package com.jwzhangjie.videoplayer.share; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.jwzhangjie.videoplayer.R; import com.jwzhangjie.videoplayer.component.AppActivityClose; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.GridView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; public class PhotoImage extends Activity{ public List<String> photo; public String path; Bitmap bitmapP = null; public static PhotoImage instance; public static ImageAdapterPhoto imageAdapterP; private GridView photo_gridview; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.photoimage); instance = this; AppActivityClose.getInstance().addActivity(this); path = "/mnt/sdcard";//AppInforToCustom.getAppInforToCustomInstance().getCameraPicturePath(); photo = getInSDPhoto(); imageAdapterP = new ImageAdapterPhoto(getApplicationContext()); photo_gridview = (GridView)findViewById(; photo_gridview.setAdapter(imageAdapterP); photo_gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { try { File file = new File(photo.get(position).toString()); if (file.exists()) { ShareActivity.isBackground = true; Intent i = new Intent(); i.setClass(PhotoImage.this, ImageGalleryActivity.class); i.putExtra("ImagePath", photo.get(position).toString()); i.putExtra("position", position); startActivity(i); }else { //如果不存在则重新进行加载图像 photo = getInSDPhoto(); // photo_gridview. // getAsyncTaskPhoto(); showMessage("文件已经删除"); } file = null; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); getAsyncTaskPhoto(); } /* * 获取SD卡指定目录的图片列表 */ public List<String> getInSDPhoto() { List<String> it_p = new ArrayList<String>(); File f = new File(path); if (!f.exists()){ f.mkdirs(); }else { File[] files = f.listFiles(); for(File file : files){ if (file.isFile()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.endsWith(".jpg")) { it_p.add(file.getPath()); } if (it_p.size() >= 200) { showMessage("图片数量大于200张以后的不显示"); break; } }else { file.delete(); } } } return it_p; } /** * 异步加载图片缩略图 */ private void getAsyncTaskPhoto() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") final Object data = getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); if (data == null) { new AsyncTaskLoadPhoto(photo).execute(); } else { final Bitmap[] photos = (Bitmap[]) data; if (photos.length == 0) { new AsyncTaskLoadPhoto(photo).execute(); } for (Bitmap photo : photos) { imageAdapterP.addPhoto(photo); imageAdapterP.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } /** * 图片异步类 * @author zhangjie */ class AsyncTaskLoadPhoto extends AsyncTask<Object, Bitmap, Object> { private List<String> photo_lis; public AsyncTaskLoadPhoto(List<String> path) { photo_lis = path; } @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object... params) { int size = photo.size(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ if (AppActivityClose.isExit)break; bitmapP = getImageThumbnail(bitmapP, photo_lis.get(i).toString(), 190, 92); if (bitmapP != null) { publishProgress(bitmapP); }else{ Bitmap bitmapP2 = BitmapFactory.decodeFile( photo_lis.get(i).toString()); if(bitmapP2 !=null){ bitmapP = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapP2,190,92,true); publishProgress(bitmapP); bitmapP2.recycle(); } } } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(Bitmap... values) { for (Bitmap bitmap : values) { imageAdapterP.addPhoto(bitmap); imageAdapterP.notifyDataSetChanged(); } } } /** * 根据指定的图像路径和大小来获取缩略图 * 此方法有两点好处: * 1. 使用较小的内存空间,第一次获取的bitmap实际上为null,只是为了读取宽度和高度, * 第二次读取的bitmap是根据比例压缩过的图像,第三次读取的bitmap是所要的缩略图。 * 2. 缩略图对于原图像来讲没有拉伸,这里使用了2.2版本的新工具ThumbnailUtils,使 * 用这个工具生成的图像不会被拉伸。 * @param imagePath 图像的路径 * @param width 指定输出图像的宽度 * @param height 指定输出图像的高度 * @return 生成的缩略图 */ private Bitmap getImageThumbnail(Bitmap bitmap, String imagePath, int width, int height) { BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds = true; // 获取这个图片的宽和高,注意此处的bitmap为null bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath, options); options.inJustDecodeBounds = false; // 设为 false // 计算缩放比 int h = options.outHeight; int w = options.outWidth; int beWidth = w / width; int beHeight = h / height; int be = 1; if (beWidth < beHeight) { be = beWidth; } else { be = beHeight; } if (be <= 0) { be = 1; } options.inSampleSize = be; // 重新读入图片,读取缩放后的bitmap,注意这次要把options.inJustDecodeBounds 设为 false bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath, options); // 利用ThumbnailUtils来创建缩略图,这里要指定要缩放哪个Bitmap对象 bitmap = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(bitmap, width, height, ThumbnailUtils.OPTIONS_RECYCLE_INPUT); return bitmap; } public void showMessage(String msg){ Toast toast = Toast.makeText(instance, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);; } }