.hasNext()) flags.add (parse_enum_val (state, scanner, PptFlags.class, "ppt flags")); } /** Parses a ppt-type record and returns the type **/ private static PptType parse_ppt_type (ParseState state, Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { PptType ppt_type = parse_enum_val (state, scanner, PptType.class, "ppt type"); need_eol (state, scanner); return (ppt_type); } // The "DECLARE" line has already been read. private static PptTopLevel read_declaration(ParseState state) throws IOException { // We have just read the "DECLARE" line. String ppt_name = state.reader.readLine(); if (ppt_name == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "File ends with \"DECLARE\" with no following program point name", state.reader, state.filename); } ppt_name = ppt_name.intern(); VarInfo[] vi_array = read_VarInfos(state, ppt_name); // System.out.printf ("Ppt %s with %d variables\n", ppt_name, // vi_array.length); // This program point name has already been encountered. if (state.all_ppts.containsName(ppt_name)) { if (state.ppts_are_new) { // yoav: ppts_are_new is always set to true, so we should remove it PptTopLevel existing_ppt = state.all_ppts.get(ppt_name); VarInfo[] existing_vars = existing_ppt.var_infos; if (existing_ppt.num_declvars!=vi_array.length) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Duplicate declaration of program point \"" + ppt_name + "\" with a different number of VarInfo objects: old VarInfo number="+existing_ppt.num_declvars+", new VarInfo number="+vi_array.length, state.reader, state.filename); } for (int i=0; i<vi_array.length; i++) { String oldName = existing_vars[i].str_name(); String newName = vi_array[i].str_name(); if (!oldName.equals(newName)) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Duplicate declaration of program point \"" + ppt_name + "\" with two different VarInfo: old VarInfo="+oldName+", new VarInfo="+newName, state.reader, state.filename); } } } else { // ppts are already in the map return state.all_ppts.get (ppt_name); } } // If we are excluding this ppt, just throw it away if (!ppt_included (ppt_name)) { omitted_declarations++; return null; } // taking care of visibility information // the information is needed in the variable hierarchy because private methods // should not be linked under the object program point // the ppt name is truncated before putting it in the pptMap because the visibility // information is only present in the decls file and not the dtrace file // if (ppt_name.startsWith("public")) { // int position = ppt_name.indexOf("public"); // ppt_name = ppt_name.substring(7); // PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array); // newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("public"); // return newppt; // } // if (ppt_name.startsWith("private")) { // int position = ppt_name.indexOf("private"); // ppt_name = ppt_name.substring(8); // PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array); // newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("private"); // return newppt; // } // if (ppt_name.startsWith("protected")) { // int position = ppt_name.indexOf("protected"); // ppt_name = ppt_name.substring(10); // PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array); // newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("protected"); // return newppt; // } //TODO: add a new config variable to turn this accessibility flag processing on? PptTopLevel newppt = new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array); // newppt.ppt_name.setVisibility("package-protected"); return newppt; // return new PptTopLevel(ppt_name, vi_array); } private static VarInfo[] read_VarInfos(ParseState state, String ppt_name) throws IOException { // The var_infos that will populate the new program point List<VarInfo> var_infos = new ArrayList<VarInfo>(); // Each iteration reads a variable name, type, and comparability. // Possibly abstract this out into a separate function?? VarInfo vi; while ((vi = read_VarInfo(state, ppt_name)) != null) { for (VarInfo vi2 : var_infos) { if ( == { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Duplicate variable name " +, state.reader, state.filename); } } // Can't do this test in read_VarInfo, it seems, because of the test // against null above. if (!var_included ( { continue; } var_infos.add(vi); } return var_infos.toArray(new VarInfo[var_infos.size()]); } // So that warning message below is only printed once private static boolean seen_string_rep_type = false; /** * Read a variable name, type, and comparability; construct a VarInfo. * Return null after reading the last variable in this program point * declaration. **/ private static VarInfo read_VarInfo( ParseState state, String ppt_name) throws IOException { LineNumberReader file = state.reader; int varcomp_format = state.varcomp_format; File filename = state.file; String line = file.readLine(); if ((line == null) || (line.equals(""))) return null; String varname = line; String proglang_type_string_and_aux = file.readLine(); String file_rep_type_string = file.readLine(); String comparability_string = file.readLine(); if ( // (varname == null) || // just cheeck varname above (proglang_type_string_and_aux == null) || (file_rep_type_string == null) || (comparability_string == null)) throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "End of file " + filename + " while reading variable " + varname + " in declaration of program point " + ppt_name); int equals_index = file_rep_type_string.indexOf(" = "); String static_constant_value_string = null; Object static_constant_value = null; boolean is_static_constant = false; if (equals_index != -1) { is_static_constant = true; static_constant_value_string = file_rep_type_string.substring(equals_index + 3); file_rep_type_string = file_rep_type_string.substring(0, equals_index); } // XXX temporary, for compatibility with older .dtrace files. 12/20/2001 if ("String".equals(file_rep_type_string)) { file_rep_type_string = "java.lang.String"; if (!seen_string_rep_type) { seen_string_rep_type = true; System.err.println("Warning: Malformed trace file. Representation type 'String' should be "+ "'java.lang.String' instead on line " + (file.getLineNumber()-1) + " of " + filename); } } // This is for people who were confused by the above temporary // workaround when it didn't have a warning. But this has never // worked, so it's fatal. else if ("String[]".equals(file_rep_type_string)) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Representation type 'String[]' should be " + "'java.lang.String[]' instead for variable " + varname, file, filename); } /// XXX int hash_position = proglang_type_string_and_aux.indexOf('#'); String aux_string = ""; if (hash_position == -1) { hash_position = proglang_type_string_and_aux.length(); } else { aux_string = proglang_type_string_and_aux.substring( hash_position + 1, proglang_type_string_and_aux.length()); } String proglang_type_string = proglang_type_string_and_aux.substring(0, hash_position).trim(); ProglangType prog_type; ProglangType file_rep_type; ProglangType rep_type; VarInfoAux aux; try { prog_type = ProglangType.parse(proglang_type_string); file_rep_type = ProglangType.rep_parse(file_rep_type_string); rep_type = file_rep_type.fileTypeToRepType(); aux = VarInfoAux.parse(aux_string); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage(file, filename, e); } if (static_constant_value_string != null) { static_constant_value = rep_type.parse_value(static_constant_value_string); // Why can't the value be null? Assert.assertTrue(static_constant_value != null); } VarComparability comparability = null; try { comparability = VarComparability.parse(varcomp_format, comparability_string, prog_type); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage (String.format ("Error parsing comparability (%s) at line %d " + "in file %s", e, file.getLineNumber(), filename)); } // Not a call to Assert.assert in order to avoid doing the (expensive) // string concatenations. if (!VarInfo.legalFileRepType(file_rep_type)) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Unsupported representation type " + file_rep_type.format() + " (parsed as " + rep_type + ")" + " for variable " + varname, file, filename); } if (!VarInfo.legalRepType(rep_type)) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Unsupported (converted) representation type " + file_rep_type.format() + " for variable " + varname, file, filename); } // COMPARABILITY TEST // if (!