package; import cz.cvut.felk.cig.jcool.benchmark.stopcondition.SimpleStopCondition; import cz.cvut.felk.cig.jcool.core.*; import cz.cvut.felk.cig.jcool.utils.MachineAccuracy; import org.ytoh.configurations.annotations.Component; import org.ytoh.configurations.annotations.Property; import org.ytoh.configurations.annotations.Range; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Carnuss * Date: 20.4.2010 * Time: 19:17:24 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ @Component(name = "Dividing rectangle optimization") public class DirectMethod implements OptimizationMethod<ValuePointListTelemetryColored> { @Property(name = "Parameter Minimum") @Range(from = -Double.MAX_VALUE, to = Double.MAX_VALUE) private double min = -10.0; // parameter minimum @Property(name = "Parameter Maximum") @Range(from = -Double.MAX_VALUE, to = Double.MAX_VALUE) private double max = 10.0; // parameter maximum private ArrayList<Double[]> centerPoints; //array with all rectangle centerpoints private ArrayList<Double[]> lengthsSide; //array with all rectangle side lengths in each dimension private ArrayList<Double> diagonals; //array with distances from centerpoint to the vertices private ArrayList<Double> diagonalsDifferent; //array vector of all different distances, sorted private double[] diagonalsMinFunc; // array vector of minimum function value for each distance private ArrayList<Double> functionValues; // array with function values private ArrayList<ValuePointColored> coordinates; // array with sampled points and function value private int dimension; private int sampledPoints; private int rectangleCounter; private int indexPotentialBestRec; private double minFunctionValue; private ObjectiveFunction function; private double[] minBounds; private double[] maxBounds; private ValuePointListTelemetryColored telemetry; private SimpleStopCondition stopCondition; double [] resultMinimum; int b=0; ValuePointColored minimum =, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,false); // remember Consumers interested in my telemetry private Consumer<? super ValuePointListTelemetryColored> consumer; public DirectMethod() { this.stopCondition = new SimpleStopCondition(); this.stopCondition.init(minFunctionValue, MachineAccuracy.EPSILON, MachineAccuracy.SQRT_EPSILON, 20); this.telemetry = new ValuePointListTelemetryColored(); } public void init(ObjectiveFunction function) { this.function=function; minBounds=function.getMinimum(); if(minBounds[0]== -Double.MAX_VALUE){ Arrays.fill(minBounds, min); } maxBounds=function.getMaximum(); if(maxBounds[0]==Double.MAX_VALUE){ Arrays.fill(maxBounds, max); } dimension=function.getDimension(); resultMinimum=new double[2]; resultMinimum[1]=0; centerPoints =new ArrayList<Double[]>(); lengthsSide =new ArrayList<Double[]>(); diagonals =new ArrayList<Double>(); diagonalsDifferent =new ArrayList<Double>(); diagonalsMinFunc =new double[1]; functionValues =new ArrayList<Double>(); coordinates=new ArrayList<ValuePointColored>(); sampledPoints =0; rectangleCounter =1; indexPotentialBestRec =0; minFunctionValue =0; Double [] cTmp =new Double [dimension]; double [] cooToSample= new double[dimension]; Double [] lTmp =new Double [dimension]; Double dTmp =0.0; Double [] cooTmp =new Double [dimension]; //transfor the domain into the unit hyper-cube for(int i=0;i<dimension;i++){ cTmp[i]=0.5; lTmp[i]=0.5; dTmp=dTmp+cTmp[i]*cTmp[i]; cooToSample[i]=minBounds[i]+cTmp[i]*(maxBounds[i]-minBounds[i]); } centerPoints.add(cTmp); lengthsSide.add(lTmp); dTmp=Math.sqrt(dTmp); diagonals.add(dTmp); Point; //sampling center point minFunctionValue =function.valueAt(startingPoint); stopCondition.setInitialValue(minFunctionValue); sampledPoints = sampledPoints +1; for(int i1=0;i1<dimension;i1++){ cooTmp[i1]=cooToSample[i1]; } minimum=,minFunctionValue,true); coordinates.add(minimum); diagonalsMinFunc[0]= minFunctionValue; functionValues.add(minFunctionValue); diagonalsDifferent = diagonals; } public StopCondition[] getStopConditions() { return new StopCondition[]{stopCondition}; } public void optimize() { ArrayList<Integer> potentiallyOptimalRectangles; potentiallyOptimalRectangles= identifyPotentiallyRec(); //For each potentially optimal rectangle for(int jj=0;jj<potentiallyOptimalRectangles.size();jj++){ int j=potentiallyOptimalRectangles.get(jj); samplingPotentialRec(j); } update(); telemetry = new ValuePointListTelemetryColored(coordinates); consumer.notifyOf(this); stopCondition.setValue(minFunctionValue); } /** *conhull returns all points on the convex hull, even redundant ones. * @param x *@param y *@return */ private double[] conhull(double[] x, double[] y) { int m = x.length; double[] h; int start = 0, flag = 0, v, w, a, b, c, leftturn, j, k; double determinant; if (x.length != y.length) { System.out.println("Input dimension must agree"); return null; } if (m == 2) { h = new double[2]; h[0] = 0; h[1] = 1; return h; } if (m == 1) { h = new double[1]; h[0] = 0; return h; } v = start; w = x.length-1; h = new double[x.length]; for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { h[i] = i + 1; } while ((next(v, m) != 0) || (flag == 0)) { if (next(v, m) == w) { flag = 1; } //getting three points a = v; b = next(v, m); c = next(next(v, m), m); determinant = (x[a] * y[b] * 1) + (x[b] * y[c] * 1) + (x[c] * y[a] * 1) - (1 * y[b] * x[c]) - (1 * y[c] * x[a]) - (1 * y[a] * x[b]); if (determinant >= 0) { leftturn = 1; } else { leftturn = 0; } if (leftturn == 1) { v = next(v, m); } else { j = next(v, m); k = 0; double []x1 = new double[x.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < x1.length; i++) { if (j == i) { k++; } x1[i] = x[k]; k++; } x=x1; k=0; x1 = new double[y.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < x1.length; i++) { if (j == i) { k++; } x1[i] = y[k]; k++; } y=x1; k=0; x1 = new double[h.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < x1.length; i++) { if (j == i) { k++; } x1[i] = h[k]; k++; } h=x1; m=m-1; w=w-1; v=pred(v,m); } } for(int i=0;i<h.length;i++){ h[i]=h[i]-1; } return h; } /** *returns next point if the last then the first * @param v *@param m *@return */ private int next(int v, int m) { if ((v+1) == m) { return 0; } else { if ((v+1) < m) { return (v + 1); } else { return -1; } } } /** *returns previous point if the first then the last * @param v *@param m *@return */ private int pred(int v, int m) { if ((v+1) == 1) { return m-1; } else { if ((v+1) > 1) { return (v - 1); } else { return -1; } } } private void update(){ resultMinimum=minimum(functionValues); //getting minimum and giving it at last points minFunctionValue =resultMinimum[0]; minimum.setBest(false); minimum =, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,false); int i=0; for (ValuePointColored valuePoint : coordinates) { if(valuePoint.getValue() < minimum.getValue()) { b=i; minimum = valuePoint; } i++; } minimum.setBest(true); coordinates.remove(b); coordinates.add(minimum); double epsilon=1E-4; double e=Math.max(epsilon*Math.abs(minFunctionValue),1E-8); double [] temporaryArray=new double[functionValues.size()]; for(int i2=0;i2< functionValues.size();i2++){ temporaryArray[i2]=(functionValues.get(i2)- minFunctionValue +e)/ diagonals.get(i2); } indexPotentialBestRec =(int)minimum(temporaryArray)[1]; diagonalsDifferent = diagonals; int i1=0; while(true){ double diagonalTmp= diagonalsDifferent.get(i1); int [] indx=findNegative(diagonalsDifferent,diagonalTmp); ArrayList<Double> diagonalCopy= diagonalsDifferent; diagonalsDifferent =new ArrayList<Double>(); diagonalsDifferent.add(diagonalTmp); for(int i2=1;i2<indx.length+1;i2++){ diagonalsDifferent.add(diagonalCopy.get(indx[i2-1])); } if(i1+1== diagonalsDifferent.size()){ break; }else{ i1++; } } Collections.sort(diagonalsDifferent); diagonalsMinFunc =new double[diagonalsDifferent.size()]; for(i1=0;i1< diagonalsDifferent.size();i1++){ int[] indx1=find(diagonals, diagonalsDifferent.get(i1)); ArrayList<Double> fTmp=new ArrayList<Double>(); for(int i2=0;i2<indx1.length;i2++){ fTmp.add(functionValues.get(indx1[i2])); } diagonalsMinFunc[i1]=minimum(fTmp)[0]; } } /** *Divide the rectangle containing centerPoints.get(j) into thirds along the dimension in maxSideLengths, starting with the dimension with the lowest value of w[ii] * @param w *@param maxSideLengths * @param delta * @param j */ private void devideRec(double[] w, int[] maxSideLengths,double delta,int j){ double [][] ab=sort(w); for(int ii=0;ii<maxSideLengths.length;ii++){ int i1=maxSideLengths[(int)ab[1][ii]]; int index1= rectangleCounter +2*(int)ab[1][ii]; //Index for new rectangle int index2= rectangleCounter +2*(int)ab[1][ii]+1; //Index for new rectangle lengthsSide.get(j)[i1]=delta/2; int index=0; if(index2+1>index1+1){ index=index2+1; }else{ index=index1+1; } Double[] lTmp=new Double[dimension]; Double[] lTmp2=new Double[dimension]; for(int i2=0;i2< lengthsSide.get(0).length;i2++){ lTmp[i2]= lengthsSide.get(j)[i2]; lTmp2[i2]= lengthsSide.get(j)[i2]; } if(index== lengthsSide.size()+2){ lengthsSide.add(lTmp); lengthsSide.add(lTmp2); }else{ Double[] lTmp3; int lengthsSize= lengthsSide.size(); for(int i2=0;i2<index-lengthsSize;i2++){ lTmp3=new Double[dimension]; lengthsSide.add(lTmp3); } lengthsSide.set(index1, lTmp); lengthsSide.set(index2, lTmp2); } diagonals.set(j, 0.0); Double dTmp; for(int i2=0;i2< lengthsSide.get(j).length;i2++){ dTmp= diagonals.get(j)+ lengthsSide.get(j)[i2]* lengthsSide.get(j)[i2]; diagonals.set(j, dTmp); } diagonals.set(j, Math.sqrt(diagonals.get(j))); dTmp= diagonals.get(j); Double d_kop2= diagonals.get(j); if(index== diagonals.size()+2){ diagonals.add(dTmp); diagonals.add(d_kop2); }else{ Double dTmp3; int size= diagonals.size(); for(int i2=0;i2<index-size;i2++){ dTmp3= 0.0; diagonals.add(dTmp3); } diagonals.set(index1, diagonals.get(j)); diagonals.set(index2, diagonals.get(j)); } } rectangleCounter = rectangleCounter + 2*maxSideLengths.length; } /** *Determine where to sample within rectangle j and how to divide the rectangle into subrectangles. Update minFunctionValue and set m=m+delta_m, where delta_m is the number of new points sampled. * @param j */ private void samplingPotentialRec(int j){ double