package ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.http; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.db.DatabaseHelper; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.http.soap.SignetsMobileSoap; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.http.soap.WebServiceSoap; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.ArrayOfFicheEmploye; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.ArrayOfService; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.Etudiant; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.FicheEmploye; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.ListeDeSessions; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.Service; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.Trimestre; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.UserCredentials; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.listeHoraireExamensFinaux; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.listeJoursRemplaces; import ca.etsmtl.applets.etsmobile.model.listeSeances; /** * Singleton to get data from HTTP/SOAP request * * @author Phil * */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class DataManager { private static final String TAG = "DataManager::"; private static DataManager instance; private SpiceManager spiceManager; private DatabaseHelper dbHelper; private static Context c; private DataManager() { spiceManager = new SpiceManager(MyJackSpringAndroidSpiceService.class); dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(c); } public static DataManager getInstance(Context c) { DataManager.c = c; if (instance == null) { instance = new DataManager(); } return instance; } /** * Robospice request manager for everything not related to Signet-Mobile the * class (result) must be mapped with Gson * * @param request * @param listener * @return true if request is sent */ // public boolean sendRequest(TypedRequest request, RequestListener<Object> // listener) { // // final Object key = request.createCacheKey(); // spiceManager.execute(request, key, DurationInMillis.ONE_SECOND, // listener); // return true; // } /** * Send a request to Signet-Mobile Web Service * * @param method * Int, methods are stored in {@link SignetMethod} * @param creds * User Credentials * @param listener * The callback * @param params * Some methods require more than the credentials pass them here */ public void getDataFromSignet(int method, final UserCredentials creds, final RequestListener<Object> listener, String... params) { // inline asynctask new AsyncTask<Object, Void, Object>() { private Exception exception = null; private Object result; @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) { try { final int methodID = (Integer) params[0]; String[] reqParams = (String[]) params[1]; final SignetsMobileSoap signetsMobileSoap = new SignetsMobileSoap(); String username = creds.getUsername(); String password = creds.getPassword(); switch (methodID) { case SignetMethods.INFO_ETUDIANT: final Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>(); args.put("username", username); // get from db List<Etudiant> queryResult = dbHelper.getDao(Etudiant.class).queryForFieldValues(args); if (queryResult.size() > 0) { result = queryResult.get(0); } else { result = signetsMobileSoap.infoEtudiant(username, password); ((Etudiant) result).username = username; dbHelper.getDao(Etudiant.class).createOrUpdate((Etudiant) result); } break; case SignetMethods.LIST_COURS: result = signetsMobileSoap.listeCours(username, password); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_INT_SESSION: String SesFin = reqParams[0]; String SesDebut = reqParams[1]; result = signetsMobileSoap.listeCoursIntervalleSessions(username, password, SesDebut, SesFin); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_SESSION: result = signetsMobileSoap.listeSessions(username, password); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_PROGRAM: result = signetsMobileSoap.listeProgrammes(username, password); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_COEQ: String pNomElementEval = reqParams[0]; String pSession = reqParams[1]; String pGroupe = reqParams[2]; String pSigle = reqParams[3]; result = signetsMobileSoap.listeCoequipiers(username, password, pSigle, pGroupe, pSession, pNomElementEval); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_EVAL: String pSession1 = reqParams[0]; String pGroupe1 = reqParams[1]; String pSigle1 = reqParams[2]; result = signetsMobileSoap.listeElementsEvaluation(username, password, pSigle1, pGroupe1, pSession1); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_HORAIRE_PROF: String pSession2 = reqParams[0]; result = signetsMobileSoap.listeHoraireEtProf(username, password, pSession2); break; case SignetMethods.LIRE_HORAIRE: String pSession3 = reqParams[0]; String prefixeSigleCours = reqParams[1]; result = signetsMobileSoap.lireHoraire(pSession3, prefixeSigleCours); break; case SignetMethods.LIRE_JOURS_REMPLACES: String pSession4 = reqParams[0]; result = signetsMobileSoap.lireJoursRemplaces(pSession4); break; case SignetMethods.BOTTIN_LIST_DEPT: result = new WebServiceSoap().GetListeDepartement(); break; case SignetMethods.BOTTIN_GET_FICHE: String numero = reqParams[0]; String PathFiche = reqParams[1]; result = new WebServiceSoap().GetFiche(numero, PathFiche); break; case SignetMethods.BOTTIN_GET_FICHE_DATA: String Id = reqParams[0]; result = new