(comparability.alwaysComparable() // || ((VarComparabilityImplicit)comparability).dimensions == file_rep_type.dimensions())) { // throw new FileIOException( // "Rep type " + file_rep_type.format() + " has " + file_rep_type.dimensions() + " dimensions" // + " but comparability " + comparability + " has " + ((VarComparabilityImplicit)comparability).dimensions + " dimensions" // + " for variable " // + varname, // file, // filename); // } return new VarInfo(varname, prog_type, file_rep_type, comparability, is_static_constant, static_constant_value, aux); } private static int read_var_comparability (ParseState state, String line) throws IOException { // System.out.printf("read_var_comparability, line = '%s' %b%n", line, // new_decl_format); String comp_str = null; if (new_decl_format) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner (line);; comp_str = need (state, scanner, "comparability"); need_eol (state, scanner); } else { // old format comp_str = state.reader.readLine(); if (comp_str == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Found end of file, expected comparability", state.reader, state.filename); } } if (comp_str.equals("none")) { return (VarComparability.NONE); } else if (comp_str.equals("implicit")) { return (VarComparability.IMPLICIT); } else { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Unrecognized VarComparability '" + comp_str + "'", state.reader, state.filename); } } private static /*@Interned*/ String read_input_language (ParseState state, String line) throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner (line);; /*@Interned*/ String input_lang = need (state, scanner, "input language"); need_eol (state, scanner); return input_lang; } private static void read_decl_version (ParseState state, String line) throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner (line);; /*@Interned*/ String version = need (state, scanner, "declaration version number"); need_eol (state, scanner); if (version == "2.0") // interned new_decl_format = true; else if (version == "1.0") // interned new_decl_format = false; else decl_error (state, "'%s' found where 1.0 or 2.0 expected", version); } private static void read_list_implementors (LineNumberReader reader, File filename) throws IOException { // Each line following is the name (in JVM form) of a class // that implements java.util.List. for (;;) { String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null || line.equals("")) break; if (isComment(line)) continue; ProglangType.list_implementors.add(line.intern()); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// invocation tracking for dtrace files entry/exit grouping /// static final class Invocation implements Comparable<Invocation> { PptTopLevel ppt; // used in printing and in suppressing duplicates // Rather than a valuetuple, place its elements here. Object[] vals; int[] mods; static Object canonical_hashcode = new Object(); Invocation(PptTopLevel ppt, Object[] vals, int[] mods) { this.ppt = ppt; this.vals = vals; this.mods = mods; } // Print the Invocation on two lines, indented by two spaces String format() { return format(true); } // Print the Invocation on one or two lines, indented by two spaces String format(boolean show_values) { if (! show_values) { return " " + ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint(); } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); pw.println(" " + ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint()); pw.print(" "); // [adonovan] is this sound? Let me know if not (sorry). //Assert.assertTrue(ppt.var_infos.length == vals.length); for (int j = 0; j < vals.length; j++) { if (j != 0) pw.print(", "); pw.print(ppt.var_infos[j].name() + "="); Object val = vals[j]; if (val == canonical_hashcode) pw.print("<hashcode>"); else if (val instanceof int[]) pw.print(ArraysMDE.toString((int[]) val)); else if (val instanceof String) pw.print(val == null ? "null" : UtilMDE.escapeNonASCII((String) val)); else pw.print(val); } pw.println(); return sw.toString(); } /** Change uses of hashcodes to canonical_hashcode. **/ public Invocation canonicalize() { Object[] new_vals = new Object[vals.length]; System.arraycopy(vals, 0, new_vals, 0, vals.length); VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos; // Warning: abstraction violation! for (VarInfo vi : vis) { if ((vi.value_index != -1) && (vi.file_rep_type == ProglangType.HASHCODE)) { new_vals[vi.value_index] = canonical_hashcode; } } return new Invocation(ppt, new_vals, mods); } // Return true if the invocations print the same public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof FileIO.Invocation) return this.format().equals(((FileIO.Invocation) other).format()); else return false; } public int compareTo(Invocation other) { return; } public int hashCode() { return this.format().hashCode(); } } // call_hashmap is for procedures with a (global, not per-procedure) // nonce that indicates which returns are associated with which entries. // call_stack is for functions without nonces. // I could save some Object overhead by using two parallel stacks // instead of Invocation objects; but that's not worth it. static Stack<Invocation> call_stack = new Stack<Invocation>(); static HashMap<Integer,Invocation> call_hashmap = new HashMap<Integer,Invocation>(); /** Reads data trace files using the default sample processor. **/ public static void read_data_trace_files(Collection<String> files, PptMap all_ppts) throws IOException { Processor processor = new Processor(); read_data_trace_files(files, all_ppts, processor, true); } /** * Read data from .dtrace files. * Calls @link{read_data_trace_file(File,PptMap,Pattern,false)} for each * element of filenames. * * @param ppts_are_new - true if declarations of ppts read from the data * trace file are new (and thus are not in all_ppts) * false if the ppts may already be there. **/ public static void read_data_trace_files(Collection<String> files, PptMap all_ppts, Processor processor, boolean ppts_are_new) throws IOException { for (String filename : files) { try { read_data_trace_file(filename, all_ppts, processor, false, ppts_are_new); } catch (IOException e) { if (e.getMessage().equals("Corrupt GZIP trailer")) { System.out.println( filename + " has a corrupt gzip trailer. " + "All possible data was recovered."); } else { throw e; } } } if (Daikon.server_dir!