package com.idleworx.mybatisdao; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException; /** * Generic implementation of DAO pattern * */ public interface IParentDAO<T, PK>{ public T get(PK id) throws PersistenceException;//get obj of type T by the primary key 'id' public T getByName(String name) throws PersistenceException;//get obj of type T by the 'name' field, if one exists for that table public ArrayList<T> getAll() throws PersistenceException;//get all objects of type T public int create(T objInstance) throws PersistenceException;//insert an object of type T into the database int update(T transientObject) throws PersistenceException; //update an object of type T int delete(PK id) throws PersistenceException;//delete an object of type T }