/* * NOTICE: THE FILE HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO SUIT THE NEEDS OF THE PROJECT. * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.robobinding.internal.java_beans; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) class StandardBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo { // Prefixes for methods that set or get a Property private static final String PREFIX_IS = "is"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PREFIX_GET = "get"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PREFIX_SET = "set"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_NORMAL = "normal"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_INDEXED = "indexed"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_VALID = "valid"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_INVALID = "invalid"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_PROPERTY_TYPE = "PropertyType"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_IS_CONSTRAINED = "isConstrained"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_SETTERS = "setters"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String STR_GETTERS = "getters"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private boolean explicitProperties = false; private BeanInfo explicitBeanInfo = null; private MethodDescriptor[] methods = null; private PropertyDescriptor[] properties = null; private BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = null; BeanInfo[] additionalBeanInfo = null; private Class<?> beanClass; private int defaultPropertyIndex = -1; private static PropertyComparator comparator = new PropertyComparator(); private boolean canAddPropertyChangeListener; private boolean canRemovePropertyChangeListener; StandardBeanInfo(Class<?> beanClass, BeanInfo explicitBeanInfo, Class<?> stopClass) throws IntrospectionException { this.beanClass = beanClass; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * There are 3 aspects of BeanInfo that must be supplied: * a) PropertyDescriptors * b) MethodDescriptors * c) EventSetDescriptors * Each of these may be optionally provided in the explicitBeanInfo object relating to * this bean. Where the explicitBeanInfo provides one of these aspects, it is used * without question and no introspection of the beanClass is performed for that aspect. * There are also 3 optional items of BeanInfo that may be provided by the * explicitBeanInfo object: * 1) BeanDescriptor * 2) DefaultEventIndex * 3) DefaultPropertyIndex * These aspects of the beanClass cannot be derived through introspection of the class. * If they are not provided by the explicitBeanInfo, then they must be left null in the * returned BeanInfo, otherwise they will be copied from the explicitBeanInfo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (explicitBeanInfo != null) { this.explicitBeanInfo = explicitBeanInfo; properties = explicitBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); additionalBeanInfo = explicitBeanInfo.getAdditionalBeanInfo(); if (properties != null) explicitProperties = true; } if (methods == null) { methods = introspectMethods(); } if (properties == null) { properties = introspectProperties(stopClass); } } @Override public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo() { return null; } @Override public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() { return properties; } @Override public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() { if (beanDescriptor == null) { if (explicitBeanInfo != null) { beanDescriptor = explicitBeanInfo.getBeanDescriptor(); } if (beanDescriptor == null) { beanDescriptor = new BeanDescriptor(beanClass); } } return beanDescriptor; } void mergeBeanInfo(BeanInfo beanInfo, boolean force) throws IntrospectionException { if (force || !explicitProperties) { PropertyDescriptor[] superDescs = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); if (superDescs != null) { if (getPropertyDescriptors() != null) { properties = mergeProps(superDescs, beanInfo.getDefaultPropertyIndex()); } else { properties = superDescs; defaultPropertyIndex = beanInfo.getDefaultPropertyIndex(); } } } } /* * merge the PropertyDescriptor with superclass */ private PropertyDescriptor[] mergeProps(PropertyDescriptor[] superDescs, int superDefaultIndex) throws IntrospectionException { // change to OO way as EventSetD and MethodD HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor> subMap = internalAsMap(properties); String defaultPropertyName = null; if (defaultPropertyIndex >= 0 && defaultPropertyIndex < properties.length) { defaultPropertyName = properties[defaultPropertyIndex].getName(); } else if (superDefaultIndex >= 0 && superDefaultIndex < superDescs.length) { defaultPropertyName = superDescs[superDefaultIndex].getName(); } for (int i = 0; i < superDescs.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor superDesc = superDescs[i]; String propertyName = superDesc.getName(); if (!subMap.containsKey(propertyName)) { subMap.put(propertyName, superDesc); continue; } Object value = subMap.get(propertyName); // if sub and super are both PropertyDescriptor Method subGet = ((PropertyDescriptor) value).getReadMethod(); Method subSet = ((PropertyDescriptor) value).getWriteMethod(); Method superGet = superDesc.getReadMethod(); Method superSet = superDesc.getWriteMethod(); Class<?> superType = superDesc.getPropertyType(); Class<?> superIndexedType = null; Class<?> subType = ((PropertyDescriptor) value).getPropertyType(); Class<?> subIndexedType = null; if (value instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { subIndexedType = ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) value).getIndexedPropertyType(); } if (superDesc instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { superIndexedType = ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) superDesc).getIndexedPropertyType(); } // if superDesc is PropertyDescriptor if (superIndexedType == null) { PropertyDescriptor subDesc = (PropertyDescriptor) value; // Sub is PropertyDescriptor if (subIndexedType == null) { // Same property type if (subType != null && superType != null && subType.getName() != null && subType.getName().equals(superType.getName())) { if (superGet != null && (subGet == null || superGet.equals(subGet))) { subDesc.setReadMethod(superGet); } if (superSet != null && (subSet == null || superSet.equals(subSet))) { subDesc.setWriteMethod(superSet); } if (subType == boolean.class && subGet != null && superGet != null) { if (superGet.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_IS)) { subDesc.setReadMethod(superGet); } } } else { // Different type if ((subGet == null || subSet == null) && (superGet != null)) { subDesc = new PropertyDescriptor(propertyName, superGet, superSet); if (subGet != null) { String subGetName = subGet.getName(); Method method = null; MethodDescriptor[] introspectMethods = introspectMethods(); for (MethodDescriptor methodDesc : introspectMethods) { method = methodDesc.getMethod(); if (method != subGet && subGetName.equals(method.getName()) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && method.getReturnType() == superType) { subDesc.setReadMethod(method); break; } } } } } } else { // Sub is IndexedPropertyDescriptor and super is // PropertyDescriptor if (superType != null && (superType.isArray()) && (superType.getComponentType().getName().equals(subIndexedType.getName()))) { if ((subGet == null) && (superGet != null)) { subDesc.setReadMethod(superGet); } if ((subSet == null) && (superSet != null)) { subDesc.setWriteMethod(superSet); } } // different type do nothing // sub is indexed pd and super is normal pd if (subIndexedType == boolean.class && superType == boolean.class) { Method subIndexedSet = ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) subDesc).getIndexedWriteMethod(); if (subGet == null && subSet == null && subIndexedSet != null && superGet != null) { try { subSet = beanClass.getDeclaredMethod(subIndexedSet.getName(), boolean.class); } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } if (subSet != null) { // Cast sub into PropertyDescriptor subDesc = new PropertyDescriptor(propertyName, superGet, subSet); } } } } subMap.put(propertyName, subDesc); } else { // Super is IndexedPropertyDescriptor if (subIndexedType == null) { // Sub is PropertyDescriptor if (subType != null && subType.isArray() && (subType.getComponentType().getName().equals(superIndexedType.getName()))) { // Same type if (subGet != null) { superDesc.setReadMethod(subGet); } if (subSet != null) { superDesc.setWriteMethod(subSet); } subMap.put(propertyName, superDesc); } else { // subDesc is PropertyDescriptor // superDesc is IndexedPropertyDescriptor // fill null subGet or subSet method with superClass's if (subGet == null || subSet == null) { Class<?> beanSuperClass = beanClass.getSuperclass(); String methodSuffix = capitalize(propertyName); Method method = null; if (subGet == null) { // subGet is null if (subType == boolean.class) { try { method = beanSuperClass.getDeclaredMethod(PREFIX_IS + methodSuffix); } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } } else { try { method = beanSuperClass.getDeclaredMethod(PREFIX_GET + methodSuffix); } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } } if (method != null && !Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) && method.getReturnType() == subType) { ((PropertyDescriptor) value).setReadMethod(method); } } else { // subSet is null try { method = beanSuperClass.getDeclaredMethod(PREFIX_SET + methodSuffix, subType); } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } if (method != null && !Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) && method.getReturnType() == void.class) { ((PropertyDescriptor) value).setWriteMethod(method); } } } subMap.put(propertyName, (PropertyDescriptor) value); } } else if (subIndexedType.getName().equals(superIndexedType.getName())) { // Sub is IndexedPropertyDescriptor and Same type IndexedPropertyDescriptor subDesc = (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) value; if ((subGet == null) && (superGet != null)) { subDesc.setReadMethod(superGet); } if ((subSet == null) && (superSet != null)) { subDesc.setWriteMethod(superSet); } IndexedPropertyDescriptor superIndexedDesc = (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) superDesc; if ((subDesc.getIndexedReadMethod() == null) && (superIndexedDesc.getIndexedReadMethod() != null)) { subDesc.setIndexedReadMethod(superIndexedDesc.getIndexedReadMethod()); } if ((subDesc.getIndexedWriteMethod() == null) && (superIndexedDesc.getIndexedWriteMethod() != null)) { subDesc.setIndexedWriteMethod(superIndexedDesc.getIndexedWriteMethod()); } subMap.put(propertyName, subDesc); } // Different indexed type, do nothing } mergeAttributes((PropertyDescriptor) value, superDesc); } PropertyDescriptor[] theDescs = new PropertyDescriptor[subMap.size()]; subMap.values().toArray(theDescs); if (defaultPropertyName != null && !explicitProperties) { for (int i = 0; i < theDescs.length; i++) { if (defaultPropertyName.equals(theDescs[i].getName())) { defaultPropertyIndex = i; break; } } } return theDescs; } private String capitalize(String name) { if (name == null) { return null; } // The rule for decapitalize is that: // If the first letter of the string is Upper Case, make it lower case // UNLESS the second letter of the string is also Upper Case, in which // case no // changes are made. if (name.length() == 0 || (name.length() > 1 && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(1)))) { return name; } char[] chars = name.toCharArray(); chars[0] = Character.toUpperCase(chars[0]); return new String(chars); } private static void mergeAttributes(PropertyDescriptor subDesc, PropertyDescriptor superDesc) { // this is just temp workaround, need more elegant solution to // handle this subDesc.hidden |= superDesc.hidden; subDesc.expert |= superDesc.expert; subDesc.preferred |= superDesc.preferred; subDesc.bound |= superDesc.bound; subDesc.constrained |= superDesc.constrained; subDesc.name = superDesc.name; if (subDesc.shortDescription == null && superDesc.shortDescription != null) { subDesc.shortDescription = superDesc.shortDescription; } if (subDesc.displayName == null && superDesc.displayName != null) { subDesc.displayName = superDesc.displayName; } } private static HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor> internalAsMap(PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescs) { HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor> map = new HashMap<String, PropertyDescriptor>(); for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescs.length; i++) { map.put(propertyDescs[i].getName(), propertyDescs[i]); } return map; } /** * Introspects the supplied class and returns a list of the public methods * of the class. * * @return An array of MethodDescriptors with the public methods. null if * there are no public methods */ private MethodDescriptor[] introspectMethods() { return introspectMethods(false, beanClass); } private MethodDescriptor[] introspectMethods(boolean includeSuper) { return introspectMethods(includeSuper, beanClass); } private MethodDescriptor[] introspectMethods(boolean includeSuper, Class<?> introspectorClass) { // Get the list of methods belonging to this class Method[] basicMethods = includeSuper ? introspectorClass.getMethods() : introspectorClass.getDeclaredMethods(); if (basicMethods == null || basicMethods.length == 0) return null; ArrayList<MethodDescriptor> methodList = new ArrayList<MethodDescriptor>(basicMethods.length); // Loop over the methods found, looking for public non-static methods for (int i = 0; i < basicMethods.length; i++) { int modifiers = basicMethods[i].getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { // Allocate a MethodDescriptor for this method MethodDescriptor theDescriptor = new MethodDescriptor(basicMethods[i]); methodList.add(theDescriptor); } } // Get the list of public methods into the returned array int methodCount = methodList.size(); MethodDescriptor[] theMethods = null; if (methodCount > 0) { theMethods = new MethodDescriptor[methodCount]; theMethods = methodList.toArray(theMethods); } return theMethods; } /** * Introspects the supplied class and returns a list of the Properties of * the class. * * @param stopClass * - the to introspecting at * @return The list of Properties as an array of PropertyDescriptors * @throws IntrospectionException */ private PropertyDescriptor[] introspectProperties(Class<?