/***************************************************************************** * MediaInstance.java: VLC Java Bindings Media Instance ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1998-2008 the VideoLAN team * * Authors: Filippo Carone <filippo@carone.org> * * * $Id $ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. *****************************************************************************/ package org.videolan.jvlc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import org.videolan.jvlc.event.MediaPlayerCallback; import org.videolan.jvlc.event.MediaPlayerListener; import org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlc; import org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlcEventType; import org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlc.LibVlcEventManager; import org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlc.LibVlcMediaDescriptor; import org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlc.LibVlcMediaInstance; import org.videolan.jvlc.internal.LibVlc.libvlc_exception_t; public class MediaPlayer { private final LibVlcMediaInstance instance; private final LibVlc libvlc; private final LibVlcEventManager eventManager; private List<MediaPlayerCallback> callbacks = new ArrayList<MediaPlayerCallback>(); private MediaDescriptor mediaDescriptor; MediaPlayer(JVLC jvlc, LibVlcMediaInstance instance) { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); this.instance = instance; libvlc = jvlc.getLibvlc(); eventManager = libvlc.libvlc_media_player_event_manager(instance, exception); } public MediaPlayer(MediaDescriptor mediaDescriptor) { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc = mediaDescriptor.getLibvlc(); instance = libvlc.libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(mediaDescriptor.getInstance(), exception); eventManager = libvlc.libvlc_media_player_event_manager(instance, exception); this.mediaDescriptor = mediaDescriptor; } public MediaDescriptor getMediaDescriptor() { return mediaDescriptor; } public void play() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_play(instance, exception); } public void stop() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_stop(instance, exception); } public void pause() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_pause(instance, exception); } public long getLength() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return libvlc.libvlc_media_player_get_length(instance, exception); } public long getTime() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return libvlc.libvlc_media_player_get_time(instance, exception); } public void setTime(long time) { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_set_time(instance, time, exception); } public float getPosition() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return libvlc.libvlc_media_player_get_position(instance, exception); } public void setPosition(float position) { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_set_position(instance, position, exception); } public boolean willPlay() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return (libvlc.libvlc_media_player_will_play(instance, exception) == 1); } public float getRate() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return libvlc.libvlc_media_player_get_rate(instance, exception); } public void setRate(float rate) { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); libvlc.libvlc_media_player_set_rate(instance, rate, exception); } public boolean hasVideoOutput() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return (libvlc.libvlc_media_player_has_vout(instance, exception) == 1); } public float getFPS() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return libvlc.libvlc_media_player_get_fps(instance, exception); } public MediaDescriptor getMedia() { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); return new MediaDescriptor(libvlc, libvlc.libvlc_media_player_get_media(instance, exception)); } public void addListener(final MediaPlayerListener listener) { MediaPlayerCallback callback = new MediaPlayerCallback(this, listener); libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); for (LibVlcEventType event : EnumSet.range( LibVlcEventType.libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying, LibVlcEventType.libvlc_MediaPlayerTimeChanged)) { libvlc.libvlc_event_attach(eventManager, event.ordinal(), callback, null, exception); } callbacks.add(callback); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { libvlc_exception_t exception = new libvlc_exception_t(); for (MediaPlayerCallback callback : callbacks) { for (LibVlcEventType event : EnumSet.range( LibVlcEventType.libvlc_MediaPlayerPlaying, LibVlcEventType.libvlc_MediaPlayerPositionChanged)) { libvlc.libvlc_event_detach(eventManager, event.ordinal(), callback, null, exception); } } libvlc.libvlc_media_player_release(instance); super.finalize(); } /** * Returns the instance. * @return the instance */ LibVlcMediaInstance getInstance() { return instance; } }