* Bootstrap constants
public class Constants {
public static class Auth {
private Auth() {}
* Account type id
public static final String BOOTSTRAP_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "com.androidbootstrap";
* Account name
public static final String BOOTSTRAP_ACCOUNT_NAME = "Android Bootstrap";
* Provider id
public static final String BOOTSTRAP_PROVIDER_AUTHORITY = "com.androidbootstrap.sync";
* Auth token type
* All HTTP is done through a REST style API built for demonstration purposes on
* Thanks to the nice people at Parse for creating such a nice system for us to use for bootstrap!
public static class Http {
private Http() {}
* Base URL for all requests
public static final String URL_BASE = "";
* Authentication URL
public static final String URL_AUTH = URL_BASE + "/1/login";
* List Users URL
public static final String URL_USERS = URL_BASE + "/1/users";
* List News URL
public static final String URL_NEWS = URL_BASE + "/1/classes/News";
* List Checkin's URL
public static final String URL_CHECKINS = URL_BASE + "/1/classes/Locations";
public static final String PARSE_APP_ID = "zHb2bVia6kgilYRWWdmTiEJooYA17NnkBSUVsr4H";
public static final String PARSE_REST_API_KEY = "N2kCY1T3t3Jfhf9zpJ5MCURn3b25UpACILhnf5u9";
public static final String HEADER_PARSE_REST_API_KEY = "X-Parse-REST-API-Key";
public static final String HEADER_PARSE_APP_ID = "X-Parse-Application-Id";
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json";
public static final String USERNAME = "username";
public static final String PASSWORD = "password";
public static final String SESSION_TOKEN = "sessionToken";
public static class Extra {
private Extra() {}
public static final String NEWS_ITEM = "news_item";
public static final String USER = "user";
public static class Intent {
private Intent() {}
* Action prefix for all intents created
public static final String INTENT_PREFIX = "";
public static class Notification{
private Notification() {}
public static final int TIMER_NOTIFICATION_ID = 1000; // Why 1000? Why not? :)