package com.hujiang.juice.service.driver; import; import com.hujiang.juice.common.exception.CacheException; import; import com.hujiang.juice.service.exception.UnrecoverException; import; import com.hujiang.juice.common.vo.TaskResult; import com.hujiang.juice.service.exception.DriverException; import com.hujiang.juice.service.model.Host; import com.hujiang.juice.service.model.SchedulerCalls; import com.hujiang.juice.service.service.AuxiliaryService; import com.hujiang.juice.service.service.SchedulerService; import com.hujiang.juice.service.utils.SendUtils; import com.hujiang.juice.service.utils.protocol.Protobuf; import com.hujiang.juice.service.utils.protocol.Protocol; import com.hujiang.juice.service.utils.zookeeper.CuratorUtils; import lombok.Data; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import okhttp3.Response; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.mesos.v1.scheduler.Protos; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import static; import static com.hujiang.juice.common.vo.TaskResult.Result.ERROR; import static com.hujiang.juice.service.config.JUICE.*; import static org.apache.mesos.v1.Protos.*; /** * Created by xujia on 16/11/22. */ @Slf4j @Data @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false) public class SchedulerDriver { private FrameworkID frameworkId; private CuratorUtils curatorUtils; private volatile Host host = new Host(); private Support support; private Protocol protocol; private volatile String streamId; private final List<OfferID> declines = newArrayList(); private final Map<String, Set<String>> attrMap = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<Long, String> killMap = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); public String getUrl() { return host.getUrl(); } public SchedulerDriver() { protocol = new Protobuf(); support = new Support(MESOS_FRAMEWORK_ROLE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(MESOS_SCHEDULER_END_POINT_ZK)) { curatorUtils = new CuratorUtils(MESOS_SCHEDULER_END_POINT_ZK, host); curatorUtils.init();"service is initializing and running by curator(zookeeper)!"); } else { log.error("mesos host is not config, service will down!"); System.exit(-1); }"host : " + host.getHost()); } public void run() { // get framework id frameworkId = SchedulerService.getFrameworkId(); // start a new thread to listen task management list"start juice auxiliary service"); AuxiliaryService.start(this); try {"start juice service"); while (true) { try { connecting(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof UnrecoverException) { log.error("server will recover now, cause : " + e); reset(((UnrecoverException) e).isResetFrameworkId()); } log.error("server will restart after 30s due to : " + e); try { Thread.sleep(30 * 1000L); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { log.warn(e1.getMessage()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } } private void connecting() throws Exception { InputStream stream = null; Response res = null; try { Protos.Call call = subscribeCall(); res = Restty.create(getUrl()) .addAccept(protocol.mediaType()) .addMediaType(protocol.mediaType()) .addKeepAlive() .requestBody(protocol.getSendBytes(call)) .post(); streamId = res.header(STREAM_ID); stream = res.body().byteStream();"send subscribe, frameworkId : " + frameworkId + " , url " + getUrl() + ", streamId : " + streamId); log.debug("subscribe call : " + call); if (null == stream) { log.warn("stream is null"); throw new DriverException("stream is null"); } while (true) { int size = SendUtils.readChunkSize(stream); byte[] event = SendUtils.readChunk(stream, size); onEvent(event); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("service handle error, due to : " + e); throw e; } finally { if (null != stream) { stream.close(); } if (null != res) { res.close(); } streamId = null; } } private void reset(boolean isResetFrameworkId) { if (isResetFrameworkId) { String removingId = frameworkId.getValue(); try { killMap.clear(); declines.clear(); attrMap.clear(); AuxiliaryService.loggedErrors(); AuxiliaryService.getSendErrors().clear(); SchedulerService.removeFrameworkId(); } catch (CacheException ex) { log.error("remove framework id : " + removingId + " from db error!"); } AuxiliaryService.loggedErrors(); frameworkId = SchedulerService.genFrameworkId(); } } private Protos.Call subscribeCall() { String hostName = System.getenv("HOST"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(hostName)) { try { hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { hostName = "unknown host"; e.printStackTrace(); } } return SchedulerCalls.subscribe( FrameworkInfo.newBuilder() .setId(frameworkId) .setHostname(hostName) .setUser(Optional.ofNullable(System.getenv("user")).orElse("root")) .setName(MESOS_SCHEDULER_NAME) .setFailoverTimeout(FRAMEWORK_FAILOVER_TIMEOUT) .setRole(MESOS_FRAMEWORK_ROLE) .build()); } private void onEvent(byte[] bytes) { Protos.Event event = null; try { event = (Protos.Event) protocol.getEvent(bytes, Protos.Event.class); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("parser event error, raw event : " + new String(bytes)); throw new DriverException("parser event error!"); } log.debug("event type : " + event.getType()); switch (event.getType()) { case SUBSCRIBED: Protos.Event.Subscribed subscribed = event.getSubscribed(); SchedulerService.subscribed(subscribed, frameworkId); break; case OFFERS: try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); event.getOffers().getOffersList().stream() .filter(of -> { if (SchedulerService.filterAndAddAttrSys(of, attrMap)) { return true; } declines.add(of.getId()); return false; }) .forEach( of -> { List<TaskInfo> tasks = newArrayList(); String offerId = of.getId().getValue(); try { SchedulerService.handleOffers(killMap, support, of, attrMap.get(offerId), declines, tasks); } catch (Exception e) { declines.add(of.getId()); tasks.forEach( t -> { AuxiliaryService.getTaskErrors() .push(new TaskResult(com.hujiang.juice.common.model.Task.splitTaskNameId(t.getTaskId().getValue()) , ERROR, "task failed due to exception!")); } ); tasks.clear(); } if (tasks.size() > 0) { AuxiliaryService.acceptOffer(protocol, streamId, of.getId(), frameworkId, tasks, getUrl()); } } ); if (declines.size() > 0) { AuxiliaryService.declineOffer(protocol, streamId, frameworkId, SchedulerCalls.decline(frameworkId, declines), getUrl()); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.debug("accept --> used time : " + (end - start) + " ms"); } finally { declines.clear(); attrMap.clear(); } break; case UPDATE: TaskStatus status = event.getUpdate().getStatus(); if (status.hasUuid()) { SchedulerService.update(killMap, status, protocol, frameworkId, streamId, getUrl()); try { SendUtils.sendCall(acknowledgeCall(status), protocol, streamId, getUrl()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("send acknowledge call error!"); throw new DriverException(e); } } break; case MESSAGE: Protos.Event.Message message = event.getMessage(); SchedulerService.message(message.getAgentId(), message.getData().toByteArray()); break; case ERROR: SchedulerService.error(event); case RESCIND: case FAILURE: case HEARTBEAT: break; // ignore default: log.warn("Unsupported event : " + event); throw new DriverException("Unsupported event : " + event); } } private Protos.Call acknowledgeCall(TaskStatus status) { return SchedulerCalls.ackUpdate(frameworkId, status.getUuid(), status.getAgentId(), status.getTaskId()); } }