package net.fusejna; import; import; import java.nio.BufferOverflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.fusejna.StructFlock.FlockWrapper; import net.fusejna.StructFuseFileInfo.FileInfoWrapper; import net.fusejna.StructStat.StatWrapper; import net.fusejna.StructStatvfs.StatvfsWrapper; import net.fusejna.StructTimeBuffer.TimeBufferWrapper; import net.fusejna.types.TypeDev; import net.fusejna.types.TypeGid; import net.fusejna.types.TypeMode; import net.fusejna.types.TypeMode.ModeWrapper; import net.fusejna.types.TypeMode.NodeType; import net.fusejna.types.TypeOff; import net.fusejna.types.TypePid; import net.fusejna.types.TypeSize; import net.fusejna.types.TypeUInt32; import net.fusejna.types.TypeUid; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.panbox.desktop.common.vfs.PanboxFS; import com.sun.jna.Function; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; public abstract class FuseFilesystem { private static Logger logger; private static @interface FuseMethod { } private static @interface UserMethod { } private static final String defaultFilesystemName = "panboxfs-"; private static final Pattern regexNormalizeFilesystemName = Pattern .compile("[^a-zA-Z]"); private final ReentrantLock mountLock = new ReentrantLock(); private final AutoUnmountHook unmountHook = new AutoUnmountHook(this); private File mountPoint = null; @FuseMethod final int _access(final String path, final int access) { return access(path, access); } @FuseMethod final int _bmap(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = bmap(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _chmod(final String path, final TypeMode mode) { chmod(path, new ModeWrapper(mode)); return 0; } @FuseMethod final int _chown(final String path, final TypeUid uid, final TypeGid gid) { return chown(path, uid.longValue(), gid.longValue()); } @FuseMethod final int _create(final String path, final TypeMode mode, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = create(path, new ModeWrapper(mode), wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final void _destroy() { destroy(); } @FuseMethod final int _fgetattr(final String path, final StructStat stat, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final StatWrapper swrapper = new StatWrapper(path, stat); defaultStat(swrapper, FuseJna.getUid(), FuseJna.getGid()); final FileInfoWrapper fwrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = fgetattr(path, swrapper, fwrapper); swrapper.write(); fwrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _flush(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { return flush(path, new FileInfoWrapper(path, info)); } @FuseMethod final int _fsync(final String path, final int datasync, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { return fsync(path, datasync, new FileInfoWrapper(path, info)); } @FuseMethod final int _fsyncdir(final String path, final int datasync, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = fsyncdir(path, datasync, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _ftruncate(final String path, final TypeOff offset, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = ftruncate(path, offset.longValue(), wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _getattr(final String path, final StructStat stat) { final StatWrapper wrapper = new StatWrapper(path, stat); defaultStat(wrapper, FuseJna.getUid(), FuseJna.getGid()); final int result = getattr(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _getxattr(final String path, final String xattr, final Pointer buffer, final TypeSize size, final TypeUInt32 position) { final long sizeValue = size.longValue(); if (buffer == null || sizeValue == 0L) { return 0; } final ByteBuffer buf = buffer.getByteBuffer(0, sizeValue); final int result = getxattr(path, xattr, buf, sizeValue, position == null ? 0L : position.longValue()); if (result == 0) { try { buf.put((byte) 0); } catch (final BufferOverflowException e) { ((ByteBuffer) buf.position(buf.limit() - 1)).put((byte) 0); } } return result; } @FuseMethod final void _init(final StructFuseConnInfo conn) { init(); } @FuseMethod final int _link(final String path, final String target) { return link(path, target); } @FuseMethod final int _listxattr(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final TypeSize size) { final long sizeValue = size.longValue(); if (buffer == null || sizeValue == 0L) { return 0; } final XattrListFiller filler = new XattrListFiller( buffer.getByteBuffer(0, sizeValue), sizeValue); return listxattr(path, filler); } @FuseMethod final int _lock(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info, final int cmd, final StructFlock flock) { final FileInfoWrapper fileWrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final FlockWrapper flockWrapper = new FlockWrapper(path, flock); final int result = lock(path, fileWrapper, FlockCommand.fromBits(cmd), flockWrapper); fileWrapper.write(); flockWrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _mkdir(final String path, final TypeMode mode) { return mkdir(path, new ModeWrapper(mode)); } @FuseMethod final int _mknod(final String path, final TypeMode mode, final TypeDev dev) { return mknod(path, new ModeWrapper(mode), dev.longValue()); } @FuseMethod final int _open(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = open(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _opendir(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = opendir(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _read(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final