> stopClass) throws IntrospectionException { // Get descriptors for the public methods MethodDescriptor[] methodDescriptors = introspectMethods(); if (methodDescriptors == null) { return null; } ArrayList<MethodDescriptor> methodList = new ArrayList<MethodDescriptor>(); // Loop over the methods found, looking for public non-static methods for (int index = 0; index < methodDescriptors.length; index++) { int modifiers = methodDescriptors[index].getMethod().getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { methodList.add(methodDescriptors[index]); } } // Get the list of public non-static methods into an array int methodCount = methodList.size(); MethodDescriptor[] theMethods = null; if (methodCount > 0) { theMethods = new MethodDescriptor[methodCount]; theMethods = methodList.toArray(theMethods); } if (theMethods == null) { return null; } HashMap<String, HashMap> propertyTable = new HashMap<String, HashMap>(theMethods.length); // Search for methods that either get or set a Property for (int i = 0; i < theMethods.length; i++) { introspectGet(theMethods[i].getMethod(), propertyTable); introspectSet(theMethods[i].getMethod(), propertyTable); } // fix possible getter & setter collisions fixGetSet(propertyTable); // If there are listener methods, should be bound. MethodDescriptor[] allMethods = introspectMethods(true); if (stopClass != null) { MethodDescriptor[] excludeMethods = introspectMethods(true, stopClass); if (excludeMethods != null) { ArrayList<MethodDescriptor> tempMethods = new ArrayList<MethodDescriptor>(); for (MethodDescriptor method : allMethods) { if (!isInSuper(method, excludeMethods)) { tempMethods.add(method); } } allMethods = tempMethods.toArray(new MethodDescriptor[0]); } } // Put the properties found into the PropertyDescriptor array ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor> propertyList = new ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>(); for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap> entry : propertyTable.entrySet()) { String propertyName = entry.getKey(); HashMap table = entry.getValue(); if (table == null) { continue; } String normalTag = (String) table.get(STR_NORMAL); String indexedTag = (String) table.get(STR_INDEXED); if ((normalTag == null) && (indexedTag == null)) { continue; } Method get = (Method) table.get(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET); Method set = (Method) table.get(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET); Method indexedGet = (Method) table.get(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET); Method indexedSet = (Method) table.get(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET); PropertyDescriptor propertyDesc = null; if (indexedTag == null) { propertyDesc = new PropertyDescriptor(propertyName, get, set); } else { try { propertyDesc = new IndexedPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, get, set, indexedGet, indexedSet); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { // If the getter and the indexGetter is not compatible, try // getter/setter is null; propertyDesc = new IndexedPropertyDescriptor(propertyName, null, null, indexedGet, indexedSet); } } // RI set propretyDescriptor as bound. // propertyDesc.setBound(true); if (canAddPropertyChangeListener && canRemovePropertyChangeListener) { propertyDesc.setBound(true); } else { propertyDesc.setBound(false); } if (table.get(STR_IS_CONSTRAINED) == Boolean.TRUE) { //$NON-NLS-1$ propertyDesc.setConstrained(true); } propertyList.add(propertyDesc); } PropertyDescriptor[] theProperties = new PropertyDescriptor[propertyList.size()]; propertyList.toArray(theProperties); return theProperties; } private boolean isInSuper(MethodDescriptor method, MethodDescriptor[] excludeMethods) { for (MethodDescriptor m : excludeMethods) { if (method.getMethod().equals(m.getMethod())) { return true; } } return false; } private static void introspectGet(Method theMethod, HashMap<String, HashMap> propertyTable) { String methodName = theMethod.getName(); int prefixLength = 0; String propertyName; Class propertyType; Class[] paramTypes; HashMap table; ArrayList<Method> getters; if (methodName == null) { return; } if (methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_GET)) { prefixLength = PREFIX_GET.length(); } if (methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_IS)) { prefixLength = PREFIX_IS.length(); } if (prefixLength == 0) { return; } propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize(methodName.substring(prefixLength)); // validate property name if (!isValidProperty(propertyName)) { return; } // validate return type propertyType = theMethod.getReturnType(); if (propertyType == null || propertyType == void.class) { return; } // isXXX return boolean if (prefixLength == 2) { if (!(propertyType == boolean.class)) { return; } } // validate parameter types paramTypes = theMethod.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length > 1 || (paramTypes.length == 1 && paramTypes[0] != int.class)) { return; } table = propertyTable.get(propertyName); if (table == null) { table = new HashMap(); propertyTable.put(propertyName, table); } getters = (ArrayList<Method>) table.get(STR_GETTERS); if (getters == null) { getters = new ArrayList<Method>(); table.put(STR_GETTERS, getters); } // add current method as a valid getter getters.add(theMethod); } private static void introspectSet(Method theMethod, HashMap<String, HashMap> propertyTable) { String methodName = theMethod.getName(); if (methodName == null) { return; } String propertyName; Class[] paramTypes; // setter method should never return type other than void /** * Comment out by Cheng */ /* Class returnType; returnType = theMethod.getReturnType(); if (returnType != void.class) { return; }*/ if (methodName == null || !methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_SET)) { return; } propertyName = Introspector.decapitalize(methodName.substring(PREFIX_SET.length())); // validate property name if (!isValidProperty(propertyName)) { return; } // It seems we do not need to validate return type // validate param types paramTypes = theMethod.