package org.baeldung.test.common.service; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq; import static org.mockito.Matchers.isA; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import org.baeldung.common.persistence.event.AfterEntityCreateEvent; import org.baeldung.common.persistence.event.AfterEntityUpdateEvent; import org.baeldung.common.persistence.event.BeforeEntityCreateEvent; import org.baeldung.common.persistence.model.IEntity; import org.baeldung.common.persistence.service.IRawService; import org.baeldung.test.common.util.IDUtil; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils; import; /** * A base class for service layer unit tests. */ public abstract class AbstractServiceUnitTest<T extends IEntity> { protected ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher; // tests public void before() { when(getDAO().findAll()).thenReturn(Lists.<T> newArrayList()); eventPublisher = mock(ApplicationEventPublisher.class); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(getApi(), "eventPublisher", eventPublisher); } @Test public final void whenServiceIsInitialized_thenNoException() { // When // Then } // create @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void whenCreateIsTriggeredForNullEntity_thenException() { // When getApi().create(null); // Then } @Test public void whenCreateIsTriggered_thenNoException() { // When getApi().create(stubDaoSave(createNewEntity())); // Then } @Test public void whenCreatingANewEntity_thenEntityIsSaved() { // Given final T entity = stubDaoSave(createNewEntity()); // When getApi().create(entity); // Then verify(getDAO()).save(entity); } @Test public void whenCreatingANewEntity_thenBeforeCreateEventIsPublished() { // Given final T entity = createNewEntity(); stubDaoSave(entity); // When getApi().create(entity); // Then verify(getEventPublisher()).publishEvent(isA(BeforeEntityCreateEvent.class)); } @Test public void whenCreatingANewEntity_thenEventIsPublished() { // Given final T entity = createNewEntity(); stubDaoSave(entity); // When getApi().create(entity); // Then verify(getEventPublisher()).publishEvent(isA(AfterEntityCreateEvent.class)); } // update @Test public void whenUpdateIsTriggered_thenNoException() { // When getApi().update(givenEntityExists(stubDaoSave(createSimulatedExistingEntity()))); // Then } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void givenNullEntity_whenUpdate_thenException() { getApi().update(null); } @Test public void whenUpdateIsTriggered_thenEntityIsUpdated() { // When final T entity = createSimulatedExistingEntity(); getApi().update(entity); // Then verify(getDAO()).save(entity); } @Test public void givenEntity_whenUpdate_thenEventIsPublished() { // Given final T entity = createSimulatedExistingEntity(); stubDaoSave(entity); // When getApi().update(entity); // Then verify(getEventPublisher()).publishEvent(isA(AfterEntityUpdateEvent.class)); } // find - paged @Test public void whenPageOfEntitiesIsRetrieved_thenResultIsCorrect() { // Given final PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(1, 10); final Page<T> page = new PageImpl<T>(Lists.<T> newArrayList(), pageRequest, 10L); when(getDAO().findAll(eq(pageRequest))).thenReturn(page); // When final Page<T> found = getApi().findAllPaginatedAndSortedRaw(1, 10, null, null); // Then assertSame(page, found); } // find - all @Test public void whenGetAllIsTriggered_thenNoException() { // When getApi().findAll(); // Then } @Test public void whenGetAllIsTriggered_thenAllEntitiesAreRetrieved() { // When getApi().findAll(); // Then verify(getDAO()).findAll(); } // find - one @Test public final void whenGetIsTriggered_thenNoException() { configureGet(1l); // When getApi().findOne(1l); // Then } @Test public final void whenGetIsTriggered_thenEntityIsRetrieved() { configureGet(1l); // When getApi().findOne(1l); // Then verify(getDAO()).findOne(1l); } @Test public void whenEntityByIdIsFound_thenItIsReturned() { // Given final T entity = createSimulatedExistingEntity(); givenEntityExists(entity); // When final T found = getApi().findOne(entity.getId()); // Then assertThat(found, is(equalTo(entity))); } // delete /** * - note: the responsibility of ensuring data integrity belongs to the database; because this is an unit test, then no exception is thrown */ @Test public void givenResourceDoesNotExist_whenDeleteIsTriggered_thenNoExceptions() { final long randomId = IDUtil.randomPositiveLong(); givenEntityExists(randomId); // When getApi().delete(randomId); // Then } @Test public void givenResourceExists_whenDeleteIsTriggered_thenNoExceptions() { final long id = IDUtil.randomPositiveLong(); // Given givenEntityExists(id); // When getApi().delete(id); // Then } @Test public void givenResourceExists_whenDeleteIsTriggered_thenEntityIsDeleted() { // Given final long id = IDUtil.randomPositiveLong(); final T entityToBeDeleted = givenEntityExists(id); // When getApi().delete(id); // Then verify(getDAO()).delete(entityToBeDeleted); } // delete - all @Test public void whenDeleteAllEntities_thenEntitiesAreDeleted() { // When getApi().deleteAll(); // Then verify(getDAO()).deleteAll(); } // utils protected final T givenEntityExists(final long id) { final T entity = createNewEntity(); entity.setId(id); when(getDAO().findOne(id)).thenReturn(entity); return entity; } protected final T givenEntityExists(final T entity) { when(getDAO().findOne(entity.getId())).thenReturn(entity); return entity; } protected final T stubDaoSave(final T entity) { when(getDAO().save(entity)).thenReturn(entity); return entity; } /** * Creates and returns the instance of entity that is existing (ie ID is not null). * * @return the created entity */ protected T createSimulatedExistingEntity() { final T entity = createNewEntity(); entity.setId(IDUtil.randomPositiveLong()); when(getDAO().findOne(entity.getId())).thenReturn(entity); return entity; } /** * Gets the application event publisher mock. * * @return the event publisher mock. */ protected final ApplicationEventPublisher getEventPublisher() { return eventPublisher; } // template protected abstract T createNewEntity(); protected abstract void changeEntity(final T entity); protected abstract T configureGet(final long id); /** * Gets the service that is need to be tested. * * @return the service. */ protected abstract IRawService<T> getApi(); /** * Gets the DAO mock. * * @return the DAO mock. */ protected abstract PagingAndSortingRepository<T, Long> getDAO(); }