package gory_moon.moarsigns.api; import; import; import; import gory_moon.moarsigns.integration.IntegrationHandler; import gory_moon.moarsigns.util.IntegrationException; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import java.util.*; public class SignRegistry { public static final String ALWAYS_ACTIVE_TAG = "activeALL"; private static ArrayList<SignInfo> signRegistry; private static ArrayList<SignInfo> activatedSignRegistry; private static HashMap<String, Boolean> activeTags; private static HashMap<SignInfo, ArrayList<MaterialInfo>> alternativeRecipeMaterial; static { activeTags = Maps.newHashMap(); signRegistry = Lists.newArrayList(); activatedSignRegistry = Lists.newArrayList(); alternativeRecipeMaterial = Maps.newHashMap(); activateTag(ALWAYS_ACTIVE_TAG); } /** * Registers a sign * <br> * Used by metal signs that need special blocks as material particle icons * <br> * The Sign is activate by default * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign item texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/item/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/signs/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * * @param itemName The name of the texture for the sign and the item texture * @param property The special property that the sign have * @param materialName The name of the material * @param path Path to the folder that contains the sign texture in the "/metal" or "/wood" folder * @param gotNugget True if the metal have a nugget, nugget should be obtainable trough 1 metal = nugget in a normal crafting table * @param materialItemStack An itemstack of the material * @param modId The modId that registers the sign, used when getting the textures. * @return returns the {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} that is registered * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static SignInfo register(String itemName, SignSpecialProperty property, String materialName, String path, boolean gotNugget, ItemStack materialItemStack, ItemStack materialBlock, String modId) throws IntegrationException { if ((materialItemStack == null || materialItemStack.getItem() == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + materialName + " is null for sign " + itemName); MaterialInfo info = MaterialRegistry.register(materialName, path, gotNugget, materialItemStack, materialBlock); return register(itemName, property, info, modId, ALWAYS_ACTIVE_TAG); } /** * Registers a sign * <br> * Used by metal signs that need special blocks as material particle icons * <br> * The Sign needs to be activated with the tag that is given it with {@link #activateTag(String)} * <br> * Should always be registered but not activated if for example the material isn't available * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign item texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/item/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/signs/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * * @param itemName The name of the texture for the sign and the item texture * @param property The special property that the sign have * @param materialName The name of the material * @param path Path to the folder that contains the sign texture in the "/metal" or "/wood" folder * @param gotNugget True if the metal have a nugget, nugget should be obtainable trough 1 metal = nugget in a normal crafting table * @param materialItemStack An itemstack of the material * @param materialBlock An itemstack of the block for the material * @param modId The modId that registers the sign, used when getting the textures. * @param activateTag The tag to active the sign * @return returns the {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} that is registered * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static SignInfo register(String itemName, SignSpecialProperty property, String materialName, String path, boolean gotNugget, ItemStack materialItemStack, ItemStack materialBlock, String modId, String activateTag) throws IntegrationException { if ((materialItemStack == null || materialItemStack.getItem() == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + materialName + " is null for sign " + itemName); MaterialInfo info = MaterialRegistry.register(materialName, path, gotNugget, materialItemStack, materialBlock); return register(itemName, property, info, modId, activateTag); } /** * Registers a sign * The Sign is activate by default * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign item texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/item/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/signs/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * * @param itemName The name of the texture for the sign and the item texture * @param property The special property that the sign have * @param materialName The name of the material * @param path Path to the folder that contains the sign texture in the "/metal" or "/wood" folder * @param gotNugget True if the metal have a nugget, nugget should be obtainable trough 1 metal = nugget in a normal crafting table * @param materialItemStack An itemstack of the material * @param modId The modId that registers the sign, used when getting the textures. * @return returns the {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} that is registered * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static SignInfo register(String itemName, SignSpecialProperty property, String materialName, String path, boolean gotNugget, ItemStack materialItemStack, String modId) throws IntegrationException { if ((materialItemStack == null || materialItemStack.getItem() == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + materialName + " is null for sign " + itemName); MaterialInfo info = MaterialRegistry.register(materialName, path, gotNugget, materialItemStack); return register(itemName, property, info, modId, ALWAYS_ACTIVE_TAG); } /** * Registers a sign * <br> * The Sign needs to be activated with the tag that is given it with {@link #activateTag(String)} * <br> * Should always be registered but not activated if for example the material isn't available * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign item texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/item/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * <br><br> * <p/> * The sign texture needs to go into the "@MODID@/textures/signs/" then depending on if it's metal or not * it needs too go into either "/metal" or "/wood" * * @param itemName The name of the texture for the sign and the item texture * @param property The special property that the sign have * @param materialName The name of the material * @param path Path to the folder that contains the sign texture in the "/metal" or "/wood" folder * @param gotNugget True if the metal have a nugget, nugget should be obtainable trough 1 metal = nugget in a normal crafting table * @param materialItemStack An itemstack of the material * @param modId The modId that registers the sign, used when getting the textures. * @param activateTag The tag to active the sign * @return returns the {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} that is registered * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static SignInfo register(String itemName, SignSpecialProperty property, String materialName, String path, boolean gotNugget, ItemStack materialItemStack, String modId, String activateTag) throws IntegrationException { if ((materialItemStack == null || materialItemStack.getItem() == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + materialName + " is null for sign " + itemName); MaterialInfo info = MaterialRegistry.register(materialName, path, gotNugget, materialItemStack); return register(itemName, property, info, modId, activateTag); } private static SignInfo register(String itemName, SignSpecialProperty property, MaterialInfo material, String modId, String activateTag) { if (!MaterialRegistry.contains(material)) MaterialRegistry.register(material); SignInfo signInfo = new SignInfo(itemName, material, property, modId, activateTag); signRegistry.add(signInfo); if (!activeTags.containsKey(activateTag)) { activeTags.put(activateTag, false); } else if (activeTags.get(activateTag)) { activatedSignRegistry.add(signInfo); } return signInfo; } /** * Registers a new material and register it to be used as a alternative material in crafting * * @param sInfo {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} to give an alternative material * @param materialName The name of the material * @param path Path to the folder that contains the sign texture in the "/metal" or "/wood" folder * @param gotNugget True if the metal have a nugget, nugget should be obtainable trough 1 metal = nugget in a normal crafting table * @param materialItemStack An itemstack of the material * @return The {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.MaterialInfo} that was registered * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static MaterialInfo registerAlternativeMaterial(SignInfo sInfo, String materialName, String path, boolean gotNugget, ItemStack materialItemStack) throws IntegrationException { if ((materialItemStack == null || materialItemStack.getItem() == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + materialName + " is null for sign " + sInfo.itemName); MaterialInfo info = MaterialRegistry.register(materialName, path, gotNugget, materialItemStack); return registerAlternativeMaterial(sInfo, info); } /** * Registers a new material and register it to be used as a alternative material in crafting * * @param sInfo {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} to give an alternative material * @param materialName The name of the material * @param path Path to the folder that contains the sign texture in the "/metal" or "/wood" folder * @param gotNugget True if the metal have a nugget, nugget should be obtainable trough 1 metal = nugget in a normal crafting table * @param materialItemStack An itemstack of the material * @param materialBlock An itemstack of the block for the material * @return The {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.MaterialInfo} that was registered * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static MaterialInfo registerAlternativeMaterial(SignInfo sInfo, String materialName, String path, boolean gotNugget, ItemStack materialItemStack, ItemStack materialBlock) throws IntegrationException { if ((materialItemStack == null || materialItemStack.getItem() == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + materialName + " is null for sign " + sInfo.itemName); MaterialInfo info = MaterialRegistry.register(materialName, path, gotNugget, materialItemStack, materialBlock); return registerAlternativeMaterial(sInfo, info); } /** * Registers a material to be used as a alternative material in crafting * * @param sInfo {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} to give an alternative material * @param mInfo {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.MaterialInfo} to use as an alternative * @return The {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.MaterialInfo} used to register * @throws IntegrationException if