=null) { // Yoav: server mode while (true) { String[] dir_files = Daikon.server_dir.list(); Arrays.sort(dir_files); boolean hasEnd = false; for (String f:dir_files) { if (f.endsWith(".end")) hasEnd = true; if (f.endsWith(".end") || f.endsWith(".start")) continue; if (files.contains(f)) continue; files.add(f); System.out.println("Reading "+f); read_data_trace_file(new File(Daikon.server_dir,f).toString(), all_ppts, processor, false, ppts_are_new); } if (hasEnd) break; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e) {} } } process_unmatched_procedure_entries(); warn_if_hierarchy_mismatch(all_ppts); } // Determine if dataflow hierarchy should have been used, and print // warning if this does not match Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy. // Dataflow hierarchy should be used only when all program points // correspond to points normally found in traces from a // programming languages. private static void warn_if_hierarchy_mismatch(PptMap all_ppts) { boolean some_program_points = false; boolean all_program_points = true; // go through each top level ppt, and make all_program_points // false if at least one of them is not a program point normally // found in traces from programming languages for (Iterator<PptTopLevel> all_ppts_iter = all_ppts.ppt_all_iterator(); all_ppts_iter.hasNext(); ) { PptTopLevel ppt_top_level =; boolean is_program_point = (ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isExitPoint() || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isEnterPoint() || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isThrowsPoint() || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isObjectInstanceSynthetic() || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isClassStaticSynthetic() || ppt_top_level.ppt_name.isGlobalPoint()); all_program_points = all_program_points && is_program_point; some_program_points = some_program_points || is_program_point; } // if all program points correspond to a programming language, // but the dataflow hierarchy has been turned off, then // suggest not using the --nohierarchy flag // if (all_program_points && (!Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy)) { // System.out.println("Warning: data trace appears to be over" + // " a program execution, but dataflow" + // " hierarchy has been turned off," + // " consider running Daikon without the" + // " --nohierarchy flag"); // } // if some of the program points do not correspond to a // points from a programming language, and the dataflow // hierarchy is being used, suggest using the --nohierarchy flag. if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy && (!all_program_points) && some_program_points) { System.out.println("Warning: Daikon is using a dataflow" + " hierarchy analysis on a data trace" + " that does not appear to be over a" + " program execution, consider running"+ " Daikon with the --nohierarchy flag."); } } /** * Class used to specify the processor to use for sample data. By * default, the internal process_sample routine will be called. */ public static class Processor { public void process_sample( PptMap all_ppts, PptTopLevel ppt, ValueTuple vt, Integer nonce) { FileIO.process_sample(all_ppts, ppt, vt, nonce); } } /** Read data from .dtrace file using standard data processor. **/ static void read_data_trace_file(String filename, PptMap all_ppts) throws IOException { Processor processor = new Processor(); read_data_trace_file(filename, all_ppts, processor, false, true); } /** * Class used to encapsulate state information while parsing * decl/dtrace files. */ public enum ParseStatus { NULL, // haven't read anything yet DECL, // got a decl SAMPLE, // got a sample COMPARABILITY, // got a VarComparability declaration LIST, // got a ListImplementors declaration EOF, // found EOF ERROR, // continuable error; fatal errors thrown as exceptions TRUNCATED // dkconfig_max_line_number reached }; public static class ParseState { public String filename; public boolean is_decl_file; public boolean ppts_are_new; public PptMap all_ppts; public LineNumberReader reader; public File file; public long total_lines; public int varcomp_format; public ParseStatus status; public PptTopLevel ppt; // returned when state=DECL or SAMPLE public Integer nonce; // returned when state=SAMPLE public ValueTuple vt; // returned when state=SAMPLE public long lineNum; public ParseState (String raw_filename, boolean decl_file_p, boolean ppts_are_new, PptMap ppts) throws IOException { // Pretty up raw_filename for use in messages file = new File(raw_filename); if (raw_filename.equals("-")) { filename = "standard input"; } else if (raw_filename.equals("+")) { filename = "chicory socket"; } else { // Remove directory parts, to make it shorter filename = file.getName(); } is_decl_file = decl_file_p; this.ppts_are_new = ppts_are_new; all_ppts = ppts; // Do we need to count the lines in the file? total_lines = 0; boolean count_lines = dkconfig_count_lines; if (is_decl_file) { count_lines = false; } else if (dkconfig_dtrace_line_count != 0) { total_lines = dkconfig_dtrace_line_count; count_lines = false; } else if (filename.equals("-")) { count_lines = false; } else if (Daikon.dkconfig_progress_delay == -1) { count_lines = false; } else if ((new File(raw_filename)).length() == 0) { // Either it's actually empty, or it's something like a pipe. count_lines = false; } if (count_lines) { Daikon.progress = "Checking size of " + filename; total_lines = UtilMDE.count_lines(raw_filename); } else { // System.out.printf ("no count %b %d %s %d %d\n", is_decl_file, // dkconfig_dtrace_line_count, filename, // Daikon.dkconfig_progress_delay, (new File(raw_filename)).length()); } // Open the reader stream if (raw_filename.equals("-")) { // "-" means read from the standard input stream Reader file_reader = new InputStreamReader(, "ISO-8859-1"); reader = new LineNumberReader(file_reader); } else if (raw_filename.equals("+")) { //socket comm with Chicory InputStream chicoryInput = connectToChicory(); InputStreamReader chicReader = new InputStreamReader(chicoryInput); reader = new LineNumberReader(chicReader); } else { reader = UtilMDE.lineNumberFileReader(raw_filename); } varcomp_format = VarComparability.IMPLICIT; status = ParseStatus.NULL; ppt = null; } } private static InputStream connectToChicory() { ServerSocket daikonServer = null; try { daikonServer = new ServerSocket(0); //bind to any free port //tell Chicory what port we have! System.out.println("DaikonChicoryOnlinePort=" + daikonServer.getLocalPort()); daikonServer.setReceiveBufferSize(64000); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create server", e); } Socket chicSocket = null; try { daikonServer.setSoTimeout(5000); //System.out.println("waiting for chicory connection on port " + daikonServer.getLocalPort()); chicSocket = daikonServer.accept(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to connect to Chicory", e); } try { return chicSocket.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get Chicory's input stream", e); } } /** Stash state here to be examined/printed by other parts of Daikon. */ public static ParseState data_trace_state = null; /** * Total number of samples passed to process_sample(). * Not part of data_trace_state because it's global over all files * processed by Daikon. */ public static int samples_processed = 0; /** Read data from .dtrace file. **/ static void read_data_trace_file(String filename, PptMap all_ppts, Processor processor, boolean is_decl_file, boolean ppts_are_new) throws IOException { if (debugRead.