package; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * 字符串帮助类 * * @author 2013-10-22 下午1:09:14 */ public class Handler_String { public static final int TYPE_NUMBER = 0; public static final int TYPE_ENGLISH = 1; public static final int TYPE_FUHAO = 2; public static final int TYPE_CHINA = 3; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 对于字符串 添加0或者空格的处理 public static String addPrefix(int num, String prefix) { return num < 10 ? prefix + num : String.valueOf(num); } public static String addPrefix(String numStr, String prefix) { int num = Integer.parseInt(numStr); return addPrefix(num, prefix); } public static String addPrefixZero(int num) { return addPrefix(num, "0"); } public static String addPrefixZero(String numStr) { return addPrefix(numStr, "0"); } public static String addPrefixHtmlSpace(int num) { return addPrefix(num, " "); } public static String addPrefixHtmlSpace(String numStr) { return addPrefix(numStr, " "); } /** * 数组拼接成字符串 中间以逗号连接 * * @author 2014-2-21 下午5:14:52 * @param data * 需要连接的数据 * @param symbol * 连接符 * @return String */ public static String commaInt(Object[] data, String symbol) { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { sbf.append(data[i]); if (i < data.length - 1) { sbf.append(symbol); } } return sbf.toString(); } /** * 数组拼接成字符串 以逗号隔开 * * @author 2014-2-21 下午5:15:20 * @param data * @return String */ public static String commaInt(Object[] data) { return commaInt(data, ","); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 判断是否为空 * * @author 2013-10-15 下午10:24:22 * @param text * @return boolean */ public static boolean isNull(String text) { if (text == null || text.length() == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * bytes[]转换成Hex字符串,可用于URL转换,IP地址转换. * */ public static String bytesToHexString(byte[] bytes) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & bytes[i]); if (hex.length() == 1) { sb.append('0'); } sb.append(hex); } return sb.toString(); } public static String prettyBytes(long value) { String args[] = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i; if (value < 1024L) { sb.append(String.valueOf(value)); i = 0; } else if (value < 1048576L) { sb.append(String.format("%.1f", value / 1024.0)); i = 1; } else if (value < 1073741824L) { sb.append(String.format("%.2f", value / 1048576.0)); i = 2; } else if (value < 1099511627776L) { sb.append(String.format("%.3f", value / 1073741824.0)); i = 3; } else { sb.append(String.format("%.4f", value / 1099511627776.0)); i = 4; } sb.append(' '); sb.append(args[i]); return sb.toString(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 字符串重复多少遍 * * @author 2013-10-16 下午10:43:14 * @param str * @param times * @return String */ public static String repeat(String str, int times) { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) { sbf.append(str); } return sbf.toString(); } /** * 获得数组中最长的字符串的长度 * * @author 2013-10-16 下午10:43:02 * @param keys * @return int */ public static int getLargestLengthInArray(String[] keys) { int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { String key = keys[i]; if (key.length() > length) { length = key.length(); } } return length; } /** * 替换string中的指定字符串 * * @author 2013-10-16 下午10:42:22 * @param strSearch * @param replacement * @param body * @return String */ public static String replaceAllByStringBuffer(String strSearch, String replacement, String body) { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(body); int index = 0; int offset = 0; do { index = sbf.indexOf(strSearch, offset); if (index > -1) { sbf.replace(index, index + strSearch.length(), replacement); /** * 下一次开始的点是index加上置换后的字符串的长度 */ offset = index + replacement.length(); } } while (index > -1); return sbf.toString(); } /** * 判断 char c 是汉字还是数字 还是字母 * * @author 2013-10-16 下午10:41:15 * @param c * @return int */ public static int sepMarkNot(char c) { // 数字 48-57 if (c > 47 && c < 58) { return TYPE_NUMBER; } // 大写字母 65-90 if (c > 64 && c < 91) { return TYPE_ENGLISH; } // 小写字母 97-122 if (c > 96 && c < 122) { return TYPE_ENGLISH; } // 汉字(简体) if (c >= 0x4e00 && c <= 0x9fbb) { return TYPE_CHINA; } return TYPE_FUHAO; } /** * 判断字节数 汉字2个字节英文1个字节 * * @author 2013-10-16 下午10:43:53 * @param content * @return int */ public static int getLengths(String content) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < content.length(); i++) { if (sepMarkNot(content.charAt(i)) == TYPE_CHINA) { count = count + 2; } else { count = count + 1; } } return count; } /** * 为空或者长度为0(trim()) * * <pre> * isBlank(null) = true; * isBlank("") = true; * isBlank(" ") = true; * isBlank("a") = false; * isBlank("a ") = false; * isBlank(" a") = false; * isBlank("a b") = false; * </pre> * * @param str * @return if string is null or its size is 0 or it is made by space, return true, else return false. */ public static boolean isBlank(String str) { return (str == null || str.trim().length() == 0); } /** * 为空或者长度为0 * * <pre> * isEmpty(null) = true; * isEmpty("") = true; * isEmpty(" ") = false; * </pre> * * @author 2013-10-16 下午10:48:02 * @param str * @return boolean */ public static boolean isEmpty(String str) { return (str == null || str.length() == 0); } /** * null