max_L= lengthsSide.get(j)[0],delta; int[] maxSideLengths; for(int i1=0;i1< lengthsSide.get(j).length;i1++){ max_L=Math.max(max_L, lengthsSide.get(j)[i1]); } // Identify the array maxSideLengths of dimensions with the maximum side length. maxSideLengths=find(lengthsSide.get(j),max_L); delta=2*max_L/3; double [] w=new double[0]; double i1; double [] e_i; double f_m2,f_m1; //Sample the function at the points c +- delta*e_i for all ii in maxSideLengths. for(int ii=0;ii<maxSideLengths.length;ii++){ Double [] c_m1=new Double[dimension]; double [] x_m1=new double[dimension]; Double [] c_m2=new Double[dimension]; double [] x_m2=new double[dimension]; i1=maxSideLengths[ii]; e_i=new double[dimension]; e_i[(int)i1]=1; //Centerpoint for new rectangle for(int i2=0;i2< centerPoints.get(j).length;i2++){ c_m1[i2]= centerPoints.get(j)[i2]+delta*e_i[i2]; } //Transform c_m1 to original search space for(int i2=0;i2<c_m1.length;i2++){ x_m1[i2]=minBounds[i2]+c_m1[i2]*(maxBounds[i2]-minBounds[i2]); } //Function value at x_m1 Point; f_m1=function.valueAt(pointToSample1) ; //add to all points coordinates.add(,f_m1,false)); sampledPoints = sampledPoints +1; //Centerpoint for new rectangle for(int i2=0;i2< centerPoints.get(j).length;i2++){ c_m2[i2]= centerPoints.get(j)[i2]-delta*e_i[i2]; } //Transform c_m2 to original search space for(int i2=0;i2<c_m2.length;i2++){ x_m2[i2]=minBounds[i2]+c_m2[i2]*(maxBounds[i2]-minBounds[i2]); } //Function value at x_m2 Point; f_m2=function.valueAt(pointToSample2); //add to all points coordinates.add(,f_m2,false)); sampledPoints = sampledPoints +1; double[] w_pom; w_pom=w; w=new double[ii+1]; System.arraycopy(w_pom, 0, w, 0, w_pom.length); w[ii]=Math.min(f_m2, f_m1); centerPoints.add(c_m1); centerPoints.add(c_m2); functionValues.add(f_m1); functionValues.add(f_m2); } devideRec(w,maxSideLengths,delta,j); } /** *returns array with elements which pole[i]==cislo points sampled. * @param pole * @param cislo * @return */ private int[] find(Double [] pole,double cislo){ int pocet=0,pom=0; double tolle=1E-16; for(int i=0;i<pole.length;i++){ if(Math.abs(pole[i]-cislo)<=tolle){ pocet++; } } int[] pole1 =new int[pocet]; for(int i=0;i<pole.length;i++){ if(Math.abs(pole[i]-cislo)<=tolle){ pole1[pom]=i; pom++; } } return pole1; } /** *returns array with elements which pole[i]==cislo points sampled. * @param pole * @param cislo * @return */ private int[] find(ArrayList<Double> pole,double cislo){ int pocet=0,pom=0; double tolle=1E-16; for(int i=0;i<pole.size();i++){ if(Math.abs(pole.get(i)-cislo)<=tolle){ pocet++; } } int[] pole1 =new int[pocet]; for(int i=0;i<pole.size();i++){ if(Math.abs(pole.get(i) -cislo)<=tolle){ pole1[pom]=i; pom++; } } return pole1; } /** *returns array with elements which pole[i]!=cislo points sampled. * @param pole * @param cislo * @return */ private int[] findNegative(ArrayList<Double> pole,double cislo){ double tolle=1E-16; int pocet=0,pom=0; for(int i=0;i<pole.size();i++){ if(Math.abs(pole.get(i)-cislo)>tolle){ pocet++; } } int[] pole1 =new int[pocet]; for(int i=0;i<pole.size();i++){ if(Math.abs(pole.get(i)-cislo)>tolle){ pole1[pom]=i; pom++; } } return pole1; } /** *returns array with elements which pole[i]==pole1[a] points sampled. * @param pole * @param pole1 * @return */ private Integer[] find(int[] pole, int[] pole1){ int pocet=0,pom=0; for(int i=0;i<pole.length;i++){ for(int i1=0;i1<pole1.length;i1++){ if(pole[i]==pole1[i1]){ pocet++; } } } Integer[] pole2=new Integer[pocet]; for(int i=0;i<pole.length;i++){ for(int i1=0;i1<pole1.length;i1++){ if(pole[i]==pole1[i1]){ pole2[pom]=pole1[i1]; pom++; } } } return pole2; } /** *returns sorted array and the original indicies * @param pole * @return */ private double[][] sort(double[] pole){ double [][] pole1=new double[3][pole.length]; double [][] pole2=new double[2][pole.length]; System.arraycopy(pole, 0, pole1[0], 0, pole.length); Arrays.sort(pole); for(int i=0;i<pole.length;i++){ for(int i1=0;i1<pole.length;i1++){ if(pole[i]==pole1[0][i1] && pole1[2][i1]!=1){ pole1[2][i1]=1; pole1[1][i]=i1; break; } } } pole2[0]=pole; pole2[1]=pole1[1]; return pole2; } /** *returns array with minimum and the original indicies * @param pole * @return */ private double[] minimum(double[] pole){ double[] pole1=new double[2]; double min=pole[0]; pole1[1]=0; pole1[0]=min; for(int i=0;i<pole.length;i++){ if(min>pole[i]){ min=pole[i]; pole1[1]=i; pole1[0]=min; } } return pole1; } /** *returns array with minimum and the original indicies * @param pole * @return */ private double[] minimum(ArrayList<Double> pole){ double[] pole1=new double[2]; double min=pole.get(0); pole1[1]=0; pole1[0]=min; for(int i=0;i<pole.size();i++){ if(min>pole.get(i)){ min=pole.get(i); pole1[1]=i; pole1[0]=min; } } return pole1; } /** *Identify the set of all potentially optimal rectangles * @return */ private ArrayList<Integer> identifyPotentiallyRec() { double tolle2=1E-12; ArrayList<Integer> s_2=new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> s_3=new ArrayList<Integer>(); int[] indx; indx=find(diagonalsDifferent, diagonals.get(indexPotentialBestRec)); ArrayList<Integer> s_1=new ArrayList<Integer>(); Integer[] indx2; for(int i1=indx[0];i1< diagonalsDifferent.size();i1++){ int[] indx3=(find(functionValues, diagonalsMinFunc[i1])); int[] indx4=(find(diagonals, diagonalsDifferent.get(i1))); indx2=find(indx3,indx4); s_1.addAll(Arrays.asList(indx2)); } // s_1 now includes all rectangles i, with diagonals[i] >= diagonals(indexPotentialBestRec) if(diagonalsDifferent.size()-indx[0]>2){ double a1= diagonals.get(indexPotentialBestRec),a2= diagonalsDifferent.get(diagonalsDifferent.size()-1),b1= functionValues.get(indexPotentialBestRec),b2= diagonalsMinFunc[diagonalsDifferent.size()-1]; //The line is defined by: y = slope*x + const double slope= (b2-b1)/(a2-a1); double consta=b1-slope*a1; for(int i1=0;i1<s_1.size();i1++){ int j=s_1.get(i1).intValue(); if(functionValues.get(j)<=slope* diagonals.get(j) + consta + tolle2){ s_2.add(j); } } //s_2 now contains all points in S_1 which lies on or below the line //Find the points on the convex hull defined by the points in s_2 double [] xx=new double[s_2.size()]; double [] yy=new double[s_2.size()]; for(int i1=0;i1<xx.length;i1++){ xx[i1]= diagonals.get(s_2.get(i1).intValue()); yy[i1]= functionValues.get(s_2.get(i1).intValue()); } double[] h= conhull(xx,yy); for(int i1=0;i1<h.length;i1++){ s_3.add(s_2.get((int)h[i1])); } }else{ s_3=s_1; } return s_3; } public void addConsumer(Consumer<? super ValuePointListTelemetryColored> consumer) { this.consumer = consumer; } public ValuePointListTelemetryColored getValue() { return telemetry; } public double getMin() { return min; } public void setMin(double min) { this.min = min; } public double getMax() { return max; } public void setMax(double max) { this.max = max; } }