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { debugRead.fine ("read_data_trace_file " + filename + ((Daikon.ppt_regexp != null) ? " " + Daikon.ppt_regexp.pattern() : "") + ((Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp != null) ? " " + Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp.pattern() : "")); } new_decl_format = false; data_trace_state = new ParseState(filename, is_decl_file, ppts_are_new, all_ppts); // Used for debugging: write new data trace file. if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { Global.dtraceWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File(filename + ".debug"))); } while (true) { read_data_trace_record (data_trace_state); if (data_trace_state.status == ParseStatus.SAMPLE) { // Keep track of the total number of samples we have seen. samples_processed++; // Add orig and derived variables; pass to inference (add_and_flow) try { processor.process_sample (data_trace_state.all_ppts, data_trace_state.ppt, data_trace_state.vt, data_trace_state.nonce); } catch (Error e) { if (! dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage(e, data_trace_state.reader, data_trace_state.filename); } else { System.out.println (); System.out.println ("WARNING: Error while processing " + "trace file - record ignored"); System.out.print ("Ignored backtrace:"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); System.out.println (); } } } else if ((data_trace_state.status == ParseStatus.EOF) || (data_trace_state.status == ParseStatus.TRUNCATED)) { break; } else ; // don't need to do anything explicit for other records found } if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { Global.dtraceWriter.close(); } Daikon.progress = "Finished reading " + data_trace_state.filename; data_trace_state = null; } // read a single record (declaration or sample) from a dtrace file. public static void read_data_trace_record (ParseState state) throws IOException { LineNumberReader reader = state.reader; // "line_" is uninterned, "line" is interned for (String line_ = reader.readLine(); line_ != null; line_ = reader.readLine()) { if (line_.equals("") || isComment(line_)) { continue; } state.lineNum = reader.getLineNumber(); // stop at a specified point in the file if ((dkconfig_max_line_number > 0) && (state.lineNum > dkconfig_max_line_number)) { state.status = ParseStatus.TRUNCATED; return; } String line = line_.intern(); // First look for declarations in the dtrace stream if (is_declaration_header (line)) { if (new_decl_format) state.ppt = read_ppt_decl (state, line); else state.ppt = read_declaration(state); // ppt can be null if this declaration was skipped because of // --ppt-select-pattern or --ppt-omit-pattern. if (state.ppt != null) { if (!state.all_ppts.containsName ( { state.all_ppts.add(state.ppt); Daikon.init_ppt(state.ppt, state.all_ppts); } } state.status = ParseStatus.DECL; return; } if (line.equals ("VarComparability") || line.startsWith ("var-comparability")) { state.varcomp_format = read_var_comparability (state, line); state.status = ParseStatus.COMPARABILITY; return; } if (line.startsWith ("input-language")) { String input_language = read_input_language (state, line); return; } if (line.startsWith ("decl-version")) { read_decl_version (state, line); return; } if (line.equals("ListImplementors")) { read_list_implementors (reader, state.file); state.status = ParseStatus.LIST; return; } String ppt_name = line; if (new_decl_format) ppt_name = unescape_decl(line).intern(); if (!ppt_included (ppt_name)) { // System.out.printf ("skipping ppt %s\n", line); while ((line != null) && !line.equals("")) line = reader.readLine(); continue; } // System.out.printf ("Not skipping ppt %s\n", line); // If we got here, we're looking at a sample and not a declaration. // For compatibility with previous implementation, if this is a // declaration file, skip over samples. if (state.is_decl_file) { if (debugRead.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) debugRead.fine("Skipping paragraph starting at line " + reader.getLineNumber() + " of file " + state.filename + ": " + line); while ((line != null) && (!line.equals("")) && (!isComment(line))) { System.out.println("Unrecognized paragraph contains line = `" + line + "'"); System.out.println(" line: null=" + false // (line != null) + " empty=" + (line.equals("")) + " comment=" + (isComment(line))); line = reader.readLine(); } continue; } // Parse the ppt name try { new PptName(ppt_name); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Daikon.TerminationMessage) throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage ("%s: in %s line %d", t.getMessage(), state.filename, reader.getLineNumber()); else throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage (String.format ("Illegal program point name '%s' (%s) in %s line %d", ppt_name, t.getMessage(), state.filename, reader.getLineNumber())); } if (state.all_ppts.size() == 0) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("No declarations were provided before the first sample. Perhaps you did not supply the proper .decls file to Daikon. (Or, there could be a bug in the front end that created the .dtrace file " + state.filename + ".)"); } PptTopLevel ppt = state.all_ppts.get(ppt_name); if (ppt == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("No declaration was provided for program point " + ppt_name + " which appears in dtrace file " + state.filename + " at line " + reader.getLineNumber()); } VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos; // not vis.length, as that includes constants, derived variables, etc. // Actually, we do want to leave space for _orig vars. // And for the time being (and possibly forever), for derived variables. int num_tracevars = ppt.num_tracevars; int vals_array_size = ppt.var_infos.length - ppt.num_static_constant_vars; // Read an invocation nonce if one exists Integer nonce = null; // arbitrary number, hopefully big enough; catch exceptions reader.mark(100); String nonce_name_maybe; try { nonce_name_maybe = reader.readLine(); } catch (Exception e) { nonce_name_maybe = null; } reader.reset(); if ("this_invocation_nonce".equals(nonce_name_maybe)) { String nonce_name = reader.readLine(); Assert.assertTrue(nonce_name != null && nonce_name.equals("this_invocation_nonce")); String nonce_number = reader.readLine(); if (nonce_number == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("File ended while trying to read nonce", reader, state.file); } nonce = new Integer(nonce_number); if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { to_write_nonce = true; nonce_value = nonce.toString(); nonce_string = nonce_name_maybe; } } Object[] vals = new Object[vals_array_size]; int[] mods = new int[vals_array_size]; // Read a single record from the trace file; // fills up vals and mods arrays by side effect. try { read_vals_and_mods_from_trace_file (reader, state.filename, ppt, vals, mods); } catch (IOException e) { String nextLine = reader.readLine(); if ((e instanceof EOFException) || (nextLine == null)) { System.out.println (); System.out.println ("WARNING: Unexpected EOF while processing " + "trace file - last record of trace file ignored"); state.status = ParseStatus.EOF; return; } else if (dkconfig_continue_after_file_exception) { System.out.println (); System.out.println ("WARNING: IOException while processing " + "trace file - record ignored"); System.out.print ("Ignored backtrace:"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); System.out.println (); while (nextLine != null && ! nextLine.equals("")) { // System.out.println("Discarded line " + reader.getLineNumber() // + ": " + nextLine); nextLine = reader.readLine(); } continue; } else { throw e; } } state.ppt = ppt; state.nonce = nonce; state.vt = ValueTuple.makeUninterned(vals, mods); state.status = ParseStatus.SAMPLE; return; } state.status = ParseStatus.EOF; return; } /** * Add orig() and derived variables to vt (by side effect), then * supply it to the program point for flowing. * @param vt trace data only; modified by side effect to add derived vars **/ public static void process_sample( PptMap all_ppts, PptTopLevel ppt, ValueTuple vt, Integer nonce) { // Add orig variables. This must be above the check below because // it saves away the orig values from enter points for later use // by exit points. boolean ignore = add_orig_variables(ppt, vt.vals, vt.mods, nonce); if (ignore) return; // Only process the leaves of the ppt tree. // This test assumes that all leaves are numbered exit program points // -- that is, points of the form foo:::EXIT22 for which isExitPoint() // is true and isCombinedExitPoint() is false. "Combined" exit points // of the form foo:::EXIT are not processed -- they are assumed to be // non-leaves. if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) { // Rather than defining leaves as :::EXIT54 (numbered exit) // program points define them as everything except // ::EXIT (combined), :::ENTER, :::THROWS, :::OBJECT, ::GLOBAL // and :::CLASS program points. This scheme ensures that arbitrarly // named program points such as :::POINT (used by // will be treated as leaves. //OLD: //if (!ppt.ppt_name.isExitPoint()) // return; if (ppt.ppt_name.isEnterPoint() || ppt.ppt_name.isThrowsPoint() || ppt.ppt_name.isObjectInstanceSynthetic() || ppt.ppt_name.isClassStaticSynthetic() || ppt.ppt_name.isGlobalPoint()) { return; } //OLD:if (ppt.ppt_name.isCombinedExitPoint()) { if (ppt.ppt_name.isExitPoint() && ppt.ppt_name.isCombinedExitPoint()) { // not Daikon.TerminationMessage; caller has more info (e.g., filename) throw new RuntimeException("Bad program point name " + + " is a combined exit point name"); } } // Add derived variables add_derived_variables(ppt, vt.vals, vt.mods); // Causes interning vt = new ValueTuple(vt.vals, vt.mods); if (debugRead.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { debugRead.fine ("Adding ValueTuple to " +; debugRead.fine (" length is " + vt.vals.length); } // If we are only reading the sample, don't process them if (dkconfig_read_samples_only) { return; } ppt.add_bottom_up (vt, 1); if (debugVars.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) debugVars.fine ( + " vars: " + Debug.int_vars (ppt, vt)); if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { Global.dtraceWriter.close(); } } /** Returns non-null if this procedure has an unmatched entry. **/ static boolean has_unmatched_procedure_entry(PptTopLevel ppt) { for (Invocation invok : call_hashmap.values()) { if (invok.ppt == ppt) { return true; } } for (Invocation invok : call_stack) { if (invok.ppt == ppt) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Print each call that does not have a matching exit */ public static void process_unmatched_procedure_entries() { if (dkconfig_unmatched_procedure_entries_quiet) return; int unmatched_count = call_stack.size() + call_hashmap.size(); if ((!call_stack.empty()) || (!call_hashmap.isEmpty())) { System.out.println(); System.out.print( "No return from procedure observed " + UtilMDE.nplural(unmatched_count, "time") + "."); if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) { System.out.print(" Unmatched entries are ignored!"); } System.out.println(); if (!call_hashmap.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Unterminated calls:"); if (dkconfig_verbose_unmatched_procedure_entries) { // Print the invocations in sorted order. // (Does this work? The keys are integers. -MDE 7/1/2005.) TreeSet<Integer> keys = new TreeSet<Integer>(call_hashmap.keySet()); ArrayList<Invocation> invocations = new ArrayList<Invocation>(); for (Integer i : keys) { invocations.add(call_hashmap.get(i)); } print_invocations_verbose(invocations); } else { print_invocations_grouped(call_hashmap.values()); } } if (!call_stack.empty()) { if (dkconfig_verbose_unmatched_procedure_entries) { System.out.println("Remaining " + UtilMDE.nplural(unmatched_count, "stack") + " call summarized below."); print_invocations_verbose(call_stack); } else { print_invocations_grouped(call_stack); } } System.out.print("End of report for procedures not returned from."); if (Daikon.use_dataflow_hierarchy) { System.out.print(" Unmatched entries are ignored!"); } System.out.println(); } } /** Print all the invocations in the collection, in order. **/ static void print_invocations_verbose(Collection<Invocation> invocations) { for (Invocation invok : invocations) { System.out.println(invok.format()); } } /** * Print the invocations in the collection, in order, and * suppressing duplicates. **/ static void print_invocations_grouped(Collection<Invocation> invocations) { Map<Invocation,Integer> counter = new HashMap<Invocation,Integer>(); for (Invocation invok : invocations) { invok = invok.canonicalize(); if (counter.containsKey(invok)) { Integer oldCount = counter.get(invok); Integer newCount = new Integer(oldCount.intValue() + 1); counter.put(invok, newCount); } else { counter.put(invok, new Integer(1)); } } // Print the invocations in sorted order. TreeSet<Invocation> keys = new TreeSet<Invocation>(counter.keySet()); for (Invocation invok : keys) { Integer count = counter.get(invok); System.out.println(invok.format(false) + " : " + UtilMDE.nplural(count.intValue(), "invocation")); } } // This procedure reads a single record from a trace file and // fills up vals and mods by side effect. The ppt name and // invocation nonce (if any) have already been read. private static void read_vals_and_mods_from_trace_file (LineNumberReader reader, String filename, PptTopLevel ppt, Object[] vals, int[] mods) throws IOException { VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos; int num_tracevars = ppt.num_tracevars; String[] oldvalue_reps = ppt_to_value_reps.get(ppt); if (oldvalue_reps == null) { // We've not encountered this program point before. The nulls in // this array will compare non-equal to whatever is in the trace // file, which is the desired behavior. oldvalue_reps = new String[num_tracevars]; } if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { Global.dtraceWriter.println(; if (to_write_nonce) { Global.dtraceWriter.println(nonce_string); Global.dtraceWriter.println(nonce_value); to_write_nonce = false; } } for (int vi_index = 0, val_index = 0; val_index < num_tracevars; vi_index++) { Assert.assertTrue(vi_index < vis.length // , "Got to vi_index " + vi_index + " after " + val_index + " of " + num_tracevars + " values" ); VarInfo vi = vis[vi_index]; Assert.assertTrue((!vi.is_static_constant) || (vi.value_index == -1) // , "Bad value_index " + vi.value_index + " when static_constant_value = " + vi.static_constant_value + " for " + vi.repr() + " at " + ppt_name ); if (vi.is_static_constant) continue; Assert.assertTrue(val_index == vi.value_index // , "Differing val_index = " + val_index // + " and vi.value_index = " + vi.value_index // + " for " + + lineSep + vi.repr() ); // In errors, say "for program point", not "at program point" as the // latter confuses Emacs goto-error. String line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Unexpected end of file at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + reader.getLineNumber() + lineSep + " Expected variable " + + ", got " + "null" // line + " for program point " +; } // Read lines until an included variable is found while ((line != null) && !line.equals("") && !var_included(line)) { line = reader.readLine(); // value (discard it) line = reader.readLine(); // modbit if (line == null || !((line.equals("0") || line.equals("1") || line.equals("2")))) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Bad modbit '" + line + "'", reader, data_trace_state.filename); } line = reader.readLine(); // next variable name } if (!line.trim().equals (vi.str_name())) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Mismatch between .dtrace file and .decls file. Expected variable " + + ", got " + line + " for program point " +, reader, data_trace_state.filename); } line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Unexpected end of file at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + reader.getLineNumber() + lineSep + " Expected value for variable " + + ", got " + "null" // line + " for program point " +; } String value_rep = line; line = reader.readLine(); if (line == null) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Unexpected end of file at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + reader.getLineNumber() + lineSep + " Expected modbit for variable " + + ", got " + "null" // line + " for program point " +; } if (!