package net.vhati.modmanager.ui.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * An implementation-agnostic model to pass between the GUI thread and the * (de)serializer. */ public class TreeState { protected TreeNodeState rootNodeState = null; public TreeState() { } public void setRootNodeState( TreeNodeState rootNodeState ) { this.rootNodeState = rootNodeState; } public TreeNodeState getRootNodeState() { return rootNodeState; } public List<TreeNodeState> findNodeStates( TreeNodeStateFilter filter ) { return findNodeStates( getRootNodeState(), filter ); } /** * Returns a list of descendant node states which match a given filter. */ public List<TreeNodeState> findNodeStates( TreeNodeState currentNodeState, TreeNodeStateFilter filter ) { List<TreeNodeState> results = new ArrayList<TreeNodeState>( 1 ); collectNodeStates( currentNodeState, filter, results ); return results; } public boolean collectNodeStates( TreeNodeState currentNodeState, TreeNodeStateFilter filter, List<TreeNodeState> results ) { int maxResultCount = filter.getMaxResultCount(); boolean found = false; if ( filter.accept( currentNodeState ) ) { results.add( currentNodeState ); if ( maxResultCount > 0 && maxResultCount >= results.size() ) return true; } if ( currentNodeState.getAllowsChildren() ) { for ( Iterator<TreeNodeState> it = currentNodeState.children(); it.hasNext(); ) { TreeNodeState childNodeState =; found = collectNodeStates( childNodeState, filter, results ); if ( found && maxResultCount > 0 && maxResultCount >= results.size() ) return true; } } return found; } public boolean containsUserObject( Object o ) { UserObjectTreeNodeStateFilter filter = new UserObjectTreeNodeStateFilter( o ); filter.setMaxResultCount( 1 ); List<TreeNodeState> results = findNodeStates( filter ); return ( !results.isEmpty() ); } public static interface TreeNodeStateFilter { public int getMaxResultCount(); public boolean accept( TreeNodeState nodeState ); } public static class UserObjectTreeNodeStateFilter implements TreeNodeStateFilter { private Class objectClass = null; private Object o = null; private int maxResultCount = 0; /** * Constructs a filter matching objects of a given class (or subclass). */ public UserObjectTreeNodeStateFilter( Class objectClass ) { this.objectClass = objectClass; } /** * Constructs a filter matching objects equal to a given object. */ public UserObjectTreeNodeStateFilter( Object o ) { this.o = o; } public void setMaxResultCount( int n ) { maxResultCount = n; } @Override public int getMaxResultCount() { return maxResultCount; } @Override public boolean accept( TreeNodeState nodeState ) { Object nodeObject = nodeState.getUserObject(); if ( objectClass != null && nodeObject != null ) { return ( objectClass.isAssignableFrom( nodeObject.getClass() ) ); } else if ( o != null ) { return ( o.equals( nodeState.getUserObject() ) ); } return false; } } public static class TreeNodeState { protected Object userObject = null; protected boolean expand = false; protected List<TreeNodeState> children = null; private TreeNodeState parentNodeState = null; public TreeNodeState() { this( false, false ); } public TreeNodeState( boolean allowsChildren, boolean expand ) { if ( allowsChildren ) { this.expand = expand; children = new ArrayList<TreeNodeState>(); } } /** * Sets this node's parent to newParent but does not change the * parent's child array. */ public void setParent( TreeNodeState nodeState ) { parentNodeState = nodeState; } public TreeNodeState getParent() { return parentNodeState; } public boolean getAllowsChildren() { return ( children != null ); } public void addChild( TreeNodeState childNodeState ) { TreeNodeState oldParent = childNodeState.getParent(); if ( oldParent != null ) oldParent.removeChild( childNodeState ); childNodeState.setParent( this ); children.add( childNodeState ); } public void removeChild( TreeNodeState childNodeState ) { children.remove( childNodeState ); childNodeState.setParent( null ); } /** * Returns an iterator over this node state's children. */ public Iterator<TreeNodeState> children() { return children.iterator(); } public void setUserObject( Object userObject ) { this.userObject = userObject; } public Object getUserObject() { return userObject; } } }