package com.damnhandy.uri.template; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; public class UriUtilTest { private static final String ALPHA = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; private static final String DIGIT = "0123456789"; private static final String UNRESERVED = ALPHA + DIGIT + "-._~"; private static final String SUBDELIMS = "!$&'()*+,;="; private static final String GENDELIMS = ":/?#[]@"; private void validateFragment(String excpected, String input) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { assertEquals(excpected, UriUtil.encodeFragment(input)); } private void validate(String excpected, String input) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { assertEquals(excpected, UriUtil.encode(input)); } @Test public void generalNothingToEncode() throws Exception { validate(UNRESERVED, UNRESERVED); } @Test public void fragmentNothingToEncode() throws Exception { validateFragment(UNRESERVED + SUBDELIMS + "/?:@", UNRESERVED + SUBDELIMS + "/?:@"); } @Test @Ignore public void reservedNothingToEncode() throws Exception { validate(UNRESERVED + SUBDELIMS + GENDELIMS, UNRESERVED + SUBDELIMS + GENDELIMS); } @Test public void fragmentWithCharsToEncodeInFragmentButNotInReserved() throws Exception { validate("%23%5B%5D", "#[]"); } @Test public void fragmentWithSomeCharsToEncode() throws Exception { validateFragment("%C3%A4%C3%B6", "äö"); } @Test public void reservedWithSomeCharsToEncode() throws Exception { validate("%C3%A4%C3%B6", "äö"); } @Test public void generalWithSomeCharsToEncode() throws Exception { assertEquals("XX%C3%A4%22", UriUtil.encodeFragment("XXä\"")); } @Test public void exoticHighValueCharacterEncoding() throws Exception { // this is the '蚠' assertEquals("%E8%9A%A0", UriUtil.encodeFragment(Character.valueOf((char) 100000).toString())); } /** * The list of allowed chars is build in a different way then the string in production code! */ @Test public void allowedUnreservedCharacterEncoding() throws Exception { ArrayList<Character> UNRESERVED = new ArrayList<Character>(); for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { UNRESERVED.add(Character.valueOf((char) i)); } for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { UNRESERVED.add(Character.valueOf((char) i)); } for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { UNRESERVED.add(Character.valueOf((char) i)); } UNRESERVED.add('-'); UNRESERVED.add('.'); UNRESERVED.add('_'); UNRESERVED.add('~'); for (Character character : UNRESERVED) { assertEquals(character.toString(), UriUtil.encodeFragment(character.toString())); } } }