package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Environment; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Filter; import android.widget.Filterable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import; public abstract class BaseAppAdapter extends MyBaseAdapter<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> implements Filterable, ApplicationsState.Callbacks { //ggg public static final int SIZE_TOTAL = 0; public static final int SIZE_INTERNAL = 1; public static final int SIZE_EXTERNAL = 2; private static final int MENU_OPTIONS_BASE = 0; public static final int FILTER_APPS_ALL = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 0; public static final int FILTER_APPS_THIRD_PARTY = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 1; public static final int FILTER_APPS_SDCARD = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 2; public static final int FILTER_APPS_DISABLED = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 3; public static final int SORT_ORDER_ALPHA = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 4; public static final int SORT_ORDER_SIZE = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 5; public static final int SHOW_RUNNING_SERVICES = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 6; public static final int SHOW_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 7; public static final int RESET_APP_PREFERENCES = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 8; public static final int FILTER_APPS_THIRD_PARTY_EXCLUDE_SELF = MENU_OPTIONS_BASE + 100; private final ApplicationsState mState; private final ApplicationsState.Session mSession; private final ArrayList<View> mActive = new ArrayList<View>(); private final int mFilterMode; private ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> mBaseEntries; // private ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> mEntries; private boolean mResumed; private int mLastSortMode = -1; private boolean mWaitingForData; private int mWhichSize = SIZE_TOTAL; CharSequence mCurFilterPrefix; private Filter mFilter = new Filter() { @Override protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) { ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> entries = applyPrefixFilter(constraint, mBaseEntries); FilterResults fr = new FilterResults(); fr.values = entries; fr.count = entries.size(); return fr; } @Override protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) { mCurFilterPrefix = constraint; // mEntries = (ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry>) results.values; update((ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry>) results.values); notifyDataSetChanged(); } }; public BaseAppAdapter(Context context, ApplicationsState state, int filterMode) { super(context); mState = state; mSession = state.newSession(this); mFilterMode = filterMode; } public void resume(int sort) { if (!mResumed) { mResumed = true; mSession.resume(); mLastSortMode = sort; rebuild(true); } else { rebuild(sort); } } public void pause() { if (mResumed) { mResumed = false; mSession.pause(); } } public void release() { mSession.release(); } public void rebuild(int sort) { if (sort == mLastSortMode) { return; } mLastSortMode = sort; rebuild(true); } public void rebuild(boolean eraseold) { ApplicationsState.AppFilter filterObj; Comparator<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> comparatorObj; boolean emulated = Environment.isExternalStorageEmulated(); if (emulated) { mWhichSize = SIZE_TOTAL; } else { mWhichSize = SIZE_INTERNAL; } switch (mFilterMode) { case FILTER_APPS_THIRD_PARTY: filterObj = ApplicationsState.THIRD_PARTY_FILTER; break; case FILTER_APPS_SDCARD: filterObj = ApplicationsState.ON_SD_CARD_FILTER; if (!emulated) { mWhichSize = SIZE_EXTERNAL; } break; case FILTER_APPS_DISABLED: filterObj = ApplicationsState.DISABLED_FILTER; break; default: filterObj = ApplicationsState.ALL_ENABLED_FILTER; break; } switch (mLastSortMode) { case SORT_ORDER_SIZE: switch (mWhichSize) { case SIZE_INTERNAL: comparatorObj = ApplicationsState.INTERNAL_SIZE_COMPARATOR; break; case SIZE_EXTERNAL: comparatorObj = ApplicationsState.EXTERNAL_SIZE_COMPARATOR; break; default: comparatorObj = ApplicationsState.SIZE_COMPARATOR; break; } break; default: comparatorObj = ApplicationsState.ALPHA_COMPARATOR; break; } ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> entries = mSession.rebuild(filterObj, comparatorObj); if (entries == null && !eraseold) { // Don't have new list yet, but can continue using the old one. return; } mBaseEntries = entries; if (mBaseEntries != null) { //ggg // mEntries = applyPrefixFilter(mCurFilterPrefix, mBaseEntries); update(applyPrefixFilter(mCurFilterPrefix, mBaseEntries)); } else { clear(); // mEntries = null; } notifyDataSetChanged(); // mTab.updateStorageUsage(); if (entries == null) { mWaitingForData = true; // mTab.mListContainer.