WebServiceSoap().GetFicheData(Id); break; case SignetMethods.BOTTIN_GET_ALL: result = new WebServiceSoap().Recherche(null, null, null); break; case SignetMethods.BOTTIN_GET_FICHE_BY_SERVICE: String filtreServiceCode = reqParams[0]; result = new WebServiceSoap().Recherche(null, null, filtreServiceCode); break; case SignetMethods.BOTTIN_GET_LIST_SERVICE_AND_EMP: ArrayOfService arrayOfService = new WebServiceSoap().GetListeDepartement(); HashMap<String, List<FicheEmploye>> listeEmployeByService = new HashMap<String, List<FicheEmploye>>(); ArrayOfFicheEmploye arrayOfFicheEmploye; for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfService.size(); i++) { Service service = arrayOfService.get(i); arrayOfFicheEmploye = new WebServiceSoap().Recherche(null, null, "" + service.ServiceCode); listeEmployeByService.put(service.Nom, arrayOfFicheEmploye); } result = listeEmployeByService; break; case SignetMethods.LIST_EXAMENS_FINAUX: String pSession5 = reqParams[0]; result = signetsMobileSoap.listeHoraireExamensFin(username, password, pSession5); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_SEANCES: String pCoursGroupe = reqParams[0]; String pSession6 = reqParams[1]; String pDateDebut = reqParams[2]; String pDateFin = reqParams[3]; result = signetsMobileSoap.lireHoraireDesSeances(username, password, pCoursGroupe, pSession6, pDateDebut, pDateFin); break; case SignetMethods.LIST_SEANCES_CURRENT_AND_NEXT_SESSION: ListeDeSessions listeDeSessions = signetsMobileSoap.listeSessions(username, password); listeSeances listeSeances = new listeSeances(); DateTime dt = new DateTime(); DateTime dtEnd = new DateTime(); for(Trimestre trimestre : listeDeSessions.liste) { dtEnd = new DateTime(trimestre.dateFin); if(dt.isBefore(dtEnd)) { listeSeances.ListeDesSeances.addAll( signetsMobileSoap.lireHoraireDesSeances(username, password, "", trimestre.abrege, "", "").ListeDesSeances); } } result = listeSeances; break; case SignetMethods.LIST_EXAM_CURRENT_AND_NEXT_SESSION: ListeDeSessions listeDeSessions2 = signetsMobileSoap.listeSessions(username, password); listeHoraireExamensFinaux listeHoraireExamensFinaux = new listeHoraireExamensFinaux(); DateTime dt2 = new DateTime(); DateTime dtEnd2 = new DateTime(); for(Trimestre trimestre : listeDeSessions2.liste) { dtEnd2 = new DateTime(trimestre.dateFin); if(dt2.isBefore(dtEnd2)) { listeHoraireExamensFinaux.listeHoraire.addAll( signetsMobileSoap.listeHoraireExamensFin(username, password, trimestre.abrege).listeHoraire ); } } result = listeHoraireExamensFinaux; break; case SignetMethods.LIST_JOURSREMPLACES_CURRENT_AND_NEXT_SESSION: ListeDeSessions listeDeSessions3 = signetsMobileSoap.listeSessions(username, password); listeJoursRemplaces listeJoursRemplaces = new listeJoursRemplaces(); DateTime dt3 = new DateTime(); DateTime dtEnd3 = new DateTime(); for(Trimestre trimestre : listeDeSessions3.liste) { dtEnd3 = new DateTime(trimestre.dateFin); if(dt3.isBefore(dtEnd3)) { listeJoursRemplaces.listeJours.addAll( signetsMobileSoap.lireJoursRemplaces(trimestre.abrege).listeJours ); } } result = listeJoursRemplaces; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exception = e ; } return null; } protected void onPostExecute(Object result2) { if (exception != null) { listener.onRequestFailure(new SpiceException("Couldn't get datas")); } else { listener.onRequestSuccess(result); } } }.execute(method, params); } /** * Method mapping for Signets-Mobile * * @author Phil * */ public static class SignetMethods { public static final int INFO_ETUDIANT = 0; public static final int LIST_COURS = 3; public static final int LIST_INT_SESSION = 4; public static final int LIST_SESSION = 2; public static final int LIST_PROGRAM = 6; public static final int LIST_COEQ = 5; public static final int LIST_EVAL = 1; public static final int LIST_HORAIRE_PROF = 7; public static final int LIRE_HORAIRE = 8; public static final int LIRE_JOURS_REMPLACES = 9; public static final int BOTTIN_LIST_DEPT = 10; public static final int BOTTIN_GET_FICHE = 11; public static final int BOTTIN_GET_FICHE_DATA = 12; public static final int BOTTIN_GET_ALL = 13; public static final int BOTTIN_GET_FICHE_BY_SERVICE = 14; public static final int BOTTIN_GET_LIST_SERVICE_AND_EMP = 15; public static final int LIST_EXAMENS_FINAUX = 16; public static final int LIST_SEANCES = 17; public static final int LIST_SEANCES_CURRENT_AND_NEXT_SESSION = 18; public static final int LIST_EXAM_CURRENT_AND_NEXT_SESSION = 19; public static final int LIST_JOURSREMPLACES_CURRENT_AND_NEXT_SESSION = 20; } /** * Convenience method to login a user * * @param userCredentials * @param listener */ public void login(UserCredentials userCredentials, RequestListener<Object> listener) { getDataFromSignet(SignetMethods.INFO_ETUDIANT, userCredentials, listener); } public void start() { if (!spiceManager.isStarted()) spiceManager.start(c); } public void stop() { if (!spiceManager.isStarted()) spiceManager.shouldStop(); } /** * @return the first registered {@link Etudiant} or null if none is * registered * @throws java.sql.SQLException */ public Etudiant getRegisteredEtudiant() throws SQLException { final List<Etudiant> queryForAll = dbHelper.getDao(Etudiant.class).queryForAll(); if (queryForAll.size() > 0) return queryForAll.get(0); return null; } public void sendRequest(SpringAndroidSpiceRequest request, RequestListener<Object> listener) { spiceManager.execute(request, listener); } }