/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * Copyright 2014 Andreas Schildbach * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.wallet; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Coin; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.ECKey; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.ECKey.ECDSASignature; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.NetworkParameters; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Transaction; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.TransactionConfidence; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.TransactionInput; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.TransactionOutput; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Wallet; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.crypto.TransactionSignature; import com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.script.ScriptChunk; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.List; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; /** * <p>The default risk analysis. Currently, it only is concerned with whether a tx/dependency is non-final or not, and * whether a tx/dependency violates the dust rules. Outside of specialised protocols you should not encounter non-final * transactions.</p> */ public class DefaultRiskAnalysis implements RiskAnalysis { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultRiskAnalysis.class); /** * Any standard output smaller than this value (in satoshis) will be considered risky, as it's most likely be * rejected by the network. Currently it's 10000 satoshis. */ public static final Coin MIN_ANALYSIS_NONDUST_OUTPUT = Transaction.MIN_OUTPUT_VALUE; protected final Transaction tx; protected final List<Transaction> dependencies; @Nullable protected final Wallet wallet; private Transaction nonStandard; protected Transaction nonFinal; protected boolean analyzed; private DefaultRiskAnalysis(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, List<Transaction> dependencies) { this.tx = tx; this.dependencies = dependencies; this.wallet = wallet; } @Override public Result analyze() { checkState(!analyzed); analyzed = true; Result result = analyzeIsFinal(); if (result != null && result != Result.OK) return result; return analyzeIsStandard(); } @Nullable private Result analyzeIsFinal() { // Transactions we create ourselves are, by definition, not at risk of double spending against us. if (tx.getConfidence().getSource() == TransactionConfidence.Source.SELF) return Result.OK; if (wallet == null) return null; final int height = wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight(); final long time = wallet.getLastBlockSeenTimeSecs(); // If the transaction has a lock time specified in blocks, we consider that if the tx would become final in the // next block it is not risky (as it would confirm normally). final int adjustedHeight = height + 1; if (!tx.isFinal(adjustedHeight, time)) { nonFinal = tx; return Result.NON_FINAL; } for (Transaction dep : dependencies) { if (!dep.isFinal(adjustedHeight, time)) { nonFinal = dep; return Result.NON_FINAL; } } return Result.OK; } /** * The reason a transaction is considered non-standard, returned by * {@link #isStandard(com.matthewmitchell.nubitsj.core.Transaction)}. */ public enum RuleViolation { NONE, VERSION, DUST, SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA, NONEMPTY_STACK, // Not yet implemented (for post 0.12) SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING } /** * <p>Checks if a transaction is considered "standard" by the reference client's IsStandardTx and AreInputsStandard * functions.</p> * * <p>Note that this method currently only implements a minimum of checks. More to be added later.</p> */ public static RuleViolation isStandard(Transaction tx) { // TODO: Finish this function off. if (tx.getVersion() > 1 || tx.getVersion() < 1) { log.warn("TX considered non-standard due to unknown version number {}", tx.getVersion()); return RuleViolation.VERSION; } final List<TransactionOutput> outputs = tx.getOutputs(); for (int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) { TransactionOutput output = outputs.get(i); RuleViolation violation = isOutputStandard(output); if (violation != RuleViolation.NONE) { log.warn("TX considered non-standard due to output {} violating rule {}", i, violation); return violation; } } final List<TransactionInput> inputs = tx.getInputs(); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { TransactionInput input = inputs.get(i); RuleViolation violation = isInputStandard(input); if (violation != RuleViolation.NONE) { log.warn("TX considered non-standard due to input {} violating rule {}", i, violation); return violation; } } return RuleViolation.NONE; } /** * Checks the output to see if the script violates a standardness rule. Not complete. */ public static RuleViolation isOutputStandard(TransactionOutput output) { if (output.getValue().compareTo(MIN_ANALYSIS_NONDUST_OUTPUT) < 0) return RuleViolation.DUST; for (ScriptChunk chunk : output.getScriptPubKey().getChunks()) { if (chunk.isPushData() && !chunk.isShortestPossiblePushData()) return RuleViolation.SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA; } return RuleViolation.NONE; } /** Checks if the given input passes some of the AreInputsStandard checks. Not complete. */ public static RuleViolation isInputStandard(TransactionInput input) { for (ScriptChunk chunk : input.getScriptSig().getChunks()) { if (chunk.data != null && !chunk.isShortestPossiblePushData()) return RuleViolation.SHORTEST_POSSIBLE_PUSHDATA; if (chunk.isPushData()) { ECDSASignature signature; try { signature = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(chunk.data); } catch (RuntimeException x) { // Doesn't look like a signature. signature = null; } if (signature != null) { if (!TransactionSignature.isEncodingCanonical(chunk.data)) return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING; if (!signature.isCanonical()) return RuleViolation.SIGNATURE_CANONICAL_ENCODING; } } } return RuleViolation.NONE; } private Result analyzeIsStandard() { // The IsStandard rules don't apply on testnet, because they're just a safety mechanism and we don't want to // crush innovation with valueless test coins. if (wallet != null && !wallet.getNetworkParameters().getId().equals(NetworkParameters.ID_MAINNET)) return Result.OK; RuleViolation ruleViolation = isStandard(tx); if (ruleViolation != RuleViolation.NONE) { nonStandard = tx; return Result.NON_STANDARD; } for (Transaction dep : dependencies) { ruleViolation = isStandard(dep); if (ruleViolation != RuleViolation.NONE) { nonStandard = dep; return Result.NON_STANDARD; } } return Result.OK; } /** Returns the transaction that was found to be non-standard, or null. */ @Nullable public Transaction getNonStandard() { return nonStandard; } /** Returns the transaction that was found to be non-final, or null. */ @Nullable public Transaction getNonFinal() { return nonFinal; } @Override public String toString() { if (!analyzed) return "Pending risk analysis for " + tx.getHashAsString(); else if (nonFinal != null) return "Risky due to non-finality of " + nonFinal.getHashAsString(); else if (nonStandard != null) return "Risky due to non-standard tx " + nonStandard.getHashAsString(); else return "Non-risky"; } public static class Analyzer implements RiskAnalysis.Analyzer { @Override public DefaultRiskAnalysis create(Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, List<Transaction> dependencies) { return new DefaultRiskAnalysis(wallet, tx, dependencies); } } public static Analyzer FACTORY = new Analyzer(); }