TypeSize size, final TypeOff offset, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final long bufSize = size.longValue(); final long readOffset = offset.longValue(); final ByteBuffer buf = buffer.getByteBuffer(0, bufSize); final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = read(path, buf, bufSize, readOffset, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _readdir(final String path, final Pointer buf, final Pointer fillFunction, final TypeOff offset, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { return readdir( path, new DirectoryFillerImpl(buf, Function.getFunction(fillFunction))); } @FuseMethod final int _readlink(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final TypeSize size) { final long bufSize = size.longValue(); final ByteBuffer buf = buffer.getByteBuffer(0, bufSize); final int result = readlink(path, buf, bufSize); if (result == 0) { try { buf.put((byte) 0); } catch (final BufferOverflowException e) { ((ByteBuffer) buf.position(buf.limit() - 1)).put((byte) 0); } } return result; } @FuseMethod final int _release(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { return release(path, new FileInfoWrapper(path, info)); } @FuseMethod final int _releasedir(final String path, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = releasedir(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _removexattr(final String path, final String xattr) { return removexattr(path, xattr); } @FuseMethod final int _rename(final String path, final String newName) { return rename(path, newName); } @FuseMethod final int _rmdir(final String path) { return rmdir(path); } @FuseMethod final int _setxattr(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final TypeSize size, final int flags, final TypeUInt32 position) { final long sizeValue = size.longValue(); final ByteBuffer buf = buffer.getByteBuffer(0, sizeValue); return setxattr(path, buf, sizeValue, flags, position == null ? 0L : position.longValue()); } @FuseMethod final int _statfs(final String path, final StructStatvfs statsvfs) { final StatvfsWrapper wrapper = new StatvfsWrapper(path, statsvfs); final int result = statfs(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _symlink(final String path, final String target) { return symlink(path, target); } @FuseMethod final int _truncate(final String path, final TypeOff offset) { return truncate(path, offset.longValue()); } @FuseMethod final int _unlink(final String path) { return unlink(path); } @FuseMethod final int _utimens(final String path, final StructTimeBuffer timebuffer) { final TimeBufferWrapper wrapper = new TimeBufferWrapper(timebuffer); final int result = utimens(path, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @FuseMethod final int _write(final String path, final Pointer buffer, final TypeSize size, final TypeOff offset, final StructFuseFileInfo info) { final long bufSize = size.longValue(); final long writeOffset = offset.longValue(); final ByteBuffer buf = buffer.getByteBuffer(0, bufSize); final FileInfoWrapper wrapper = new FileInfoWrapper(path, info); final int result = write(path, buf, bufSize, writeOffset, wrapper); wrapper.write(); return result; } @UserMethod public abstract int access(final String path, final int access); public abstract void afterUnmount(final File mountPoint); public abstract void beforeMount(final File mountPoint); public abstract void beforeUnmount(final File mountPoint); @UserMethod public abstract int bmap(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int chmod(final String path, final ModeWrapper mode); @UserMethod public abstract int chown(final String path, final long uid, final long gid); @UserMethod public abstract int create(final String path, final ModeWrapper mode, final FileInfoWrapper info); /** * Subclasses may override this to customize the default parameters applied * to the stat structure, or to prevent such behavior (by overriding this * method with an empty one) * * @param wrapper * The */ protected void defaultStat(final StatWrapper wrapper, final long uid, final long gid, final long lastModified) { // Set some sensible defaults wrapper.setMode(NodeType.DIRECTORY).setAllTimesMillis(lastModified) .nlink(1).uid(FuseJna.getUid()).gid(FuseJna.getGid()); } protected void defaultStat(final StatWrapper wrapper, final long uid, final long gid) { // Set some sensible defaults // wrapper.setMode(NodeType.DIRECTORY).nlink(1).uid(FuseJna.getUid()) // .gid(FuseJna.getGid()); wrapper.nlink(1).uid(FuseJna.getUid()).gid(FuseJna.getGid()); } @UserMethod public abstract void destroy(); @UserMethod public abstract int fgetattr(final String path, final StatWrapper stat, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int flush(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int fsync(final String path, int datasync, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int fsyncdir(final String path, int datasync, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int ftruncate(final String path, final long offset, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int getattr(final String path, final StatWrapper stat); /** * Returns the raw fuse_context structure. Only valid when called while a * filesystem operation is taking place. * * @return The fuse_context structure by reference. */ protected final StructFuseContext getFuseContext() { if (!isMounted()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot get FUSE context if the filesystem is not mounted."); } return FuseJna.getFuseContext(); } /** * Returns the gid field of the fuse context. Only valid when called while a * filesystem operation is taking place. * * @return The group ID of the process executing an operation on this * filesystem. */ protected TypeGid getFuseContextGid() { return getFuseContext().gid; } /** * Returns the pid field of the fuse context. Only valid when called while a * filesystem operation is taking place. * * @return The process ID of the process executing an operation on this * filesystem. */ protected TypePid getFuseContextPid() { return getFuseContext().pid; } /** * Returns the uid field of the fuse context. Only valid when called while a * filesystem operation is taking place. * * @return The user ID of the user running the process executing an * operation of this filesystem. */ protected TypeUid getFuseContextUid() { return getFuseContext().uid; } final String getFuseName() { String name = getName(); if (name == null) { return defaultFilesystemName; } name = regexNormalizeFilesystemName.matcher(name).replaceAll(""); if (name.isEmpty()) { return defaultFilesystemName; } return name.toLowerCase(); } final Logger getLogger() { return logger; } public final File getMountPoint() { mountLock.lock(); final File mountPoint = this.mountPoint; mountLock.unlock(); return mountPoint; } protected abstract String getName(); protected abstract String[] getOptions(); final AutoUnmountHook getUnmountHook() { return unmountHook; } @UserMethod public abstract int getxattr(final String path, final String xattr, final ByteBuffer buf, final long size, final long position); @FuseMethod public abstract void init(); public final boolean isMounted() { return getMountPoint() != null; } @UserMethod public abstract int link(final String path, final String target); @UserMethod public abstract int listxattr(final String path, final XattrListFiller filler); @UserMethod public abstract int lock(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info, final FlockCommand command, final FlockWrapper flock); /** * FuseFilesystem with detailed logging * * @param logging * @return */ protected final FuseFilesystem log(final boolean logging) { return log(logging ? Logger.getLogger(getClass().getCanonicalName()) : null); } protected final FuseFilesystem log(final Logger logger) { mountLock.lock(); if (mountPoint != null) { mountLock.unlock(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot turn logging on/orr when filesystem is already mounted."); } FuseFilesystem.logger = logger; mountLock.unlock(); return this; } @UserMethod public abstract int mkdir(final String path, final ModeWrapper mode); @UserMethod public abstract int mknod(final String path, final ModeWrapper mode, final long dev); public final void mount(final File mountPoint, final PanboxFS panboxFS) throws FuseException { mount(mountPoint, true, panboxFS); } public void mount(final File mountPoint, final boolean blocking, final PanboxFS panboxFS) throws UnsatisfiedLinkError, FuseException { mountLock.lock(); if (isMounted()) { throw new IllegalStateException(getFuseName() + " is already mounted at " + this.mountPoint); } this.mountPoint = mountPoint; mountLock.unlock(); beforeMount(mountPoint); FuseJna.mount(this, mountPoint, blocking); } public final void mount(final String mountPoint, final PanboxFS panboxFS) throws FuseException { mount(new File(mountPoint), true, panboxFS); } @UserMethod public abstract int open(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int opendir(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int read(final String path, final ByteBuffer buffer, final long size, final long offset, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int readdir(final String path, final DirectoryFiller filler); @UserMethod public abstract int readlink(final String path, final ByteBuffer buffer, final long size); @UserMethod public abstract int release(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int releasedir(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info); @UserMethod public abstract int removexattr(final String path, final String xattr); @UserMethod public abstract int rename(final String path, final String newName); @UserMethod public abstract int rmdir(final String path); void setFinalMountPoint(final File mountPoint) { mountLock.lock(); this.mountPoint = mountPoint; mountLock.unlock(); } @UserMethod public abstract int setxattr(final String path, final ByteBuffer buf, final long size, final int flags, final long position); @UserMethod public abstract int statfs(final String path, final StatvfsWrapper wrapper); @UserMethod public abstract int symlink(final String path, final String target); @UserMethod public abstract int truncate(final String path, final long offset); @UserMethod public abstract int unlink(final String path); public final void unmount() throws IOException, FuseException { mountLock.lock(); try { if (!isMounted()) { return; } beforeUnmount(mountPoint); final File oldMountPoint = mountPoint; FuseJna.unmount(this); mountPoint = null; afterUnmount(oldMountPoint); } finally { mountLock.unlock(); } } @UserMethod public abstract int utimens(final String path, final TimeBufferWrapper wrapper); @UserMethod public abstract int write(final String path, final ByteBuffer buf, final long bufSize, final long writeOffset, final FileInfoWrapper info); }