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); // mTab.mLoadingContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { // mTab.mListContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // mTab.mLoadingContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> applyPrefixFilter(CharSequence prefix, ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> origEntries) { if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) { return origEntries; } else { String prefixStr = ApplicationsState.normalize(prefix.toString()); final String spacePrefixStr = " " + prefixStr; ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> newEntries = new ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry>(); for (int i = 0; i < origEntries.size(); i++) { ApplicationsState.AppEntry entry = origEntries.get(i); String nlabel = entry.getNormalizedLabel(); if (nlabel.startsWith(prefixStr) || nlabel.indexOf(spacePrefixStr) != -1) { newEntries.add(entry); } } return newEntries; } } @Override public void onRunningStateChanged(boolean running) { // mTab.mOwner.getActivity().setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(running); } @Override public void onRebuildComplete(ArrayList<ApplicationsState.AppEntry> apps) { // if (mTab.mLoadingContainer.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { // mTab.mLoadingContainer.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation( // mContext, android.R.anim.fade_out)); // mTab.mListContainer.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation( // mContext, android.R.anim.fade_in)); // } // mTab.mListContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // mTab.mLoadingContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); mWaitingForData = false; mBaseEntries = apps; //ggg // mEntries = applyPrefixFilter(mCurFilterPrefix, mBaseEntries); update(applyPrefixFilter(mCurFilterPrefix, mBaseEntries)); notifyDataSetChanged(); // mTab.updateStorageUsage(); } @Override public void onPackageListChanged() { rebuild(false); } @Override public void onPackageIconChanged() { // We ensure icons are loaded when their item is displayed, so // don't care about icons loaded in the background. } @Override public void onPackageSizeChanged(String packageName) { // for (int i = 0; i < mActive.size(); i++) { // AppViewHolder holder = (AppViewHolder) mActive.get(i).getTag(); // if ( { // synchronized (holder.entry) { // holder.updateSizeText(mTab.mInvalidSizeStr, mWhichSize); // } // if ( // && mLastSortMode == SORT_ORDER_SIZE) { // // We got the size information for the last app the // // user viewed, and are sorting by size... they may // // have cleared data, so we immediately want to resort // // the list with the new size to reflect it to the user. // rebuild(false); // } // mTab.updateStorageUsage(); // return; // } // } } @Override public void onAllSizesComputed() { if (mLastSortMode == SORT_ORDER_SIZE) { rebuild(false); } // mTab.updateStorageUsage(); } // public int getCount() { // return mEntries != null ? mEntries.size() : 0; // } // // public Object getItem(int position) { // return mEntries.get(position); // } public ApplicationsState.AppEntry getAppEntry(int position) { //ggg // return mEntries.get(position); return getItem(position); } public long getItemId(int position) { //ggg // return mEntries.get(position).id; return getItem(position).id; } // public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { // // A ViewHolder keeps references to children views to avoid unnecessary calls // // to findViewById() on each row. // AppViewHolder holder = AppViewHolder.createOrRecycle(mTab.mInflater, convertView); // convertView = holder.rootView; // // // Bind the data efficiently with the holder // ApplicationsState.AppEntry entry = mEntries.get(position); // synchronized (entry) { // holder.entry = entry; // if (entry.label != null) { // holder.appName.setText(entry.label); // } // mState.ensureIcon(entry); // if (entry.icon != null) { // holder.appIcon.setImageDrawable(entry.icon); // } // holder.updateSizeText(mTab.mInvalidSizeStr, mWhichSize); // if (( & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_INSTALLED) == 0) { // holder.disabled.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // holder.disabled.setText(R.string.not_installed); // } else if (! { // holder.disabled.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // holder.disabled.setText(R.string.disabled); // } else { // holder.disabled.setVisibility(View.GONE); // } // if (mFilterMode == FILTER_APPS_SDCARD) { // holder.checkBox.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // holder.checkBox.setChecked(( // & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != 0); // } else { // holder.checkBox.setVisibility(View.GONE); // } // } // mActive.remove(convertView); // mActive.add(convertView); // return convertView; // } @Override public Filter getFilter() { return mFilter; } @Override public void onMovedToScrapHeap(View view) { mActive.remove(view); } }