/* * Flazr <http://flazr.com> Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Thomas. * * This file is part of Flazr. * * Flazr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Flazr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Flazr. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.flazr.io.f4vutil.box; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers; import org.jboss.netty.buffer.DynamicChannelBuffer; import android.util.Log; import com.flazr.io.f4vutil.Payload; import com.flazr.io.f4vutil.SampleType; import com.flazr.util.Utils; public class STSD implements Payload { public static class STSDRecord { private SampleType type; private Payload sampleDescription; } public STSD(ChannelBuffer in) { read(in); } private List<STSDRecord> records; public List<STSDRecord> getRecords() { return records; } // TODO model Sample Description better, commonize first 10 bytes public Payload getSampleDescription(int index) { return records.get(index - 1).sampleDescription; } public SampleType getSampleType(int index) { STSDRecord record = records.get(index - 1); return record.type; } public String getSampleTypeString(int index) { return getSampleType(index).name().toLowerCase(); } @Override public void read(ChannelBuffer in) { in.readInt(); // UI8 version + UI24 flags final int count = in.readInt(); Log.d("no of sample descripton records: {}",""+ count); records = new ArrayList<STSDRecord>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final int descSize = in.readInt(); final byte[] typeBytes = new byte[4]; in.readBytes(typeBytes,0,4); STSDRecord record = new STSDRecord(); record.type = SampleType.parse(new String(typeBytes)); final int payloadSize = descSize - 8; if(record.type.isVideo()) { record.sampleDescription = new VideoSD(in.readBytes(payloadSize)); } else { record.sampleDescription = new AudioSD(in.readBytes(payloadSize)); } Log.d("sample description: {}, {}", ""+record.type+" "+record.sampleDescription); records.add(record); } } @Override public ChannelBuffer write() { ChannelBuffer out = new DynamicChannelBuffer(ChannelBuffers.BIG_ENDIAN,256); out.writeInt(0); // UI8 version + UI24 flags out.writeInt(records.size()); byte[] tmpRecordArray = null; for (STSDRecord record : records) { ChannelBuffer desc = record.sampleDescription.write(); out.writeInt(8 + desc.readableBytes()); tmpRecordArray = record.type.name().toLowerCase().getBytes(); out.writeBytes(tmpRecordArray,0,tmpRecordArray.length); out.writeBytes(desc,desc.readableBytes()); } return out; } //========================================================================== public static class AudioSD implements Payload { private short index; private short innerVersion; private short revisionLevel; private int vendor; private short channelCount; private short sampleSize; private short compressionId; private short packetSize; private int sampleRate; private int samplesPerPacket; private int bytesPerPacket; private int bytesPerFrame; private int samplesPerFrame; private MP4Descriptor mp4Descriptor; public AudioSD(ChannelBuffer in) { read(in); } public byte[] getConfigBytes() { return mp4Descriptor.getConfigBytes(); } @Override public void read(ChannelBuffer in) { in.skipBytes(6); // reserved index = in.readShort(); innerVersion = in.readShort(); revisionLevel = in.readShort(); vendor = in.readInt(); channelCount = in.readShort(); sampleSize = in.readShort(); compressionId = in.readShort(); packetSize = in.readShort(); sampleRate = in.readInt(); if (innerVersion != 0) { samplesPerPacket = in.readInt(); bytesPerPacket = in.readInt(); bytesPerFrame = in.readInt(); samplesPerFrame = in.readInt(); } mp4Descriptor = new MP4Descriptor(in); } @Override public ChannelBuffer write() { ChannelBuffer out = new DynamicChannelBuffer(ChannelBuffers.BIG_ENDIAN,256); byte[] tmp = new byte[6]; out.writeBytes(tmp,0,6); out.writeShort(index); out.writeShort(innerVersion); out.writeShort(revisionLevel); out.writeInt(vendor); out.writeShort(channelCount); out.writeShort(sampleSize); out.writeShort(compressionId); out.writeShort(packetSize); out.writeInt(sampleRate); if (innerVersion != 0) { out.writeInt(samplesPerPacket); out.writeInt(bytesPerPacket); out.writeInt(bytesPerFrame); out.writeInt(samplesPerFrame); } return out; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[channelCount: ").append(channelCount); sb.append(" sampleSize: ").append(sampleSize); sb.append(" sampleRate: ").append(sampleRate); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } } //========================================================================== public static class VideoSD implements Payload { private short index; private short preDefined1; private short reserved1; private int preDefined2; private int preDefined3; private int preDefined4; private short width; private short height; private int horizontalResolution; private int verticalResolution; private int reserved2; private short frameCount; private String compressorName; private short depth; private short preDefined5; private byte[] configType; private byte[] configBytes; public short getWidth() { return width; } public short getHeight() { return height; } public byte[] getConfigBytes() { return configBytes; } public VideoSD(ChannelBuffer in) { read(in); } @Override public void read(ChannelBuffer in) { in.skipBytes(6); // reserved index = in.readShort(); preDefined1 = in.readShort(); reserved1 = in.readShort(); preDefined2 = in.readInt(); preDefined3 = in.readInt(); preDefined4 = in.readInt(); width = in.readShort(); height = in.readShort(); horizontalResolution = in.readInt(); verticalResolution = in.readInt(); reserved2 = in.readInt(); frameCount = in.readShort(); final int nameSize = in.readByte(); final byte[] nameBytes = new byte[nameSize]; in.readBytes(nameBytes,0,nameSize); compressorName = new String(nameBytes); in.skipBytes(31 - nameSize); depth = in.readShort(); preDefined5 = in.readShort(); final int configSize = in.readInt(); configType = new byte[4]; in.readBytes(configType,0,4); configBytes = new byte[configSize - 8]; in.readBytes(configBytes,0,4); } @Override public ChannelBuffer write() { ChannelBuffer out = new DynamicChannelBuffer(ChannelBuffers.BIG_ENDIAN,256); byte[] tmp = new byte[6]; out.writeBytes(tmp,0,6); out.writeShort(index); out.writeShort(preDefined1); out.writeShort(reserved1); out.writeInt(preDefined2); out.writeInt(preDefined3); out.writeInt(preDefined4); out.writeShort(width); out.writeShort(height); out.writeInt(horizontalResolution); out.writeInt(verticalResolution); out.writeInt(reserved2); out.writeShort(frameCount); //===== compressor name ===== out.writeByte((byte) compressorName.length()); byte[] compressorNameBytes = compressorName.getBytes(); out.writeBytes(compressorNameBytes,0,compressorNameBytes.length); byte[] padding = new byte[31 - compressorNameBytes.length]; out.writeBytes(padding,0,padding.length); //=========================== out.writeShort(depth); out.writeShort(preDefined5); out.writeInt(8 + configBytes.length); out.writeBytes(configType,0,configType.length); out.writeBytes(configBytes,0,configBytes.length); return out; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[width: ").append(width); sb.append(" height: ").append(height); sb.append(" h-resolution: ").append(horizontalResolution); sb.append(" v-resolution: ").append(verticalResolution); sb.append(" frameCount: ").append(frameCount); sb.append(" compressorName: '").append(compressorName); sb.append("' depth: ").append(depth); sb.append(" configType: '").append(new String(configType)); sb.append("' configBytes: ").append(Utils.toHex(configBytes,0,configBytes.length,false)); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } } }