/* * Copyright 2008 Android4ME * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.content.res; import java.io.EOFException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; /** * @author Dmitry Skiba * * Simple helper class that allows reading of integers. * * TODO: * * implement buffering * */ public final class IntReader { public IntReader() { } public IntReader(InputStream stream,boolean bigEndian) { reset(stream,bigEndian); } public final void reset(InputStream stream,boolean bigEndian) { m_stream=stream; m_bigEndian=bigEndian; m_position=0; } public final void close() { if (m_stream==null) { return; } try { m_stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } reset(null,false); } public final InputStream getStream() { return m_stream; } public final boolean isBigEndian() { return m_bigEndian; } public final void setBigEndian(boolean bigEndian) { m_bigEndian=bigEndian; } public final int readByte() throws IOException { return readInt(1); } public final int readShort() throws IOException { return readInt(2); } public final int readInt() throws IOException { return readInt(4); } public final int readInt(int length) throws IOException { if (length<0 || length>4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } int result=0; if (m_bigEndian) { for (int i=(length-1)*8;i>=0;i-=8) { int b=m_stream.read(); if (b==-1) { throw new EOFException(); } m_position+=1; result|=(b<<i); } } else { length*=8; for (int i=0;i!=length;i+=8) { int b=m_stream.read(); if (b==-1) { throw new EOFException(); } m_position+=1; result|=(b<<i); } } return result; } public final int[] readIntArray(int length) throws IOException { int[] array=new int[length]; readIntArray(array,0,length); return array; } public final void readIntArray(int[] array,int offset,int length) throws IOException { for (;length>0;length-=1) { array[offset++]=readInt(); } } public final byte[] readByteArray(int length) throws IOException { byte[] array=new byte[length]; int read=m_stream.read(array); m_position+=read; if (read!=length) { throw new EOFException(); } return array; } public final void skip(int bytes) throws IOException { if (bytes<=0) { return; } long skipped=m_stream.skip(bytes); m_position+=skipped; if (skipped!=bytes) { throw new EOFException(); } } public final void skipInt() throws IOException { skip(4); } public final int available() throws IOException { return m_stream.available(); } public final int getPosition() { return m_position; } /////////////////////////////////// data private InputStream m_stream; private boolean m_bigEndian; private int m_position; }