package com.kelin.mvvmlight.messenger; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import rx.functions.Action0; import rx.functions.Action1; /** * Created by kelin on 15-8-14. */ public class Messenger { private static Messenger defaultInstance; private HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> recipientsOfSubclassesAction; private HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> recipientsStrictAction; public static Messenger getDefault() { if (defaultInstance == null) { defaultInstance = new Messenger(); } return defaultInstance; } public static void overrideDefault(Messenger newMessenger) { defaultInstance = newMessenger; } public static void reset() { defaultInstance = null; } /** * * @param recipient the receiver,if register in activity the recipient always set "this", * and "Messenger.getDefault().unregister(this)" in onDestroy,if in ViewModel, * you can also register with Activity context and also in onDestroy to unregister. * @param action do something on message received */ public void register(Object recipient, Action0 action) { register(recipient, null, false, action); } /** * * @param recipient the receiver,if register in activity the recipient always set "this", * and "Messenger.getDefault().unregister(this)" in onDestroy,if in ViewModel, * you can also register with Activity context and also in onDestroy to unregister. * @param receiveDerivedMessagesToo whether Derived class of recipient can receive the message * @param action do something on message received */ public void register(Object recipient, boolean receiveDerivedMessagesToo, Action0 action) { register(recipient, null, receiveDerivedMessagesToo, action); } /** * * @param recipient the receiver,if register in activity the recipient always set "this", * and "Messenger.getDefault().unregister(this)" in onDestroy,if in ViewModel, * you can also register with Activity context and also in onDestroy to unregister. * @param token register with a unique token,when a messenger send a msg with same token,it will receive this msg * @param action do something on message received */ public void register(Object recipient, Object token, Action0 action) { register(recipient, token, false, action); } /** * * @param recipient the receiver,if register in activity the recipient always set "this", * and "Messenger.getDefault().unregister(this)" in onDestroy,if in ViewModel, * you can also register with Activity context and also in onDestroy to unregister. * @param token register with a unique token,when a messenger send a msg with same token,it will receive this msg * @param receiveDerivedMessagesToo whether Derived class of recipient can receive the message * @param action do something on message received */ public void register(Object recipient, Object token, boolean receiveDerivedMessagesToo, Action0 action) { Type messageType = NotMsgType.class; HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> recipients; if (receiveDerivedMessagesToo) { if (recipientsOfSubclassesAction == null) { recipientsOfSubclassesAction = new HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>>(); } recipients = recipientsOfSubclassesAction; } else { if (recipientsStrictAction == null) { recipientsStrictAction = new HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>>(); } recipients = recipientsStrictAction; } List<WeakActionAndToken> list; if (!recipients.containsKey(messageType)) { list = new ArrayList<WeakActionAndToken>(); recipients.put(messageType, list); } else { list = recipients.get(messageType); } WeakAction weakAction = new WeakAction(recipient, action); WeakActionAndToken item = new WeakActionAndToken(weakAction, token); list.add(item); cleanup(); } /** * * @param recipient {@link com.kelin.mvvmlight.messenger.Messenger#register(Object, Action0)} * @param tClass class of T * @param action this action has one params that type of tClass * @param <T> message data type */ public <T> void register(Object recipient, Class<T> tClass, Action1<T> action) { register(recipient, null, false, action, tClass); } /** * see {@link com.kelin.mvvmlight.messenger.Messenger#register(Object, Class, Action1)} * @param recipient receiver of message * @param receiveDerivedMessagesToo whether derived class of recipient can receive the message * @param tClass class of T * @param action this action has one params that type of tClass * @param <T> message data type */ public <T> void register(Object recipient, boolean receiveDerivedMessagesToo, Class<T> tClass, Action1<T> action) { register(recipient, null, receiveDerivedMessagesToo, action, tClass); } /** * see {@link com.kelin.mvvmlight.messenger.Messenger#register(Object, Object, Action0)} * @param recipient receiver of message * @param token register with a unique token,when a messenger send a msg with same token,it will receive this msg * @param tClass class of T for Action1 * @param action this action has one params that type of tClass * @param <T> message data type */ public <T> void register(Object recipient, Object token, Class<T> tClass, Action1<T> action) { register(recipient, token, false, action, tClass); } /** * see {@link com.kelin.mvvmlight.messenger.Messenger#register(Object, Object, Class, Action1)} * @param recipient receiver of message * @param token register with a unique token,when a messenger send a msg with same token,it will receive this msg * @param receiveDerivedMessagesToo whether derived class of recipient can receive the message * @param action this action has one params that type of tClass * @param tClass class of T for Action1 * @param <T> message data type */ public <T> void register(Object recipient, Object token, boolean receiveDerivedMessagesToo, Action1<T> action, Class<T> tClass) { Type messageType = tClass; HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> recipients; if (receiveDerivedMessagesToo) { if (recipientsOfSubclassesAction == null) { recipientsOfSubclassesAction = new HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>>(); } recipients = recipientsOfSubclassesAction; } else { if (recipientsStrictAction == null) { recipientsStrictAction = new HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>>(); } recipients = recipientsStrictAction; } List<WeakActionAndToken> list; if (!recipients.containsKey(messageType)) { list = new ArrayList<WeakActionAndToken>(); recipients.put(messageType, list); } else { list = recipients.get(messageType); } WeakAction weakAction = new WeakAction<T>(recipient, action); WeakActionAndToken item = new WeakActionAndToken(weakAction, token); list.add(item); cleanup(); } private void cleanup() { cleanupList(recipientsOfSubclassesAction); cleanupList(recipientsStrictAction); } /** * * @param token send with a unique token,when a receiver has register with same token,it will receive this msg */ public void sendNoMsg(Object token) { sendToTargetOrType(null, token); } /** * send to recipient directly with has not any message * @param target Messenger.getDefault().register(this, ..) in a activity,if target set this activity * it will receive the message */ public void sendNoMsgToTarget(Object target) { sendToTargetOrType(target.getClass(), null); } /** * send message to target with token,when a receiver has register with same token,it will receive this msg * @param token send with a unique token,when a receiver has register with same token,it will receive this msg * @param target send to recipient directly with has not any message, * Messenger.getDefault().register(this, ..) in a activity,if target set this activity * it will receive the message */ public void sendNoMsgToTargetWithToken(Object token, Object target) { sendToTargetOrType(target.getClass(), token); } /** * send the message type of T, all receiver can receive the message * @param message any object can to be a message * @param <T> message data type */ public <T> void send(T message) { sendToTargetOrType(message, null, null); } /** * send the message type of T, all receiver can receive the message * @param message any object can to be a message * @param token send with a unique token,when a receiver has register with same token,it will receive this message * @param <T> message data type */ public <T> void send(T message, Object token) { sendToTargetOrType(message, null, token); } /** * send message to recipient directly * @param message any object can to be a message * @param target send to recipient directly with has not any message, * Messenger.getDefault().register(this, ..) in a activity,if target set this activity * it will receive the message * @param <T> message data type * @param <R> target */ public <T, R> void sendToTarget(T message, R target) { sendToTargetOrType(message, target.getClass(), null); } /** * Unregister the receiver such as: * Messenger.getDefault().unregister(this)" in onDestroy in the Activity is required avoid to memory leak! * @param recipient receiver of message */ public void unregister(Object recipient) { unregisterFromLists(recipient, recipientsOfSubclassesAction); unregisterFromLists(recipient, recipientsStrictAction); cleanup(); } public <T> void unregister(Object recipient, Object token) { unregisterFromLists(recipient, token, null, recipientsStrictAction); unregisterFromLists(recipient, token, null, recipientsOfSubclassesAction); cleanup(); } private static <T> void sendToList( T message, Collection<WeakActionAndToken> list, Type messageTargetType, Object token) { if (list != null) { // Clone to protect from people registering in a "receive message" method // Bug correction Messaging BL0004.007 ArrayList<WeakActionAndToken> listClone = new ArrayList<>(); listClone.addAll(list); for (WeakActionAndToken item : listClone) { WeakAction executeAction = item.getAction(); if (executeAction != null && item.getAction().isLive() && item.getAction().getTarget() != null && (messageTargetType == null || item.getAction().getTarget().getClass() == messageTargetType || classImplements(item.getAction().getTarget().getClass(), messageTargetType)) && ((item.getToken() == null && token == null) || item.getToken() != null && item.getToken().equals(token))) { executeAction.execute(message); } } } } private static void unregisterFromLists(Object recipient, HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> lists) { if (recipient == null || lists == null || lists.size() == 0) { return; } synchronized (lists) { for (Type messageType : lists.keySet()) { for (WeakActionAndToken item : lists.get(messageType)) { WeakAction weakAction = item.getAction(); if (weakAction != null && recipient == weakAction.getTarget()) { weakAction.markForDeletion(); } } } } cleanupList(lists); } private static <T> void unregisterFromLists( Object recipient, Action1<T> action, HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> lists, Class<T> tClass) { Type messageType = tClass; if (recipient == null || lists == null || lists.size() == 0 || !lists.containsKey(messageType)) { return; } synchronized (lists) { for (WeakActionAndToken item : lists.get(messageType)) { WeakAction<T> weakActionCasted = (WeakAction<T>) item.getAction(); if (weakActionCasted != null && recipient == weakActionCasted.getTarget() && (action == null || action == weakActionCasted.getAction1())) { item.getAction().markForDeletion(); } } } } private static void unregisterFromLists( Object recipient, Action0 action, HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> lists ) { Type messageType = NotMsgType.class; if (recipient == null || lists == null || lists.size() == 0 || !lists.containsKey(messageType)) { return; } synchronized (lists) { for (WeakActionAndToken item : lists.get(messageType)) { WeakAction weakActionCasted = (WeakAction) item.getAction(); if (weakActionCasted != null && recipient == weakActionCasted.getTarget() && (action == null || action == weakActionCasted.getAction())) { item.getAction().markForDeletion(); } } } } private static <T> void unregisterFromLists( Object recipient, Object token, Action1<T> action, HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> lists, Class<T> tClass) { Type messageType = tClass; if (recipient == null || lists == null || lists.size() == 0 || !lists.containsKey(messageType)) { return; } synchronized (lists) { for (WeakActionAndToken item : lists.get(messageType)) { WeakAction<T> weakActionCasted = (WeakAction<T>) item.getAction(); if (weakActionCasted != null && recipient == weakActionCasted.getTarget() && (action == null || action == weakActionCasted.getAction1()) && (token == null || token.equals(item.getToken()))) { item.getAction().markForDeletion(); } } } } private static void unregisterFromLists( Object recipient, Object token, Action0 action, HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> lists) { Type messageType = NotMsgType.class; if (recipient == null || lists == null || lists.size() == 0 || !lists.containsKey(messageType)) { return; } synchronized (lists) { for (WeakActionAndToken item : lists.get(messageType)) { WeakAction weakActionCasted = (WeakAction) item.getAction(); if (weakActionCasted != null && recipient == weakActionCasted.getTarget() && (action == null || action == weakActionCasted.getAction()) && (token == null || token.equals(item.getToken()))) { item.getAction().markForDeletion(); } } } } private static boolean classImplements(Type instanceType, Type interfaceType) { if (interfaceType == null || instanceType == null) { return false; } Class[] interfaces = ((Class) instanceType).getInterfaces(); for (Class currentInterface : interfaces) { if (currentInterface == interfaceType) { return true; } } return false; } private static void cleanupList(HashMap<Type, List<WeakActionAndToken>> lists) { if (lists == null) { return; } for (Iterator it = lists.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Object key =; List<WeakActionAndToken> itemList = lists.get(key); if (itemList != null) { for (WeakActionAndToken item : itemList) { if (item.getAction() == null || !item.getAction().isLive()) { itemList.remove(item); } } if (itemList.size() == 0) { lists.remove(key); } } } } private void sendToTargetOrType(Type messageTargetType, Object token) { Class messageType = NotMsgType.class; if (recipientsOfSubclassesAction != null) { // Clone to protect from people registering in a "receive message" method // Bug correction Messaging BL0008.002 // var listClone = recipientsOfSubclassesAction.Keys.Take(_recipientsOfSubclassesAction.Count()).ToList(); List<Type> listClone = new ArrayList<>(); listClone.addAll(recipientsOfSubclassesAction.keySet()); for (Type type : listClone) { List<WeakActionAndToken> list = null; if (messageType == type || ((Class) type).isAssignableFrom(messageType) || classImplements(messageType, type)) { list = recipientsOfSubclassesAction.get(type); } sendToList(list, messageTargetType, token); } } if (recipientsStrictAction != null) { if (recipientsStrictAction.containsKey(messageType)) { List<WeakActionAndToken> list = recipientsStrictAction.get(messageType); sendToList(list, messageTargetType, token); } } cleanup(); } private static void sendToList( Collection<WeakActionAndToken> list, Type messageTargetType, Object token) { if (list != null) { // Clone to protect from people registering in a "receive message" method // Bug correction Messaging BL0004.007 ArrayList<WeakActionAndToken> listClone = new ArrayList<>(); listClone.addAll(list); for (WeakActionAndToken item : listClone) { WeakAction executeAction = item.getAction(); if (executeAction != null && item.getAction().isLive() && item.getAction().getTarget() != null && (messageTargetType == null || item.getAction().getTarget().getClass() == messageTargetType || classImplements(item.getAction().getTarget().getClass(), messageTargetType)) && ((item.getToken() == null && token == null) || item.getToken() != null && item.getToken().equals(token))) { executeAction.execute(); } } } } private <T> void sendToTargetOrType(T message, Type messageTargetType, Object token) { Class messageType = message.getClass(); if (recipientsOfSubclassesAction != null) { // Clone to protect from people registering in a "receive message" method // Bug correction Messaging BL0008.002 // var listClone = recipientsOfSubclassesAction.Keys.Take(_recipientsOfSubclassesAction.Count()).ToList(); List<Type> listClone = new ArrayList<>(); listClone.addAll(recipientsOfSubclassesAction.keySet()); for (Type type : listClone) { List<WeakActionAndToken> list = null; if (messageType == type || ((Class) type).isAssignableFrom(messageType) || classImplements(messageType, type)) { list = recipientsOfSubclassesAction.get(type); } sendToList(message, list, messageTargetType, token); } } if (recipientsStrictAction != null) { if (recipientsStrictAction.containsKey(messageType)) { List<WeakActionAndToken> list = recipientsStrictAction.get(messageType); sendToList(message, list, messageTargetType, token); } } cleanup(); } private class WeakActionAndToken { private WeakAction action; private Object token; public WeakActionAndToken(WeakAction action, Object token) { this.action = action; this.token = token; } public WeakAction getAction() { return action; } public void setAction(WeakAction action) { this.action = action; } public Object getToken() { return token; } public void setToken(Object token) { this.token = token; } } public static class NotMsgType { } }