anything goes wrong the exception is thrown */ public static MaterialInfo registerAlternativeMaterial(SignInfo sInfo, MaterialInfo mInfo) throws IntegrationException { if ((sInfo == null || mInfo == null) && IntegrationHandler.donePreSetup()) throw new IntegrationException("Material " + mInfo.materialName + " is null for sign " + sInfo.itemName); if (alternativeRecipeMaterial.containsKey(sInfo)) { alternativeRecipeMaterial.get(sInfo).add(mInfo); } else { ArrayList<MaterialInfo> i = new ArrayList<>(); i.add(mInfo); alternativeRecipeMaterial.put(sInfo, i); } return mInfo; } /** * Activates all signs registered with the tag and all further signs register with that tag * * @param tag The tag to register */ public static void activateTag(String tag) { activeTags.put(tag, true); for (SignInfo info : signRegistry) { if (info.activateTag.equals(tag)) { activatedSignRegistry.add(info); } } } /** * Deactivates all signs with the tag and won't register any further ones with that tag * * @param tag The tag to deactivate */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void deactivateTag(String tag) { activeTags.put(tag, false); for (SignInfo info : activatedSignRegistry) { if (info.activateTag.equals(tag)) { activatedSignRegistry.remove(info); } } } /** * Gets the {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} of a sign composed by the path and the itemname * * @param s The string composed by the path and the itemname that is used for the search * @return The found {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} or if not found it returns null */ public static SignInfo get(String s) { for (SignInfo info : signRegistry) { if ((info.material.path.replace("\\", "/") + info.itemName).equals(s)) { return info; } } return null; } /** * Gets a list of alternative materials for a sign if it exists * * @param info The {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} to get the materials from * @return null if no alternatives exist otherwise a list of {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.MaterialInfo} */ public static List<MaterialInfo> getAlternativeMaterials(SignInfo info) { if (alternativeRecipeMaterial.containsKey(info)) { return alternativeRecipeMaterial.get(info); } return Lists.newArrayList(); } /** * Gets the sign from material * * @param materials Materials to search with * @return A list of {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} */ public static ArrayList<SignInfo> getSignInfoFromMaterials(HashSet<MaterialInfo> materials) { Set<SignInfo> signInfos = Sets.newHashSet(); for (SignInfo info : activatedSignRegistry) { for (MaterialInfo materialInfo : materials) { if (info.material.materialName.equals(materialInfo.materialName)) { signInfos.add(info); break; } for (Map.Entry<SignInfo, ArrayList<MaterialInfo>> entry : alternativeRecipeMaterial.entrySet()) { for (MaterialInfo info1 : entry.getValue()) { if (info1.equals(materialInfo)) { signInfos.add(entry.getKey()); } } } } } return new ArrayList<>(signInfos); } /** * Gets a clone of the register with all signs * * @return List of {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ArrayList<SignInfo> getSignRegistry() { return (ArrayList<SignInfo>) signRegistry.clone(); } /** * Gets a clone of the current active signs * * @return List of {@link gory_moon.moarsigns.api.SignInfo} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ArrayList<SignInfo> getActivatedSignRegistry() { return (ArrayList<SignInfo>) activatedSignRegistry.clone(); } /** * Gets all texture locations of all signs * * @param includeModID If the modid should be included in the path * @return List of texture locations */ public static ArrayList<String> getTextureLocations(boolean includeModID) { ArrayList<String> list = getTextureLocations(false, includeModID); list.addAll(getTextureLocations(true, includeModID)); return list; } /** * Gets all texture of all signs that's either wood or metal * * @param isMetal If signs made of metal or not should be returned * @param includeModID If the modid should be included in the path * @return List of texture locations */ public static ArrayList<String> getTextureLocations(boolean isMetal, boolean includeModID) { ArrayList<String> list = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SignInfo info : signRegistry) { if (info.isMetal == isMetal) { list.add((includeModID ? info.modId + ":" : "") + "signs/" + (info.material.path + info.itemName)); } } return list; } /** * Gets a clone of the map of tags that are registered * * @return Map of tags with boolean values */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static HashMap<String, Boolean> getActiveTags() { return (HashMap<String, Boolean>) activeTags.clone(); } /** * Gets the amount of tags that are active * * @return Amount of active tags */ public static int getActiveTagsAmount() { int i = 0; for (boolean b : activeTags.values()) { if (b) i++; } return i; } /** * Clears the registers, only usable by moarsigns */ public static void clear() { signRegistry.clear(); activatedSignRegistry.clear(); activeTags.clear(); alternativeRecipeMaterial.clear(); activateTag(ALWAYS_ACTIVE_TAG); } /** * Sorts the activated signs in order of wood and metal, then in order of mod owner */ public static void sortRegistry() { activatedSignRegistry.sort( (o1, o2) -> (o1.isMetal && !o2.isMetal) ? 1 : (!o1.isMetal && o2.isMetal) ? -1 : (o1.material.path.equals("") && o1.material.path.equals(o2.material.path) ? 0 : (o1.material.path.equals(o2.material.path) ? (o1.itemName.compareToIgnoreCase(o2.itemName)) : (o1.material.path.compareTo(o2.material.path))))); } }