package de.dfki.nlp.domain.exceptions; import; import lombok.Getter; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; public enum Errors { UNKNOWN("-1", "Unkown error code"), FORMAT_ERROR("1", "The introduced format is not correct. Please, revise it and send your petition again."), INCORRECT_TRANSFER_REQUEST_METHOD("2", "The request method is invalid. Please, use POST in order to send your data."), VALIDATIONS_ON_SAVE("3", "The data could not be saved due to an unexpected error. Please, try again later."), EMPTY_DATA("4", "There is no data in the response. Please, add some data in the POST message."), PREDICTION_WITHOUT_TYPE("5", "At least one of the types are not recognized in our servers. Please, contact us to find a solution."), UNKNOWN_TYPE("6", "At least one of the types are not recognized in our servers. Please, contact us to find a solution."), DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND("7", "Incorrect document id. At least one of the documents are not present in the BeCalm request"), NOT_VALID_BY_SCHEMA("8", "The structure of the output annotation file is incorrect. Please, revise them and try again."), REQUEST_EXPIRED("9", "The time for responding to the request has expired. Please, try again."), UNKNOWN_COMMUNICATION_ID("10", "This communication id does not correspond to your annotation server. Please, contact us to find a solution."), SERVER_VERSION_CHANGED("11", "The version of the requested server has changed. Please, send the annotation request again."), NEED_PARAMETERS("12", "Some mandatory parameters are missing for the current operation. Please, check the API REST documentation and try again."), REQUEST_CLOSED("13", "The request has been executed properly."), FIELD_NEEDED("14", "There are some fields missing in the annotation response. Please, revise them and try again."), INCORRECT_FIELD("15", "There are some incorrect fields in the annotation response. Please, revise them and try again."), REPEATED_PREDICTION("16", "There are some annotations overlaped in the annotation response. Please, revise them and try again."), JSON_ERROR("17", "The JSON response is invalid and some fields has some errors. Please, revise them and try again."), INCORRECT_STATE("18", "The annotation server state is incorrect. Please, revise them or contact us to find a solution."), DISALLOWED_ENCODING("19", "Your annotations do not have a valid UTF-8 encoding.Please check your encoding and try again"); private static final Map<String, Errors> LOOKUP = Maps.uniqueIndex( Arrays.asList(Errors.values()), Errors::getErrorCode ); @Getter public final String errorCode; public final String message; Errors(String errorCode, String message) { this.errorCode = errorCode; this.message = message; } public static Errors lookup(Object errorCode) { return LOOKUP.getOrDefault(errorCode, UNKNOWN); } }