//package nl.fontys.sofa.limo.test.functional.masterdata;
//import java.util.Arrays;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
//import java.util.Random;
//import junit.framework.Test;
//import nl.fontys.sofa.limo.api.service.distribution.DistributionFactory;
//import nl.fontys.sofa.limo.api.service.provider.EventService;
//import nl.fontys.sofa.limo.domain.component.event.Event;
//import nl.fontys.sofa.limo.domain.component.event.distribution.Distribution;
//import nl.fontys.sofa.limo.domain.component.event.distribution.input.InputValue;
//import nl.fontys.sofa.limo.test.mock.service.EventMockService;
//import org.junit.BeforeClass;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.JellyTestCase;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.WizardOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jellytools.actions.ActionNoBlock;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JComboBoxOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JRadioButtonOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTableOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTextAreaOperator;
//import org.netbeans.jemmy.operators.JTextFieldOperator;
//import org.netbeans.junit.MockServices;
//import org.netbeans.junit.NbModuleSuite;
//import org.netbeans.junit.NbModuleSuite.Configuration;
//import org.openide.util.Lookup;
// * Test the event wizard.
// *
// * @author Sven Mäurer
// */
//public class AddNewEventTest extends JellyTestCase {
// private static final String NEW_EVENT_NAME = "Pirates";
// private EventService eventService;
// private WizardOperator wo;
// private static Event event;
// public AddNewEventTest(String name) {
// super(name);
// }
// @BeforeClass
// public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
// MockServices.setServices(EventMockService.class);
// }
// public static Test suite() {
// Configuration testConfig = NbModuleSuite.createConfiguration(AddNewEventTest.class);
// testConfig = testConfig.addTest("addEventFromScratch_success", "addEventFromScratch_fail");
// testConfig = testConfig.clusters(".*").enableModules(".*");
// return testConfig.suite();
// }
// @Override
// public void setUp() throws Exception {
// super.setUp();
// eventService = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(EventService.class);
// event = new Event();
// event.setName("Sub Events");
// event = eventService.insert(event);
// new ActionNoBlock("Data|Event|Add", null).perform();
// wo = new WizardOperator("Add Event");
// new JRadioButtonOperator(wo, 0).setSelected(true);
// wo.btNext().push();
// }
// @Override
// protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
// super.tearDown();
// eventService.delete(event);
// }
// public void addEventFromScratch_success() throws InterruptedException {
// boolean wasAdded = false;
// nameDescritpionPropertyPanel();
// subEventsPanel();
// // Procedures
// wo.btFinish().push();
// // Is stored?
// for (Event e : eventService.findAll()) {
// if (e.getName().equals(NEW_EVENT_NAME)) {
// wasAdded = true;
// eventService.delete(e);
// }
// }
// assertTrue(wasAdded);
// }
// /**
// * Name, Description, Property
// *
// * @param wo is the WizardOperator
// */
// private void nameDescritpionPropertyPanel() {
// new JTextFieldOperator(wo, 0).setText(NEW_EVENT_NAME);
// new JTextAreaOperator(wo, 0).setText("Robbery by pirates");
// DistributionFactory distributionFactory = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(DistributionFactory.class);
// List<String> distTypes = Arrays.asList(distributionFactory.getDistributionTypes());
// String distributionTypeName = distTypes.get(new Random().nextInt(distTypes.size()));
// new JComboBoxOperator(wo, 0).selectItem(distributionTypeName);
// Distribution distribution = distributionFactory.getDistributionTypeByName(distributionTypeName);
// Map<String, InputValue> inputValues = distribution.getInputValues();
// JTableOperator table = new JTableOperator(wo, 0);
// int i = 0;
// for (Map.Entry<String, InputValue> entrySet : inputValues.entrySet()) {
// Class clazz = entrySet.getValue().getType();
// if (clazz.equals(Integer.class)) {
// table.setValueAt("1", i, 1);
// } else if (clazz.equals(Float.class) || clazz.equals(Double.class)) {
// table.setValueAt("0.5", i, 1);
// }
// }
// wo.btNext().push();
// }
// public void addEventFromScratch_fail() throws InterruptedException {
// int size = eventService.findAll().size();
// wo.btNext().pushNoBlock();
// // Name, Description, Property
// wo.btNext().pushNoBlock();
// assertFalse(wo.isValid());
// wo.btCancel().pushNoBlock();
// assertEquals(size, eventService.findAll().size());
// }
// private void subEventsPanel() {
// //Todo: Strange behavior that the item is not selected
// /*JComboBoxOperator cb = new JComboBoxOperator(wo, 0);
// String itemAt = (String) cb.getItemAt(0);
// cb.selectItem(itemAt);
// new JButtonOperator(wo, 0).push();
// new Timeout("wait for adding to table", 5000).sleep();
// JTableOperator table = new JTableOperator(wo, 0);
// assertEquals(event.getName(), (String) table.getValueAt(0, 0));*/
// wo.btNext().push();
// }