/* org.manalith.ircbot.plugin.keyseqconv/SebeolSymbol.java ManalithBot - An open source IRC bot based on the PircBot Framework. Copyright (C) 2012 Seong-ho, Cho <darkcircle.0426@gmail.com> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.manalith.ircbot.plugin.keyseqconv.symboltable; public class SebeolNoSftSymbol { public static enum SebeolIConsonant { // ㅋ의 위치가 0 -> 9 로 바뀜. nul(99), k(0), kk(1), h(2), u(3), uu(4), y(5), i(6), _l(7), _l_l(8), n( 9), nn(10), j(11), l(12), ll(13), o(14), _9(15), __l(16), p(17), m( 18); private int value; SebeolIConsonant(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } public static enum SebeolISingleConsonant { // ㅋ의 위치가 0 -> 9로 바뀜 nul(99), k(0), h(2), u(3), y(5), i(6), _l(7), n(9), j(11), l(12), o(14), _9( 15), __l(16), p(17), m(18); private int value; SebeolISingleConsonant(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } public static enum SebeolIDoubleConsonant { // ㅋ를 제외한 자음은 세벌식 최종과 동일 nul(99), kk(1), uu(4), _l_l(8), nn(10), ll(13); private int value; SebeolIDoubleConsonant(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } public static enum SebeolVowel { // G -> R -> 0 (ㅒ) : 최종->390->순아래. 이외에는 390과 동일. nul(99), f(0), r(1), _6(2), _0(3), t(4), c(5), e(6), _7(7), v(8), vf(9), vr( 10), vd(11), _4(12), b(13), bt(14), bc(15), bd(16), _5(17), g( 18), gd(19), d(20); private int value; SebeolVowel(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } public static enum SebeolFConsonant { // 순아래용 종성 재배치 nul(0), x(1), xx(2), xq(3), s(4), s__0(5), s_11(6), ___m(7), w(8), wx(9), wz( 10), w_3(11), wq(12), wW(13), wQ(14), w_1(15), z(16), _3(17), _3q( 18), q(19), _2(20), a(21), __0(22), ___0(23), ____0(24), _p(25), __p( 26), _1(27); private int value; SebeolFConsonant(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } public static enum SebeolSingleLetter { // U+1100 ~ U+11FF HANGUL JAMO // Initial Consonant : 0 ~ 18 (세벌식 최종과 동일) // ㅋ의 위치가 0 -> 9 로 바뀜. k(0), kk(1), h(2), u(3), uu(4), y(5), i(6), _l(7), _l_l(8), n(9), nn(10), j( 11), l(12), ll(13), o(14), _9(15), __l(16), p(17), m(18), // Vowel : 97 ~ 117 f(97), r(98), _6(99), _0(100), t(101), c(102), e(103), _7(104), v(105), vf( 106), vr(107), vd(108), _4(109), b(110), bt(111), bc(112), bd( 113), _5(114), g(115), gd(116), d(117), // Final Consonant : 168 ~ 194 x(168), xx(169), xq(170), s(171), s__0(172), s_11(173), ___m(174), w( 175), wx(176), wz(177), w_3(178), wq(179), wW(180), wQ(181), w_1( 182), z(183), _3(184), _3q(185), q(186), _2(187), a(188), __0( 189), ___0(190), ____0(191), _p(192), __p(193), _1(194); private int value; SebeolSingleLetter(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } public static enum SebeolSpecialChar { // +32 // excl, quotation, sharp, dollar, percent, ampersand, apostrophe, // left paren, right paren, asterisk B(1), __L(2), _33(3), _44(4), _55(5), _77(6), H(7), _99(8), _00(9), _88( 10), // plus, comma, hyphen-minus, period, slash ___00(11), _m(12), Z(13), __m(14), G(15), // number zero to nine. which means, these are real Arabic number. N(16), M(17), _M(18), __M(19), J(20), K(21), L(22), U(23), I(24), O(25), // colon, semicolon, gt, eq, lt, question, commercial at _L(26), T(27), P(28), X(29), Y(30), ___M(31), _22(32), // open square bracket, back slash, close square bracket, // circumflex accent(hat), low line, grave accent S(59), C(60), D(61), _66(62), __00(63), _1_(64), // curly open, vertline, curly close, tilde _P(91), ____00(92), __P(93), _11_(94); private int value; SebeolSpecialChar(int initial) { setValue(initial); } public void setValue(int val) { value = val; } public int value() { return value; } } }