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length == 0 || paramTypes.length > 2 || (paramTypes.length == 2 && paramTypes[0] != int.class)) { return; } HashMap table = propertyTable.get(propertyName); if (table == null) { table = new HashMap(); propertyTable.put(propertyName, table); } ArrayList<Method> setters = (ArrayList<Method>) table.get(STR_SETTERS); if (setters == null) { setters = new ArrayList<Method>(); table.put(STR_SETTERS, setters); } // handle constrained Class[] exceptions = theMethod.getExceptionTypes(); for (Class e : exceptions) { if (e.equals(PropertyVetoException.class)) { table.put(STR_IS_CONSTRAINED, Boolean.TRUE); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } // add new setter setters.add(theMethod); } /** * Checks and fixs all cases when several incompatible checkers / getters * were specified for single property. * * @param propertyTable * @throws IntrospectionException */ private void fixGetSet(HashMap<String, HashMap> propertyTable) throws IntrospectionException { if (propertyTable == null) { return; } for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap> entry : propertyTable.entrySet()) { HashMap<String, Object> table = entry.getValue(); ArrayList<Method> getters = (ArrayList<Method>) table.get(STR_GETTERS); ArrayList<Method> setters = (ArrayList<Method>) table.get(STR_SETTERS); Method normalGetter = null; Method indexedGetter = null; Method normalSetter = null; Method indexedSetter = null; Class<?> normalPropType = null; Class<?> indexedPropType = null; if (getters == null) { getters = new ArrayList<Method>(); } if (setters == null) { setters = new ArrayList<Method>(); } // retrieve getters Class<?>[] paramTypes = null; String methodName = null; for (Method getter : getters) { paramTypes = getter.getParameterTypes(); methodName = getter.getName(); // checks if it's a normal getter if (paramTypes == null || paramTypes.length == 0) { // normal getter found if (normalGetter == null || methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_IS)) { normalGetter = getter; } } // checks if it's an indexed getter if (paramTypes != null && paramTypes.length == 1 && paramTypes[0] == int.class) { // indexed getter found if (indexedGetter == null || methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_GET) || (methodName.startsWith(PREFIX_IS) && !indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_GET))) { indexedGetter = getter; } } } // retrieve normal setter if (normalGetter != null) { // Now we will try to look for normal setter of the same type. Class<?> propertyType = normalGetter.getReturnType(); for (Method setter : setters) { if (setter.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && propertyType.equals(setter.getParameterTypes()[0])) { normalSetter = setter; break; } } } else { // Normal getter wasn't defined. Let's look for the last // defined setter for (Method setter : setters) { if (setter.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { normalSetter = setter; } } } // retrieve indexed setter if (indexedGetter != null) { // Now we will try to look for indexed setter of the same type. Class<?> propertyType = indexedGetter.getReturnType(); for (Method setter : setters) { if (setter.getParameterTypes().length == 2 && setter.getParameterTypes()[0] == int.class && propertyType.equals(setter.getParameterTypes()[1])) { indexedSetter = setter; break; } } } else { // Indexed getter wasn't defined. Let's look for the last // defined indexed setter for (Method setter : setters) { if (setter.getParameterTypes().length == 2 && setter.getParameterTypes()[0] == int.class) { indexedSetter = setter; } } } // determine property type if (normalGetter != null) { normalPropType = normalGetter.getReturnType(); } else if (normalSetter != null) { normalPropType = normalSetter.getParameterTypes()[0]; } // determine indexed getter/setter type if (indexedGetter != null) { indexedPropType = indexedGetter.getReturnType(); } else if (indexedSetter != null) { indexedPropType = indexedSetter.getParameterTypes()[1]; } // convert array-typed normal getters to indexed getters if (normalGetter != null && normalGetter.getReturnType().isArray()) { } // RULES // These rules were created after performing extensive black-box // testing of RI // RULE1 // Both normal getter and setter of the same type were defined; // no indexed getter/setter *PAIR* of the other type defined if (normalGetter != null && normalSetter != null && (indexedGetter == null || indexedSetter == null)) { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); continue; } // RULE2 // normal getter and/or setter was defined; no indexed // getters & setters defined if ((normalGetter != null || normalSetter != null) && indexedGetter == null && indexedSetter == null) { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); continue; } // RULE3 // mix of normal / indexed getters and setters are defined. Types // are compatible if ((normalGetter != null || normalSetter != null) && (indexedGetter != null || indexedSetter != null)) { // (1)!A!B!C!D if (normalGetter != null && normalSetter != null && indexedGetter != null && indexedSetter != null) { if (indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_GET)) { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); } else { if (normalPropType != boolean.class && normalGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_IS)) { table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); } else { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); } } continue; } // (2)!AB!C!D if (normalGetter != null && normalSetter == null && indexedGetter != null && indexedSetter != null) { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); if (indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_GET)) { table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); } table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); continue; } // (3)A!B!C!D if (normalGetter == null && normalSetter != null && indexedGetter != null && indexedSetter != null) { table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); if (indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_GET)) { table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); } table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); continue; } // (4)!AB!CD if (normalGetter != null && normalSetter == null && indexedGetter != null && indexedSetter == null) { if (indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_GET)) { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); } else { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); } continue; } // (5)A!B!CD if (normalGetter == null && normalSetter != null && indexedGetter != null && indexedSetter == null) { if (indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_GET)) { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); } else { table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_GET, normalGetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + PREFIX_SET, normalSetter); table.put(STR_NORMAL + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, normalPropType); } continue; } // (6)!ABC!D if (normalGetter != null && normalSetter == null && indexedGetter == null && indexedSetter != null) { table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); continue; } // (7)A!BC!D if (normalGetter == null && normalSetter != null && indexedGetter == null && indexedSetter != null) { table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); continue; } } // RULE4 // no normal normal getter / setter. // Only indexed getter and/or setter is given // no normal setters / getters defined if (normalSetter == null && normalGetter == null && (indexedGetter != null || indexedSetter != null)) { if (indexedGetter != null && indexedGetter.getName().startsWith(PREFIX_IS)) { if (indexedSetter != null) { table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); } continue; } table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); continue; } // RULE5 // Both indexed getter and setter methods are defined // no normal getter/setter *PAIR* of the other type defined if ((normalSetter != null || normalGetter != null) && indexedGetter != null && indexedSetter != null) { table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_VALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_GET, indexedGetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + PREFIX_SET, indexedSetter); table.put(STR_INDEXED + STR_PROPERTY_TYPE, indexedPropType); continue; } // default rule - invalid property table.put(STR_NORMAL, STR_INVALID); table.put(STR_INDEXED, STR_INVALID); } } private static boolean isValidProperty(String propertyName) { return (propertyName != null) && (propertyName.length() != 0); } private static class PropertyComparator implements Comparator<PropertyDescriptor> { public int compare(PropertyDescriptor object1, PropertyDescriptor object2) { return object1.getName().compareTo(object2.getName()); } } void init() { if (this.properties == null) { this.properties = new PropertyDescriptor[0]; } if (properties != null) { String defaultPropertyName = (defaultPropertyIndex != -1 ? properties[defaultPropertyIndex].getName() : null); Arrays.sort(properties, comparator); if (null != defaultPropertyName) { for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { if (defaultPropertyName.equals(properties[i].getName())) { defaultPropertyIndex = i; break; } } } } } }