((line.equals("0") || line.equals("1") || line.equals("2")))) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage("Bad modbit `" + line + "'", reader, data_trace_state.filename); } int mod = ValueTuple.parseModified(line); // System.out.println("Mod is " + mod + " at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + reader.getLineNumber()); // System.out.pringln(" for variable " + // + " for program point " +; // MISSING_FLOW is only found during flow algorithm Assert.assertTrue (mod != ValueTuple.MISSING_FLOW, "Data trace value can't be missing due to flow"); if (mod != ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL) { // Set the modbit now, depending on whether the value of the variable // has been changed or not. if (value_rep.equals(oldvalue_reps[val_index])) { if (!dkconfig_add_changed) { mod = ValueTuple.UNMODIFIED; } } else { mod = ValueTuple.MODIFIED; } } mods[val_index] = mod; oldvalue_reps[val_index] = value_rep; if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { Global.dtraceWriter.println(; Global.dtraceWriter.println(value_rep); Global.dtraceWriter.println(mod); } Debug dbg = Debug.newDebug(FileIO.class, ppt, Debug.vis(vi)); if (dbg != null) dbg.log( "Var " + + " has value " + value_rep + " mod " + mod); // Both uninit and nonsensical mean missing modbit 2, because // it doesn't make sense to look at x.y when x is uninitialized. if (ValueTuple.modIsMissingNonsensical(mod)) { if (!(value_rep.equals("nonsensical") || value_rep.equals("uninit") // backward compatibility (9/27/2002) || value_rep.equals("missing"))) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Modbit indicates missing value for variable " + + " with value \"" + value_rep + "\";" + lineSep + " text of value should be \"nonsensical\" or \"uninit\" at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + reader.getLineNumber()); } else { // Keep track of variables that can be missing if (debug_missing && !vi.canBeMissing) { System.out.printf ("Var %s ppt %s at line %d missing%n", vi,, FileIO.data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber()); System.out.printf ("val_index = %d, mods[val_index] = %d%n", val_index, mods[val_index]); } vi.canBeMissing = true; } vals[val_index] = null; } else { // System.out.println("Mod is " + mod + " (missing=" + // ValueTuple.MISSING + "), rep=" + value_rep + // "(modIsMissing=" + ValueTuple.modIsMissing(mod) + ")"); try { vals[val_index] = vi.rep_type.parse_value(value_rep); if (vals[val_index] == null) { mods[val_index] = ValueTuple.MISSING_NONSENSICAL; if (debug_missing && !vi.canBeMissing) System.out.printf ("Var %s ppt %s at line %d null-not missing%n", vi,, FileIO.data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber()); vi.canBeMissing = true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Daikon.TerminationMessage( "Error while parsing value " + value_rep + " for variable " + + " of type " + vi.rep_type + ": " + e.toString(), reader, filename); } } val_index++; } ppt_to_value_reps.put(ppt, oldvalue_reps); if (Global.debugPrintDtrace) { Global.dtraceWriter.println(); } // Expecting the end of a block of values. String line = reader.readLine(); // First, we might get some variables that ought to be omitted. while ((line != null) && !line.equals("") && !var_included(line)) { line = reader.readLine(); // value line = reader.readLine(); // modbit line = reader.readLine(); // next variable name } Assert.assertTrue( (line == null) || (line.equals("")), "Expected blank line at line " + reader.getLineNumber() + ": " + line); } /** * If this is an function entry ppt, stores the values of all of the * variables away for use at the exit. If this is an exit, finds the * values at enter and adds them as the value sof the orig variables. * Normally returns false. Returns true if this is an exit without * a matching enter. See dkconfig_ignore_missing_enter for more info. * If true is returned, this ppt should be ignored by the caller **/ public static boolean add_orig_variables(PptTopLevel ppt, // HashMap cumulative_modbits, Object[] vals, int[] mods, Integer nonce) { VarInfo[] vis = ppt.var_infos; String fn_name = ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint(); String ppt_name =; if (ppt_name.endsWith(enter_tag)) { Invocation invok = new Invocation(ppt, vals, mods); if (nonce == null) { call_stack.push(invok); } else { call_hashmap.put(nonce, invok); } return false; } if (ppt.ppt_name.isExitPoint() || ppt.ppt_name.isThrowsPoint()) { Invocation invoc; // Set invoc { if (nonce == null) { if (call_stack.empty()) { // Not Daikon.TerminationMessage: caller knows context such as // file name and line number. throw new Error( "Function exit without corresponding entry: " +; } invoc = call_stack.pop(); while (invoc.ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint() != fn_name) { // Should also mark as a function that made an exceptional exit // at runtime. System.err.println( "Exceptional exit from function " + fn_name + ", expected to first exit from " + invoc.ppt.ppt_name.getNameWithoutPoint() + ((data_trace_state.filename == null) ? "" : "; at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber())); invoc = call_stack.pop(); } } else { // nonce != null invoc = call_hashmap.get(nonce); if (dkconfig_ignore_missing_enter && (invoc == null)) { //System.out.printf ("Didn't find call with nonce %d to match %s" + // " ending at %s line %d\n", nonce,, // data_trace_state.filename, // data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber()); return true; } else if (invoc == null) { // Not Daikon.TerminationMessage: caller knows context such as // file name and line number. throw new Error( "Didn't find call with nonce " + nonce + " to match " + + " ending at " + data_trace_state.filename + " line " + data_trace_state.reader.getLineNumber()); } invoc = call_hashmap.get(nonce); call_hashmap.remove(nonce); } } Assert.assertTrue(invoc != null); // Loop through each orig variable and get its value/mod bits from // the ENTER point. vi_index is the index into var_infos at the // ENTER point. val_index is the index into vals[] and mods[] at // ENTER point. Note that vis[] includes static constants but // vals[] and mods[] do not. Also that we don't create orig versions // of static constants int vi_index = 0; for (int val_index = 0; val_index < ppt.num_orig_vars; val_index++) { VarInfo vi = vis[ppt.num_tracevars + ppt.num_static_constant_vars + val_index]; assert (!vi.is_static_constant) : "orig constant " + vi; // Skip over constants in the entry point while (invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index].is_static_constant) vi_index++; // Copy the vals and mod bits from entry to exit vals[ppt.num_tracevars + val_index] = invoc.vals[val_index]; int mod = invoc.mods[val_index]; mods[ppt.num_tracevars + val_index] = mod; // If the value was missing, mark this variable as can be missing // Carefully check that we have orig version of the variable from // the ENTER point. if (ValueTuple.modIsMissingNonsensical (mod)) { if (debug_missing && !vi.canBeMissing) { System.out.printf ("add_orig: var %s missing[%d/%d]%n", vi, val_index, vi_index); } vi.canBeMissing = true; assert invoc.vals[val_index] == null; assert == invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index].prestate_name() : + " != "+ invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index]; assert invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index].canBeMissing : invoc.ppt.var_infos[vi_index]; } vi_index++; } } return false; } /** Add derived variables **/ public static void add_derived_variables(PptTopLevel ppt, Object[] vals, int[] mods) { // This ValueTuple is temporary: we're temporarily suppressing interning, // which we will do after we have all the values available. ValueTuple partial_vt = ValueTuple.makeUninterned(vals, mods); int filled_slots = ppt.num_orig_vars + ppt.num_tracevars + ppt.num_static_constant_vars; for (int i = 0; i < filled_slots; i++) { Assert.assertTrue(!ppt.var_infos[i].isDerived()); } for (int i = filled_slots; i < ppt.var_infos.length; i++) { if (!ppt.var_infos[i].isDerived()) { // Check first because repr() can be slow Assert.assertTrue( ppt.var_infos[i].isDerived(), "variable not derived: " + ppt.var_infos[i].repr()); } } int num_const = ppt.num_static_constant_vars; for (int i = filled_slots; i < ppt.var_infos.length; i++) { // Add this derived variable's value ValueAndModified vm = ppt.var_infos[i].derived.computeValueAndModified(partial_vt); vals[i - num_const] = vm.value; mods[i - num_const] = vm.modified; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Serialized PptMap files /// /** * Use a special record type. Saving as one object allows for * reference-sharing, easier saves and loads, and potential for * later overriding of SerialFormat.readObject if the save format * changes (ick). **/ static final class SerialFormat implements Serializable { // We are Serializable, so we specify a version to allow changes to // method signatures without breaking serialization. If you add or // remove fields, you should change this number to the current date. static final long serialVersionUID = 20060905L; public SerialFormat(PptMap map, Configuration config) { = map; this.config = config; this.new_decl_format = FileIO.new_decl_format; } public PptMap map; public Configuration config; public boolean new_decl_format = false; } public static void write_serialized_pptmap(PptMap map, File file) throws IOException { SerialFormat record = new SerialFormat(map, Configuration.getInstance()); UtilMDE.writeObject(record, file); } /** * Read either a serialized PptMap or a InvMap and return a * PptMap. If an InvMap is specified, it is converted to a PptMap */ public static PptMap read_serialized_pptmap( File file, boolean use_saved_config) throws IOException { try { Object obj = UtilMDE.readObject(file); if (obj instanceof FileIO.SerialFormat) { SerialFormat record = (SerialFormat) obj; if (use_saved_config) { Configuration.getInstance().overlap(record.config); } FileIO.new_decl_format = record.new_decl_format; return (; } else if (obj instanceof InvMap) { InvMap invs = (InvMap) obj; PptMap ppts = new PptMap(); for (Iterator<PptTopLevel> i = invs.pptIterator(); i.hasNext();) { PptTopLevel ppt =; PptTopLevel nppt = new PptTopLevel(, ppt.var_infos); nppt.set_sample_number(ppt.num_samples()); ppts.add(nppt); List<Invariant> inv_list = invs.get(ppt); for (Invariant inv : inv_list) { PptSlice slice = nppt.get_or_instantiate_slice(inv.ppt.var_infos); inv.ppt = slice; slice.addInvariant(inv); } } return (ppts); } else { throw new IOException( "Unexpected serialized file type: " + obj.getClass()); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw (IOException)(new IOException("Error while loading inv file").initCause(e)); } catch (InvalidClassException e) { throw new IOException( "It is likely that the .inv file format has changed, because a Daikon data structure has been modified, so your old .inv file is no longer readable by Daikon. Please regenerate your .inv file." // + lineSep + e.toString() ); } // } catch (StreamCorruptedException e) { // already extends IOException // } catch (OptionalDataException e) { // already extends IOException } /** * Returns whether or not the specified ppt name should be included * in processing. Ppts can be excluded because they match the omit_regexp, * don't match ppt_regexp, or are greater than ppt_max_name. */ public static boolean ppt_included(String ppt_name) { // System.out.println ("ppt_name = '" + ppt_name + "' max name = '" // + Daikon.ppt_max_name + "'"); if (((Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp != null) && Daikon.ppt_omit_regexp.matcher(ppt_name).find()) || ((Daikon.ppt_regexp != null) && !Daikon.ppt_regexp.matcher(ppt_name).find()) || ((Daikon.ppt_max_name != null) && ((Daikon.ppt_max_name.compareTo(ppt_name) < 0) && (ppt_name.indexOf(global_suffix) == -1)))) { return (false); } else { return (true); } } public static boolean var_included(String var_name) { assert ! var_name.equals(""); if (((Daikon.var_omit_regexp != null) && Daikon.var_omit_regexp.matcher(var_name).find()) || ((Daikon.var_regexp != null) && !Daikon.var_regexp.matcher(var_name).find())) { return (false); } else { return true; } } /** * Skips over a decl. Essentially reads in everything up to and including * the next blank line. */ private static void skip_decl (LineNumberReader reader) throws IOException { String line = reader.readLine(); // This fails if some lines of a declaration (e.g., the comparability // field) are empty. while ((line != null) && !line.equals("")) { line = reader.readLine(); } } /** * Converts the declaration record versoin of a name into its correct * version. In the declaration record, blanks are encoded as \_ and * backslashes as \\. */ private static String unescape_decl (String orig) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(orig.length()); // The previous escape character was seen just before this position. int post_esc = 0; int this_esc = orig.indexOf('\\'); while (this_esc != -1) { if (this_esc == orig.length()-1) { sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc+1)); post_esc = this_esc+1; break; } switch (orig.charAt(this_esc+1)) { case 'n': sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc)); sb.append('\n'); // not lineSep post_esc = this_esc+2; break; case 'r': sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc)); sb.append('\r'); post_esc = this_esc+2; break; case '_': sb.append (orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc)); sb.append (' '); post_esc = this_esc+2; break; case '\\': // This is not in the default case because the search would find // the quoted backslash. Here we incluce the first backslash in // the output, but not the first. sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc+1)); post_esc = this_esc+2; break; default: // In the default case, retain the character following the // backslash, but discard the backslash itself. "\*" is just // a one-character string. sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc, this_esc)); post_esc = this_esc+1; break; } this_esc = orig.indexOf('\\', post_esc); } if (post_esc == 0) return orig; sb.append(orig.substring(post_esc)); return sb.toString(); } /** * Class that holds all of the information from the declaration record * concerning a particular variable */ public static class VarDefinition implements, Cloneable{ static final long serialVersionUID = 20060524L; transient ParseState state; public String name; public VarKind kind = null; public String enclosing_var; public String relative_name = null; public RefType ref_type = RefType.POINTER; public int arr_dims = 0; public List<String> function_args = null; public ProglangType rep_type = null; public ProglangType declared_type = null; public EnumSet<VarFlags> flags = EnumSet.noneOf (VarFlags.class); public EnumSet<LangFlags> lang_flags = EnumSet.noneOf (LangFlags.class); public VarComparability comparability = null; public String parent_ppt = null; public int parent_relation_id = 0; public String parent_variable = null; public Object static_constant_value = null; public VarDefinition clone() { try { return (VarDefinition) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new Error("This can't happen: ", e); } } public VarDefinition copy () { try { VarDefinition copy = this.clone(); copy.flags = flags.clone(); copy.lang_flags = lang_flags.clone(); return copy; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException (t); } } /** Clears the parent relation if one existed **/ public void clear_parent_relation() { parent_ppt = null; parent_relation_id = 0; parent_variable = null; } /** * Initialize from the 'variable <name>' record. Scanner should be * pointing at name. */ public VarDefinition (ParseState state, Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { this.state = state; name = need (scanner, "name"); need_eol (scanner); if (state.varcomp_format == VarComparability.IMPLICIT) comparability = VarComparabilityImplicit.unknown; else comparability =; } public VarDefinition (String name, VarKind kind, ProglangType type) { this.state = null; = name; this.kind = kind; this.rep_type = type; this.declared_type = type; comparability =; } /** * Parse a var-kind record. Scanner should be pointing at the variable * kind. */ public void parse_var_kind (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { kind = parse_enum_val (scanner, VarKind.class, "variable kind"); if ((kind == VarKind.FIELD) || (kind == VarKind.FUNCTION)) { relative_name = need (scanner, "relative name"); } need_eol (scanner); } /** Parses the enclosing-var record **/ public void parse_enclosing_var (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { enclosing_var = need (scanner, "enclosing variable name"); need_eol(scanner); } /** Parses the reference-type record **/ public void parse_reference_type (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { ref_type = parse_enum_val (scanner, RefType.class, "reference type"); need_eol (scanner); } /** Parses the array record **/ public void parse_array (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { /*@Interned*/ String arr_str = need (scanner, "array dimensions"); if (arr_str == "0") // interned arr_dims = 0; else if (arr_str == "1") // interned arr_dims = 1; else decl_error (state, "%s found where 0 or 1 expected", arr_str); } /** Parses the function-args record **/ public void parse_function_args (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { function_args = new ArrayList<String>(); while (scanner.hasNext()) { function_args.add (unescape_decl (; } } public void parse_rep_type (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { /*@Interned*/ String rep_type_str = need (scanner, "rep type"); need_eol (scanner); rep_type = ProglangType.rep_parse (rep_type_str); } public void parse_dec_type (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { /*@Interned*/ String declared_type_str = need (scanner, "declaration type"); need_eol (scanner); declared_type = ProglangType.parse (declared_type_str); } /** Parse the flags record. Multiple flags can be specified **/ public void parse_flags (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { flags.add (parse_enum_val (scanner, VarFlags.class, "Flag")); while (scanner.hasNext()) flags.add (parse_enum_val (scanner, VarFlags.class, "Flag")); // System.out.printf ("flags for %s are %s%n", name, flags); } /** * Parse the langauge specific flags record. Multiple flags can * be specified **/ public void parse_lang_flags (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { lang_flags.add (parse_enum_val (scanner, LangFlags.class, "Language Specific Flag")); while (scanner.hasNext()) lang_flags.add (parse_enum_val (scanner, LangFlags.class, "Language Specific Flag")); } /** Parses a comparability record **/ public void parse_comparability (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { /*@Interned*/ String comparability_str = need (scanner, "comparability"); need_eol (scanner); comparability = VarComparability.parse (state.varcomp_format, comparability_str, declared_type); } /** Parse a parent ppt record **/ public void parse_parent (Scanner scanner, List<ParentRelation> ppt_parents) throws DeclError { parent_ppt = need (scanner, "parent ppt"); parent_relation_id = Integer.parseInt (need (scanner, "parent id")); boolean found = false; for (ParentRelation pr : ppt_parents) { if ((pr.parent_ppt_name == parent_ppt) && ( ==parent_relation_id)){ found = true; break; } } if (!found) { decl_error (state, "specified parent ppt '%s[%d]' for variable '%s' " + "is not a parent to this ppt", parent_ppt, parent_relation_id, name); } if (scanner.hasNext()) parent_variable = need (scanner, "parent variable"); need_eol (scanner); } /** Parse a constant record **/ public void parse_constant (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { /*@Interned*/ String constant_str = need (scanner, "constant value"); need_eol (scanner); static_constant_value = rep_type.parse_value (constant_str); } /** * Helper function, returns the next string token unescaped and * interned. Throw a DeclError if there is no next token */ public /*@Interned*/ String need (Scanner scanner, String description) throws DeclError { return (FileIO.need (state, scanner, description)); } /** Throws a DeclError if the scanner is not at end of line */ public void need_eol (Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { FileIO.need_eol (state, scanner); } /** * Looks up the next token as a member of enum_class. A DeclError * is thrown if there is no token or if it is not valid member of * the class. Enums are presumed to be in in upper case */ public <E extends Enum<E>> E parse_enum_val (Scanner scanner, Class<E> enum_class, String descr) throws DeclError { return FileIO.parse_enum_val (state, scanner, enum_class, descr); } } /** * Helper function, returns the next string token unescaped and * interned. Throw a DeclError if there is no next token */ public static /*@Interned*/ String need (ParseState state, Scanner scanner, String description) throws DeclError { if (!scanner.hasNext()) decl_error (state, "end-of-line found where %s expected", description); return unescape_decl (; } /** Throws a DeclError if the scanner is not at end of line */ public static void need_eol (ParseState state, Scanner scanner) throws DeclError { if (scanner.hasNext()) decl_error (state, "'%s' found where end-of-line expected",; } /** * Looks up the next token as a member of enum_class. A DeclError * is thrown if there is no token or if it is not valid member of * the class. Enums are presumed to be in in upper case */ public static <E extends Enum<E>> E parse_enum_val (ParseState state, Scanner scanner, Class<E> enum_class, String descr) throws DeclError { /*@Interned*/ String str = need (state, scanner, descr); try { E e = Enum.valueOf (enum_class, str.toUpperCase()); return (e); } catch (Exception exception) { E[] all = enum_class.getEnumConstants(); String msg = ""; for (E e : all) { if (msg != "") // "interned": initialization-checking pattern msg += ", "; msg += String.format ("'%s'",; } decl_error (state, "'%s' found where %s expected", str, msg); return (null); } } private static void decl_error (ParseState state, String format, Object... args) throws DeclError { throw DeclError.detail (state, format, args); } /** Returns whether the line is the start of a ppt declaration **/ private static boolean is_declaration_header (/*@Interned*/ String line) { if (new_decl_format) return (line.startsWith ("ppt ")); else return (line == declaration_header); } }