string 转为 ""或者string * * <pre> * nullStrToEmpty(null) = ""; * nullStrToEmpty("") = ""; * nullStrToEmpty("aa") = "aa"; * </pre> * * @param str * @return */ public static String nullStrToEmpty(String str) { return (str == null ? "" : str); } /** * 首字母大写 * * <pre> * capitalizeFirstLetter(null) = null; * capitalizeFirstLetter("") = ""; * capitalizeFirstLetter("2ab") = "2ab" * capitalizeFirstLetter("a") = "A" * capitalizeFirstLetter("ab") = "Ab" * capitalizeFirstLetter("Abc") = "Abc" * </pre> * * @param str * @return */ public static String capitalizeFirstLetter(String str) { if (isEmpty(str)) { return str; } char c = str.charAt(0); return (!Character.isLetter(c) || Character.isUpperCase(c)) ? str : new StringBuilder(str.length()).append(Character.toUpperCase(c)).append(str.substring(1)).toString(); } /** * encoded(utf-8)转码 * * <pre> * utf8Encode(null) = null * utf8Encode("") = ""; * utf8Encode("aa") = "aa"; * utf8Encode("啊啊啊啊") = "%E5%95%8A%E5%95%8A%E5%95%8A%E5%95%8A"; * </pre> * * @param str * @return * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * if an error occurs */ public static String utf8Encode(String str) { if (!isEmpty(str) && str.getBytes().length != str.length()) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("UnsupportedEncodingException occurred. ", e); } } return str; } /** * 如果失败 则返回默认值defultReturn * * @param str * @param defultReturn * @return */ public static String utf8Encode(String str, String defultReturn) { if (!isEmpty(str) && str.getBytes().length != str.length()) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return defultReturn; } } return str; } /** * html格式化字符串 * * <pre> * getHrefInnerHtml(null) = "" * getHrefInnerHtml("") = "" * getHrefInnerHtml("mp3") = "mp3"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a innerHtml</a>") = "<a innerHtml</a>"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a>innerHtml</a>") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a<a>innerHtml</a>") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a href="">innerHtml</a>") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a href="" title="baidu">innerHtml</a>") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml(" <a>innerHtml</a> ") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a>innerHtml</a></a>") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml("jack<a>innerHtml</a></a>") = "innerHtml"; * getHrefInnerHtml("<a>innerHtml1</a><a>innerHtml2</a>") = "innerHtml2"; * </pre> * * @param href * @return <ul> * <li>if href is null, return ""</li> * <li>if not match regx, return source</li> * <li>return the last string that match regx</li> * </ul> */ public static String getHrefInnerHtml(String href) { if (isEmpty(href)) { return ""; } String hrefReg = ".*<[\\s]*a[\\s]*.*>(.+?)<[\\s]*/a[\\s]*>.*"; Pattern hrefPattern = Pattern.compile(hrefReg, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher hrefMatcher = hrefPattern.matcher(href); if (hrefMatcher.matches()) { return; } return href; } /** * 处理html中的特殊字符 * * <pre> * htmlEscapeCharsToString(null) = null; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("") = ""; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("mp3") = "mp3"; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("mp3<") = "mp3<"; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("mp3>") = "mp3\>"; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("mp3&mp4") = "mp3&mp4"; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("mp3"mp4") = "mp3\"mp4"; * htmlEscapeCharsToString("mp3<>&"mp4") = "mp3\<\>&\"mp4"; * </pre> * * @param source * @return */ public static String htmlEscapeCharsToString(String source) { return isEmpty(source) ? source : source.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">").replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll(""", "\""); } /** * 转换半角到全角 * * <pre> * fullWidthToHalfWidth(null) = null; * fullWidthToHalfWidth("") = ""; * fullWidthToHalfWidth(new String(new char[] {12288})) = " "; * fullWidthToHalfWidth("!"#$%&) = "!\"#$%&"; * </pre> * * @param s * @return */ public static String fullWidthToHalfWidth(String s) { if (isEmpty(s)) { return s; } char[] source = s.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if (source[i] == 12288) { source[i] = ' '; // } else if (source[i] == 12290) { // source[i] = '.'; } else if (source[i] >= 65281 && source[i] <= 65374) { source[i] = (char) (source[i] - 65248); } else { source[i] = source[i]; } } return new String(source); } /** * 转换全角到半角 * * <pre> * halfWidthToFullWidth(null) = null; * halfWidthToFullWidth("") = ""; * halfWidthToFullWidth(" ") = new String(new char[] {12288}); * halfWidthToFullWidth("!\"#$%&) = "!"#$%&"; * </pre> * * @param s * @return */ public static String halfWidthToFullWidth(String s) { if (isEmpty(s)) { return s; } char[] source = s.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if (source[i] == ' ') { source[i] = (char) 12288; // } else if (source[i] == '.') { // source[i] = (char)12290; } else if (source[i] >= 33 && source[i] <= 126) { source[i] = (char) (source[i] + 65248); } else { source[i] = source[i]; } } return new String(source); } }